Ohio History Journal

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"Old Fort Industry," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 26-127.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications The largest was Cincinnati with 115 000 and in them all there were less than 2 00000 o f population The following y ear the convention assembled which framed the new constitution for the state of Ohio That convention provided and laid down an ironclad rule that all cities should be governed by a general law and that there should be no special charters That perhaps was not an unreasonable rule at that time for then there were but the nine ...

"Brief History of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," by the Editor (C. B. Galbreath). Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 543-564.
... II II BRIEF HISTORY OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY T H E EDITOR The Pioneers of Territorial Ohio seem to have been conscious of the fact that they were making history Intimations of this are found in the addresses and letters of St Clair and his associates and on the printed pages of William Maxwell's Centinel of the NorthWestern Territory The first definite movement of an organization to collect the materials of this early history appears to have been consummated ...

"General Joshua Woodrow Sill," by Albert Douglas. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 105-119.
... GENERAL JOSHUA WOODROW SILL GENERAL JOSHUA WOODROW SILL BY ALBERT DOUGLAS FOREWORD With some sixty years intervening since the Civil War and with the generation of men and women to whom it was a fearful reality almost all gone from earth it cannot be hoped that many who knew him personally will read this slight memoir of one of Ohio's great and best soldiers of that war But to these few and especially to those who have urged me to use the letters and memoranda in my hands for the preparation ...

"Some Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders and Indians" by Gerard Fowke. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 380-403.
... SOME POPULAR ERRORS IN REGARD TO MOUND SOME POPULAR ERRORS IN REGARD TO MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS THE erroneous ideas of persons otherwise well informed concerning archaeological matters would amaze one who could attain to any considerable knowledge of the science without previously becoming familiar to some extent with the many absurd theories and notions promulgated by authors ignorant of their subject and writing only to strike the popular mind and pocket The tendency of most of these ...

"Editorialana," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 208-224.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE MOUND BUILDERS AND THE LOST TRIBES THE HOLY STONES OF NEWARK The following article from The Daily Oklahoman published at Oklahoma City Oklahoma of the date Sunday May 3 1908 was forwarded to us with the inquiry whether the statements therein contained concerning the Holy Stones of Newark or Jackstown were authentic To this we reply that the statements as to the finding of such alleged relics are correct but as to the genuineness of the relics we are compelled to ...

"Address of Judge Donahue (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 218-222.
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Kintz mandolin orchestra of Somerset an organization composed of Little Folks The afternoon session at city hall was addressed by Col W A Taylor and Dr P A Gordon and musical numbers were contributed by Mrs Frank Randolph and Mrs Emma B Bowman A recitation by Mrs Bess Comly-Cary was also greatly enjoyed THE BANQUET One of the most enjoyable and brilliant events of the week was the banquet at the Armory Monday evening given in honor of ...

"Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes: Artist, Geologist, Archeologist and Art Gallery Director, 1846-19-," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 493-527.
... BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM HENRY HOLMES BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM HENRY HOLMES ARTIST GEOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGIST AND ART GALLERY DIRECTOR 1846-19-- The subject of this sketch was born December 1 1846 in the home of his parents Joseph and Mary Heberling Holmes near the city of Cadiz Ohio the home farm being one of the subdivisions of the original grant to his grandfather in 1800 The house was on the Cadiz -- St Clairsville road four and one-half miles south of Cadiz As recorded in Colonel Holmes' ...

"REVIEWS," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 471-476.
... REVIEWS REVIEWS History of Ohio By Eugene Holloway Roseboom and Francis Phelps Weisenburger New York Prentice Hall Inc 545 pages Price 500 What at least two other authors told in four or five volumes these two assistant professors of history in the Ohio State University have put into a single volume a unit in the series edited by Carl Wittke head of the department Moreover as the bibliography at the end of each chapter shows they have consulted numerous books and documents bearing as they say ...

"A New Serpent Mound in Ohio," by George Frederick Wright. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 1-12.
... OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS A NEW SERPENT MOUND IN OHIO GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT We herewith reproduce with permission from the SeptemberOctober 1908 bi-monthly number of The Records of the Past published at Washington D C an article by the Editor of that publication George Frederick Wright the distinguished traveler scholar and author professor of harmony of sciences and religion Oberlin College Ohio and now President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Ohio-Columbus Centennial: August 26-September 1, 1912, The," by Osman C. Hooper. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 436-462.
... THE OHIO-COLUMBUS CENTENNIAL THE OHIO-COLUMBUS CENTENNIAL August 26-September 1 1912 BY OSMAN C HOOPER On February 14 1 912 Columbus had been for a hundred years a habitation and a name and the capital of Ohio prospective or actual It was on St Valentine's day 1 812 that the legislature sitting at Zanesville the second of the temporary capitals of the young State took the final action locating the permanent capital on a site which was described as the highbanks of the Scioto opposite ...

