Ohio History Journal

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"Good Will on Ancient Battlegrounds," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 15-26.
... GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS By CARL WITTKE In Dr Quaife's announcement of plans for the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention I found the title and the theme for my address this evening The purpose of the Convention in the words of its general chairman is to cultivate and deepen our pride in the historical heritage which is the common possession of four great commonwealths and to assemble in pleasant association men and women of good will ...

"Address of Dr. W. O. Thompson (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 426-427.
... 426 Ohio Arch 426 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OF DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman my election to a position in this Archaeological and Historical Society was accepted as a distinct honor I therefore rejoice in the hour that is now here with all the other members of the Archaeological and Historical Society For indeed this is an hour of genuine rejoicing It gives the Society as we hope a permanent place in the history of the State I happen in the fortune of life to be here as the ...

"Winfield Scott's Visit to Columbus," by Henry Beebee Carrington. Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 278-291.
... WINFIELD SCOTT'S VISIT TO COLUMBUS WINFIELD SCOT T' S VISIT TO COLUMBUS BY GEN H B CARRINGTON U S A General Henry Beebee Carrington is one of the very few su viving generals of the Civil War He has led a distinguished ar eventful life Born in Wallingford Conn March 2 1824 he is now the age of eighty-six hale and hearty a writer of clearness and precisio and a speaker forceful and entertaining He graduated at Yale 1845 and in November 1848 arrived in Columbus to there take up his pe manent ...

"The Acolhuans," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 104-105.
... 104 Ohio Arch 104 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications New England and all the colonies Her uniqueness historically speaking lies in the fact that hers was the first soil settled by the United States New England was peopled by the Puritans and others from Old England New York by Dutch and English Pennsylvania by Quakers and Germans and Scotch-Irish Virginia again by the English but quite different from those of Massachusetts and Connecticut Maryland by still another element and so on Of the ...

"Address of Hon. Rutherford B. Hayes," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 50-54.
... ADDRESS OF HON ADDRESS OF HON RUTHERFORD B HAYES MR PRESIDENT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - The good fortune of the settlement at Marietta continues up to this very hour We can congratulate each other upon the privilege of having heard the eminent Senator from Massachusetts We can congratulate him that he has connected his name for all the centuries to come with the most fortunate colonization that ever occurred on earth Whenever hereafter century after century this ceremony and celebration shall be ...

"Deducation Address of Henry C. Taylor (Cresap Tablet)," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 124-127.

"Bear Hunt in Yellowstone Park-1872," by W. H. Holmes. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 511.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 younger son William Heberling Holmes having a wife and three daughters is in business in Detroit BEAR HUNT IN YELLOWSTONE PARK -- 1872 BY W H HOLMES I had a curious little bear hunt experience in the Gallatin Range when I was with the first Hayden expedition We started out to climb one of the mountains one party going in one direction and the other with the outfit in another direction As we went along we ...

"Birthplace of John Brough," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 105-111.
... BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH EDGAR ERVIN The following article clears up the disputed question concerning the birthplace of John Brough one of Ohio's famous war governors It also presents many interesting events in the life of the governor Mr Edgar Ervin the writer is the present member of the Ohio House of Representatives from Meigs county Mr Ervin was educated in the country schools subsequently receiving special training for public life in the Capitol School of ...

"The Founding of Franklinton: Its Significance Today," Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 323-330.
... THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON ITS SIGNIFICANCE TODAY1 by HAROLD J GRIMM Associate Professor of History Ohio State University The citizens of Columbus owe a debt of gratitude to the Honorable James A Rhodes mayor of Columbus and his Franklinton Sesquicentennial Committee under the chairmanship of Mr Erwin C Zepp for setting aside these two days in commemoration of the founding of the village of Franklinton By inviting us to pause in our busy work-a-day lives to give ...

"The Preservation of Documents," Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 401-412.
... Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders 40 1 in the vicinity and to decorate them in such way as they can even though the interments may have taken place many years previously would it be any greater mark of respect or affection to add little by little to a mound under which one of their tribe was buried Will any one possessing the slightest knowledge of the power of hereditary influences pretend that a Logan a Corn Planter a Red Jacket or a host ...

"American Aborigines and The Social Customs," by J. A. Easton. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 421-444.
... AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL CUSTOMS REV J A EASTON PH D Mr Easton was a native Ohioan born at Sinking Springs Highland County August 9 1852 His father and grandfather like himself were ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church Eugene Easton his son the distinguished American newspaper correspondent in the Boer War is the present owner of Fort Hill Highland County which is crowned by one of the most interesting and best preserved prehistoric ...

