Ohio History Journal

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"Editorialana," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 208-224.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE MOUND BUILDERS AND THE LOST TRIBES THE HOLY STONES OF NEWARK The following article from The Daily Oklahoman published at Oklahoma City Oklahoma of the date Sunday May 3 1908 was forwarded to us with the inquiry whether the statements therein contained concerning the Holy Stones of Newark or Jackstown were authentic To this we reply that the statements as to the finding of such alleged relics are correct but as to the genuineness of the relics we are compelled to ...

"Ohio Heritage, The," by Walter Havinghurst. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 211-218.
... THE OHIO HERITAGE THE OHIO HERITAGE by WALTER HAVIGHURST Research Professor of English Miami University The past is a short word with a long meaning Once a tropic ocean covered Ohio and now the limestone ledges of our rivers are crusted with sea shells skeletons of fish and stems of coral from the profuse life of that ancient sea Three times a continental glacier crept over Ohio covering as much as three-fourths of the state with a vast carpet of ice Once a race of men raised burial mounds ...

"The Battles of the Maumee," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 228-241.
... THE BATTLES OF THE MAUMEE THE BATTLES O F THE MAUMEE N B C LOVE D D MOUND BUILDERS Maumee Thou art lovely and bright As if blood had ne'er tinged thy waves And pre-historic tawny braves Had wrought no scene of hellish night Why not a golden sunset smile When thy banks are clothed in green And beauty adorns all the scene When bathed in mellow light the while Thou art gray in the early morn And restful thy summer eveA mirror which cannot deceive And has not since Time was born In ages gone thy ...

"The Gateways to Fort Ancient," by Thomas J. Brown. Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 438-440.
... THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT BY THOS J BROWN During a recent visit to Fort Ancient after a period of several years I was greatly impressed by the improvements that have taken place there since I have been acquainted with the fort My visits to it were begun forty-seven years ago and have been repeated at short intervals until late years then not so often When I first saw it and continuing until about the time the State acquired title to it it was one of the most ...

"When Lafayette Came to Cincinnati" Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 427-428.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 427 Reviews Notes and Comments 427 ago entertained Lafayette In the failure to adopt and carry out generally a program for such celebration of the anniversary of this remarkable tour the patriotic societies of America lost a real opportunity The following editorial of the Cincinnati Times-Star of May 18 reflects the spirit that this celebration revived in the Queen City of the West WHEN LAFAYETTE CAME TO CINCINNATI The most romantic figure in American history was not ...

"Boz Reports on Ohio," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 195-202.
... BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO By ROBERT PRICE On Tuesday the twenty-sixth of April 1842 Charles Dickens writing from America to John Forster in London began his letter with the heading Niagara Falls upon the English Side1 Then very suggestively he drew ten dashes underneath the word English 2 Dickens' first tour of the United States then just about completed had not been altogether pleasant The typical British attitude of the time toward people and things in the States had probably ...

"The American Veterans of Foreign Service and the Veterans of Foreign Wars," by George T. Trial. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 79-93.
... THE AMERICAN VETERANS OF FOREIGN SERVICE THE AMERICAN VETERANS OF FOREIGN SERVICE AND THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS by GEORGE T TRIAL National Historian Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States The oldest and largest organization in this country comprised solely of overseas ex-servicemen grew out of events in Columbus Ohio That organization is the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States often identified as the VFW The nearly 2000000 members of the VFW are all campaign-medal men who ...

"Presentation Speech of Mrs. Howard Jones" (Dedication of Logan Elm) Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 286-288.
... 286 Ohio Arch 286 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The program began at 2 o'clock Hon E O Randall presided and after a very brief preliminary address introduced Mrs Jones who read the following paper PRESENTATION SPEECH OF MRS HOWARD JONES One hundred and thirty-eight years ago this October momentous events were happening in this beautiful valley of the Scioto and history was being made in this fertile Pickaway plain-land East of us about seven miles at Camp Charlotte were about fifteen ...

"Thomas Beals, First Friends Minister in Ohio," by Harlow Lindley. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 55-60.
... THOMAS BEALS FIRST FRIENDS MINISTER THOMAS BEALS FIRST FRIENDS MINISTER IN OHIO BY HARLOW LINDLEY Thomas Beals was born in Chester County Pennsylvania in 1719 He was the son of John and Sarah Beals formerly Sarah Bowater of an English family of Friends Thomas Beals had two brothers John and Bowater and four sisters Prudence who married Richard Williams Sarah who married John Mills Mary who married Thomas Hunt and after his death William Baldwin and Phebe who married Robert Sumner John Beals ...

