... 76 Ohio Arch 76 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications on the west much pleased with the town of cincinnati think it is the greatest place for business I ever saw verry far surpasses Baltimore in my opinion for all kinds of business We visited the market house in the morning and where verry much surprised at seaing 500 waggons their loaded with all kinds of marketing but were told that it was not an uncomon thing to sea 700 waggons there of a morning The population of Cincinnati is said to be ...
... 48 OHIO HISTORY 48 OHIO HISTORY THE WHISKEY WAR AT PADDY'S RUN EXCERPTS FROM A DIARY OF ALBERT SHAW edited by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In 1874 Albert Shaw later the distinguished editor of the American Review of Reviews and friend of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was in his seventeenth year An intelligent youth able to observe events with some discernment he kept a diary of his life in the southwestern Ohio village of New London better known as Paddy's Run1 Renamed Shandon in 1893 ...
... REPORT OF THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD IN THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING OF THE SOCIETY MARCH 29 1930 MORNING SESSION The Annual Meeting of the Society was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath In the absence of the President of the Board of Trustees Mr Philip Hinkle moved that First VicePresident of the Board of Trustees Mr George F Bareis act as chairman of the meeting The motion was duly ...
... SQUAW TRAIL SQUAW TRAIL BY GEORGE NELSON HINDS John and Elizabeth Hinds and their three sons had emigrated from the Fen country in England to the New World on board a slave ship arriving in 1808 Traveling in an oilskin-covered wagon drawn by their oxen Thomas and Jeremiah they encamped at a point about thirty miles from Albany New York on the Squaw Trail This trail variously labeled the Iroquois trail King Philip's road and described as a tote road and a trace was known to the Indians as Squaw ...
... edited by edited by MICHAEL SPEER Autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin At a time when American historians are turning more toward quantitative techniques and psychological analyses of individuals the autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin provides a refreshing first-person account from a man who partook of some of the most important activities of his day1 This work is an interesting commentary on nineteenth century America and provides insight into the motives activities and methods of those ...
... OHIO'S FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW OHIO'S FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW BY C B GALBREATH Recently the writer received a request for information on Ohio's Fugitive Slave Law Our school histories make clear what the national Fugitive Slave Law was but they rarely give any account of the measures adopted and enacted by certain northern states designed to accomplish the same purpose some years before the enactment included in the Compromise of 1850 which aroused a storm of opposition throughout the North It is the ...
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 diers of Ohio who served in the World War also a similar resolution adopted October 18 1921' The approval of the State Architect has been secured to this partial construction Bids for the erection of this building are being opened at 1000 A M today Plans for the completed building and for that portion to be built at once are submitted for the inspection of the Society Studies for the proposed sculptural features of the front ...
... The Centennial of Jefferson County The Centennial of Jefferson County 329 EDWIN M STANTON Tuesday being designated as Stanton day the public mind was centered on the building in which E M Stanton was born Here the great war secretary lawyer and jurist was born December 19 1814 It is a two-story brick set back from Market street between Fifth and Sixth with a small enclosed yard between the house and the sidewalk In after years a three-story business house was built in front of the old house ...
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications CUSTER THE MAN OF ACTION ADDRESS BY COLONEL RALPH D COLE Mr Chairman Fellow Citizens Ladies and Gentlemen The character of a man is determined by the reaction of his natural endowments to the spirit of the age in which he lives If he has the power to breast the blows of circumstance the courage to accept the challenge Delivered at New Rumley Harrison County Ohio on the 22nd day of June 1932 on the occasion of the dedication of a ...
