Ohio History Journal

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"Select List of Materials on Ohio History in Serial Publications," compiled by William D. Overman. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 137-170.
... SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN This list is the outgrowth of an Index to Materials for the Study of Ohio History which comprised an index topically arranged of the leading articles in the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIII The present list not only affords an index to articles in the QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIX but also selected articles on Ohio history in ...

"The Origin and Location of the Firelands of the Western Reserve," by Helen M. Carpenter. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 163-203.
... THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS OF THE WESTERN RESERVE By HELEN M CARPENTER Copyrighted 1935 by Helen M Carpenter 163 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE British Invasions of Connecticut during the Revolutionary War 65 Appraisement of Losses and Granting of Relief 69 Title of Connecticut to Lands Granted 174 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Connecticut Company 175 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Ohio Company 181 ...

"Thomas Jefferson and the Removal of Governor St. Clair in 1802," by Randolph Chandler Downes. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 62-77.
... THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF GOVERNOR ST CLAIR IN 1802 BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor in History and Economics Marietta College While going through the papers of Thomas Jefferson at the Library of Congress and the Territorial Papers in the State Department last summer seeking to determine the relationship of Jefferson to the political situation in the Northwest Territory from 1800-1802 I obtained among other things copies of several ...

"Correspondence of Guy M. Bryan and Rutherford B. Hayes: Additional Letters," Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 349-377.
... CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M BRYAN AND RUTHERFORD B HAYES ADDITIONAL LETTERS edited by ROBERT C COTNER and WATT P MARCHMAN A number of years ago Ernest William Winkler who was then reference librarian and curator of Texas books at the University of Texas and an associate editor of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly began the publication in that periodical of all available correspondence exchanged between the Honorable Guy M Bryan of Texas and President Rutherford B Hayes ...

"An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 73-75, notes 100.
... AN ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR by TOM EDWARD TERRILL In the early months of 1898 the McKinley administration confronted a mounting crisis with Spain over the Cuban revolution Domestic pressures exerted by the press and politicians especially in the month of March placed heavy demands upon President McKinley to intervene to pacify Cuba One of the President's closest advisers thought war was possible in February By March 28 he believed it was probable1 The report on the sinking ...

"Centennial Anniversiary of the Birth of Ulysses S. Grant," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 221-288.
... CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ULYSSES S GRANT BY C B GALBREATH CELEBRATION AT POINT PLEASANT CLERMONT COUNTY OHIO Of all citizens of the United States born in Ohio the most famous in his day and generation as Judge Hugh L Nichols has observed was General Ulysses S Grant That he still holds that high place among the distinguished sons that Ohio has given to the Republic and the world was attested by the outpouring of people to celebrate the ...

"The National Road: Main Street of America," Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 114-146.
... NORRIS F NORRIS F SCHNEIDER The National Road Main Street of America A way to the West-where was the best route George Washington pondered that question anew in September 1784 as he sat in a land agent's cabin near present-day Morgantown West Virginia Gathered about him were settlers from that near-wilderness area on the Cheat River who had come at his request to offer their opinions on the best route for a portage between the upper waters of the Potomac and a tributary of the Ohio River Land ...

"Charles Dickens in Ohio," Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 14-25.
... CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO by ALFRED R FERGUSON Assistant Professor of English Ohio Wesleyan University Soon after his arrival in the United States in January 1842 Dickens wrote to an English friend There is a great deal afloat here in the way of subjects for description I keep my eyes open pretty wide and hope to have done so to some purpose by the time I come home1 That he kept his eyes open is evidenced by his vivid letters to Forster2 his friend and biographer and by ...

"The Evolution of Ohio Counties," Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 326-350.
... THE EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTIES THE EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTIES By J F LANING It is probable that the people who read this article will all know that the State of Ohio was not always divided into the number of counties there now are and that to evolve the present map a long period of time and many mutations of county outlines were necessary But few people however know the extent of the evolution that has been going on in bringing Ohio counties within their present environments From the erection ...

"'Refugees to and from Canada and the Refugee Tract,'" Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 219-241.
... REFUGEES TO AND FROM CANADA AND THE REFUREFUGEES TO AND FROM CANADA AND THE REFUGEE TRACT BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR All that part of the City of Columbus which lies east of the Scioto River and between Fifth Avenue on the north and Steelton on the south a distance of four and one-half miles is on what is known in law and history as the Refugee Tract which was as we shall hereafter see set apart by the government for the benefit of Refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia This territory comprises ...

"The Scioto Company and its Purchase," by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 109-140.
... The Scioto Company and its Purchase The Scioto Company and its Purchase 109 THE SCIOTO COMPANY AND ITS PURCHASE The history of the founding of Gallipolis now turning in its career into its second century is one of the most interesting and at the same time one of the saddest studies in American annals It is the story of a disappointing and impracticable scheme and were it not for the fact that the blood of its founders mingling with the American stock of their day and generation has given ...

