Ohio History Journal

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"The Vaulting Imagination of John L. Riddell," Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 331-360.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY--PART 6 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY--PART 6 THE VAULTING IMAGINATION OF JOHN L RIDDELL By ADOLPH E WALLER Whatever makes the past or future predominate over the present exalts us in the scale of thinking beings--Johnson The name of John Leonard Riddell is perhaps best remembered today for his Synopsis of the Western Plants In 1835 when this was published Cincinnati was the western-most city of great size with around 35000 inhabitants and with immediate perhaps daily expansion in ...

"Animal Remains," by Robert M. Goslin. Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 45-64.
... FAIRPORT HARBOR VILLAGE SITE 45 FAIRPORT HARBOR VILLAGE SITE 45 ANIMAL REMAINS6 By ROBERT M GOSLIN Animal remains were found in great abundance at this site scattered through the black earth of the village deposit They include the bones of various mammals fishes birds and reptiles as well as the shells of mussels and snails Most of the bones are in a fragmentary condition but on the whole they are in an excellent state of preservation All of the animal skeletal material was saved and carefully ...

"John Henri Kagi: Biographical Sketch," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 263-291.
... JOHN HENRI KAGI JOHN HENRI KAGI BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY C B GALBREATH A traveler northward bound on a Pennsylvania local passenger train if he is interested in the smaller stations between Warren and Ashtabula will hear the conductor call out Bristolville To the ninety and nine who hear this call the name will suggest nothing To possibly one out of a thousand it will start a train of thought that will carry him back to the eventful years before the Civil War when hostility to the institution of ...

"An Impression of Harding in 1916," Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 179-180.
... AN IMPRESSION OF HARDING IN 1916 AN IMPRESSION OF HARDING IN 1916 by DOROTHY V MARTIN Curator of Manuscripts Burton Historical Collection Detroit Public Library It was as the keynoter and permanent chairman of the sixteenth Republican national convention that the name of Warren G Harding became known nationally for the first time Harry M Daugherty Harding's political manager confessed that his aim at that convention was simply to bring his protege before the delegates in such a way that they ...

"The Centennial Celebration of the Siege of Fort Meigs: Perrysburg, July 27, 1913," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 34-48.
... THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS PERRYSBURG JULY 27 1913 BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Hadst thou my three kingdoms to range in said James the First to a fly and yet must thou needs get into my eye Which homely speech might be paraphrased for the present purpose of introduction to this subject to read Had Great Britain and America their vast extent of territory and all the ocean between to range in and must they needs select the shores of ...

"Etna and Kirkersville," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 276-283.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his pedantry King James little understood the hidden meaning of the sea-to-sea extension Under this charter of 1609 modified by that of 1612 Virginia held until the formation of the federal constitution in 1788 In reading of Mr Avery's work we are tempted to halt and linger at particularly important and interesting events The reader reluctantly leaves his story which we again commend to both the general reader and the close student Both ...

"Dedication of the James E. Campbell Elm," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 80-86.
... DEDICATION OF THE JAMES E DEDICATION OF THE JAMES E CAMPBELL ELM On October 20 1923 very interesting exercises were held in the State House Grounds at Columbus on the occasion of the dedication of the James E Campbell Elm a seedling from the famous Logan Elm in Pickaway County under which the speech or message of the Indian chief Logan was dictated and sent to Lord Dunmore who was holding a peace conference with the Indians at Camp Charlotte seven miles distant October 1774 These exercises ...

"Anthony Wayne His Indian Campaigns," by Kathleen Mierka. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 386-391.
... THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST The Anthony Wayne Memorial Legislative Committee during the winter of 1944-45 in cooperation with the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State Department of Education sponsored a contest among the public parochial and private schools in Ohio on the subject of Anthony Wayne and the Indian Wars in Ohio 1790-1795 Several thousand students from all over the State entered the contest Winning essays in the ...

"Genealogy: A Study for Young People," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 138-145.
... 138 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 138 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY the intriguing thing about Grant's career being that his fame rested largely on his military achievements though Grant himself was a man who neither liked war nor on the technical side at least knew very much about it Speaking in a pleasing staccato manner Patterson captivated his audience with his fund of seldom-heard stories the interesting sidelights he threw on well-known historic events and ...

"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton-II," edited by James H. Rodabaugh. Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 111-151.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1956 From England to Ohio 1830-1832 The Journal of Thomas K Wharton-- II Edited by JAME S H RODABAUGH This is the second and final installment of the Wharton journal the first having appeared in the January issue pages 1-27 along with a brief sketch of Wharton Wharton as a boy of sixteen sailed with his mother brothers and sisters from Hull May 3 1830 to join his father who had acquired a farm near Piqua Ohio ...

"Autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin," Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 18-55.
... edited by edited by MICHAEL SPEER Autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin At a time when American historians are turning more toward quantitative techniques and psychological analyses of individuals the autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin provides a refreshing first-person account from a man who partook of some of the most important activities of his day1 This work is an interesting commentary on nineteenth century America and provides insight into the motives activities and methods of those ...

"The Organization of the Ohio State Medical Society and Its Relation to the Ohio Medical Convention," Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 366-372.
... THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND ITS RELATION TO THE OHIO MEDICAL CONVENTION By DONALD D SHIRA MD The endeavor during the period of 1811-1833 to establish a satisfactory method of medical licensure under the aegis of the law and which turned out to be such a dismal failure has been recounted in various articles published in the Historian's Notebook o f the Ohio State M edical Journal and in the QUARTERLY of the Ohio State ...

"A Quaker Section of the Underground Railroad in Northern Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 479-502.
... A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN NORTHERN OHIO BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT of the Ohio State University One of the main lines of the Underground Railroad which traversed Ohio from south to north began at Ripley in Brown County on the Ohio River and ran through Highland Fayette Madison Franklin Delaware Marion Morrow and Richland counties to Greenwich in Huron whence branches ran to the lake north through Erie County and northeast through ...

"Influences of Early Religious Literature in the Ohio Valley from 1815 to 1850," by Irene D. Cornwell. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 203-210.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 20 3 INFLUENCES OF EARLY RELIGIOUS LITERATURE IN THE OHIO VALLEY FROM 1815 TO 1850 MRS IRENE D CORNWELL CINCINNATI A song for the Early Times out West And our green old forest-home Whose pleasant memories freshly yet Across the bosom come A song for the true and gladsome life In those early days we led With a teeming soil beneath our feet And a smiling Heav'n o'erhead Oh the waves of life were ...

"First Ascent of the Mountain of the Holy Cross," by W. H. Holmes (of the Hayden Survey of the Territories, 1873). Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 517-527.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 517 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 517 of powwow as we could traded some matches for some arrows and gave them bread to eat It appears that they were really trying to find their lariats and possibly to claim them We watched them so closely that they failed to steal anything and we saw them depart at last with feelings of relief These fellows came more nearly up to my notion of what bad Indians were than any mortals I had heretofore seen We ...

"An Early Report on Oberlin College," by George Peirce Clark. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 279-282.
... AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE by GEORGE PEIRCE CLARK Among the most copious diarists of nineteenth-century America though certainly not among the best known was the Rev John Pierce AB Harvard 1793 Congregational pastor of Brookline Massachusetts Nineteen manuscript volumes deposited in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society1 testify at once to the industry and the limitations of Pierce as a chronicler of the res gestae of his time In the ...

"Exploration of the Tremper Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 25, Number 3, July, 1916, pp. 263-398.
... EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Tremper mound is situated five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the west side of the Scioto river in Rush township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which it is located is a part of the estate of Senator William D Tremper Portsmouth which consists of more than seven hundred acres of the rich bottom lands at the confluence of the Pond creek and Scioto valleys The immediate site of the mound is a level ...

"Seth Adams: A Pioneer Ohio Shepherd," by Charles Sumner Plumb. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 1-34.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SETH ADAMS A PIONEER OHIO SHEPHERD By Charles Sumner Plumb Among the pioneers of the Northwest Territory along the Ohio border on the east were many men of sterling worth and rather unusual administrative ability Notably among these men in Ohio history was Seth Adams The following pages will briefly discuss his ancestry review his movements as a citizen and pioneer and set forth his relationship to early day American sheep husbandry The ...

"Mount Pleasant and the Early Quakers of Ohio," by James L. Burke and Donald E. Bensch. Volume 83, Number 4, Autumn, 1974, pp. 220-255.
... JAMES L JAMES L BURKE DONALD E BENSCH Mount Pleasant and The Early Quakers of Ohio In the charming old village of Mount Pleasant Jefferson County Ohio stands a monument to one of America's small but influential denominations the Society of Friends or Quakers People of other religious affiliations settled in Mount Pleasant too but the early history of the Mount Pleasant area was strongly influenced by those Friends who were among its first settlers Their monument is the large brick meeting ...

"A Description of Fort Ancient," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 362-377.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 A DESCRIPTION OF FORT ANCIENT WARREN KING MOOREHEAD The members of the Society and also the readers of THE ARCHAEOLOGIST have a special interest in the earthworks and enclosures of the Mississippi Valley The former are proud to be possessers and preservers in company with the State of Ohio of the most extensive prehistoric fortification of the United States The latter as students of antiquities are interested in facts obtained ...