... Monument at Fort Jefferson Monument at Fort Jefferson 129 named after the primitive red men of the forest a people that were not much different from what we are to-day As I told you they were a God-fearing people the same as we Their word was as sacred to them as their lives and I am not so sure that that is true of all of us I am proud to say that I belong to an order that was named after a people as proud and noble as they Then you might say why this war I believe and honestly believe that ...
... REPORTS REPORTS THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN JOHNNY APPLESEED Report of the Commission Appointed by the American Pomological Society to Investigate Its Location Much has been published and more said and written regarding the life and work of John Chapman Johnny Appleseed the pioneer collector and planter of apple seeds and the distributor of seedling apple trees in western New York and Pennsylvania and throughout the Ohio Valley northern Ohio and Indiana and southwestern Michigan While a ...
... RIVALRY BETWEEN EARLY OHIO AND KENTUCKY RIVALRY BETWEEN EARLY OHIO AND KENTUCKY SETTLERS The following article by a well-known historical writer recently appeared in one of the daily prints It throws an interesting side-light upon the early settlements on the Ohio-EDITOR The very first road that was laid out by engineers to lead to Cincinnati was referred to in the following advertisement in an issue of the Kentucky Gazette published at Lexington and edited by John Bradford dated September 6 ...
... GEN GEN CLARK'S CAMPAIGN 1780 OFFICIAL LETTERS From the Maryland Journal Oct 17 1780 RICH MON D Virginia Oct 4 Extract of a letter from Col George Roge rs C lark to his Excellency the Governor dated Louisville August 22 1780 By every possible exertion and the aid of Col Slaughter's corps we completed the number of 1 000 with which we crossed the river at the mouth of Licking on the first day of August and began our march on the second Having a road to cut for the artillery to pass for 70 miles ...
... SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 B y W H VAN FOSSAN As a part of the Ohio system of canals the Sandy and Beaver was a branch from Bolivar Tuscarawas County to Smiths Ferry on the Ohio River forty miles below Pittsburgh Bolivar was its junction point with the Ohio and Erie Canal which extended from Cleveland to Portsmouth Its promoters were planning a more direct route to join Ohio and Lake Erie with the Pennsylvania canals between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh The practicability ...
... SHAKER MISSION TO THE SHAWNEE INDIANS SHAKER MISSION TO THE SHAWNEE INDIANS BY J P MACLEAN A B PH D INTRODUCTION It is but a slight exaggeration to state that the aborigines of this country have been made the objects of conversion from all the religious sects that have found a domicile within our borders Under the civilizing influence of the dominant exotic race the American savage has constantly gone down It is not the fault of Christianity nor of the civilization of the nineteenth century ...
... 444 Ohio Arch 444 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Again page 279 The French settlers did not locate at the mouth of the Scioto but at Gallipolis See Laws of the U S Vol 2 page 503 On page 276 it is stated that Mount Logan is on Paint Creek Mount Logan is on the east side of the Scioto nearly two miles northeast of the Court House in Chillicothe and is miles away from Paint Creek which is west of the Scioto Page 286 College Hill is named from two colleges College Corner with similar ...
... THE MEMORIAL STRUCTURE AT MARIETTA THE MEMORIAL STRUCTURE AT MARIETTA REPORT OF A COMMITTEE OF THE OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MADE APRIL 6 1888 THE erection of a monumental structure at Marietta to commemorate the important historical events that became a fulfillment of the past as well as the foundation of the future when on the 7th day of April 1788 the pioneer band settled down upon the virgin soil of the Northwest Territory has been a favorite object in the proceedings of ...
... 98 Ohio Arch 98 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and employment in the State Library based only upon recognized qualification and efficient service Following this excellent address remarks were made by Hon E O Randall reporter of the Supreme Court of Ohio and Secretary of the State Archaeological and Historical Society Hon J H Newman former State Librarian Mr John J Pugh libbrarian of the Columbus Public Library Miss Olive Jones librarian of the Ohio State University Miss Julia W ...