"Randall, The Man," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 103-109.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 103 RANDALL THE MAN BY DANIEL J RYAN Emilius O Randall had the inestimable advantage of being well-born Not by inheritance of the muniments of wealth or caste or rank but through the influences of forebears whose chief purposes in life and whose aspirations and achievements were within the sphere of the intellectual and spiritual They were Americans more than a century before Bunker Hill and were among the founders of New England of whom Longfellow ...

"Biography of Gov. Robert Lucas," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 160-172.
... 160 Ohio Arch 160 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HEMISPHERE - EXTRA COLUMBUS OHIO SEPT 17TH 1834 BIOGRAPHY OF GOV ROBERT LUCAS BY A CITIZEN OF COLUMBUS THE life and services of all public men holding high official stations in the government of the country are a species of public property and it is right and proper that the body of the people who are subject to be called upon to act directly upon the merits and fitness of candidates for popular favor should be made acquainted with ...

"Address of E. O. Randall" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 21-26.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 21 the rocky fortresses of the Appalachians Puritan and Cavalier looked down together upon the fair valley of the Ohio To them it was as the revelation to the prophet on Pisgah - the Promised Land They were permitted to enter But to hold it they fought with stubborn tenacity Every foot was contested But forward went this army across the prairies of Indiana and Illinois until the smoke curled from the settler's cabin on the banks of the ...

"Theodore Dwight Weld's Antislavery Mission in Ohio," by Vernon L. Volpe. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 5-18.
... VERNON L VERNON L VOLPE Theodore Dwight Weld's Antislavery Mission in Ohio Since the pioneering work of Gilbert H Barnes and Dwight L Dumond Theodore Dwight Weld has been a favorite subject of study for historians interested in the religious roots of the antislavery movement Son of a Connecticut Congregational minister Weld was finally converted to evangelical reform in 1826 by the great New York evangelist Charles Grandison Finney whose controversial new measures provoked so much debate among ...

"Ohio Land Patents," (Collections and Exhibits) by Kenneth W. Duckett. Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 51-60.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS Ohio Land Patents by KENNETH W DUCKETT NOT LONG AGO the public relations office at a United States Air Force base wrote a press release describing a nineteenth century land deed owned by one of its civilian employees According to the release a local authority had appraised the document signed by Thomas Jefferson as president of the United States and James Madison as secretary of state at 25 Autograph collectors the release continued had subsequently made offers of up ...

"Travels of President Rutherford B. Hayes," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 60-72.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON Travels of President Rutherford B Hayes In a predominantly newspaper age long before the advent of radio and television Ohio's President Rutherford B Hayes spent much of his four-year term traveling throughout the United States Beset by critics in both the political arena and the press he strove to put his cause and himself directly before the American people While many of his trips were avowedly nonpolitical they definitely helped to project a favorable image of ...

"State Parks (Report of the Committee on Parks)," by F. C. Furniss. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 614-620.
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications STATE PARKS As Chairman of the Committee on Parks I have the following report to submit Acting under the instruction of our President Mr Arthur C Johnson I visited the following properties during the year Logan Elm Park Mound City Park Fort Laurens Park Schoenbrunn Park Seip Mound Park Serpent Mound Park Fort Ancient Park Campus Martius Observing the magnitude of the task assigned to me in trying to visit and direct improvements in all ...

"Council Rock," Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 307-308.
... COUNCIL ROCK COUNCIL ROCK C C SHERWOOD Council Rock is located on a farm owned by Mr E M Sherwood five miles south-east of McConnelsville county seat of Morgan county on the east side of the Muskingum river The visible portion of the rock is twenty feet in length and ten feet in height The rock itself is one of the most prominent among many in its immediate vicinity and from its location one obtains a fine view of the valley and river in the foreground It projects out of the base of the ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 398-411.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Bloody Mohawk By T Wood Clarke New York The Macmillan Company 194 0 372p 350 The author begins his story at the beginning so to speak when the Iroquois first settled in the Mohawk Valley The story ends with the war for American Independence inasmuch as the last three chapters are composed of biographical sketches of the little-known leaders of the patriots the loyalists and of the Iroquois in that struggle We are told that this is a frankly popular history and ...