... Editorialana Editorialana 297 Section 2 That the care and control of the site of Fort Laurens located in Tuscarawas county Ohio and being the first fort established west of the Ohio river shall be vested in the board of trustees of the Ohio archaeological and historical society who shall hold the lands and property thereon subject to such use as the general assembly may by law direct Section 3 That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act and defraying the expenses of the ...
... THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 BY A J MORRISON TOLEDO The extended advertisement given below in part1 although not strictly applicable to the whole of the territory of Ohio today is of interest for several reasons This statement skilfully colored as it is brings out very well the idea of the Ohio country as it must have been in many minds at the beginning of the Revolution The imagination is afforded material - what would have been the result if ...
... DENTISTRY IN THE WESTERN RESERVE DENTISTRY IN THE WESTERN RESERVE BY CHESTER STANLEY SZUBISKI The territory of the Western Reserve was a strip of the Connecticut Reserve located south of Lake Erie north of the forty-first parallel and extended one hundred and twenty miles westward from the pennsylvania line This was a session of western lands to the federal government made by Connecticut in 1786 In 1792 half a million acres at the western end of the Connecticut R eserve was granted to those ...
... N N GORDON THOMAS The Millerite Movement in Ohio A most spectacular and dramatic nineteenth century religious movement in America developed from the preaching of William Miller This was the culmination of the pronouncement that Christ's Second Coming would occur in October 1844 Preaching in a forceful manner and with convincing sincerity Prophet Miller delivered hundreds of lectures in years 1831 to 1844 His message was one of emotion and terror It was often sensationalized as well as ...
... GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE OHIO COUNTRY BY C B GALBREATH February 22nd will be the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of George Washington We are apt to think of him as a stately heroic figure far remote from us in time and space Two hundred years is a comparatively brief period in the life of a nation Only four generations have passed away since the death of Washington Many are now living who read in the newspapers at the time the announcement ...
... ORATION OF HON ORATION OF HON GEORGE F HOAR THERE are doubtless many persons in this audience who have gathered here as to their Father's house They salute their Mother on her birthday with the prayer and the confident hope that the life which now completes its first century may be immortal as liberty If we were here only to do honor to Marietta-to celebrate the planting of this famous town coeval with the Republic seated by the beautiful river her annals crowded with memories of illustrious ...
... THE OHIO ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION OF 1836 THE OHIO ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION OF 1836 By ROBERT PRICE The Rev Jacob Little pastor of the Granville Presbyterian church for over thirty-nine years beginning in 1827 once recorded1 that during the year 1834 the village of Granville was beset by seven distinct evils namely 1 embarrassing financial conditions 2 a killing frost on May 15 3 a serious drought following the frost 4 a torrential rain at midnight of July 1 followed by a great flood 5 an ...
... THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY BY JAMES A GREEN Dr Nevin M Fenneman of the University of Cincinnati and I took a canoe trip last summer for the purpose of accurately mapping an unknown Canadian Lake This was Lake Ogoki with a shore line of seventy-five miles Of course Dr Fenneman did the actual mapping but I shared in the reflected glory of the achievement This map was sent to Ottawa and we duly received the thanks of the Canadian Government So we have added to the sum ...
... MORGAN'S RAID MORGAN'S RAID L J WEBER In the QUARTERLY for January 1908 page 48 was published an article on Morgan's Raid We herewith present another account of this historic event practically the only feature of the Civil War which occurred within the bounds of the State of Ohio Every recital in detail or in part of Morgan's Raid if at all worthy of credence deserves permanent preservation Hence the publication of this second article Mr L J Weber the author is a well-known attorney now ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE UNVEILED ADDRESS OF HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD SECRETARY OF WAR IN HOTEL COMMODORE OLIVER HAZARD PERRY TOLEDO OHIO SEPTEMBER 14 1929 In introducing the Secretary of War Toastmaster Mr Grove Patterson spoke as follows Now ladies and gentlemen I am sure that I speak for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the auspices of which this monument was constructed and these exercises ...
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications During the year there has been a large number of visitors at the Park The custodian reports more than twenty-five thousand While many of these doubtless have been the usual Sunday and holiday visitors they have been orderly while at the Park and let us hope have carried away with them some wholesome impressions of the significance of the Great Serpent Effigy Signed W H COLE Chairman of Committee REPORT OF SPIEGEL GROVE COMMITTEE A E ...
... POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF OHIO PIONEERS POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF OHIO PIONEERS GEORGE M GADSBY In present day politics we find the principle of like father like son a very potent one Or as a ward chairman of this city recently remarked when speaking of the politics of a candidate an apple never falls very far from the tree If now this system of paternal or traditional politics is noticeable in recent generations it is fair to presume that a trace may be found running back to the time of the ...
... SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO VALLEY SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Marietta Ohio November 27 and 28 1908 On Friday and Saturday November 27 and 28 1908 the Ohio Valley Historical Association held its second annual meeting at Marietta Ohio the first annual meeting was held a year previous in Cincinnati the proceedings of which meeting were briefly reported in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY for January 1909 The complete proceedings of ...
... TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 23 1913 The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Society Room Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at 2 o'clock P M Friday May 23 1913 The following members were present Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr T B Bowers Columbus Mr H E Buck Delaware Hon Albert ...
... THE OHIO HERITAGE THE OHIO HERITAGE by WALTER HAVIGHURST Research Professor of English Miami University The past is a short word with a long meaning Once a tropic ocean covered Ohio and now the limestone ledges of our rivers are crusted with sea shells skeletons of fish and stems of coral from the profuse life of that ancient sea Three times a continental glacier crept over Ohio covering as much as three-fourths of the state with a vast carpet of ice Once a race of men raised burial mounds ...
... span p --- tr AGRICULTURE Heigh-Ho Come to the Fair Ohio Historical Society Echoes I No 9 September 1962 1 Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in Ohio and the founding of the state fair PORTER Thomas E A Letter Concerning the Early Maple Sugar Industry of Paint Creek Valley Paint Creek Valley Folk Publications No 14 Chillicothe Ohio Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project 1963 6p Mimeographed ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT ABER Mina E The Rankin House Stop on Underground Railroad Negro History ...
... SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It has been usual heretofore to delay the printing of the proceedings of the annual meeting for the yearly report of the secretary to the Governor and the Society made at the end of the calendar year But hereafter the report of the annual meeting will appear in the succeeding issue of the QUARTERLYSEC'Y The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY JUNE 1887 THE BEGINNINGS OF THE COLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES1 THE formation of this society comes at an opportune moment In a little more than three years a century will have elapsed since the first permanent white settlement was made within the limits of the great region Northwest of the River Ohio That settlement was the beginning not only of this good State of Ohio but also of Indiana Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin which have all ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE GNADENHUETTEN CENTENNIAL SEPTEMBER 29 1798 One hundred years ago the Rev John Heckewelder moved into the First House which he and his helpers built on the east bank of the Muskingum Tuscarawas River where he founded Gnadenhuetten as a Moravian Church settlement of whites To commemorate the Centennial Anniversary of its founding Gnadenhuetten was visited by a concourse of seven thousand men women and children This estimate of the number ...
... THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO December 15 1920 930 A M Pursuant to a call issued December 10 1920 the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session at the Museum and Library Building The meeting was called to order by President Campbell The following members were present G Frederick Wright Daniel J Ryan Waldo C Moore W O Thompson E F Wood J ...