Ohio History Journal

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"Beginnings of the Underground Railroad in Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 70-93.
... BEGINNINGS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD BEGINNINGS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN OHIO by WILBUR H SIEBERT Professor Emeritus of History Ohio State University The presence of fugitive slaves in Ohio was evidently one of the reasons for the enactment of the Black Laws by the General Assembly in January 1804 These laws provided that any one harboring or secreting such objectionable intruders or obstructing their owners in retaking them should be fined from 1O to 50 for each offense It was also ...

"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton-II," edited by James H. Rodabaugh. Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 111-151.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1956 From England to Ohio 1830-1832 The Journal of Thomas K Wharton-- II Edited by JAME S H RODABAUGH This is the second and final installment of the Wharton journal the first having appeared in the January issue pages 1-27 along with a brief sketch of Wharton Wharton as a boy of sixteen sailed with his mother brothers and sisters from Hull May 3 1830 to join his father who had acquired a farm near Piqua Ohio ...

"Gentile and Saint at Kirtland," Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 8-33.
... GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND by WILLIS THORNTON The Mormon interlude at Kirtland Ohio was by no means the transplantation of an alien tree into an unaccustomed soil The ground at Kirtland was not only well prepared for the planting but was already sprouting luxuriant vegetation so closely akin to Mormonism that the simplest cross-pollination and grafting provided a native stand of Mormon timber Yet despite this apparently auspicious climate relations between the ...

"Marching Through South Carolina: Another Civil War Letter of Lieutenant George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 187-195.
... Marching Through South Carolina Marching Through South Carolina Another Civil War Letter Of Lieutenant George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK Sherman's march through Georgia was accomplished On December 20 1864 General William J Hardee retreated from Savannah toward Charleston and from Savannah in the middle of January Sherman launched his campaign through the Carolinas with an army of 60000 marching in two broad columns The march through Georgia had been regarded as a picnic but it was not ...

"Argument Concerning Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 67-126.
... Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia 67 ARGUMENT CONCERNING BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND VIRGINIA BY SAMUEL F VINTON May it please your honors I cannot but regret that my learned friend the Hon John M Patton who opened this case for the Commonwealth of Virginia has somewhat impaired the value of so good an argument by the introduction into it both at its commencement and conclusion of a topic so very foreign to the subject now under consideration To ...

"Old Fort Sandoski of 1745," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 371-375.
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 G FREDERICK WRIGHT President Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Mr Charles A Hanna's criticism of the inscription on the tablets placed on the site of Old Fort Sandusky and of the addresses made at the unveiling of these tablets are too serious to be permitted to pass without correction First-Mr Hanna's loose habit of observation may be inferred from his first statement that the bronze tablet on the West Face was erected under ...

"Professor Edward Orton, 1829-1899. A Memorial Address" by Washington Gladden. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 409-432.
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...

"General Keifer Honored," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 418-426.
... GENERAL KEIFER HONORED GENERAL KEIFER HONORED BY C B GALBREATH General Joseph Warren Keifer Ohio's grand old man celebrated the ninetieth anniversary of his birth on January 31 of this year On that day he received congratulations from men eminent in many walks of life The House of Representatives at Washington paused in its deliberations in honor of his services Tributes were spoken by Representatives Charles Brand of Urbana Ohio Martin B Madden of Illinois Chairman of the House Appropriations ...

"Index to Materials for the Study of Ohio History," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 138-155.
... INDEX TO MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF INDEX TO MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF OHIO HISTORY Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN Introduction In 1918 the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society published a Bulletin of Source Material for the Study of American History as found in the Publications of the Society covering Volumes 1-26 inclusive Because of a growing interest in state and local history and in the enlarged educational program of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and ...

"Promenade en Amerique," by J. J. Ampere, "J. J. Ampere's Journey Through Ohio: A Translation From His 'Promenade en Amerique,'" by Mildred Crew. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 64-89.
... J J J J AMPERE'S JOURNEY THROUGH OHIO A Translation from His Promenade en Amerique by MILDRED CREW Jean-Jacques Ampere 1800-1864 was born in the village of Polimieux near Lyons in the house where his father was born and where his grandfather had lived This grandfather was a merchant and also a justice of the peace who had remained at his post during his government's attempt to suppress the Jacobins and when the city of Lyons fell to the terrorists in 1793 was thrown into prison and eventually ...

