Ohio History Journal

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"The Journal of a Vermont Man in Ohio, 1836-1842," edited by LeRoy P. Graf. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 175-199.
... THE JOURNAL OF A VERMONT MAN IN OHIO 1836-18421 THE JOURNAL OF A VERMONT MAN IN OHIO 1836-18421 edited by LEROY P G RA F Professor of History University of Tennessee In 1836 when he was thirty-one Oren Wiley left his family and friends in Saxtons River Vermont to accept employment in a tin shop in Ohio City Ohio a new settlement located along Lake Erie on the west side of the Cuyahoga River opposite Cleveland Three years later he moved to Dayton Ohio where he lived until his return to New ...

"An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922: The Russian Odyssey of Henry C. Wolfe," by Benjamin D. Rhodes. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 190-199.
... BENJAMIN D BENJAMIN D RHODES An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922 The Russian Odyssey of Henry C Wolfe Persistence paid off for Henry C Wolfe of Coshocton Ohio when he sought a job as a relief worker in Russia during the famine of 1921-1922 Wolfe eventually was to become internationally known as a writer and lecturer on foreign affairs one of his claims to fame was that he predicted in a Harper's magazine article the August 1939 alliance between Hitler and Stalin But in ...

"Ship and Brig Building on the Ohio and Its Tributaries," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 54-64.
... 54 Ohio Arch 54 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tion dissolved but Nelson agreed with Wayne Grier and Curtis in the opinion that an attachment should issue since there was no power in Congress to interfere with the judgment of the court under pretense of power to legalize the structure or by making it a post road Justice McLean dissented feeling that the principle involved was of the deepest interest to the growing commerce of the West which might be obstructed by bridges across the ...

"The Opening Scenes of the Rebellion," by S. K. Donavin. Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 125-136.
... THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION BY COLONEL S K DONAVIN In the spring of 1861 I was a reporter and traveling correspondent on the Daily Exchange newspaper of the City of Baltimore When the telegraph announced that Mr Lincoln had reached Pittsburg en route for Washington City to be inaugurated President of the United States I left Baltimore by the Northern Central Railway for the purpose of meeting him and noting the incidents of his journey When I reached ...

"Along the Pathway of a Great State," by A. D. Hosterman. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 623-649.
... ALONG THE PATHWAY OF A GREAT STATE ALONG THE PATHWAY OF A GREAT STATE BY A D HOSTERMAN The Great State to Which I Refer Is Ohio Standing the fourth of all the American states in wealth and population and third in manufactures the contribution Ohio has made to the nation in great men great movements great progress and leadership justifies the claim that she is a great state It will be interesting briefly to touch some points along her pathway In the beginning Ohio and the entire American ...

Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 478-488.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XX INDEX TO VOLUME XX A Articles - A vanishing race 48 Abolitionists - Brady's Leap 457 Arguments of 280 Birthplace of Little Turtle 236 Dresser's experiences in the South Celebration of the surrender of Gen 281 John H Morgan 368 Fairbank Calvin 283 Cincinnati Municipal election of 1828 Foster Abbey Kelley 280 255 Foster Stephen 280 Delaware in the days of 1812 61 Oberlin aided by 276 Early Steamboat travel on the Ohio Oberlin at 270 River 378 Thompson George 282 Editorialana ...

"A Rebuttal to Mrs. Trollope: Harriet Martineau in Cincinnati," by William R. Seat, Jr.. Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 276-289.
... A Rebuttal to Mrs A Rebuttal to Mrs Trollope Harriet Martineau in Cincinnati By WILLIAM R SEAT JR AMERICA WAS ACQUAINTED with Harriet Martineau before she arrived in this country When she landed at New York City in the fall of 1834 she was already a recognized author a writer of authority who was perhaps the most influential woman in England Her recently published Illustrations of Political Economy had demonstrated to Americans that sympathy with the democratic ideal and concern for the ...

"The Map of Hamilton County," by James A. Green. Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 291-321.
... THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY BY JAMES A GREEN Dr Nevin M Fenneman of the University of Cincinnati and I took a canoe trip last summer for the purpose of accurately mapping an unknown Canadian Lake This was Lake Ogoki with a shore line of seventy-five miles Of course Dr Fenneman did the actual mapping but I shared in the reflected glory of the achievement This map was sent to Ottawa and we duly received the thanks of the Canadian Government So we have added to the sum ...

"The Development of the Miami Country," by Frank P. Goodwin. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 484-503.
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY FRANK P GOODWIN Professor American History Woodward High School Cincinnati O The Treaty of Greenville by a lasting peace with the Indians in so far as the eastern part of the Northwest Territory was concerned removed that influence which for six years had prevented the development of the colony planted in the Miami Country and for the first time since the beginning of the movement started in 1788 was it possible to ...

"Tecumseh," by Jessie F. V. Donnell. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 497-498.
... Tecumseh Tecumseh 497 says her husband was killed fighting by the side of Tecumseh in the battle of the Thames but Shane speaks of him as quoted by Drake as Tecumseh's friend and brother-in-law Wasegoboah It would appear from this that Masonville had united with the Indians assumed an Indian name and becamereconciled to Tecumseh Shane further states that after the War of 1812 Tecumsapease went to Quebec probably with her nephew Pugeshashenwa whence after a time she returned to Detroit where ...

