Ohio History Journal

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"Flatboating on the Ohio River," by Isaac F. King. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 78-81.
... FLAT BOATING ON THE OHIO RIVER FLAT BOATING ON THE OHIO RIVER BY REV ISAAC F KING In the early settlement of Ohio the pack horse was first used on which to transport merchandise The American Indian left us no high-way for wheeled vehicles A wagon road is a thing he never made and if given to him he seldom used As soon as the white-faced Emigrant reached the Northwest territory he projected wagon roads to bring his goods and supplies from the East These roads were hard to make over the ...

"Last Ohio Canal Boat, The," by Albert N. Doerschuk. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 109-116.
... THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT BY ALBERT N DOERSCHUK Amid mammoth sweet corn and prosaic cabbage near the now peaceful and dead port of Bolivar once a great trading and manufacturing town noted for its life and the dash of its inhabitants nestles the last canal boat now a poor squatter's shelter Long years ago forced over the banks of the canal during a flood this boat was abandoned where it lies and now is the last1 remaining specimen of the all important inland water ...

Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 85-93.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana By Eli Lilly Indianapolis Indiana Historical Society 1937 293p illus Within the past few years there has been a renewed and intensified interest in the study of archaeology in the United States As a result much new evidence has been brought to light and new methods and techniques have been evolved for securing and interpreting archaeological facts In the Middle West the Indiana Historical Society has played a leading part in the ...

"Ancient Indian Giants," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 283-285.
... Editorialana Editorialana 283 and calls out 'Let them go' and the superb roan leaders that have been prancing waiting for the word dash off But after all Kirkersville attained to something more than local fame It was in the summer of 1865 just after the end of the Great Rebellion when I was stationed at Watertown arsenal near Boston Colonel Kingsbury our commanding officer was a classmate of General Sherman and when the latter came to Boston he hurried out to the arsenal to see his old cadet ...

"Ohio's Deep Roots in Connecticut," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 74-82.
... OHIO'S DEEP ROOTS IN CONNECTICUT OHIO'S DEEP ROOTS IN CONNECTICUT By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS To Elijah Backus Esq one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of New London Comes Zebedee Wood one of the Granjurors of our Soverign Lord the King for the County of New London and Complains amp Gives Your Worshop to Understand that Gideon Baker of Norwich in Said County was on or about the Midle of August Last Guilty of Transgression of Law in Sd Norwich for that he the Sd Baker Did Breek ...

"General William Hull and His Critics," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 168-182.
... GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS By M M QUAIFE The Detroit campaign of 1 812 lasted in all but little over two months June 10-August 16 a century and a quarter has passed since its conclusion during which General William Hull's countrymen have continued to load upon him the heavy measure of condemnation which was meted out to him by his contemporary associates and critics This attitude has been perpetuated by three generations of historians most of whom ...

"Civil War Letters of George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 53-81.
... Civil War Letters of George M Civil War Letters of George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK George M Wise was born at Bellaire Ohio on September 5 1841 After attending Old Washington Academy four years he entered Jefferson College later Washington and Jefferson College prior to his enlistment There he was enrolled in the classical course of instruction After the war he was an accountant An expert in mathematics as well as geometry algebra and trigonometry he added by tens rather than units and ...

"The Autobiography of Thomas Ewing," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 126-204.
... THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF Through the courtesy of Thomas Ewing Jr of New York City I am permitted to give to the public for the first time the entire autobiography of his distinguished grandfather Thomas Ewing a pioneer the first Alumnus of the first college of the Old Northwest an eminent lawyer a profound statesman an honorable citizen and a Christian gentleman-C L M1 NOTE--I wish to express my gratitude to the following ...

"Edwin M. Stanton" (Jefferson County Centennial) Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 329-343.
... The Centennial of Jefferson County The Centennial of Jefferson County 329 EDWIN M STANTON Tuesday being designated as Stanton day the public mind was centered on the building in which E M Stanton was born Here the great war secretary lawyer and jurist was born December 19 1814 It is a two-story brick set back from Market street between Fifth and Sixth with a small enclosed yard between the house and the sidewalk In after years a three-story business house was built in front of the old house ...

"Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 419-454.
... UNVEILING OF FORT RECOVERY MONUMENT UNVEILING OF FORT RECOVERY MONUMENT On July 1st at Fort Recovery the splendid monument just erected at that place was unveiled with imposing and fitting ceremonies This monument was the result of the generous appropriation of 25 000 made by Congress It commemorates the defeat of General St Clair on November 4 179 1 and the defeat of the Indians under Little Turtle in the Wayne campaign on June 30th and July 1st 1794 The monument is a beautiful shaft of stone ...

