Ohio History Journal

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"The Cleveland Conference of 1861," Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 258-265.
... THE CLEVELAND CONFERENCE OF 1861 THE CLEVELAND CONFERENCE OF 1861 by WILLIAM B HESSELTINE Professor of History University of Wisconsin and HAZEL C WOLF Instructor in History Manual Training High School Peoria Illinois The outbreak of the Civil War found a nation completely unprepared for the conflict The federal government had neither plans for conducting the war nor an organizational structure for implementing the plans In the first few weeks after Fort Sumter chaos mingled with confusion ...

"'Forty Foot Pitch,'" by A. C. Risinger. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 519-526.
... Fort St Fort St Clair 519 attack that Lieutenant Hale was killed and Madison was wounded The Indians were forced to retreat some distance where they then took a stand and in turn forced the militia back This zigzag method of fighting was carried on for some time until the Indians and all but six of the horses were lost sight of at about the place where Eaton is now located The exact number of Indians killed in this battle is not definitely known though two were left and are buried at the fort ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1971 to 1972," Volume 80, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1971, pp. 272-279.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1971 to 1972 ARCHAEOLOGY Central States Archaeological Journal 1971 published by several archaeological societies CERAM C W The First American A Story of North American Archaeology New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 1971 357p Ohio archaeology MILLER JEFFERSON J II and LYLE M STONE Eighteenth-Century Cer a mics fr om Fort Michilimackinac A Study in Historical Archaeology Washington DC ...

"The Siege of Fort Meigs," by Earl A. Saliers. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 520-541.
... THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS EARL A SALIERS Ohio State University The War of 1812 furnishes perhaps a fewer number of notable achievements accomplished on land than any other of our wars The lack of a regular army and the consequent dependence upon militia would have made it difficult for an efficient general to execute a prolonged campaign while the position which a section of the country took against the war rendered success still more difficult Despite ill preparation and ...

"Invocation," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 63-64.
... INVOCATION INVOCATION BY REV W H SHEPFER GRACIOUS GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER acknowledging our weakness and our sinfulness we invoke thy divine blessing upon us as we have come together to recall the heroic lives and sacrifices of our forefathers in this section of our great country Through the Spirit of Truth give us O God wisdom and understanding We acknowledge Thee Dear Father as the Giver of every good and perfect gift Thou art the Source from whom all our blessings flow We acknowledge Thee ...

"Moral Policemen on the Ohio Frontier," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 38-53.
... Moral Policemen on the Ohio Frontier Moral Policemen on the Ohio Frontier By PAUL H BOASE BUCKEYE FRONTIERSMEN wishing to join the Methodist Church needed to possess only one virtue A desire to flee from the wrath to come and be saved from their sins Previous church membership specific doctrinal beliefs and even conversion during the probationary period mattered little The seekers soon discovered however that prolonged fellowship in the church and the desire to flee meant strict adherence to ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 294-295.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEP H SON Since the last summary this department has accomplished a general check-up on accessioned and unaccessioned manuscript materials with an interfiling of collections in the manuscript vaults so that all collections cataloged and uncataloged are now filed in one alphabetical arrangement Temporary cards were made for the uncataloged collections and these are now in the Manuscript Catalog This was done to simplify housing of collections and ...

"Report of Committees on Historical Activities," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 564-567.
... REPORT OF COMMITTEES ON HISTORICAL REPORT OF COMMITTEES ON HISTORICAL ACTIVITIES Dr Harlow Lindley read the following report of the Committee on Historical Activities in Ohio which was filed with the other reports for publication in the Quarterly REPORT ON HISTORICAL ACTIVITIES IN OHIO BY HARLOW LINDLEY Chair man Co mm ittee on Cooperation From information at hand it appears that there are about forty local county and regional historical societies now in existence in the State of Ohio Some of ...

"Speech by Senator Simeon D. Fess," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 280-283.
... 280 Ohio Arch 280 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sition at the head of the municipality of Put-in-Bay through the period of celebrations incident to the centennial celebration of Perry's victory on Lake Erie Secretary Galbreath called attention to a large photograph of the Old Sculptor T D Jones which had been contributed to the museum by Mr Claude Meeker The masterpiece of Mr Jones the Lincoln Memorial which stood for many years in the rotunda of the State House at Columbus is now at ...

"Delaware in the Days of 1812," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 61-63.
... DELAWARE IN THE DAYS OF 1812 DELAWARE IN THE DAYS OF 1812 ALICE HILLS Miss Hills is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution Delaware Ohio Chapter for which she prepared the following bit of local history In the war of 1812 Ohio or a part of it was the scene of much military action in which our own country and town played no small part Delaware situated so nearly in the centre of the state about half way between Chillicothe the capital and the scene of operations around Sandusky ...

