Ohio History Journal

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"The Strategic Background of the Northern Solomons Campaign," by John Miller. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 274-285.
... THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE NORTHERN SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN by JOHN MILLER Assistant Chief Pacific Unit Historical Division Department of the Army Behind nearly every military operation of the second World War lay months of careful planning In the South Pacific for example the preparations for the seizure of New Georgia a battle in which Ohio's 37th Division distinguished itself occupied the planning staffs of several army and navy headquarters for six months The ...

"The Pathfinders of Jefferson County," compiled by W. H. Hunter. Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 95-313.
... THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY COMPILED BY W H HUNTER1 STEUBENVILLE GAZETTE I Who were the Pathfinders - The Scoth-Irish Exerted Potent Influence in Winning the Ohio Country from the Wilderness and the Indians - Ohio History from the PennsylvaniaVirginia Point of View - The Third Race Division not noted by Historians - The Scotch-Irish and not the Puritans and Cavaliers made Ohio By means of the ever busy and facile pens of the descendants of the noble ...

"Address of C. Seymour Bullock (descendant of Robert Fulton)," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 31-33.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 31 engaged strong and able men at all points along the river Pittsburgh ever at the front in enterprise has contributed her full share It is our good fortune to have homes in this Valley dear to many of us as our birthplace and to all of us by fond memories and cherished associations We who love the Valley and the River here pay tribute to all who have labored for and through their labors have advanced the improvement of the greatest ...

"The Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Rutherford Birchard Hayes at Spiegel Gove, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 328-425.
... THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Of which I was a great part is the classic motto which for almost twenty centuries hero after hero has proudly taken to himself President Hayes would smilingly have passed it by Perhaps no other phrase exists however which so effectively describes the pervasion of his personality through all the commemorative events and the scene in ...

"Ulysses S. Grant: A Characterization Sketch," by John Beatty. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 232-245.
... ULYSSES S ULYSSES S GRANT A CHARACTERIZATION SKETCH BY JOHN BEATTY There is more than a grain of truth underlying the notion that what the world calls greatness in men is the outgrowth of accident rather than of any exceptional physical moral or intellectual excellence Nobody certainly can win victories and gain martial renown who lives in a period of profound peace In civil life however it may be said that by change of scene or of occupation men can seek congenial or profitable employment and ...

"Crawford County 'Ez Trooly Dimecratic': A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 33-53, notes 93-95.
... CRAW FO RD COUNTY A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism by THOMAS H SMITH The Copperhead movement in the Middle West during the Civil War was not the simple case of pro-Southern sympathy and treason that the Republican propagandist charged but rather it was a complex of social economic and political antagonism to the Lincoln administration As diverse as its motives was the geographic heterogeneity of the movement no one specific locality or region held its nucleus Its strongest support however ...

Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 77-86.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AM ERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director An archival expedition to the West Indies was made by the American Jewish Archives in July 1952 The research group was composed of Rabbi and Mrs Theodore S Levy of Huntington West Virginia Dr Ferdinand M Isserman of St Louis and Dr Jacob R Marcus director of the archives There were a number of Jewish settlements in the West Indies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the ...

"Nouvelles du Scioto-The Story of a Fraud," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 261-272.
... edited by edited by HENRY J YEAGER Nouvelles du Scioto The Story of a Fraud The original settlement of what is now southern Ohio at the end of the eighteenth century was marred by scandalous treatment of the French immigrants by the promoters of the Scioto Land Company Through its agency in Paris the company using misleading information sold land to Frenchmen eager to settle in America The Parisians suffered considerable physical hardship on their voyage to say nothing of the mental anguish in ...

"Logan, Tecumseh, the Shawano Indians," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 78-91.
... LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen I esteem it both an honor and a privilege to appear before you and speak briefly upon the lives of two great characters Logan and Tecumseh and also tell you a little concerning the Shawano Indians commonly called the Shawnees whose villages were in this part of our State We are assembled on a very historic spot historic not merely because the cabin of the earliest ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 380-383.
... Historical News Historical News THE INLAND RIVERS LIBRARY o f the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has acquired during the past year two large collections of photographs of boats and other river subjects One collection was the gift of Captain Frederick Way Jr and the other is composed of prints of negatives in the Howard National Steamboat Museum The library acquired also by gift a collection from the Greene Line which includes photographs log books account books menus and ...

"First Court in Ohio, The," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 302.
... 302 Ohio Arch 302 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE FIRST COURT IN OHIO From the American Pioneer The first court held northwest of the river Ohio under the forms of civil jurisprudence was opened at Campus Martius Marietta September 2d 1788 It will be remembered that on the preceding 7th of April General Rufus Putnam with forty-seven men had landed and commenced the first permanent settlement in what is now the state of Ohio General Harmar with his regulars occupied Fort Harmar ...