"The Black Hand," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 449-453.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 449 doubtless be a matter of regret to everyone that the railroad has recently changed the name of the station and the brakeman no longer calls out Black Hand but Toboso It is to be hoped that commercial as well as historic interest will induce the new electric line to perpetuate the name of Black Hand In a beautiful introduction to her legend among other things Mrs Gebhart says The Indian legend pertaining to this relic of a prehistoric race was told me by ...

"Building a Commercial System," by Frank P. Goodwin. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 316-339.
... BUILDING A COMMERCIAL SYSTEM BUILDING A COMMERCIAL SYSTEM FRANK P GOODWIN It is the purpose of this paper to trace the commercial development of the Miami Country1 from the date of settlement to the beginning of the steamboat era in 1817 It is presented as a representative study of commercial growth under economic conditions that were colonial in character The history of the locality has been used to illustrate principles of early commercial development common to the Ohio Valley Within that ...

"The Indian as a Diplomatic Factor in the History of the Old Northwest," by Isaac Joslin Cox. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 542-565.
... THE INDIAN AS A DIPLOMATIC FACTOR IN THE THE INDIAN AS A DIPLOMATIC FACTOR IN THE HISTORY OF THE OLD NORTHWEST1 PROF ISAAC JOSLIN COX Department of American History University of Cincinnati One merely asserts a truism when he states that the North American Indian is the predominant factor in the early history of the Northwest and that in no other field is this more apparent than in its diplomacy It is true that one may well hesitate to apply such a dignified title to a policy often ...

"Editorialana," Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 466-477.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XX No 4 OCTOBER 1911 GENERAL BRINKERHOFF Elsewhere in this Quarterly we give notice of the death of General Brinkerhoff with an extended account of his busy and useful life and many of its prominent achievements But no written record of the life of such a man can adequately present what he really was to the world in which he lived The inestimable outflow of a beautiful and true character ever loyal to the highest ideals of life cannot be recorded cannot be duly ...

"The Ohio Prospectus for the Year 1775," by A. J. Morrison. Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 232-255.
... THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 BY A J MORRISON TOLEDO The extended advertisement given below in part1 although not strictly applicable to the whole of the territory of Ohio today is of interest for several reasons This statement skilfully colored as it is brings out very well the idea of the Ohio country as it must have been in many minds at the beginning of the Revolution The imagination is afforded material - what would have been the result if ...

"The Dairy Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War," Volume 56, Number 1, Janaury, 1947, pp. 46-69.
... THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN OHIO PRIOR TO THE THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN OHIO PRIOR TO THE CIVIL WAR by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College The beginnings of the dairy industry in what is now Ohio date from the third quarter of the eighteenth century By the period of the French and Indian War Indians like the Shawnee the Wyandots and the Mingoes had cattle which they came into possession of in some cases perhaps by purchase or gift in the Detroit settlement but which they ordinarily ...

"Address of Mrs. John T. Mack (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 362-366.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The short inscription of this tablet we are honoring today gives concisely historic facts which all may read It does not need a very vivid imagination to see and feel all the labor sacrifice bloodshed aching hearts and desolate homes which are summed up in these facts We exult over the victories achieved and thrill with horror over the martyrdom of Col Crawford His name is on the bead-roll of fame and we all unite to honor his memory ...

"Thomas Wildcat Alford: A Great-Grandson of Tecumseh," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 338-340.
... THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD 338 THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD A GREAT-GRANDSON OF TECUMSEH Among the interesting persons present at the unveiling of the George Rogers Clark monument near the site of the Battle of Piqua the birthplace of Tecumseh was Thomas Wildcat Alford a lineal descendant of that great Shawnee chieftain According to the Handbook of American Indians edited by Frederick Webb Hodge and published by the Bureau of American Ethnology Big Jim who died in 1905 was the ...

"The Chieftan Wacousta, the Young Lahkopis, and the Maiden Ahyomah," by Mrs. David Gebhart. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 455-457.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 455 the rock was in mute appeal and forcibly reminded the wayfarer in a way at once forcible as it was poetical that thus far and no farther should the waves of unglutted vengeance roll The hand marked the portal of a sanctuary which was sacred to the savage whose lust for blood rose above every other consideration in his narrow but intense isolated but eventful life THE CHIEFTAIN WACOUSTA THE YOUNG LAHKOPIS AND THE MAIDEN AHYOMAH MRS DAVID GEBHART An unremembered ...

"John Jay Janney and His 'Recollections of Thomas Corwin,'" edited by James H. Hitchman. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 100-110, notes 131.
... JOHN JAY JANNEY AND HIS RECOLLECTIONS OF THOMAS CORWIN edited by JAMES H HITCHMAN It is a fortunate occurrence when the unpublished recollections of an able recorder like John Janney are preserved His comments on Thomas Corwin afford an exceptional contemporary view of Ohio courts lawyers and politics in the 1830's and 40's and vivid personal reminiscences about the former governor's ability to influence people1 Corwin's political career spanned the years from 1818 to 1865 the era of sectional ...