Ohio History Journal

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"Quest of John Chapman, The," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 96-97.
... 96 Ohio Arch 96 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications so on Professor Siebert is a careful and painstaking student and has exercised discriminating judgment as to what is necessary for the proper educidation of his subject He gives under each chapter the list of authorities which he has consulted or which may be further examined by those who desire more exhaustive study of the various topics The book is accompanied by an excellent appendix giving a chronological outline of the historical ...

"A Confederate Soldier's View of Johnson's Island Prison," edited by James B. Murphy. Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 101-111.
... edited by edited by JAMES B MURPHY A Confederate Soldier's View of Johnson's Island Prison William Henry Asbury Speer of Yadkin County joined the Confederate TwentyEighth North Carolina Volunteers as captain of its First Company when the regiment was organized at Highpoint on September 21 1861 After training and post duty at Wilmington Speer and the regiment moved to New Bern and then on to Gordonsville and Rapidan Station Virginia Ordered to join Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley the ...

"Washington, Pittsburgh and Inland Navigation," by Prof. Dyess. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 10-16.
... 10 Ohio Arch 10 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications paternalistic policy by the national government These potent matters extending to the very foundation of our national fabric are closely connected with the history of the navigation of the Ohio River and are to form topics for discussion during these sessions One hundred years have brought vast changes to this City It is doubtful to-day whether French workmen would have to be imported for shipyard laborers in this vicinity or whether it ...

"Editorialana," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 97-106.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE AMERICANISTS AT FORT ANCIENT The International Congress of Americanists made up of delegates from the leading states of Europe and nearly all of the Countries of the Americas held their biennial meeting in New York City beginning October 22 1902 At this meeting many addresses were made and papers were read by distinguished scholars pertaining to the Archaeology of North and South America The full proceedings of this meeting with the addresses will be published in ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders?," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 91-96.
... WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS J P MACLEAN PH D An ancient and unknown race of people possessing a welldeveloped type of civilization once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi This race has left no written history but the testimony of its existence and advancement in the arts and sciences is attested in the stupendous structures consisting of mounds walled enclosures and domestic implements which have long attracted the attention of observers scientists ...

"Monument to Anthony Wayne," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 266-267.
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tiers it might be the means of terminating all future differences without war of cultivating harmony and friendship among the tribes of bringing offenders on both sides to justice and causing treaties to be respected throughout the different nations If such a system could be introduced cultivation and instruction would naturally follow and the Americans and Indians would become one people and have but one interest at heart -the good of ...

"Charles Dickens in Ohio," Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 14-25.
... CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO by ALFRED R FERGUSON Assistant Professor of English Ohio Wesleyan University Soon after his arrival in the United States in January 1842 Dickens wrote to an English friend There is a great deal afloat here in the way of subjects for description I keep my eyes open pretty wide and hope to have done so to some purpose by the time I come home1 That he kept his eyes open is evidenced by his vivid letters to Forster2 his friend and biographer and by ...

"Thomas Worthington," by Frank Theodore Cole. Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 339-374.
... THOMAS WORTHINGTON THOMAS WORTHINGTON BY FRANK THEODORE COLE Secretary of The Old Northwest Genealogical Society About the middle of the seventeenth century two brothers of the ancient Lancashire family of Worthington1 arrived in Philadelphia bringing with them some fair amount of property After some time one of them went to New England and the other Robert with his son Robert a mere lad went to Maryland where he bought land in the neighborhood of Baltimore and established iron works which in ...

"Editorialana," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 271-289.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA AVERY'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The second volume of A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES AND ITS PEOPLE From the Earliest Records to the Present Time by Elroy McKendree Avery published by the Burrows Brothers Company Cleveland Ohio has been issued by the publishers The purpose and general plan of this work which when completed will comprise fifteen volumes was set forth in the QUARTERLY for April 1905 The second volume fully meets the ambitious and alluring promise of ...

"Abraham Lincoln Visits with His People," by J. H. Cramer. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 66-78.
... ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE ABRAHAM LINCOLN VISITS WITH HIS PEOPLE by J H CRAMER Associate Professor of History Youngstown College The crossroads of America nurtured Abraham Lincoln they were home to him He spent most of his life in the villages and small towns of the Middle West and the thriving city of Springfield Illinois numbered only seven thousand persons in its population during the years in which Lincoln was one of its leading citizens The teeming life of the American city ...