"The Battleship Ohio," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 206-215.
... THE BATTLESHIP OHIO THE BATTLESHIP OHIO The battleship Ohio was built for the United States navy by the Union Iron Works San Francisco under contract dated October 8 1898 at a cost of 2899000 It was launched May 18 1901 in the harbor of San Francisco and christened by Miss Helen Deshler who was designated for this honor by Governor George K Nash who was present on the occasion as was also William McKinley then President of the United States Great crowds were present at these ceremonies ...

"History of the Underground Railroad in Mechanicsburg," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 209-254.
... HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN MECHANICSBURG BY RALPH M WATTS Champion of those who groan beneath Oppression's iron hand In view of penury hate and death I see thee fearless stand Still bearing up thy lofty brow In the steadfast strength of truth In manhood sealing well the vow And promise of thy youth Go on for thou hast chosen well On in the strength of God Long as one human heart shall swell Beneath the tyrant's rod Speak in a suffering nation's ...

"La Salle's Route Down the Ohio," by E. L. Taylor. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 382-392.
... LA SALLE'S ROUTE DOWN THE OHIO LA SALLE'S ROUTE DOWN THE OHIO E L TAYLOR In the July Quarterly 1905 page 356 Volume XIV publications Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society appeared an article by the late E L Taylor Sr on Water Highways and Carrying Places Some time after the publication of that article Mr Taylor had correspondence with a critic concerning the identity of the much disputed route of La Salle down the Ohio in his western journey of 1669 the alleged date of his discovery ...

"An Abolition Center," by Thomas J. Sheppard. Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 265-268.
... AN ABOLITION CENTER AN ABOLITION CENTER THOMAS J SHEPPARD In the spring of 1 80 2 two travelers met in the wilderness between Zanesville and Marietta Ohio Though they rode together by day and camped together by night each refrained from disclosing to the other the object of his journey That object was to purchase the section of land upon which later on grew up the village of Putnam now the Ninth Ward of the city of Zanesville The travelers were John McIntyre the founder of Zanesville and Dr ...

"Collections of the Rutherford B. Hayes State Memorial," Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 151-157.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS A ND EXHIBITS COLLECTIONS OF THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES STATE MEMORIAL ONE OF OHIO'S finest historical properties is the Rutherford B Hayes State Memorial located in Spiegel Grove the twentyfive-acre home estate of the nation's nineteenth president at Fremont Administered jointly by the Ohio Historical Society and the Rutherford B Hayes and Lucy Webb Hayes Foundation this public memorial includes the stately Victorian brick mansion of the president and his family the graves ...

"David Zeisberger Centennial: November 20, 1908," by E. O. Randall. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 157-181.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER CENTENNIAL DAVID ZEISBERGER CENTENNIAL NOVEMBER 20 1908 E O RANDALL As the result of the plans of a committee appointed several weeks previous to the event by the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society a celebration was held commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the death of David Zeisberger which occurred November 17 1808 at Goshen Tuscarawas County Ohio The day selected for the celebration was Friday November 20th 1908 It proved a most ...

Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 86-88.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Civil War Letters of an Ohio Soldier SO Chamberlain and the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry By Dick and Judy Chamberlain Flournoy California Dick Chamberlain 1990 ix 67p illustrations Letters written by a Seneca County soldier during the years 1861 -65 are interspersed with the authors' explication of their contents A candid portrayal of campaigning with the Army of the Cumberland the letters speak with a certain rude eloquence of the tedium and hardship of the tented ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1973 to 1974," Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 68-74.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1973 to 1974 ANTISLAVERY FILLER LOUIS Abolition and Social Justice in the Era of Reform New York Harper and Row 1972 367p THOMPSON J EARL JR Lyman Beecher's Long Road to Conservative Abolitionism Church History XLII 1973 89-109 President of Lane Seminary ARCHAEOLOGY Central State ArchaeologicalJournal Published by several archaeological societies Covers Illinois Missouri Indiana Arkansas ...

"An Indenture of 1831 in Portage County, Ohio," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 288-292.
... AN INDENTURE OF 1831 IN PORTAGE COUNTY OHIO AN INDENTURE OF 1831 IN PORTAGE COUNTY OHIO By FREDERICK C WAITE The procedure of apprenticeship in the crafts as a method of preparing for a vocation is of ancient origin It was firmly established in Europe when the American Colonies were settled and was prevalent in these colonies and in the United States until well into the nineteenth century Although the method is familiar to all that are acquainted with the history of the crafts comparatively ...