Ohio History Journal

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"Pioneer Life in Ashtabula County," by Joseph A. Howells. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 551-562.
... PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY BY JOSEPH A HOWELLS The days of the pioneers are past We may move into and settle a new country -- or a new part of our country -- but with the settler or immediately following him come the telegraph the railroad the printing office telephone electric lights water works churches and long before the first child born in the settlement is of age the place is an old town or city with all the modern improvements comforts and vices No ...

"St. John's Parish, Worthington, and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio," by Richard G. Salomon. Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 55-76.
... St St John's Parish Worthington and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio By RICHARD G SALOMON There are I trust a few among the oldest members of this parish who still remember the day fifty years ago when the then dean of Bexley Hall the Very Reverend Hosea Jones delivered the sermon at the centenary of St John's Dr Jones was closely connected with Worthington he had been rector of your parish in the 1870's But there are many other ties between Worthington and Bexley if we go over ...

"Vanished Bishopric-An Interesting Bit of Ohio History, The," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 540-542.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE VANISHED BISHOPRIC-AN INTERESTING BIT OF OHIO HISTORY The Catholic Historical Review for July contains for people of Ohio a vastly interesting paper A Vanished Bishopric of Ohio dealing the rile French settlement at Scioto or Gallipolis on the Ohio River and the proposition to establish thereat a Catholic bishopric some time about the year 1789 the year that Bishop John Carroll was appointed to the See of Baltimore with jurisdiction over all the United States It ...

"Rivalry Between Early Ohio and Kentucky Settlers," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 30-35.
... RIVALRY BETWEEN EARLY OHIO AND KENTUCKY RIVALRY BETWEEN EARLY OHIO AND KENTUCKY SETTLERS The following article by a well-known historical writer recently appeared in one of the daily prints It throws an interesting side-light upon the early settlements on the Ohio-EDITOR The very first road that was laid out by engineers to lead to Cincinnati was referred to in the following advertisement in an issue of the Kentucky Gazette published at Lexington and edited by John Bradford dated September 6 ...

"Thomas Wildcat Alford: A Great-Grandson of Tecumseh," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 338-340.
... THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD 338 THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD A GREAT-GRANDSON OF TECUMSEH Among the interesting persons present at the unveiling of the George Rogers Clark monument near the site of the Battle of Piqua the birthplace of Tecumseh was Thomas Wildcat Alford a lineal descendant of that great Shawnee chieftain According to the Handbook of American Indians edited by Frederick Webb Hodge and published by the Bureau of American Ethnology Big Jim who died in 1905 was the ...

"Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Clark County, Ohio," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 86-100.
... REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS BURIED REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS BURIED IN CLARK COUNTY OHIO BY A L SLAGER The attached roster of men who served on the side of the Colonists during the War of American Independence and who are buried in Clark County has been compiled from partial lists of names furnished by Colonel George I Gunckel Dayton Ohio president of the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution and a similar list taken from the records of the George Rogers Clark Chapter S A R of ...

Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 156-160.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Civilization of the Old Northwest 1788-1812 By Beverley W Bond Jr The Macmillan Company New York 1934 543p 350 Dr Bond Professor of History in the University of Cincinnati has made a real contribution to the history of Ohio and the Old Northwest in this book in which he presents a careful study of the political social and economic history of this region between 1788 and 1812 The book is divided into fourteen chapters dealing with the basis for civilization the lure of ...

"Big Bottom and its History," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 1-38.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS BIG BOTTOM AND IT S HISTORY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The history of Big Bottom has no claim on being unique unless the recent action of Mr Obadiah Brokaw in erecting a monument at his own expense to mark the site of the blockhouse can demand such distinction The events connected with this historic ground are decidedly type studies Its early history is but representative of and part of that general conflict between the Indian and the white man Its ...

"President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 205-214.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy The closing of the frontier by the white man's unbridled expansion into the transMississippi West during the post-Civil War years created the most critical period of Indian-white relations in American history No longer could the Indians simply retreat or be removed to lands farther west beyond the pale of white culture A majority of Uncle Sam's 300000 stepchildren lived directly in the path of two advancing ...

"County Historical Material in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Library," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 95-150.
... COUNTY HISTORICAL MATERIAL IN THE OHIO COUNTY HISTORICAL MATERIAL IN THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Compiled by CLARENCE L WEA VE R and HELEN MILLS ADAMS COUNTY Caldwell J A Illustrated historical atlas of Adams county Ohio Newark O J A Caldwell 1880 Evans N W and Stivers E B History of Adams county Ohio West Union O E B Stivers 1900 Hillsboro Belfast and Peebles electric railroad promoters' co Prospectus Peebles O Leader book and job print 1906 ALLEN COUNTY Bowen ...

