Ohio History Journal

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"Fort McArthur," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 321-327.
... FORT McARTHUR FORT McARTHUR The following address delivered by the late Dr A W Munson on Memorial day of 1895 at Shingle Grove near Ft McArthur burying ground was read at a recent D A R meeting in Kenton and will be especially interesting to our readers now as this year 1912 marks the centennial of the founding of the old fort Comrades and FriendsWe have met here on this pleasant afternoon of May 30 1895 in this beautiful grove beneath these grand forest trees around these graves to do honor ...

"History of Fort Hamilton," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 97-111.
... HISTORY OF FORT HAMILTON HISTORY OF FORT HAMILTON W C MILLER Butler County Ohio the eighteenth county established in the seventeenth state of the Union can present many points of interest archaeological and historical Chief among these is Fort Hamilton the first of a chain of forts established by the Government in the Miami valley for the protection of the pioneers In compiling this sketch of Fort Hamilton the writer a resident of Hamilton for fifty years has had access to the official records ...

"Winthrop Sargent," by Charles Sprague Sargent. Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 229-236.
... WINTHROP SARGENT WINTHROP SARGENT BY CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT Winthrop Sargent IV Harvard A M 1771 b Gloucester May 1 1753 d on a steamer near New Orleans La January 3 1820 m Rebecca daughter of Colonel Benjamin Tupper1 by whom he had a child who died in infancy m second Natchez Mississippi October 24 1798 Mary widow of Daniel Williams and daughter of James McIntosh2 and Eunice Hawley b Stratford Connecticut January 20 1764 d Philadelphia January 9 1844 After leaving Cambridge Mr Sargent ...

"The Origin, Description and Service of Fort Winchester, with Mention of Some of the Persons and Events Connected With It," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 253-277.
... THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT WINCHESTER WITH MENTION OF SOME OF THE PERSONS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH IT BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE O From the earliest record until the building of the Miami and Erie and the Wabash and Erie Canals along its course the Maumee River was known to be a great thoroughfare and we have good right to infer that the Aborigines from their first appearance in this region until the historic times made its ...

"John Morgan Raid in Ohio," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 48-59.
... JOHN MORGAN RAID IN OHIO JOHN MORGAN RAID IN OHIO The following article was written by a veteran of the Civil War now a resident at the Dayton Soldiers' Home and was printed recently in the Lima Times Democrat with notes and comments by the editor of that paper The history of the raid and the efforts to head off the bold leader and his band of daredevils is believed to be authentic - EDITOR The Army of the Cumberland under General Rosecrans was preparing for the advance on the campaign which ...

"Marching Through South Carolina: Another Civil War Letter of Lieutenant George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 187-195.
... Marching Through South Carolina Marching Through South Carolina Another Civil War Letter Of Lieutenant George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK Sherman's march through Georgia was accomplished On December 20 1864 General William J Hardee retreated from Savannah toward Charleston and from Savannah in the middle of January Sherman launched his campaign through the Carolinas with an army of 60000 marching in two broad columns The march through Georgia had been regarded as a picnic but it was not ...

"A Civil War Diary of Albion W. Tourgee," edited by Dean H. Keller. Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 99-131, notes 146-148.
... A CIVIL WAR DIARY OF ALBION W TOURGEE edited by DEAN H KELLER Albion W Tourgee's Civil War diary which covers a period of six months in 1863 is an important document in the author's biography and in the literature of the Civil War It reveals Tourgee in many lights -- from the thoughtful loving husband to the stern high-minded Unionist and from the dedicated military man to the impatient individualist All of these traits were present to some extent in Tourgee's character and evidence of them ...

"Siege of Fort Meigs," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 280-285.
... SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS SIEGE OF FORT MEIG S The Cleveland Herald and Gazette of June 3 1840 printed an extract from a speech delivered by the brave Col John O'Fallon at the raising of the log-cabin in St Louis This was during the famous Log Cabin Campaign summer and fall of 1840 The speech reflecting the political and public sentiment of the time will be read with interestEDITOR Colonel O'Fallon-who it may be stated delivered his speech from the ramparts of a miniature Fort Meigs -was an aid of ...

"A Confederate Soldier's View of Johnson's Island Prison," edited by James B. Murphy. Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 101-111.
... edited by edited by JAMES B MURPHY A Confederate Soldier's View of Johnson's Island Prison William Henry Asbury Speer of Yadkin County joined the Confederate TwentyEighth North Carolina Volunteers as captain of its First Company when the regiment was organized at Highpoint on September 21 1861 After training and post duty at Wilmington Speer and the regiment moved to New Bern and then on to Gordonsville and Rapidan Station Virginia Ordered to join Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley the ...