"Wayne and the Treaty of Greene Ville," by Dwight L. Smith. Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 1-7.
... WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE by DWIGHT L SMITH It has generally been assumed that the chief architect of the Treaty of Greene Ville at the end of the Indian Wars in the Old Northwest was General Mad Anthony Wayne The discovery of hitherto unknown manuscript material however furnishes documentary evidence that Wayne was operating under very specific orders from the war department Further a draft treaty for his guidance and use predetermined to a ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes, Attorney at Law," by Watt P. Marchman. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 5-32, notes 184-186.
... Rutherford B Hayes Attorney at Law by WATT P MARCHMAN Rutherford Birchard Hayes began life without a father in Delaware Ohio on October 4 1822 a sickly child whose health was of deep concern to his mother His father Rutherford Hayes Jr formerly of Dummerston Vermont who had been a merchant of the firm of Noyes Mann and Hayes and who had brought his family to settle in Ohio in 1817 died suddenly on July 20 1822 before the birth of his son He left his widow with an estate consisting of a brick ...

"John Henri Kagi-Biographical Notes," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 422-425.
... JOHN WHITE GEARY JOHN WHITE GEARY As Kagi in his letters to the press severely criticized Governor Geary it is but fair to state here that the Governor went to Kansas Territory as he afterwards freely admitted with erroneous opinions as to conditions there He was sincerely desirous to do justice to the contending parties but his preconceived prejudices were in favor of the pro-slavery party This led to severe criticism on the part of the free state men It was not long however until the ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1947-July 1948," compiled by James H. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 398-430.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1947-JULY 1948 Compiled by JAMES H RODA B AU GH and S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BARDOLPH Richard Agricultural Literature and the Early Illinois Farmer Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences XXIX No 1-2 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1948 Comparative general material and some specific Ohio data BROMFIELD Louis Malabar Farm New York Harper amp Brothers 1948 vii 405p COMIN Donald Onion ...

"Grant Tablet Dedication: Address of Governor Andrew L. Harris," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 380-384.
... GRANT TABLET DEDICATION GRANT TABLET DEDICATION ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR ANDREW L HARRIS At Point Pleasant Ohio the birth place of Ulysses S Grant there was dedicated on Wednesday October 2d 1907 a tablet to the memory of the great general and president Many distinguished citizens participated and of the several speeches that of Governor Harris was especially in sympathy with the occasion-EDITOR On this occasion I am doubly honored It is my privilege to respond to an inspiring address of welcome ...

"The Rise of the New Jerusalem Church in Ohio," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 380-409.
... THE RISE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO THE RISE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO by OPHIA D SMITH By 1832 there were enough Newchurchmen scattered throughout the West to demand a general organization to synchronize their efforts to spread the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg Since they were too remote from the eastern cities to attend the annual General Convention they wanted a general convention of their own in order to manage western affairs in a western way This need was met by the ...

"The Ohio-Michigan Boundary Dispute Re-Examined," Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 299-319.
... THE OHIO-MICHIGAN BOUNDARY DISPUTE THE OHIO-MICHIGAN BOUNDARY DISPUTE RE-EXAMINED By CARL WITTKE A hundred years ago the sovereign and independent state of Ohio and the Territory of Michigan mobilized their forces to settle a long-standing dispute over a slice of territory some seven miles wide at its western end and some eleven miles at its eastern end stretching across the State of Ohio from its western boundary to Lake Erie and comprising the valuable harbor at the mouth of the Maumee River ...

"Robert White McFarland," by Frank S. Brooks. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 170-179.
... ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND FRANK S BROOKS COLUMBUS If all the men who have been so fortunate as to have come under the benign influence of Professor McFarland were each to pay the tribute of laying one stone in his honor no towering modern structure would overlook the pile Such would be a fitting memorial for while indulgent toward many duller minds patiently helping to mould the characters of boys and men much of his incessant work has been among the stars Reluctantly I ...

"Early Ohio Postal Routes," by William D. Overman. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 21-29.
... EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES BY WILLIAM D OVERMAN Regular United States mail service followed closely upon the heels of organized government in the Northwest Territory The statesmen of that day were aware of the value of a contact with the new settlers in the West and the postmasters-general1 urged 1 Samuel Osgood 1789-91 and Timothy Pickering 1791-94 21 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY the extension of ...

"Report of Spiegel Grove Committee," by A. E. Culbert. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 634-644.
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications During the year there has been a large number of visitors at the Park The custodian reports more than twenty-five thousand While many of these doubtless have been the usual Sunday and holiday visitors they have been orderly while at the Park and let us hope have carried away with them some wholesome impressions of the significance of the Great Serpent Effigy Signed W H COLE Chairman of Committee REPORT OF SPIEGEL GROVE COMMITTEE A E ...

"Robert Cumming Schenck, First Citizen and Statesman of the Miami Valley," by Fred B. Joyner. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 286-297.
... ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND STATESMAN OF THE MIAMI VALLEY by FRED B JOYNER Professor of History Miami University In 1937 in a radio address celebrating Founders Day of Miami University President A H Upham called attention to the fact that the university had sent two ambassadors to the Court of St James Whitelaw Reid was one Robert Cumming Schenck was the other The work of the former is well known The career of Schenck is less well known A ...