"Address of Judge W. B. Crew" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 27-29.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 27 This was the first massacre and the principal one during the Indian war then just opening Marietta had been settled two years before and Big Bottom as this place was then known was an overflow from that place and comprised altogether thirty-six persons The year before several other settlements were established from Marietta but thus far this was the most remote No state in the Union was settled by a more worthy or enterprising class of ...

"Lincoln in Ohio," by John H. Cramer. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 149-168.
... LINCOLN IN OHIO LINCOLN IN OHIO BY JOHN H CRAMER I The Cincinnati Speech of September 1859 Did Dayton Hear It First The words which Abraham Lincoln spoke in Cincinnati upon the seventeenth of September 1859 are well known to careful students of his addresses and writings They were the words of one of the most important speeches which the famous Illinoisan made upon his brief but important excursion into Ohio The address was given in answer to a previous speech made by the then more noted ...

"The Ordinance of July 13th, 1787," by William P. Cutler. Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 10-37.
... THE ORDINANCE OF JULY 13TH 1787 THE ORDINANCE OF JULY 13TH 1787 TH E intrinsic merits of that organic law which was enacted by the old Continental Congress on the 13th of July 1787 for the Government of the Territory Northwest of the river Ohio have been so fully discussed and are so well understood that any attempt in that direction would be little more than a repetition of views already familiar to an intelligent audience Its merits can now be measured by its fruits Results are its monument ...

"In Memory of Charles B. Galbreath," by Alice S. Davis. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 130-131.
... 130 Ohio Arch 130 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 24 1934 and that a copy of the same be sent to his surviving wife and son IN MEMORY T o C B GALBREAT H My grief must not disturb the sleep Of one who found his needed rest Though loss of him has made me weep He loved my happiness the best My songs of gladness and of youth And he would have this tribute be Some unaffected gentle truth For his beloved humanity He gave so much and gave so well And while men whisper He is gone I feel the ...

"The Historic Rural Church," by Roy E. Bowers. Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 89-100.
... THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 BY Roy E BOWERS The historic rural church of the Northwest Territory of which Tallmadge is a distinguished example has passed through three phases and is now entering a fourth This is especially true of Ohio These phases are First that of rapid energetic and often heroic pioneering This in Ohio ended about 1830 Second that of tension and conflict ending with the Civil War Third that of prosperity and slow decline through the Civil War to ...

"Address of Judge Roy H. Williams," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 24-27.
... 24 Ohio Arch 24 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications their loss was far heavier than that suffered by Wayne's soldiers Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers many Indians fled to Detroit the British headquarters and General Wayne departed for Fort Defiance He did not live long to enjoy the honor of his victory dying two years later One of General Wayne's last acts was to receive from the British Fort Miami which they formally surrendered in 1796 in pursuance to a treaty negotiated by Chief ...

"The Hoskinsville Rebellion," Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 319-354.
... THE HOSKINSVILLE REBELLION THE HOSKINSVILLE REBELLION By WAYNE JORDAN1 A corporal four privates from the Union Army and a deputy United States marshal sloshed through mud all day and neared Hoskinsville Ohio on the evening of March 11 1863 They did not enter the village immediately but stopped at a house about a mile away The posse had come to get two Noble County boys who were in bad with the Government The deputy marshal Samuel Colby had a warrant for the arrest of Tertullus W Brown who was ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Will Lamartine Thompson, Author of 'Gathering Shells from the Seashore,'" by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 291-312.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO WILL LAMARTINE THOMPSON Author of Gathering Shells from the Seashore C B GALBREATH The world no longer takes things for granted The days of original research are upon us The strenuous quest for the eternal verities works results at once constructive and iconoclastic It reveals marvels and dissipates old illusions The method of the analyst is merciless-as frigid as justice as uncompromising as truth Woe to the tradition or the ideal that rests on sandy ...

"Shaker Education," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 67-76.
... SHAKER EDUCATION SHAKER EDUCATION by SHERMAN B BARNES Professor of History Kent State University On August 27 1810 a body of some five hundred armed men threateningly descended upon the Shaker community at Union Village near Lebanon Ohio The crowd eventually withdrew however without committing any act of violence In explaining this withdrawal official Shaker historians gave credit not only to the calm peaceable and harmless deportment of the believers but also to the orderly and flourishing ...

"John Henri Kagi: Biographical Sketch," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 263-291.
... JOHN HENRI KAGI JOHN HENRI KAGI BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY C B GALBREATH A traveler northward bound on a Pennsylvania local passenger train if he is interested in the smaller stations between Warren and Ashtabula will hear the conductor call out Bristolville To the ninety and nine who hear this call the name will suggest nothing To possibly one out of a thousand it will start a train of thought that will carry him back to the eventful years before the Civil War when hostility to the institution of ...