Ohio History Journal

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"The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio National Guard," by John F. Shiner. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 182-195.
... JOHN F JOHN F SHINER The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio National Guard The spring and early summer of 1937 were troubled times in northeastern Ohio On May 25 in an effort to gain company recognition the Steel Workers Organization Committee SWOC of the newly created Congress of Industrial Organization CIO struck the plants of two of Ohio's major steel producers Republic Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube Both of these corporations had numerous mills in Trumbull Mahoning and Stark ...

"Report of Field Work in Various Portions of Ohio," by Warren King Moorehead. Volume 7, Number 1, October, 1898, pp. 110-203.
... 110 Ohio Arch 110 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications REPORT OF FIELD WORK IN VARIOUS PORTIONS OF OHIO BY WARREN KING MOOREHEAD CURATOR AND IN CHARGE OF EXPLORATIONS PREFACE April 4 1897 I left Columbus for Farmington New Mexico Mr Clarence Loveberry who had been associated with me for nearly three years in the museum as well as in the field was appointed to act as Assistant Curator in my absence During my stay in the West he carried on field work and attended to the museum routine duties ...

"The Cincinnati Municipal Election of 1828," Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 255-268.
... THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 MARY BAKER FURNESS CINCINNATI Cincinnati began its existence as a city under its first charter March 1 1819 By an act of the General Assembly passed January 26 1827 a new charter was granted which superseded the old one and did away with all the legislation which had been enacted under it According to this second charter the city boundaries began with the Ohio River at the east corner of partial section No 12 ...

"Muskingum River Improvement: The McConnelsville Lock-Old and New," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 269-277.
... MUSKINGUM RIVER IMPROVEMENT MUSKINGUM RIVER IMPROVEMENT THE McCONNELSVILLE LOCK-OLD AND NEW IRVEN TRAVIS The beginning of the improvement of the Muskingum dates back to 1827 when on January 17th the following resolution was passed by the General Assembly Resolved That the Board of Canal Commissioners deem it expedient and authorize an examination and survey of the Muskingum River from Marietta to a point most convenient for a connection with the Ohio Canal to ascertain the practicability of ...

"Editorialana," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 257-268.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA NEW TRUSTEES On February 28 1907 Governor Harris appointed Hon Myron T Herrick Trustee of the Society to serve for three years This appointment will certainly meet the hearty approval of the members of the Society as few governors have taken the active interest in the progress and welfare of our Society that Governor Herrick did during his encumbency The readers of the QUARTERLY will doubtless be interested in a brief sketch of Mr Herrick as his career is an ...

"James Edwin Campbell: In Memoriam," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 1, Janaury, 1925, pp. 2-28.
... JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL IN MEMORIAM BY C B GALBREATH James Edwin Campbell is dead in his 81st year His sudden death is a great shock to this community and fills our hearts with profound sorrow He had just returned home from a testimonial dinner to former Federal Judge John E Sater When the dinner was over he chatted with old friends I'll live to be a hundred he remarked as he smiled and talked with them One hour later he was stricken His two daughters and his son Andrew O ...

Volume 12, Binding Supplement, , 1903, pp. 446-478.
... IN DEX IN DEX A PAGE Abolition Achilles Pugh publishes paper on 305 Scotch-Irish sentiment on 297 A Century of Statehood Address Nash 25 Acolhuans The Review of 104 Adams John Q Jeremy Bentham's works presented to Ohio by 365 On W orthington Thomas 357 Addresses - A Century of Statehood Nash 25 George Croghan Williams 375 Greatness of Ohio W atson 310 Kossuth before Ohio Legislature 114 Manly at Centennial Celebration 1 McClintick at Centennial Celebration 6 The First Constitution Ryan 11 ...

"Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 484-545.
... THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO December 15 1920 930 A M Pursuant to a call issued December 10 1920 the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session at the Museum and Library Building The meeting was called to order by President Campbell The following members were present G Frederick Wright Daniel J Ryan Waldo C Moore W O Thompson E F Wood J ...

"Down South Before the War. Record of a Ramble to New Orleans in 1858" Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 488-513.
... DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR RECORD OF A RAMBLE TO NEW ORLEANS IN 18 58 ON the second day of December 1857 in company with my friend and fellow-student Alexis E Holcombe of Ravenna Ohio I started on an unpremeditated journey through Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi and Louisiana A tolerably complete diary kept during the six months of our sojourn in the South furnishes the material of the following narrative We set out from Lebanon Ohio by stage-coach for Cincinnati from ...

"Vision Fulfilled, A," by Maud Bush Alfred. Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 5-21.
... A VISION FULFILLED A VISION FULFILLED BY MAUD BUSH ALFRED Where there is no vision the people perish When your committee honored me with a request for a place on the program of this celebration which commemorates the founding of Bucyrus I was filled with varying emotions - pride reverence and perhaps awe Pride that I the great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton and Mary Bucklin Norton could have the privilege of honoring their memory reverence that so hardy so brave so God-fearing so kindly so ...

Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 226-241.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABRIDGMENT of the Laws by Nathan Dane 72 Academic Seal of The Ohio State University 68 Achenbaum W Andrew Shades of Gray Old Age American Values and Federal Policies since 1920 rev 112-13 Acreage Owned by 43 French Persons in the District of Gallipolis in Washington County July 1 1800 65-67 Table 66 Adams John Quincy 6 Adams Robert 130 Adult education 34-45 Aeneid by Vergil 73 Agricultural Experiment Station 39 Agricultural extension service 34-45 ...

"Ohio Railroads," by R. S. Kayler. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 189-192.
... OHIO RAILROADS OHIO RAILROADS BY R S KAYLER STATE COMMISSIONER OF RAILROADS Ohio was among the first of the States to commence the building of railroads As early as 1832 when there were but two hundred and twenty-nine miles of railroad in operation in the United States a special charter was granted by the State of Ohio for the construction of a railroad to extend from Sandusky Huron County to Dayton Montgomery County a distance of one hundred and fifty-six miles The road was completed as far ...

"Discourses of Rev. Rhees," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 260-266.
... 260 Ohio Arch 260 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications DISCOURSES OF REV RHEES Through the courtesy of Mr George A Katzenberger president of the Greenville Ohio Historical Society we have received duplicate copies of two discourses by Rev Morgan John Rhys delivered at Greenville on July 4 and 5 respectively in the year 1795 before the officers and army of Major General Anthony Wayne Rev Morgan John Rhys or as it is also printed Rhees was born in Graddfa Llanfabon Glamorganshire South Wales ...

"Dr. Samuel P. Hildreth, 1783-1863," Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 313-338.
... DR DR SAMUEL P HILDRETH 1783-1863 1 By A E WA LLER Medical science in the nineteenth century engaged in its main task of healing in full consciousness of its professional obligations Methodically and with enthusiasm it likewise cradled and kept alive the spark of curiosity in all the natural sciences Botany and zoology profited most followed closely by geology chemistry physics and meteorology Many of these medical men not specialists themselves established firm foundations of special ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 660-672.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Know Ohio a Souvenir of the Buckeye State By J L Clifton and B A Aughinbaugh 64 p Columbus Ohio 25 cents This is the title of a neatly printed attractively bound and extensively illustrated booklet of sixty-four pages each carrying eight by five inches of printed matter The writer has before him the revised proof sheets of the second printing of this work and is impressed with the belief that it will become very popular with ...

"Abraham Lincoln Visits with His People," by J. H. Cramer. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 66-78.
... ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE by J H CRAMER Associate Professor of History Youngstown College The crossroads of America nurtured Abraham Lincoln they were home to him He spent most of his life in the villages and small towns of the Middle West and the thriving city of Springfield Illinois numbered only seven thousand persons in its population during the years in which Lincoln was one of its leading citizens The teeming life of the American city ...

"Whig Convention, Columbus, Ohio, 1840: Letter of John M. Woodbridge," edited by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 135-136.
... WHIG CONVENTION COLUMBUS OHIO 1840 WHIG CONVENTION COLUMBUS OHIO 1840 Letter of JOHN M W OODBRIDGE COLUMBUS Feb 21 1840 DEAR UNCLE The object of this communication is to inform you of the movements in this city at the present time I do wish you were here to participate with us in the festivities of the occasion Columbus is already filled to overflowing It is computed that there will be between fifteen and twenty thousand Whigs in the city before the close of the week Truly this is a movement ...

"The First Church Organization in the Oldest Settlement in the North-West Territory," by C. E. Dickinson. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 280-308.
... 280 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 28 0 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly present war in such manner that the said lands be sold out or otherwise disposed of for the common benefit of all the states and that the money arising from the sale of those lands or the quit rents reserved thereon may be deemed and taken as part of the monies belonging to the United States and as such be appropriated by congress towards defraying the expences of the war and the payment of ...

"Ohio History and National History," Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 135-156.
... OHIO HISTORY AND NATIONAL HISTORY OHIO HISTORY AND NATIONAL HISTORY OHIO HISTORY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION At a meeting of the Ohio History Teachers' Association held in April 1915 a committee was appointed to consider the publication of one or more volumes pertaining to the history of the state This committee decided that it would be wise to make a beginning by collecting a series of extracts from the sources in such a way as to make clear the part the state has taken in important phases of the ...

"Stanton-The Patriot," by Andrew Carnegie. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 290-310.
... STANTON -THE PATRIOT STANTON -THE PATRIOT ANDREW CARNEGIE At Gambier Ohio April 26 1906 there occurred an event deserving of more than a passing notice It was the occasion of the presentation to Kenyon College by Colonel John J McCook of New York one of the Ohio Family of the famous fighting McCooks of an oil portrait of Edwin M Stanton who was a student at Kenyon The painting was from the brush of the distinguished artist Charles P Filson Steubenville Ohio At the same time formal announcement ...