"'Johnny Appleseed' Addendum," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 313-317.
... Johnny Appleseed Johnny Appleseed 313 To-day the events which stirred the souls and tried the courage of the pioneers seem to come out of the dim past and glide as panoramic views before me A number of the actors in those scenes were of my kith and kin who have long since crossed over the river in their journey to the land where Enoch and Elijah are pioneers while I am left to exclaim Oh for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that is still While the scenes of those pioneer ...

"Address of General J. Warren Keifer (Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument)," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 435-453.
... Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument 435 we see emblazoned daring and unselfish deeds of heroes who have scaled the walls of duty and gained the parapets of the City beyond And too what a lesson it conveys Its white teaches purity of purpose its red typifies the blood which has been so freely shed in its defense and its blue with its constellations reminds us of fidelity fidelity to our God fidelity to ourselves fidelity to The Star Spangled Banner Oh long ...

"Rescue Case of 1857, The," by Benj. F. Prince. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 292-309.
... THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 BENJ F PRINCE Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society President Clark County Historical Society and Professor of History and Political Science Wittenberg College Springfield Ohio The years between 1830 and 1860 brought great strain to the people of the United States The long border line between the slave and free states stretching from the Atlantic on the east to a great distance beyond the Mississippi River was crossed by many ...

"Philip Bevan-Minor Poet of Ohio," by Philip B. Jordan. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 206-221.
... PHILIP BEVAN--MINOR POET OF OHIO PHILIP BEVAN--MINOR POET OF OHIO BY PHILIP B JORDAN That portion of the history of the United States known as the Middle Period spanning the years 18121850 is remarkable among other things for the conception and development of an intense pride in the nation itself and in the cultivation of a spirit of nationalism which preserved its intensity until well past the Civil War period Politically this pride and affection for country expressed itself in the ...

"Nouvelles du Scioto-The Story of a Fraud," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 261-272.
... edited by edited by HENRY J YEAGER Nouvelles du Scioto The Story of a Fraud The original settlement of what is now southern Ohio at the end of the eighteenth century was marred by scandalous treatment of the French immigrants by the promoters of the Scioto Land Company Through its agency in Paris the company using misleading information sold land to Frenchmen eager to settle in America The Parisians suffered considerable physical hardship on their voyage to say nothing of the mental anguish in ...

"Three Civil War Letters of James A. Garfield," edited by James D. Norris and James K. Martin. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 247-252, notes 279-280.
... Three Civil War Letters of James A Garfield edited by JAMES D NORRIS and JAMES K MARTIN I know of no man in the army whose death would crush me so terribly as his Brigadier General James A Garfield wrote to his wife on May 12 1862 concerning Major Frederick Augustus Williams He is a true man and one of my dearest friends1 The young major had contracted typhoid fever during the later stages of the Sandy Valley campaign in the eastern Kentucky mountains On March 19 Garfield who commanded the ...

"Newspaper Correspondence," by John Henri Kagi. Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 292-421.
... NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENCE NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENCE LETTERS TO THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE TOPEKA KANSAS July 14 1856 Do you know for what Mr J Speer Editor of The Kansas Tribune and a dozen or more others -- some of the best men in Kansas--have been compelled to flee from their families and homes and become exiles in a strange land If you do not the sub-joined letter will initiate you into the secret How the original letter was obtained I know not but I have seen it and the following is a verbatim et ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Two Songs Inspired in Ohio," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 428-441.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO TWO SONGS INSPIRED IN OHIO BY C B GALBREATH While much has been said and written of the achievements of Ohio's men the public has not fully appreciated perhaps the extent of the influence of the gifted women of the state This is due doubtless to the fact that this influence is often exerted in ways somewhat obscure and indirect A gifted woman of course is a creature of physical and intellectual beauty endued with the power to lift man to the heights of ...

"University Archives: A Matter for Concern," (Essay and Comment) by Bruce C. Harding. Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 143a-144a.
... THE CHINESE QUESTION 143 THE CHINESE QUESTION 143 gent of California which in the form finally adopted by the House on June 17 recommended that the President open negotiations with China to secure a change or abrogation of existing treaties that permitted the unlimited immigration of its citizens 29 Evarts had to await the arrival of two Chinese ministers in Washington Chen Lan Pin and Yung Wing on September 21 before he could even act upon the demands of Congress Then he hesitated until ...

"Invocation (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 416-419.
... LAYING CORNER STONE LAYING CORNER STONE OF THE SOCIETY'S BUILDING On the afternoon of Se p tember 12 1 912 the Trustees and officers of the Society laid the Corner Stone of the building of the Society located on the Campus of the Ohio State University The ground was first broken for the excavation on June 25th The weather on the day of the corner stone laying was ideal and a goodly audience of the friends of the Society including many professors of the University assembled to witness the ...