Ohio History Journal

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"Duncan McArthur: First Phase, 1772-1812," by C. H. Cramer. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 27-33.
... DUNCAN McARTHUR FIRST PHASE 1772-1812 DUNCAN McARTHUR FIRST PHASE 1 7721 812 By C H CRAMER After the Battle of Culloden in 1746 many of the supporters of the defeated Prince Charlie the Young Pretender found it advisable to migrate to the New World Among the emigres were some of the MacArthurs members of a clan as proud of their distinctive plaid and feather as any in Scotland One of their number settled in New York where a son Duncan was born in 1772 The mother died when the boy was three and ...

"Address of Hon. Samuel H. Doyle" (Treaty of Greenville Centennial) Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 256-257.
... 256 Ohio Arch 256 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL H DOYLE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in this celebration We have a common interest in this historic event with you I will detain you but a few minutes We have been together and associated together in four of the great important events that have touched the Northwest When Wolfe met the French at Quebec this territory was ...

"John Morgan Raid in Ohio," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 48-59.
... JOHN MORGAN RAID IN OHIO JOHN MORGAN RAID IN OHIO The following article was written by a veteran of the Civil War now a resident at the Dayton Soldiers' Home and was printed recently in the Lima Times Democrat with notes and comments by the editor of that paper The history of the raid and the efforts to head off the bold leader and his band of daredevils is believed to be authentic - EDITOR The Army of the Cumberland under General Rosecrans was preparing for the advance on the campaign which ...

"Ohio History Day at Logan Elm Park," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 530-533.
... 530 Ohio Arch 530 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications accompanied him on all his travels and he died the father of grown-up children He is described as a wisp of a man lank red-haired with a reddish mustache His hobby was a large peach orchard which his busy life gave him little time to enjoy Not only was he a great correspondent but he was a voluminous writer of books Here is a list said to be approximately complete Carpenter's Geographical Readers -- Asia 1897 North America 1898 South ...

"The Tammany Society in Ohio," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 349-370.
... THE TAMMANY SOCIETY IN OHIO THE TAMMANY SOCIETY IN OHIO SAMUEL W WILLIAMS ORIGIN AND HISTORY The Tammany Society was organized in the City of New York in the year 1789 and was designed to counteract the combined influence of the Federalists and the Society of Cincinnati The latter was looked upon as a species of aristocracy and hostile to democratic institutions Fears were entertained that its members might consolidate power in their own hands though they were certainly as loyal to the infant ...

"Joshua Reed Giddings: A Champion of Political Freedom," by Byron R. Long. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 1-47.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSHUA REED GIDDINGS A CHAMPION OF POLITICAL FREEDOM BY BYRON R LONG There never was a time perhaps when there was less need for furnishing material for readers than just now The worldwar has been productive of thot and action such as has enlisted thousands of good writers who are keeping record of incidents and are setting down impressions which are moving the souls of men as profoundly as any that human life has experienced The excuse for ...

"The Hero of the Sandy Valley: James A. Garfield's Kentucky Campaign of 1861-1862-II," Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 129-139, notes 171-172.
... THE HERO THE HERO OF THE SANDY VALLEY JAMES A GARFIELD'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN OF 1861-1862 -- -- -- -- II by ALLAN PESKIN In the closing weeks of 1861 the customary quiet of the isolated Sandy Valley in eastern Kentucky was disturbed by a ragged column of Confederate soldiers which marched into the state from Virginia headed by an obese general with a famous Kentucky name Humphrey Marshall who vowed to free his state from the grip of northern tyranny Don Carlos Buell the Union commander in the ...

"Thomas A. Edison Visits His Birthplace," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 630-633.
... THOMAS A THOMAS A EDISON VISITS HIS BIRTHPLACE The village of Milan Erie County Ohio has acquired nation-wide and world-wide fame as the birthplace of one of the great inventors of the age Thomas Alva Edison was born there February 11 1847 A more extended sketch of this famous son of Ohio is reserved for the future It is the purpose here to record briefly a recent visit of Edison to the place of his birth on Saturday August 11 1923 He came in company with Henry Ford and Harvey S Firestone the ...

"The Lure of the Pioneer," by Helen C. Hill Sloan. Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 145-153.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 145 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 145 known Entrust the future to them Teach them ideals of service and of Christian citizenship They'll not fail us Throw them the lighted torches and these will grow brighter as they climb the heights to endless day Said our beloved poet The thoughts of youth are long long thoughts and Emerson So nigh is grandeur to our dust So near is God to man When duty whispers low 'Thou must' The youth replies 'I can' The second ...

"An Ohio Army Officer of World War I: Major General Joseph T. Dickman," by Sister Mary Clement Stueve. Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 34-66.
... AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH T DICKMAN by SISTER MARY CLEMENT STUEVE CPPS The various political and economic upheavals which invariably follow major wars often tend to obscure the history of the men who were personally engaged in the conflicts And men who gave their entire life to a military career and who are necessarily absent from boyhood surroundings are sometimes quickly forgotten by their native localities Joseph Theodore ...