... THE BEGINNING OF FORMAL DENTAL EDUCATION THE BEGINNING OF FORMAL DENTAL EDUCATION AT BAINBRIDGE OHIO BY EDWARD C MILLS DDS FACD The history of any human endeavor deals with the process of its growth and though its development may be irregular it is a continuous process proceeding from antecedent conditions In this process of evolution it may take on new form and become unlike its former self but continuity retains enough of the old to serve as the basis for tracing subsequent progress ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Beginnings of the U S Army 1783-1812 By James Ripley Jacobs Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 1947 497p including bibliography and index 500 This handsomely bound beautifully printed and heavily footnoted volume relates in considerable detail and in extremely readable form the military history of the United States from the end of hostilities with Britain in 1783 to their outbreak again in 1812 It is the first of several volumes that will carry the ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ADDRESS to the People of the Western Country An by Daniel Drake 10 Adena 143-144 illustration 145 African Colonization Society 151 Albrecht Carl W bk notes 93 Allen William 149 Aller Kenneth P 135 Allison Col C W B 38 41 42 43 America Enters the World A People's History of the Progressive Era volume seven by Page Smith rev 77-79 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105 American Art Its Awful Attitude by John Frankenstein 8 16 23 American Philosophical ...
... ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER MADE IN 1749 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MONSIEUR DE CELORON BY FATHER BONNECAMPS MONSIEUR It was not possible for me last year to give you an account of my voyage on the Beautiful River All the vessels had left Quebec when I reached it I could it is true have written you by way of New England but I had many things to say to you which prudence would not allow me to send through the hands of the English ...
... SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND POLITICIAN 1801-1864 BY HELEN P DORN Ohio has produced some of the most interesting and challenging and certainly the most virile journalists in the United States Nevertheless the memory of man is short and prominent figures are soon forgotten unless their achievements are recreated by future generations Samuel Medary was such a man He was born of Quaker parents in Montgomery County Pennsylvania at the beginning of the nineteenth ...
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Know Ohio a Souvenir of the Buckeye State By J L Clifton and B A Aughinbaugh 64 p Columbus Ohio 25 cents This is the title of a neatly printed attractively bound and extensively illustrated booklet of sixty-four pages each carrying eight by five inches of printed matter The writer has before him the revised proof sheets of the second printing of this work and is impressed with the belief that it will become very popular with ...
... 256 Ohio Arch 256 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL H DOYLE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in this celebration We have a common interest in this historic event with you I will detain you but a few minutes We have been together and associated together in four of the great important events that have touched the Northwest When Wolfe met the French at Quebec this territory was ...
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently acquired a Kodagraph film reader a gift from the president James A MacDonell Several old Lima newspapers have been microfilmed up to 1912 Current papers have been filmed since January 1 1947 During recent months the society has been engaged in a campaign to collect unpaid pledges for the proposed 175000 museum A large percentage of the necessary funds ...
... Negro Self-Improvement Negro Self-Improvement Efforts in Ante-Bellum Cincinnati 1836-1850 by Richard W Pih In recent years various historians particularly Leon F Litwack in his North of Slavery have focused on the speciousness of the North Star Legend of Yankee tolerance and benevolence toward the free Negro prior to the Civil War Numerous state studies on this subject have been made but work on the local urban level appears neglected Even though Carter G Woodson admirably pioneered an ...
... THOMAS BEALS FIRST FRIENDS MINISTER THOMAS BEALS FIRST FRIENDS MINISTER IN OHIO BY HARLOW LINDLEY Thomas Beals was born in Chester County Pennsylvania in 1719 He was the son of John and Sarah Beals formerly Sarah Bowater of an English family of Friends Thomas Beals had two brothers John and Bowater and four sisters Prudence who married Richard Williams Sarah who married John Mills Mary who married Thomas Hunt and after his death William Baldwin and Phebe who married Robert Sumner John Beals ...