Ohio History Journal

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"Editorialana," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 208-224.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE MOUND BUILDERS AND THE LOST TRIBES THE HOLY STONES OF NEWARK The following article from The Daily Oklahoman published at Oklahoma City Oklahoma of the date Sunday May 3 1908 was forwarded to us with the inquiry whether the statements therein contained concerning the Holy Stones of Newark or Jackstown were authentic To this we reply that the statements as to the finding of such alleged relics are correct but as to the genuineness of the relics we are compelled to ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Benjamin Russel Hanby, Author of 'Darling Nelly Gray,'" by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 180-215.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO BENJAMIN RUSSEL HANBY Author of Darling Nelly Gray C B GALBREATH A plain brick structure of ample size and pleasing proportions rising on firm foundations from a well-kept campus a mute array of sentinel trees guarding the shady silence of the place and leading outward along the avenue in two noble ranks that stretch forth their arms in salutation to the passerby a beautiful stretch of lawn facing the afternoon sun and sloping gently toward the winding ...

Volume 39, Binding Supplement, , 1930, pp. 855-871.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX Abbott Lyman 612 Ball Flamen 542 596 772 Abolition in Ohio 727 762-764 Ball Mary 668 Adair --- --- 692 Ball Sarah 668 Adams Fort See Fort Adams Banks General Nathaniel P 571 578 Ake H Ross 21 31 Barbee General --- --- 48 50 Akron Ohio 504 Barefoot Charles R 21 32 Akron Law 97-98 176-186 384 Barnes Rev Charles E 611 Allen Governor Cyrus M 792 Barney Hiram supports Chase 521 527 Alum Creek Friends' Settlement 479-502 575 urges Chase for Cabinet ...

Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 183-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Pioneering in Agriculture One Hundred Years of American Farming and Farm Leadership By Thomas Clark Atkeson and Mary Meek Atkeson New York Orange Judd Publishing Co I nc 1937 22 2p 3 00 This is the autobiography of Thomas Clark Atkeson of whom it was said that no man in his generation has done more for the betterment of American agriculture Atkeson was born in a log house on the banks of the Great Kanawha River in Virginia now West Virginia in 1852 His English ...

"Sidelights on the Last Days of General U.S. Grant," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 321-323.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 321 Reviews Notes and Comments 321 setts He has a national and international reputation for his contributions to botany and horticulture From 1888 to 1897 he was editor of Garden and Forest He has contributed extensively to publications of the Smithsonian Institution and is author of numerous monographs Winthrop Sargent VII is complimented on page 91 of the volume as follows Winthrop Sargent of the seventh generation the eleventh of that name will always be ...

"Proposed Town of Cornish, Ohio, The," by Donald W. Ferguson. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 245-249.
... THE PROPOSED TOWN OF CORNISH OHIO THE PROPOSED TOWN OF CORNISH OHIO By DONALD W FERGUSON As a part of the study of westward expansion of the United States the story of paper towns--towns which never survived their founders or which existed only in the imagination of their promoters--fills an interesting chapter The plan of Lystra Kentucky reproduced in Charles O Paullin's Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States New York 1932 is a very good example of the definiteness with which ...

"Under the Aged Logan Elm" (A Poem) by Rachel E. Hughes. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 548-549.
... 548 Ohio Arch 548 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The little band in homespun suits To whom our ancestry we trace With pride were Freedom's first recruits -- The heroes of a noble race They heard the call of Paul Revere -- His rousing cry To arms to arms And eager flocked from far and near The stalwart yeomen of the farms Hail to the men that made us free Hail to the stainless swords they drew A thousand years will never see Forgetfulness of men so true Their deeds will live while ...

"Address of Mrs. Truesdall (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 362-363.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dedicatory exercises in honor of the battle which occurred near this spot on July 30 1813 when Major Ball's squadron Second Light Dragoons U S Army while escorting Colonel Wells of the Seventeenth U S Infantry from Major General Harrison's headquarters at Fort Seneca to relieve Major Croghan of the command of Fort Stephenson for alleged insubordination in refusing to evacuate the fort was ambushed by Indians but gallantly charged them ...

"Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1945," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 263-282.
... ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1945 To THE OFFICERS TRUSTEES AND MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Herewith is submitted the Annual Report of the Society for the year 1945 The cooperation and the many courtesies which you have shown to the staff personnel during the year are greatly appreciated Respectfully submitted April 1 2 19 46 HENRY C SHETRONE Director REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR The year 1945 was a ...

"Local History-Foundation of Our Faith in Democracy," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 221-232.
... LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN DEMOCRACY by S K STEVENS State Historian Commonwealth of Pennsylvania It is not merely a pleasure but a genuine honor to be with you this evening at the capital of the first great state to be carved out of the Northwest Territory with its government framed in accordance with the principles of that outstanding charter of liberties-the Northwest Ordinance Ohio has come a long way since 1803 when its state ...

