Ohio History Journal

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"An Ohio Doctor in the Early Navy," by Howard D. Kramer. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 155-174.
... AN OHIO DOCTOR IN THE EARLY NAVY AN OHIO DOCTOR IN THE EARLY NAVY by HOWARD D K RA MER Assistant Professor of History Western Reserve University Recently the journals of Lewis A Wolfley an Ohio doctor who served in the United States Navy from 1832 to 1844 were lent to the writer by a representative of Wolfley's descendants The manuscript material in the Wolfley Collection consists of the surgeon's journals on four cruises and his diary in Paris where he studied medicine under world-famous ...

"Major George W. Rue, the Captor of General John Morgan," by William Marion Miller. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 130-134.
... MAJOR GEORGE W MAJOR GEORGE W RUE THE CAPTOR OF GENERAL JOHN MORGAN By WILLIAM MARION MILLER Few persons even those whose formal education ended with elementary schooling are unaware of the name and deeds of General John Morgan the famous Confederate raider of Civil War days practically no one even teachers of history in colleges and universities knows the name of the man to whom he surrendered near East Liverpool Ohio on a hot July afternoon in 1863 The reason is not hard to explain his ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 192-194.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 4th and 5th 1997 at Malone College in Canton Ohio The historical Encyclopedia of African American Associations is seeking scholars interested in contributing assigned entries This single-volume reference work will include associations established by African Americans and interracial groups working in the interest of African Americans For a list of entries and further information please ...

"The Presidential Campaign of 1864 in Ohio," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 548-589.
... THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 IN OHIO BY ELIZABETH F YAGER M A B A B S IN EDUCATION INTRODUCTION A brief resume of early Ohio politics serves to show that the state had been for the most part Democratic 30 far as national politics were concerned The Democrats who drew up the first constitution controlled the electoral vote until 1836 in 1836 and in 1840 William Henry Harrison carried the state and Henry Clay secured the electoral vote in 1844 Ohio went ...

"Henry Kurtz: Man of the Book," by Donald F. Durnbaugh. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 114-131, notes 173-176.
... HENRY KURTZ HENRY KURTZ MAN OF THE BOOK by DONALD F DURNBAUGH At 900 AM on Monday January 12 1874 Elder Henry Kurtz of Columbiana Ohio was found in his favorite rocking chair his lifeless hands holding one of his well-loved volumes The septuagenarian publisher communitarian advocate and Brethren churchman expired as he had lived -- as a man of the book1 Kurtz was born on July 22 1796 in the duchy of Wtirttemberg the son of George Jacob d 1846 and Regina Henrietta Kurtz d 1857 His ...

"Marking the Old 'Abolition Holes,'" by Felix J. Koch. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 308-318.
... MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES BY FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI A quadroon girl in Sunday best strolled down the quiet little main street of Ripley in southern Ohio not long since and coming to the crest of the bluff whence the long descent begins to the river she rested her arms on an immaculately white monument set to the famous old abolitionists of Ripley-the place where Eliza crossed the ice in the story-and waved a handkerchief in signal to some dusky paramour ...

"Lucy Webb Hayes and Her Family," by Emily Apt Geer. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 33-57, notes 186-191.
... Lucy Lucy Webb Hayes and her Family by EMILY APT GEER The public life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes has been studied by many historians but little has been written about the friendly sparkling woman he married and their large and active family of eight children Lucy Webb Hayes's concern for people helped her develop a lively interest in politics that served her equally well as the wife of a city solicitor in Cincinnati and as mistress of the White House while her husband was President Their ...

"The Wyandot Chief, Leather Lips," by William L. Curry. Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 30-36.
... THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS HIS TRIAL AND EXECUTION BY WM L CURRY Away back in the thirties of the 19th century a literary magazine of high order called The Hesperian of the West was published in Columbus Ohio In fact it is the only literary periodical that ever was published in the Capital City of Ohio In the publication of this magazine William D Gallagher and Otway Curry both men of high literary attainments were associated together as editors Poems from ...

"Milan Canal, The," by Charles E. Frohman. Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 237-246.
... THE MILAN CANAL THE MILAN CANAL by C HAR LES E FROHMAN Few people today know that Milan Ohio was once a great shipping port and that its enterprise during the days when schooners sailed the Great Lakes resulted in the digging of a three-mile canal from Milan to a point in the Huron River where deep water and wide bends made passage safe The heyday of this undertaking came during the earliest days of the railroad and during that period when canals and politics made more than conversation The ...