"Dr. William A. Galloway," Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 104-107.
... DR DR WILLIAM A GALLOWAY Dr William A Galloway a life member of the Archaeological and Historical Society a scholarly gentleman long interested in the local history of his section of the State a public-spirited citizen and prominent physician died at his home in Xenia early in the afternoon of November 7 1931 He had been ill for almost a year as a result of ptomaine poisoning which left him with a weakened heart He seemed to rally from the attack in the early autumn This buoyed the hopes of ...

"Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution," by E. O. Randall. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 395-434.
... Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution 395 OHIO IN EARLY HISTORY AND DURING THE REVOLUTION BY E 0 RANDALL PH B L L M Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society President Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution No territory in the new world at least perhaps not in the old presents so much of interest at once to the archaeologist and the historian as the inland portion of America now and for a century designated as the ...

"Unveiling of Tablet at Campus Martius," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 482-493.
... a 482 UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS A number of interesting functions attended the unveiling of the tablet on the Campus Martius House September 28 1921 as the most historical spot in the state The exercises were conducted under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution who selected this spot and presented the tablet On the evening of September 27 Mr Edward MacTaggart threw open his stately old home The Anchorage to the members of ...

"The Naming of Marietta," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 106-137.
... THE NAMING OF MARIETTA THE NAMING OF MARIETTA By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS Our city is called Mari-etta was the brief postscript by which General Samuel Holden Parsons informed his friend Manasseh Cutler of the important event1 On the following day in a letter to his wife he explained more fully Our city's name in honor of the Queen of France is composed of her two Christian names--Marie Antoiniette2 In the manuscript record book of the Ohio Company3 the announcement was made with flourishes and ...

"The Coming and Going of Ohio Droving," by I. F. King. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 247-253.
... THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING REV I F KING D D Mr King about the year 1850 took three droves two of cattle and one of sheep across the Allegheny mountains In doing this he walked from Zanesville Ohio to eastern Pennsylvania five times On one trip he came home by public conveyance In 1851 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was only finished to Clarksburg West Virginia This article is an interesting description of a phase of the business life in the early ...

"The Underground Railroad in Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 44-63.
... 44 Ohio Arch 44 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN OHIO PROF WILBUR H SIEBERT A M It is a rare reform movement that begins with a concensus of opinion in favor of the reform among the thinking men of the day We have nevertheless such a movement to consider in this paper It is strange indeed but nevertheless true that at first there was general agreement North and South that slavery was expensive wicked cruel detrimental to a developing statehood ...

"Holmes County Rebellion-Fort Fizzle," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 30-43.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HOLMES COUNTY REBELLIONFORT FIZZLE J R VANCE I was born in a log cabin situated in Knox Township Holmes County Ohio almost three-quarters of a century ago and have lived here on the farm ever since My information in regard to the events I am about to narrate comes from various sources I heard my father and mother discuss events as they had happened As I grew older I began to ponder on these discussions and to ask questions Many times I ...

"Auto Trip Over the Old National Road," by Albert Douglas. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 504-512.
... AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD ALBERT DOUGLAS Member Congress Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society When the extra session of the 61st Congress adjourned on the 5th of August we had bought our railroad tickets reserved berths in the sleeping car and expected to proceed home to Chillicothe by the conventional railroad train but when I suggested to my wife that instead of shipping our motor car we should ride home in it over the old ...

"'A New Home-Who'll Follow?' Letters of a New England Emigrant Family in Ohio, 1831-1842," by Charles L. Sanford. Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 152-166.
... A New Home--Who'll Follow A New Home--Who'll Follow Letters of a New England Emigrant Family in Ohio 1831-1842 By CHARLES L SANFORD A dominant characteristic of the fifty-year period following the American Revolution was the rise of national self-consciousness reflected by patriotic experiments in literature in fine arts in science and in other areas of culture Cultural nationalism was whetted by the War of 1812 and by the end of the period had made its way into foreign policy with the Monroe ...

"A 'Backwoods Utopia': The Berea Community of 1836-1837," by David Lindsey. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 272-296.
... A Backwoods Utopia A Backwoods Utopia The Berea Community of 1836-1837 By DAVID LINDSEY In April 1836 three remarkable men--a farmer-turned-circuit rider a farmer-turned-evangelist and a teacher-turned-farmer--met on the banks of the Rocky River in northeastern Ohio Each man had come a devious route to that spot James Gilruth born of Scotch immigrant parents in western Virginia in 1793 fought briefly in the War of 1812 before taking up a farm in Ohio's Scioto River valley Undergoing a deep ...