"Medical Education in the 1890s: An Ohio Woman's Memories," edited by John B. Gabel. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 53-66.
... edited by edited by JOHN B GABEL Medical Education in the 1890s An Ohio Woman's Memories The material presented here is drawn from the unpublished papers of a long-time Columbus physician the late Ida May Wilson Written in 1941 when she was in her seventy-seventh year this excerpt records Dr Wilson's memories of her medical education during the years 1894-1896 at the Ohio Medical University1 Her description of the primitive training provided as late as the 1890s by an accredited medical school ...

Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 205-214.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Journey Through My Years An Autobiography By James M Cox Simon and Schuster New York 1946 xi 463p 450 When the youthful James M Cox left his job with the Cincinnati Enquirer to become the private secretary of a Congressman his initiation into public life had begun Cleveland was one of his first heroes and the debates of the Fifty-third Congress which he followed closely were his equivalent for a university course At 28 Cox acquired his first newspaper In Taft's ...

"The Central Ohio Valley Historical Conference," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 99-103.
... Editorialana Editorialana 99 A daughter of Mr Nichols the anti-slavery man is yet living and gives in a letter to me interesting facts She says My father and mother became earnest anti-slavery advocates in 1841 and from that time until the war the colored people knew my parents as friends and our home was a refuge When old enough probably about the year '48 or '49 I became greatly interested in the black people who came quietly to our kitchen door after dark and left before daylight often we ...

"Barclay Coppoc," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 459-481.
... BARCLAY COPPOC BARCLAY COPPOC BY C B GALBREATH Barclay Coppoc according to the family genealogist was born in Butler Township Columbiana County Ohio January 4 1839 At the age of eleven years he went with the family to Springdale Iowa He grew up into a delicate looking slender youth but wiry venturesome and fearless as the story of his life will show Soon after the family reached Iowa a younger sister Lydia died of consumption the oldest brother Levi and another sister Maria became invalids ...

"The Coming and Going of Ohio Droving," by I. F. King. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 247-253.
... THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING REV I F KING D D Mr King about the year 1850 took three droves two of cattle and one of sheep across the Allegheny mountains In doing this he walked from Zanesville Ohio to eastern Pennsylvania five times On one trip he came home by public conveyance In 1851 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was only finished to Clarksburg West Virginia This article is an interesting description of a phase of the business life in the early ...

"John Smith, First Senator from Ohio and His Connections with Aaron Burr," by M. Avis Pitcher. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 68-88.
... JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS CONNECTIONS WITH AARON BURR By M Avis PITCHER John Smith United States Senator from Ohio 1803-1808 was a Virginian by birth and education1 Because of the double misfortune of name and locality there is apt to be considerable uncertainty as to the early career of this gentleman in relation to all the other John Smiths of Virginia2 In 1790 Smith was definitely located on the Forks of the Cheat River Monongalia ...

"Argument Concerning Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 67-126.
... Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia Boundary Line Between Ohio and Virginia 67 ARGUMENT CONCERNING BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND VIRGINIA BY SAMUEL F VINTON May it please your honors I cannot but regret that my learned friend the Hon John M Patton who opened this case for the Commonwealth of Virginia has somewhat impaired the value of so good an argument by the introduction into it both at its commencement and conclusion of a topic so very foreign to the subject now under consideration To ...

"Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody," Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 371-407.
... Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Edited by STANLEY P WASSON CLEVELAND TOOK ITS RECRUITING SERIOUSLY in August 1862 after Lincoln had issued his second call for 300000 men Ohio's quota was 74000 Each county was to provide its portion of soldiers before September 1 when Governor David Tod was to draft the remainder To encourage recruiting stores closed early during August local bounties were offered Regiments seeking to fill their rosters advertised in newspapers ...

"Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana, and Between Ohio and Michigan," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 127-198.
... Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana Etc Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana Etc 127 BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND INDIANA AND BETWEEN OHIO AND MICHIGAN SPECIAL REPORTS OF T C MENDENHALL SUPERINTENDENT OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND A A GRAHAM SECRETARY OF THE OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Sixty-ninth General Assembly of Ohio authorized the Governor to cause an examination of the boundary lines between Ohio and Indiana and Ohio and Michigan to be made It has for some time ...

"From Small Minority to Great Cause: Letters of Charles Sumner to Salmon P. Chase," by Beverly Wilson Palmer. Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 164-183.
... BEVERLY WILSON PALMER BEVERLY WILSON PALMER From Small Minority to Great Cause Letters of Charles Sumner to Salmon P Chase Fifteen hitherto unpublished letters from Charles Sumner to Salmon P Chase trace the spread and politicization of the antislavery movement and document the close ties between Massachusetts and Ohio as that movement grew Strongly committed in the 1840s and 1850s to limiting the extension of slavery Chase and Sumner by 1861 hoped to preside over its extinction Sharing a New ...