"Benjamin F. Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 33-43.
... BENJAMIN F BENJAMIN F WADE AND THE ATROCITY PROPAGANDA OF THE CIVIL WAR By HARRY WILLIAMS The atrocity propaganda issued in the North during the Civil War flowered in bewildering abundance from a variety of persons and agencies Heads of governmental departments semi-official bodies editors members of Congress and private individuals devoted their efforts to the dissemination of tales of cruelties and barbarisms practiced by the Confederate Government and its soldiery1 Although these ...

"Jared Mansfield: United States Surveyor General," by Charlotte W. Dudley. Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 231-246.
... CHARLOTTE W CHARLOTTE W DUDLEY Jared Mansfield United States Surveyor General Jared Mansfield 1759-1830 one of the first men of science in the republic's formative years made a significant contribution to postRevolutionary Ohio Appointed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803 to replace General Rufus Putnam as Surveyor General Mansfield remained in the post for nine years resigning in 1812 when fresh Indian uprisings made further surveys impractical and dangerous During his term of office ...

"Fort St. Clair," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 634-637.
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The custodian reports that during the year twenty-two thousand visitors to the park have registered and he estimates that fully as many more did not register making at least forty-four thousand people who visited the park during the year This is the largest number of visitors in a single year in the history of the park This may be due in part to the improved road from Hillsboro to Peebles which passes by the park Signed W H COLE WM C ...

"First Ohio Battle in 1812 War," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 97.
... Editorialana Editorialana 97 pany Subsequently John Chapman seeks in adventurous wanderings through the western country the home of his plighted love There is of course a rival fascinating and chivalrous but unworthy Mr Hillis has with rare gifts of pen portrayal pictured the simple but perilous life of the New England pioneers who sought their fortunes and amid the Indian inhabited fastnesses beyond the Alleghanies It is a beautiful story pure idyllic poetic and through the entire volume runs ...

"Origin of Ohio Place Names," by Maria Ewing Martin. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 272-290.
... ORIGIN OF OHIO PLACE NAMES ORIGIN OF OHIO PLACE NAMES MRS MARIA EWING MARTIN Paper read before the Fifth Ohio State Conference Daughters of the American Revolution held at Toledo October 29 1903EDITOR The Iroquois War on the Shawanese tribes along the Ohio gave white men in 1670 their first knowledge of that river La Salle's expedition down its waters to the Falls promptly followed but eleven years later when he stood at the mouth of the Mississippi and took possession for the King of France ...

"Lucas Sullivant Tablet Dedicated," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 161-176.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...

"School and Other Days, 1859: Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 58-63.
... School and Other Days 1859 School and Other Days 1859 Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop Edited by JOHN WEATHERFORD ROBERT WAS ELEVEN and Sylvester nine when they began their diaries in the Christmas season of 1858 They kept them with fair regularity during 1859 except for summer vacation Their father Robert Hamilton Bishop II encouraged journals among those of his twelve children who were the right age Professor of Latin at Miami University and son of its first ...

"Site of Lichtenau" (Zeisberger Centennial) by W. H. Rice. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 179-181.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 179 Slumber on and may Christians of whatever creed Bow their heads to the altered condition And as years roll along with eternity speed Give thy tomb its deserved recognition Slumber on in the vale far away from thy birth Where pure beauty and plenty fail never Where thy victories were in the efforts put forth For the Race almost vanquished forever SITE OF LICHTENAU Regarding the location of Lichtenau founded by Rev David Zeisberger of ...

"The Significance of the Treaty of Greene Ville," Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 1-11.
... THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TREATY OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE BY PRESTON SLOSSON To Voltaire is ascribed the remark that Penn's Treaty with the Indians was the only treaty not sworn to and the only one not broken No doubt he did not intend his epigram to be taken too seriously but it is tragic truth that most treaties whether signed in European palaces or in rough frontier forts with great civilized nations or with primitive savage tribes have been broken But if Voltaire had ...

"Industrial Beginnings in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 242-253.
... INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO By WILLIAM ALEXANDER MABRY The abundance of fertile land was unquestionably the lodestone which attracted most of the early settlers to the Ohio Country But along with the pioneer farmers came numbers of skilled mechanics to build the boats and erect the little mills and shops that were so much needed to furnish those necessities that could not be profitably brought from the East No tariff was necessary to protect the infant ...

"A Station on the Underground Railroad," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 164-169.
... A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MRS FLORENCE BEDFORD WRIGHT OBERLIN The Anti-Slavery agitation of the nineteenth century called out the heroic qualities in many a quiet man in whom such attributes had never been suspected In no part of the country did the friends of the fugitive slave make more personal sacrifices than those residing in southwestern Ohio It was during this period that the name under-ground railroad was given to the manner by which ...