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications NOTES - GEOGRAPHICAL BY R W MCFARLAND LL D These notes are intended to draw attention to errors or slips which manage sometimes to get into print and which may mislead the unwary Attention is called to four such points FIRST It has been stated in the OHIO STATE AR CH A E OLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY that the United States military tract extended to the Ohio river This is an error See Vol 2 U S Laws page 565 act of June 1 1796 The ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Tree of Liberty By Elizabeth Page Farrar amp Rinehart Inc 1939 985p 300 On the best seller list since its publication in the spring this historic novel offers an unusual combination of entertainment and enlightenment The story is that of Matthew Howard and Jane Peyton the former a frontiersman from the Shenandoah Valley the latter the daughter of a tidewater planter In their married life is dramatized the bitter conflict of the two main traditions which underlie ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On September 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the society Page Hall O S U with the following members present Mr George F Bareis Col John W Harper Mr W H Hunter Prof B F Prince Secretary E O Randall Hon D J Ryan Hon S S Rickly Prof G F Wright and Mr E F Wood The Secretary presented the resignation of Professor J P MacLean as Trustee of ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No 3 JULY 190 9 WASHINGTON'S FIRST BATTLE GROUND For many years it had been the ardent desire of the Editor to traverse the country of the Monongahela and the Youghiogheny where the youthful Washington began his diplomatic career entered his military life received his baptism of fire won his spurs in battle met his first defeat and succumbed to his only surrender experiences that taught him his preparatory lessons in the science of statesmanship and the art ...
... Fort St Fort St Clair 519 attack that Lieutenant Hale was killed and Madison was wounded The Indians were forced to retreat some distance where they then took a stand and in turn forced the militia back This zigzag method of fighting was carried on for some time until the Indians and all but six of the horses were lost sight of at about the place where Eaton is now located The exact number of Indians killed in this battle is not definitely known though two were left and are buried at the fort ...
... THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF MAJOR GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR1 BY THERESA VINTON PIERCE KRULL This paper was read before the Fifteenth Annual Indiana History Conference at Indianapolis December 8 1933 and is reprinted with permission from the Indiana History Bulletin vol 11 No 5 The bicentennial of Major General Arthur St Clair comes to our calendar with 1934 and should come to the hearts of all Indianans with a new or renewed sense of what Arthur St Clair means in the history of civil ...
... DR DR SAMUEL P HILDRETH 1783-1863 1 By A E WA LLER Medical science in the nineteenth century engaged in its main task of healing in full consciousness of its professional obligations Methodically and with enthusiasm it likewise cradled and kept alive the spark of curiosity in all the natural sciences Botany and zoology profited most followed closely by geology chemistry physics and meteorology Many of these medical men not specialists themselves established firm foundations of special ...
... Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting 533 Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting 533 with the history of Fort Laurens Therefore a brief synopsis along historical lines may be of interest to many citizens The fort was erected by command of General Washington and is located in Tuscarawas county Ohio about one mile below the village of Bolivar on the west bank of the Tuscarawas river and was erected in November and December 1778 General McIntosh superintended the construction and had under his command 1 200 troops of ...
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1949-JULY 1950 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HAYTER Earl W Mechanical Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers 1860-90 Michigan History XXXIV 1950 1-18 Numerous Ohio examples KOESTER Leonard ed and trans Latin Farmers in Northwestern Ohio from the Autobiography of Mrs Karl Tafel Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXI 1948-49 113-119 ANTISLAVERY ASHLEY James M John Brown's ...
... REVIEWS REVIEWS History of Ohio By Eugene Holloway Roseboom and Francis Phelps Weisenburger New York Prentice Hall Inc 545 pages Price 500 What at least two other authors told in four or five volumes these two assistant professors of history in the Ohio State University have put into a single volume a unit in the series edited by Carl Wittke head of the department Moreover as the bibliography at the end of each chapter shows they have consulted numerous books and documents bearing as they say ...
... THE AARON BURR CONSPIRACY IN THE OHIO THE AARON BURR CONSPIRACY IN THE OHIO VALLEY MISS LESLIE HENSHAW CINCINNATI What the movement known as the Burr Conspiracy really was will probably never be accurately known It might have been one of three things first a filibustering expedition directed against Spain second a plan to revolutionize the West and join this section with Louisiana to form a new republic third a scheme to join the Western States and Louisiana with Spanish America to form an ...