"Siege of Fort Meigs, The," by H. W. Compton. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 315-330.
... The Siege of Fort Meigs The Siege of Fort Meigs 315 THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS BY H W COMPTON The construction of Fort Meigs by General William Henry Harrison in the early spring of 1813 and its siege by the British general Proctor and the renowned chief Tecumseh in May of that year was one of the important incidents in the war of 1812 But few of those who now look at the ruins of Fort Meigs slumbering upon the high grassy plateau opposite the village of Maumee can realize the fearful struggle ...

"Wayne and the Treaty of Greene Ville," by Dwight L. Smith. Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 1-7.
... WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE by DWIGHT L SMITH It has generally been assumed that the chief architect of the Treaty of Greene Ville at the end of the Indian Wars in the Old Northwest was General Mad Anthony Wayne The discovery of hitherto unknown manuscript material however furnishes documentary evidence that Wayne was operating under very specific orders from the war department Further a draft treaty for his guidance and use predetermined to a ...

Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 143-162.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Anthony Wayne Trouble Shooter of the American Revolution By Harry Emerson Wildes New York Harcourt Brace and Co 1941 514 p Illus and maps 375 This volume is a biography written by one who knows intimately the Pennsylvania background of the famous Revolutionary hero The author was born in the neighboring state of Delaware holds a degree from the University of Pennsylvania and has served as literary editor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger He moreover has lived for many ...

"State's Function in Promoting the Cultivation of its History, The," by Alexander C. Flick. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 445-463.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 closer relationships they can now be put aside The spirit of the times has changed The suggestion is offered stripped of details but in its larger aspect it carries no thought of physical or financial consolidations no thought of interference no abandonment of individual activities May we not hope that in the very spirit of this meeting here today there will be shown the seed of united unselfish wellordered ...

"Lucy Backus Woodbridge, Pioneer Mother: January 31, 1757-October 6, 1817," by Louise Rau. Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 405-442.
... LUCY BACKUS WOODBRIDGE PIONEER MOTHER LUCY BACKUS WOODBRIDGE PIONEER MOTHER January 31 1757--October 6 1817 By LOUISE RAU Distant secluded still the little village of Grand-Pre Lay in the fruitful valley At the confluence of the Ohio and the Muskingum Rivers hidden beneath its giant elms and maples Marietta named for the fascinating Marie Antoinette takes one back to bygone days when Ohio was a wilderness peopled by red men Here in the foothills New England made her first outpost during the ...

"Lydia Finney and Evangelical Womanhood," by Catherine M. Rokicky. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 170-189.
... CATHERINE M CATHERINE M ROKICKY Lydia Finney and Evangelical Womanhood In May of 1835 Lydia Andrews Finney bade farewell to her husband as he headed for his first look at Oberlin College in Oberlin Ohio Mrs Finney and their three children would stay in Cleveland with her parents until the Reverend Charles Grandison Finney settled himself as the professor of theology in Oberlin1 Separation between the couple was far from a new experience because of the position of the Reverend Finney as the ...

"Mr. Mathew's Address" (Ohio-Columbus Centennial) Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 452-461.
... 452 Ohio Arch 452 Ohio Arch and H ist Society Publications For God shall dwell among us and men shall say The former bitter things are passed away Gone are our strifes and banished all our fears For here is love that wipes away all tears Here is the rest for which our souls have striven This is the city that came down from heaven WHY OHIO IS GREAT At the dinner participated in on Tuesday August 27 at the Southern Hotel by the Descendants of Ohio Governors the following address was made by Prof ...

"The River Raisin Monuments at Monroe, Michigan," by John M. Bulkley. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 141-154.
... THE RIVER RAISIN MONUMENTS THE RIVER RAISIN MONUMENTS AT MONROE MICHIGAN JOHN M BULKLEY The erection at Monroe Michigan in September 1904 of a monument to fitly commemorate one of the most important as it was one of the most tragic events in the history of the Northwest was a notable occasion in that city and witnessed by a most distinguished assemblage of men and women of Michigan Ohio and Kentucky The monument was made possible by the persistent and patriotic efforts of the ladies composing ...

"Report of Spiegel Grove Committee," by A. E. Culbert. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 634-644.
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications During the year there has been a large number of visitors at the Park The custodian reports more than twenty-five thousand While many of these doubtless have been the usual Sunday and holiday visitors they have been orderly while at the Park and let us hope have carried away with them some wholesome impressions of the significance of the Great Serpent Effigy Signed W H COLE Chairman of Committee REPORT OF SPIEGEL GROVE COMMITTEE A E ...

"Tecumseh, The Shawnee Chief," by E. O. Randall. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 418-497.
... TECUMSEH THE SHAWNEE CHIEF TECUMSEH THE SHAWNEE CHIEF E O RANDALL Among the savage races of history no one is more extraordinary unique or fascinating in character and custom in action and achievement than the aborigine who roamed the forests of North America before and at the arrival of the European discoverers and settlers Then roved the Indian As free as nature first made man Ere the base laws of servitude began When wild in woods the noble savage ran In these people so peculiar and ...