"Addenda To the Pathfinders of Jefferson County," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 384-406.
... ADDENDA ADDENDA TO THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY The time allotted the compiler by the Society in which to prepare the matter foregoing precluded the possibility of examination of original papers to the extent necessary for an absolutely correct historical statement and the demand for delivery of copy into the hands of the printer forced completion of manuscript before the compiler could receive information for which he had applied to authorities and consequently the addenda following ...

"A Confederate Prisoner at Camp Chase: Letters and a Diary of Private James W. Anderson," by George C. Osborn. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 38-57.
... A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE A CONFEDERATE PRISONER AT CAMP CHASE Letters and A Diary of Private James W Anderson by GEORGE C OSBORN Associate Professor of the Social Sciences University of Florida Since this article is drawn almost wholly from the diary and letters of Private James W Anderson perhaps a brief sketch of this Confederate soldier's early life will not be amiss James Anderson was born on a farm in McNary County Tennessee in 1835 He secured what little formal education he ...

"One Man's Experience in a One Hundred Day Regiment: Barzilla R. Shaw and the 143d Ohio Volunteer Infantry," by Harry G. Enoch. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 185-201.
... HARRY G HARRY G ENOCH One Man's Experience in a One Hundred Day Regiment Barzilla R Shaw and the 143d Ohio Volunteer Infantry Like many other young Union soldiers Barzilla R Shaw of the 143d Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry OVI kept a diary of his experiences during the Civil War Although his unit was a late entry it saw action in the crucial Petersburg Campaign in the summer of 1864 which led to the end of the Confederacy In April Governor John Brough had called Shaw's home guard unit to the ...

"Story of a Flag, The," by (General) J. Warren Keifer. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 414-421.
... THE STORY OF A FLAG THE STORY OF A FLAG BY GENERAL J WARREN KEIFER At the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society General J Warren Keifer presented a flag and told the story of its capture by the Confederates and its return to him The story as he related it was full of thrilling interest and brought forth frequent applause from the audience The flag is now one of the prized possessions of the Society In response to a special request General Keifer has furnished ...

"Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody," Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 371-407.
... Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Edited by STANLEY P WASSON CLEVELAND TOOK ITS RECRUITING SERIOUSLY in August 1862 after Lincoln had issued his second call for 300000 men Ohio's quota was 74000 Each county was to provide its portion of soldiers before September 1 when Governor David Tod was to draft the remainder To encourage recruiting stores closed early during August local bounties were offered Regiments seeking to fill their rosters advertised in newspapers ...

"Civil War Letters of George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 53-81.
... Civil War Letters of George M Civil War Letters of George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK George M Wise was born at Bellaire Ohio on September 5 1841 After attending Old Washington Academy four years he entered Jefferson College later Washington and Jefferson College prior to his enlistment There he was enrolled in the classical course of instruction After the war he was an accountant An expert in mathematics as well as geometry algebra and trigonometry he added by tens rather than units and ...

"The Siege of Fort Meigs," by Earl A. Saliers. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 520-541.
... THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS EARL A SALIERS Ohio State University The War of 1812 furnishes perhaps a fewer number of notable achievements accomplished on land than any other of our wars The lack of a regular army and the consequent dependence upon militia would have made it difficult for an efficient general to execute a prolonged campaign while the position which a section of the country took against the war rendered success still more difficult Despite ill preparation and ...

"Bowman's Expedition Against Chillicothe: May-June 1779," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 446-459.
... BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE May-June 1779 Draper MSS Border Forays 5 D chap 27 pp 1-20 The following account of Captain Bowman's expedition against Chillicothe on the Little Miami in 1779 is from the original manuscript of the Draper collection in the archive department of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin During the past summer 1910 through the courtesy of Dr Reuben Gold Thwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society ...

"General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of 'Fallen Timbers': Centennial Oration," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 214-237.

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-III, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 238-268.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795--III Edited by R I CHARD C KNOPF This is the third and last installment of the Andrews journal The ague which Andrews noted on August 21 had commenced among the soldiery of the Garrison now in September attacks in force By October 1 two-thirds of the ninety-four persons on the post including Andrews are affected with it Then it withdraws though on October 29 twenty-three ...

"Logan's Campaign-1786," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 520-521.
... LOGAN'S CAMPAIGN -1786 LOGAN'S CAMPAIGN -1786 From the Draper MSS Wisconsin Historical Society Archives Mr Henry Hall was out on this campaign Were some 8 or 9 hundred men-Colos James Garrard Benj Harrison Thos Kennedy and Hugh McGary were the principal officers under Logan When Logan reached Meckacheck some 18 or 20 Indians remained and the men rode after and killed them most all Capt Irvine and others were pursuing an Indian with a broken thigh amp did not rush upon him as quick as they ...