Ohio History Journal

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"Hull's Trace or Trail," by Robert P. Kennedy. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 583-587.
... HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL BY GEN ROBT P KENNEDY In the early times the roads or passages cut through the heavy timber of the country were called traces or trails and thus we read about Zane's trace the roadway cut by Ebenezer Zane his brother Jonathan and his son-in-law John McIntyre from Wheeling on the Ohio River in Virginia to the Limestone on the Ohio River in Kentucky the first trace roadway or passage from the East to this section of the great northwest The trace which ...

"Kenton's 'Chillicothe,'" by T. J. Brown. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 322-323.
... KENTON'S CHILLICOTHE KENTON'S CHILLICOTHE BY T J BROWN WAYNESVILLE OHIO Having been born and lived most of my life in Greene county and within easy driving distance of Old Town the site of what I learned to designate as New Chillicothe and having known when a boy about 1840 an old Indian fighter who was a participant in the ill-conducted Bowman expedition intended to capture and destroy that village I read up very early in life all the adventures I could find connected therewith As to the ...

"Robert Yost His Book," Volume 23, Number 2, April, 1914, pp. 150-161.
... ROBERT YOST HIS BOOK ROBERT YOST HIS BOOK Rob't Yost his Book made for the purpose of noting down our Marching and what we seen and expericet while in the united States service beginning at St Clearsville Ohio Sept the third Eighteen hundred and thirteen and continued to note down as we march AN ORIGINAL JOURNAL REPRODUCED AS WRITTEN The original of this Journal is now in the possession of J W Yost a direct descendant of Robert the author Mr J W Yost had the Journal reproduced in exact ...

"Major David Ziegler," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 127-174.
... MAJOR DAVID ZIEGLER MAJOR DAVID Z I EGLER BY GEORGE A KATZENBERGER A custom has grown up of commemorating the Centennial anniversary of the birth or death of prominent men as well as of other important events and as it is a hundred years since the death of the subject of this sketch and I fail to find David Ziegler's name in any of the indices of the nineteen volumes of the publications of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I have gathered a number of items concerning the ...

"The Taylor-Livingston Centenary in Franklin County," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 486-503.
... THE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKTHE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKLIN COUNTY On the 9th day of June 1904 a reception was given by Mr and Mrs Henry C Taylor at their country place Westcrest situated on the National Road west bank of Big Walnut creek in Truro township to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the family history in Franklin County The invitation issued to the guests on this occasion was in the following form 1804 TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON 1904 MR AND MRS HENRY C ...

"First Catholic Church in Ohio," by M. B. Archer. Volume 24, Number 2, April, 1915, pp. 226-230.
... FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO The question is often asked When did the Catholic Church first make a permanent settlement in Ohio We have diligently sought the desired information From Hon W B Archer member of the Senate of the 81st General Assembly we recently received the following communication which seems to settle the question of the first Ohio Catholic Church - EDITOR In compliance with your request I give a brief statement of what is known as the East Fork ...

"Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held in Columbus, March 6 and 7, 1890," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 237-259.
... MINUTES MINUTES Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS MARCH 6 AND 7 189 0 The Society convened in the hall of the House of Representatives at 730 p m and was called to order by the President F C Sessions Esq The usual annual address of the President was omitted as the reports of the committees and officers would cover all essential points Dr Edmund Cone Brush of Zanesville was introduced and read an address upon The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley The address is ...

"George Will and George Will, Jr.: Pioneers Who Served Their Country Well," by Grace Reah Johnson. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 615-622.
... GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR HE following address was delivered by Grace Reah Johnson on October 26 1 93 0 dedicating a bronze memorial which marks the final resting place of George Will and George Will Junior in the cemetery at McArthur Ohio George Will was a soldier of the American Revolution and George Will Junior served with Anthony Wayne in the campaign of 1794 and also in the second war with Great Britain 181 2-14 They had lain buried in a neglected ...

"Methodism in Gallipolis," by P. A. Baker. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 206-210.
... 206 Ohio Arch 206 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications V O L 3 But still its mission is to the regions beyond its position in the advancing columns is on the front line Its business is to find and drive the enemy leaving to the slower-moving forces the work of fortifying and garrisoning the conquered provinces Its muster roll begins with those of Caesar's household and ends not until it includes the faithful Onesimus Quenchless zeal for souls is and must forever be its characteristic a ...

"Remarks of Secretary Randall" (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:) Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 339-356.
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 339 who were following us in the retreating continental Ice Sheet in Ohio as the Eskimo are still doing in Alaska and Greenland Thus geology and archaeology join hands in our state to shed light on the earliest conditions under which man struggled to maintain his existence in this world of thorns and thistles of earthquakes and volcanoes and of waxing and waning ice sheets The contrast between those conditions and those in which ...

"Unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial Tablet on the Hayes Memorial Building at Spiegel Grove," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 303-329.
... UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET ON THE HAYES MEMORIAL BUILDING AT SPIEGEL GROVE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Ninety-eighth Anniversary of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes Nineteenth President of the United States 1877-1881 and at the time of his death January 17 1893 the honored president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was celebrated with ceremonies of unusual interest on October 4 192 0 at Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 398-411.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Bloody Mohawk By T Wood Clarke New York The Macmillan Company 194 0 372p 350 The author begins his story at the beginning so to speak when the Iroquois first settled in the Mohawk Valley The story ends with the war for American Independence inasmuch as the last three chapters are composed of biographical sketches of the little-known leaders of the patriots the loyalists and of the Iroquois in that struggle We are told that this is a frankly popular history and ...

"The Founding of Franklinton: Its Significance Today," Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 323-330.
... THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON ITS SIGNIFICANCE TODAY1 by HAROLD J GRIMM Associate Professor of History Ohio State University The citizens of Columbus owe a debt of gratitude to the Honorable James A Rhodes mayor of Columbus and his Franklinton Sesquicentennial Committee under the chairmanship of Mr Erwin C Zepp for setting aside these two days in commemoration of the founding of the village of Franklinton By inviting us to pause in our busy work-a-day lives to give ...

"Henry Bouquet: His Indian Campaigns," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 489-506.
... HENRY BOUQUET HENRY BOUQUET HIS INDIAN CAMPAIGNS BY J C REEVE MD LL D W R UNIV A little book in the French language has recently come to hand which deserves more than a passing notice It is the brief life of a man of high character and fine achievement and it records service of the greatest value which he rendered to our country in one of the darkest periods of its early history It is a book of about one hundred pages printed at Geneva in 1 909 and is one of a series published under the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 257-268.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA NEW TRUSTEES On February 28 1907 Governor Harris appointed Hon Myron T Herrick Trustee of the Society to serve for three years This appointment will certainly meet the hearty approval of the members of the Society as few governors have taken the active interest in the progress and welfare of our Society that Governor Herrick did during his encumbency The readers of the QUARTERLY will doubtless be interested in a brief sketch of Mr Herrick as his career is an ...

"Religion in the Western Reserve, 1800-1825: Distinctive Character of Western Reserve Religion," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 475-501.
... RELIGION IN THE WESTERN RESERVE RELIGION IN THE WESTERN RESERVE 1800-1825 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER OF WESTERN RESERVE RELIGION BY HAROLD E DAVIS In the years following the Revolution the frontiersman fighting with Nature for the first-fruits of the virgin soil was not primarily religious That this is so students of the American frontier are constantly asserting Only when Nature and the Indian gave surcease from terror and labor did the frontiersman find need for the milder excitement-religion ...

"Address of President Wright," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 409-414.
... FORT McARTHUR MEMORIAL TABLET FORT McARTHUR MEMORIAL TABLET On July 4 1913 a memorial tablet erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution was unveiled with fitting and interesting ceremonies at the site of the old fort McArthur three miles southwest of Kenton on the Scioto River We publish the addresses delivered on that occasion by Prof G Frederick Wright President of The Ohio State Archaeological amp Historical Society and Mrs John T Mack of Sandusky ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT WRIGHT It is ...

Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 397-403.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Frontier Ohio 1788-1803 By Randolph Chandler Downes Ohio Historical Collections III Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1935 280p maps 250 Students of Ohio history will be grateful to the author for presenting this vivid and accurate account of the origins of the Commonwealth Professor Randolph Chandler Downes has examined and cited in a wealth of footnotes a great variety of widely scattered manuscript collections as well as the ...

"Harrison's Northwestern Campaign" (Croghan Celebration) by Robert B. McAfee. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 56-70.
... 56 Ohio Arch 56 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications emphasized by the hundreds of Japanese lanterns strung along either bank and in sweeping festooons across the big Lake Erie bridge Near the bridge and extending across the river were seven of the largest boats in the river bearing huge electric transparencies upon which appeared six-foot letters spelling the name Croghan which was also seen in a set piece The hit of the evening was the reproduction of Fort Stephenson on the southern ...

"The Shaker Community of Warren County: Its Origin, Rise, Progress and Decline," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 251-304.
... The Shaker Community of Warren County The Shaker Community of Warren County 251 THE SHAKER COMMUNITY OF WARREN COUNTY ITS ORIGIN RISE PROGRESS AND DECLINE By J P MACLEAN PH D INTRODUCTION Located three miles west of Lebanon Ohio is the seat of the bishopric of the Shaker communities west of the Allegheny Mountains The tract of land possessed by them is irregular in its boundaries and embraces 4500 acres of as rich soil as may be found in the state Its location meets the approval of the most ...