"Rutland-'The Cradle of Ohio': A Little Journey to the Home of Rufus Putnam," by E. O. Randall. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 54-78.
... RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO A LITTLE JOURNEY TO THE HOME OF RUFUS PUTNAM E O RANDALL It was in the bright and cheery days of September 1 90 8 that the Editor left the palatial Pullman car at Worcester and boarded a trolley that bore him along a rambling route amid tiny lakes and quiet hills to the little burg of Jefferson Here the trolley was exchanged for a motor bus the electric wings of which fluttered with intermittent and uncertain rapidity till the passengers ...

"Fifteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 1, 1899 to February 1, 1900," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 345-372.

"Address of Joseph F. Tuttle, D.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 132-137.
... ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F TUTTLE DD PRESIDENT CHAPIN represents Wisconsin and the Congregational Church He brings a commission from Governor Rusk I don't know whom I represent One of the chief elements of success in Manasseh Cutler as a negotiator was not mentioned yesterday in the very beautiful and exhaustive discussion which was given by the gentleman who made the address He was spoken of as a brave man as a man of learning a man of courtesy but I think that one great element ...

"Ohio Declaration of Independence, The," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 404-410.
... THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED By permission of The Ohio Teacher The school histories have always said much about the Mecklenburg Resolutions being the prelude to the Declaration of Independence Indeed some histories make so much of it that you doubt if Thomas Jefferson would ever have mustered up courage sufficient to pen the immortal lines beginning When in the course of human events etc had he not had this brave precedent ...

Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 85-93.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana By Eli Lilly Indianapolis Indiana Historical Society 1937 293p illus Within the past few years there has been a renewed and intensified interest in the study of archaeology in the United States As a result much new evidence has been brought to light and new methods and techniques have been evolved for securing and interpreting archaeological facts In the Middle West the Indiana Historical Society has played a leading part in the ...

"The 'Divide.' The Water-Shed of Richland County, Ohio," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 160-163.
... THE DIVIDE THE DIVIDE The Water-Shed of Richland County Ohio BY A J BAUGHMAN The far-famed barn from the eaves of which the rain-falls flow from one side into Lake Erie and from the other to the Ohio river is situate near Five Corners in Springfield township seven miles west of Mansfield Richland County on the West Fourth street or Leesville road That this barn is not a myth but an actual reality can be verified by a visit to the locality The farm upon which the building stands is owned by C ...

Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 285-304.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio in the Twentieth Century 1 900 -1938 Planned and compiled by Harlow Lindley The History of the State of Ohio Edited by Carl Wittke Vol VI Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1942 xiv 563p Illustrations and maps 2500 per set of 6 vols Ohio in the Twentieth Century final volume in the six volume History of the State of Ohio is the fourth in the series to be published Previously presented have been Bond's Foundations of Ohio Utter's ...

"The Late Prehistoric Cultures of the Ohio Valley," by James B. Griffin. Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 186-195.
... THE LATE PREHISTORIC CULTURES OF THE THE LATE PREHISTORIC CULTURES OF THE OHIO VALLEY by JAMES B GRIFFIN Director Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan After the decline of the Hopewell culture there can be recognized a period of unknown length during which relatively little cultural progress was made Actually this was a period of decline in quite a number of the ceremonial aspects of Indian life as it is revealed by materials placed with the dead and by the type and amount of time ...

"Itinerary of the Secretary," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 474-475.
... 474 Ohio 474 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications would be to detract from the estimate in which the work might be held The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society cannot of course agree to sanction such vagaries Respectfully R W MCFARLAND ITINERARY OF THE SECRETARY On August 18th Secretary Randall made a trip to Chillicothe and procuring conveyance drove out some seven miles to the location of the Harness Mounds where Prof W C Mills Curator of the Society's Museum was conducting his ...

"Diary of Aaron Miller: Written While in Quest of Ohio Wheat Lands," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 67-79.
... DIARY OF AARON MILLER DIARY OF AARON MILLER WRITTEN WHILE IN QUEST OF OHIO WHEAT LANDS Aaron Miller the author of the following diary was born in Louden County Virginia in 1784 died in Highland County Ohio in 1872 -- at the age of 88 years He had five brothers Moses Daniel Jesse Peter and Jacob all natives of Louden County Virginia In the spring of 1832 Aaron Miller together with his brother Daniel made the trip as narrated in the diary on horseback into Ohio for the purpose of seeking new ...