... medicines and tied them to the rafters of their cabins to dry until needed Often when women went to spend the day with each other herbs were exchanged with much valuable information regarding their uses Frequently the women were forced to ride alone through the woods night or day to aid the sick and needy Mrs Gun who with her husband accompanied the first surveying party to the Western Reserve was known as a competent nurse and in addition to ...
... THE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKTHE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKLIN COUNTY On the 9th day of June 1904 a reception was given by Mr and Mrs Henry C Taylor at their country place Westcrest situated on the National Road west bank of Big Walnut creek in Truro township to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the family history in Franklin County The invitation issued to the guests on this occasion was in the following form 1804 TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON 1904 MR AND MRS HENRY C ...
... SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 6 1 902 The seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the parlors of the Y M C A building Columbus Ohio at 230 P M June 6 1 90 2 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr Gerard Fowke Chillicothe Prof Frank S Fox ...
... REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED The following reminiscences are from the pen of a Highland county pioneer one Thomas Rogers who as the recital reveals was born a Virginian and at the close of the American Revolution moved with his family to Kentucky and thence in 1795 with the Massie party journeyed to Paint Creek vicinity of Chillicothe and there abided This recital of the scenes of early times in Ohio is worthy of preservation and ...
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications The largest was Cincinnati with 115 000 and in them all there were less than 2 00000 o f population The following y ear the convention assembled which framed the new constitution for the state of Ohio That convention provided and laid down an ironclad rule that all cities should be governed by a general law and that there should be no special charters That perhaps was not an unreasonable rule at that time for then there were but the nine ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIII INDEX TO VOLUME XIII A Articles - Concluded Abolition in Ohio 50 History of Ft Hamilton Miller Adams County - 97 Todd's Trace in 318 Historic Worthington Parsons 71 Trebor Tavern in 307 John Brough Hooper 40 Zane's Trace in 318 Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe Agriculture Prehistoric people engaged Brown 483 in 189 Marcus A Hanna Dick 355 American Economic Association MeetOhio in the Spanish and Philippine ing of 288 War Anderson 551 American Historical Association 121 K ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA A CHAPTER OF CORRECTIONS R W MCFARLAND History is never free from imperfections Particularly is this true of the collected and collated records and data of pioneer periods--the beginnings of history This is most natural as the memoranda are furnished by different authorities who discern the events recorded from various points of view or who are not accurate in their method of statement The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society endeavors to gather and ...
... JONATHAN ALDER JONATHAN ALDER COL WM CURRY The tales of adventure and bloodshed related by the early pioneers of Ohio of their dangers and hardships have been familiar to me since boyhood Among others of whom I heard many harrowing stories related by my father and other pioneers was of Jonathan Alder who was at one time a resident of Union county Ohio and a noted pioneer and frontiersman Like Captain Samuel Davis the famous Indian fighter he was taken captive by the Indians and the latter part ...
... A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN NORTHERN OHIO BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT of the Ohio State University One of the main lines of the Underground Railroad which traversed Ohio from south to north began at Ripley in Brown County on the Ohio River and ran through Highland Fayette Madison Franklin Delaware Marion Morrow and Richland counties to Greenwich in Huron whence branches ran to the lake north through Erie County and northeast through ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XVII INDEX TO VOLUME XVII A Twenty-third annual meeting of O Adena 185 189 A amp I S 132 Description of 191 Washington's Tour of the Ohio Distinguished visitors to 191 and articles of The Mississippi Allread James I Address of 120 Company 431 Amos J O Sketch of Loramie village Atwater Caleb mention of 254 by 9 B ArchaeologyBacon David - Collection in 144 Cabin site of 289 Mound Builders and the Lost Tribes Death of 292 208 Discomfiture of 290 Some Ohio Investigations in 94 ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIV INDEX TO VOLUME XIV A NArticles - Concluded Robert White McFarland 170 Aborigine use of word 474 Song Writers of Ohio 62 180 291 Adams J Q Cincinnati in 464 428 Agassiz Louis 83 Tarhe the Crane 132 American Historical Association 219 Tarhe the Wyandot Chief 313 Account of 219 The campaigns of the Revolution in Society at 94 Ohio Valley 39 Andrews M R Big Bottom at 467 The conquest of the Indian 139 Antioch College - The Indian Mound Miamisburg Building of 17 Ohio 496 Code ...
... BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE May-June 1779 Draper MSS Border Forays 5 D chap 27 pp 1-20 The following account of Captain Bowman's expedition against Chillicothe on the Little Miami in 1779 is from the original manuscript of the Draper collection in the archive department of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin During the past summer 1910 through the courtesy of Dr Reuben Gold Thwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society ...
... ZANE'S TRACE ZANE'S TRACE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The first road maker in our country was the buffalo His successor was the Indian Instinct told the buffalo where to make his path Nature which is another name for instinct prompted the red man in marking his trail The white man came and reason told him that the red man and the buffalo had selected the driest shortest and most practicable routes of migration This is only another way of saying that the geography of any country determines its history ...
... SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN This list is the outgrowth of an Index to Materials for the Study of Ohio History which comprised an index topically arranged of the leading articles in the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIII The present list not only affords an index to articles in the QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIX but also selected articles on Ohio history in ...
... 48 OHIO HISTORY 48 OHIO HISTORY THE WHISKEY WAR AT PADDY'S RUN EXCERPTS FROM A DIARY OF ALBERT SHAW edited by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In 1874 Albert Shaw later the distinguished editor of the American Review of Reviews and friend of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was in his seventeenth year An intelligent youth able to observe events with some discernment he kept a diary of his life in the southwestern Ohio village of New London better known as Paddy's Run1 Renamed Shandon in 1893 ...
... NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY JUNE 3 1904 The Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Achaeological and Historical Society was held in Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at 2 30 P M June 3 1 90 4 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Hon M D Follett Marietta Hon M S ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XX INDEX TO VOLUME XX A Articles - A vanishing race 48 Abolitionists - Brady's Leap 457 Arguments of 280 Birthplace of Little Turtle 236 Dresser's experiences in the South Celebration of the surrender of Gen 281 John H Morgan 368 Fairbank Calvin 283 Cincinnati Municipal election of 1828 Foster Abbey Kelley 280 255 Foster Stephen 280 Delaware in the days of 1812 61 Oberlin aided by 276 Early Steamboat travel on the Ohio Oberlin at 270 River 378 Thompson George 282 Editorialana ...
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SETH ADAMS A PIONEER OHIO SHEPHERD By Charles Sumner Plumb Among the pioneers of the Northwest Territory along the Ohio border on the east were many men of sterling worth and rather unusual administrative ability Notably among these men in Ohio history was Seth Adams The following pages will briefly discuss his ancestry review his movements as a citizen and pioneer and set forth his relationship to early day American sheep husbandry The ...