"Mr. Thraves' Address" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 420-425.
... 420 Ohio Arch 420 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Birchard to Buckland Buckland to Hayes thence to Spiegel Grove where the following program and exercises were carried out by the Odd Fellows in dedication of their memorial window in the Hayes Memorial Library and Museum The Noble Grand G L Roach as chairman opened the exercises with prayer by W D Pearce Vice Grand of the lodge and he not being present the prayer was read by J E Courtney Chaplain of the lodge which is as follows ...

"Warren King Moorehead and His Papers," Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 179-190.
... Warren King Moorehead Warren King Moorehead And His Papers By JOHN W WEATHERFORD The enduring love of Warren King Moorehead 1866-1939 may be summed up in one word Indians When not busied with their ancient remains he was struggling with the manifold problems they face in this century Penobscot and Pueblo alike shared his attention When through the generosity of Ludwig King Moorehead and Singleton Peabody Moorehead the Ohio Historical Society acquired his papers it was principally because he ...

"From Small Minority to Great Cause: Letters of Charles Sumner to Salmon P. Chase," by Beverly Wilson Palmer. Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 164-183.
... BEVERLY WILSON PALMER BEVERLY WILSON PALMER From Small Minority to Great Cause Letters of Charles Sumner to Salmon P Chase Fifteen hitherto unpublished letters from Charles Sumner to Salmon P Chase trace the spread and politicization of the antislavery movement and document the close ties between Massachusetts and Ohio as that movement grew Strongly committed in the 1840s and 1850s to limiting the extension of slavery Chase and Sumner by 1861 hoped to preside over its extinction Sharing a New ...

"Lyman Beecher in Britain," Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 293-305.
... J J F MACLEAR Lyman Beecher in Britain The triumphant British tours of Harriet Beecher Stowe in the 1850s and Henry Ward Beecher in the 1860s have long claimed the attention of students of American literature and Civil War diplomacy Yet despite the interest of intellectual and church historians in Lyman Beecher the patriarch of the family no attention has been paid to his earlier stay in Britain in the summer of 18461 It is true that Beecher was then seventy-one years old his impact on ...

"The Knowledge of Coal and Iron in Ohio Before 1835," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 219-230.
... THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF COAL AND IRON IN OHIO BEFORE 1835 BY PAUL WAKELEE STODDARD Today Ohio is one of the great coal-producing centers of the world a position which it has maintained for close on to a century The real starting-point of the development of the mineral resources of the state was the First Geological Survey which took place in the third decade of the nineteenth century and which has been considered in a previous article But what knowledge of the vast ...

"John Brown at Harper's Ferry and Charlestown: A Lecture," by S. K. Donovan. Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 300-336.
... JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND CHARLESTOWN A LECTURE BY S K DONOVAN This lecture by Colonel S K Donovan was delivered a number of times in Ohio but was never before printed The original manuscript is in the possession of his sister Miss Sallie Donovan of Delaware Ohio by whose permission it is now published Colonel Donovan once stated to the writer that he was the first newspaper correspondent to reach Harper's Ferry after the raid began When he arrived there ...

"Medical Education in the 1890s: An Ohio Woman's Memories," edited by John B. Gabel. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 53-66.
... edited by edited by JOHN B GABEL Medical Education in the 1890s An Ohio Woman's Memories The material presented here is drawn from the unpublished papers of a long-time Columbus physician the late Ida May Wilson Written in 1941 when she was in her seventy-seventh year this excerpt records Dr Wilson's memories of her medical education during the years 1894-1896 at the Ohio Medical University1 Her description of the primitive training provided as late as the 1890s by an accredited medical school ...

"Editorialana," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 94-104.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA THE ORIGINAL MAN FROM OHIO Remarks recently made by the Editor of this Quarterly in introducing a gentleman on the occasion of a lecture on Ohio Archaeology before the William Morris Society of Columbus led to much comment both serious and humorous in the newspapers not only of this state but of papers in various parts of the country The Editor in his remarks was simply passing along some well ventilated possible conclusions resulting from the explorations and ...

"Zoar Society: Applicants for Membership, The," by Edgar B. Nixon. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 341-350.
... THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIP By EDGAR B NIXON The Society of Separatists of Zoar Ohio was one of the more successful of the many cooperative communities which appeared in this country during the last century Zoar was founded by German peasants and artisans who emigrated from Wurtemburg in 1817 to escape the civil and ecclesiastical persecution to which they had been subjected as members of the Separatist faith The Separatists were dissentients from the ...

"The Indian Conference," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 487-489.
... Editorialana Editorialana 487 archaeological interest including the two serpent effigies of southern Ohio Mr Mills extended the society an invitation to attend the second annual conference of the Society of American Indians held in Columbus THE INDIAN CONFERENCE The historic Indian of Ohio in the days of his contest against the invasion of the Whites often dreamed of organization for the protection of his race and confederations were formed by Pontiac Cornstalk Little Turtle and the last and ...