"Edwin M. Stanton at Kenyon," by Wyman W. Parker. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 233-256.
... EDWIN M EDWIN M STANTON AT KENYON by WYMAN W PARKER Librarian Kenyon College Stanton the secretary of war in Lincoln's cabinet is still a controversial figure Stanton the youthful school boy is even more elusive but recently-located early letters written in college and in the years directly afterwards have cast more light upon the picture The letters give an impression slightly at variance with the published reminiscences of his contemporaries but such were tempered by time and the fact that ...

"Camp Charlotte Site Marked," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 615-617.
... CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED A granite monument erected near the site of Camp Charlotte bears a bronze tablet with the following inscription CAMP CHARLOTTE Near this spot -- the famous Treaty was made between Lord Dunmore Governor of Virginia and Chief Cornstalk of the Shawnees and Allied Tribes in October -- 1774 This Camp was named Charlotte after the Queen of England Erected by the Pickaway Plains Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 1774 1928 This monument ...

"Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier: The Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 41-53.
... edited by edited by LOUIS FILLER Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier The Memoirs of Irene Hardy Irene Hardy schoolmistress poet and early Stanford University professor was born July 22 1841 in Eaton Ohio the eldest daughter of Kentucky and Virginia parents Her father Walter Buell Hardy was a schoolteacher of culture whose four daughters-he also had a son Lewis-all taught school successfully Irene was so named from a character in Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel Rienzi with conscientious ...

"Rev. John Rankin, Early Abolitionist, The," by Paul R. Grim. Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 215-256.
... THE REV THE REV JOHN RANKIN EARLY ABOLITIONIST By PAUL R GRIM The Ancestry and Early Career of John Rankin The ancestors of the Rev John Rankin were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians whose lineage can be traced directly to Scotland during the religious persecutions of the seventeenth century1 His great-great-grandfather William Rankin was compelled to flee from Scotland during that period after his two brothers had been killed because of their religious belief He made his escape into Derry County ...

"Ship and Brig Building on the Ohio and Its Tributaries," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 54-64.
... 54 Ohio Arch 54 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tion dissolved but Nelson agreed with Wayne Grier and Curtis in the opinion that an attachment should issue since there was no power in Congress to interfere with the judgment of the court under pretense of power to legalize the structure or by making it a post road Justice McLean dissented feeling that the principle involved was of the deepest interest to the growing commerce of the West which might be obstructed by bridges across the ...

"Russel Bigelow, the Pioneer Pulpit Orator," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 292-302.
... RUSSEL BIGELOW THE PIONEER PULPIT RUSSEL BIGELOW THE PIONEER PULPIT ORATOR BY N B C LOVE D D THE CAMP MEETING The rough homespun attire of primal days He wore as he proclaimed the Words of Truth And held spellbound the aged and the youth Leading them into heaven's brilliant rays His soul on fire his words fell with power Radiant as from the mind of God Alive as if blooming on Aaron's rod And as if ordained for this special hour Bright the summer day and vast the crowd And cool the sylvan shade ...

"An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922: The Russian Odyssey of Henry C. Wolfe," by Benjamin D. Rhodes. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 190-199.
... BENJAMIN D BENJAMIN D RHODES An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922 The Russian Odyssey of Henry C Wolfe Persistence paid off for Henry C Wolfe of Coshocton Ohio when he sought a job as a relief worker in Russia during the famine of 1921-1922 Wolfe eventually was to become internationally known as a writer and lecturer on foreign affairs one of his claims to fame was that he predicted in a Harper's magazine article the August 1939 alliance between Hitler and Stalin But in ...

"Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory," Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 157-170.
... Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory By BONNIE S STADELMAN ON APRIL 14 1836 the trustees of Western Reserve College in Hudson Ohio made some very significant decisions Their meeting opened with prayer as usual and eventually the discussion turned to the vacancy in the mathematics and natural philosophy department The Rev Jarvis Gregg had been filling this position but he was appointed to the chair of sacred rhetoric making it necessary to appoint a ...

"Albert Shaw's Ohio Youth," by Lloyd J. Graybar. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 29-34, notes 72-73.
... ALBERT SHAW'S OHIO YOUTH by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In the twenty-eight years between 1829 and 1857 there were born in Ohio four distinguished American journalists Murat Halstead Whitelaw Reid William Dean Howells and Albert Shaw In 1857 Murat Halstead born in 1829 had already achieved recognition Whitelaw Reid and William Dean Howells were commencing their brilliant careers and Albert Shaw had just been born All four were intimately associated with one small corner of the state--Butler County--and ...