"Selective Index to the Centinel of the North-Western Territory," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 217-247.
... SELECTIVE INDEX TO THE CENTINEL OF THE SELECTIVE INDEX TO THE CENTINEL OF THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY Compiled by ROBERT C WHEELER This newspaper was edited by William Maxwell a Revolutionary soldier who moved west after the war settling at Cincinnati Ohio where he proceeded to establish a printing office On Saturday November 9 1793 there appeared his first issue of The Centinel of the North-Western Territory He continued to publish this paper until the summer of 1796 when he sold it to Edmund ...

"Western Reserve Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 418-419.
... 418 Ohio Arch 418 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications exercises of the day were presided over by Mr Emil Schlup retiring president of the Pioneer Association The election of the officers for the ensuing year resulted in the selection of Mr Amos Nye as president and of the re-election of Mr Mark Karr as secretary An interesting program of music and speeches was successfully carried out Music was furnished by the Adrian Cornet Band composed of E K Ewing Eugene Ewing Fred Ewing Thomas Reardan ...

"Boers in Ohio, The," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 139-141.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments Notes and Reviews 139 heartedness Many incidents occurred during his stay to evidence the gentleness of his nature and the breadth of his sympathy with the unfortunate and the oppressed THE BOERS IN OHIO On Monday evening June 12 but a few days after the departure of Admiral Dewey the city for a few hours was the host as Mr Dooley would say inofficially of two other distinguished guests namely Messrs Wessells and Fischer Boer representatives of the Transvaal ...

"Letters of Thomas Buchanan Read," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 68-80.
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...

"A Station on the Underground Railroad," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 164-169.
... A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MRS FLORENCE BEDFORD WRIGHT OBERLIN The Anti-Slavery agitation of the nineteenth century called out the heroic qualities in many a quiet man in whom such attributes had never been suspected In no part of the country did the friends of the fugitive slave make more personal sacrifices than those residing in southwestern Ohio It was during this period that the name under-ground railroad was given to the manner by which ...

"Significance of Memorials," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 477-491.
... SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMORIALS BY DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman and Fellow Citizens The Guests At the outset let me express the appreciation in which we all join of the patriotic generosity on the part of the General Assembly of the state of Ohio in making an appropriation for the erection of the statue which today we dedicate I may also express our appreciation of the presence on this occasion of His Excellency the Honorable A V Donahey Governor of Ohio of former Governor ...

"Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths: A Speech of Frederick Douglass," Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 3-9, notes 67.
... Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths A Speech of Frederick Douglass ed it ed by LARRY G ARA In the spring of 1852 Frederick Douglass visited Cincinnati to attend an antislavery convention Douglass a former slave had already gained national renown as a writer editor and speaker1 While in Cincinnati Douglass frequently spoke and also took the occasion to carry his message to another town in the area Harveysburg in Warren County Ohio where he addressed a church congregation In his speech2 ...

"The Serpent Mound Saved," by F. W. Putnam. Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 187-190.
... THE SERPENT MOUND SAVED THE SERPENT MOUND SAVED IT gives us great pleasure to record that a beginning has been made in the work of effectually preserving the mounds and earthworks of our State The celebrated Serpent mound on the Lovett farm near the northern border of Adams county has been purchased for the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology of Cambridge Mass and henceforth will be sacredly preserved by them for the study of future archaeologists This purchase ...

"Recollections of Newark," Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 240-247.
... RECOLLECTIONS OF NEWARK RECOLLECTIONS OF NEWARK ISAAC SMUCKER Mr Isaac Smucker was born in the Shenandoah Valley Virginia in 1807 and became a citizen of Newark Ohio in 1825 as he relates in the article herewith published He early became an influential and distinguished personage in his community In 1837-8 he was a member of the Ohio Legislature and might have held other offices of greater prominence but he preferred the less conspicuous life and the opportunity it gave to indulge in his ...

"The Influence of the Ohio River in Western Expansion," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 7-10.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 7 sylvania State College excellently fulfilled its purpose of forming a general introduction to the sessions of the three-days meeting THE INFLUENCE OF THE OHIO RIVER IN WESTERN EXPANSION BY EDWIN ERLE SPARKS President Pennsylvania State College Of the five great continents on the globe three have been conquered have been opened and have been civilized within the span of recorded history It is possible therefore to make a ...