Ohio History Journal

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"Fort St. Clair," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 161-163.
... Editorialana Editorialana 161 mouth begin to move and approaching the immobile features silent for centuries he placed his ear to the stone lips and heard a sound like a subdued murmur you're another As Artemus Ward would say of this controversy of the critics it would be funny if it were not serious The Mound Builders builded better than they knew Their works are food for thought and subjects for study Certain it is that they were a vast and enterprising and interesting race whence and ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1960-July 1961," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 343-354.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1960 - July 1961 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HENLEIN Paul C Early Cattle Ranges of the Ohio Valley Agricultural History XXXV 1961 150-154 The Jackson Cut-Off Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXXII 1960 187-191 A ditch in Wood County to drain the Black Swamp built in 1878 and 1879 RHOADES Rendell ed Some 'Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855' Ohio Historical Quarterly LXX 1961 152-156 ...

"Bowman's Campaign of 1779," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 502-514.
... BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN OF 1779 BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN OF 1779 Copied and published by permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society from the Draper MSS Bedinger Papers A-Vol I pp 19-31 inclu-EDITOR Started about 1st of June-and continued about 4 weeksvide page - for bear killing Holder commanded a company-not over 20 or 25 belonged to Boonesboro-the remainder in neighboring Stations if any then settled marched to Lexington thence on to the mouth of Licking When near the mouth here one of the party ...

"Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River," by Guy-Harold Smith. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 1-19.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS WASHINGTON'S CAMP SITES ON THE OHIO RIVER BY GUY-HAROLD SMITH Ohio State University In the autumn of 1770 George Washington made a journey into the interior of North America in the interest of the Virginia soldiers who had fought in the Indian wars and had been promised western lands as reward for their services Also Washington had personal reasons for making this reconnaissance of the lands along the Ohio River He had the foresight to ...

"Three Civil War Letters of James A. Garfield," edited by James D. Norris and James K. Martin. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 247-252, notes 279-280.
... Three Civil War Letters of James A Garfield edited by JAMES D NORRIS and JAMES K MARTIN I know of no man in the army whose death would crush me so terribly as his Brigadier General James A Garfield wrote to his wife on May 12 1862 concerning Major Frederick Augustus Williams He is a true man and one of my dearest friends1 The young major had contracted typhoid fever during the later stages of the Sandy Valley campaign in the eastern Kentucky mountains On March 19 Garfield who commanded the ...

"Daniel Boon," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 263-277.
... DANIEL BOON DANIEL BOON WILLIAM A GALLOWAY B S M D XENIA OHIO In Prof McFarland's excellent article on Simon Kenton he mentions Daniel Boon as having been the most prominent early settler of Kentucky He also quotes from Boon's own account giving the date of his first journey from his home on the Yadkin River North Carolina in quest of the country of Kentucky and the names of his associates on this memorable trip Some of Col Boon's most strenuous experiences occurred in Ohio and on this account ...

"Wayne's Strategic Advance From Fort Greenville to Grand Glaize," by O. W. Priddy. Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 42-76.
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...

"Ohio Generals and Field Officers in the Civil War," by W. L. Curry. Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 306-311.
... OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR BY COLONEL W L CURRY In every crisis through which our Nation has passed since the firing of that shot at Concord April 19 1775 that was heard around the world there seem to have been men born to meet every emergency statesmen and men of military genius called from the walks of civil life to carry the ship of State safely through both in peace and war Therefore when the first gun of the War of the ...

"Morgan's Raid," Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 79-104.
... MORGAN'S RAID MORGAN'S RAID L J WEBER In the QUARTERLY for January 1908 page 48 was published an article on Morgan's Raid We herewith present another account of this historic event practically the only feature of the Civil War which occurred within the bounds of the State of Ohio Every recital in detail or in part of Morgan's Raid if at all worthy of credence deserves permanent preservation Hence the publication of this second article Mr L J Weber the author is a well-known attorney now ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1958-July 1959," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 408-418.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1958 -- July 1959 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HENLEIN Paul C Cattle Kingdom in the Ohio Valley 1783-1860 Lexington University of Kentucky Press 1959 198p ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT KUHNS Frederick Irving The American Home Missionary Society in Relation to the Antislavery Controversy in the Old Northwest Billings Montana published by the author 1959 53p ARCHAEOLOGY ALLMAN John C An Interesting ...

"Some 'Interesting Particulars,'" Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 44-49.
... 44 Ohio Arch 44 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications SOME INTERESTING PARTICULARS BY THE OHIO STATE JOURNAL REPORTER In a communication of considerable length entitled The Holmes County Rebellion--Interesting Particulars a correspondent of the Ohio State Journal reported to that paper a news story which it published under the date of June 22 1863 It contains the names of a number of participants in the uprising and reads in part as follows CAMP NEAR WOLF CREEK WALLACE EXPEDITION June 18 ...

"Peter Cartwright's Circuit Riding Days in Ohio," Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 90-98, notes 145.
... Peter Cartwright's CIRCUIT RIDING Days in Ohio by CHARLES TOWNSEND A famous historian referring to the people on the American frontier once wrote Whether Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Baptist or Methodist these people saturated their religion and their politics with feeling Both the stump and the pulpit were centers of energy electric cells capable of starting widespreading fires They felt their religion and their democracy and were ready to fight for it1 Peter Cartwright one of the most ...

"A Buckeye Doughboy in the Great War: The Wartime Diary and Letters of John J. Miller," edited by Helen Wingate and Donald Smythe, S.J.. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 29-49.
... edited by edited by HELEN WINGATE AND DONALD SMYTHE SJ A Buckeye in the Great War The Wartime Diary and Letters of John J Miller EDITORS' NOTE John J Miller was born March 5 1889 in Chatham Ohio the son of Philo L and Mary Elizabeth Miller He attended public schools in Chatham until his family moved to Elyria Ohio in his senior year Graduating from Elyria High School he attended Western Reserve University and Western Reserve University Dental School graduating from there in 1915 Returning to ...

"Narrative of the Capture of Abel Janney by the Indians in 1782. From the Diary of Abel Janney," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 465-473.
... NARRATIVE OF THE CAPTURE OF ABEL JANNEY NARRATIVE OF THE CAPTURE OF ABEL JANNEY BY THE INDIANS IN 17821 FROM THE DIARY OF ABEL JANNEY On the 12th day of March 1782 about break of day as I and my two companions were lying in our blankets about half a mile from the Ohio river on the Indian's side near the mouth of the Great Kenhaway2 river We were surprised by a shout of Indians who came rushing upon us When I heard the noise I spoke to my two companions and said rise up here are Indians when ...

Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 183-187.
... Historical News Historical News THE ELEUTHERIAN MILLS-HAGLEY FOUNDATION in c ooperation with the University of Delaware is again offering two fellowships in American history and museum training The fellowships carry an annual stipend of 1800 renewable for the second year and lead to a master's degree The fourteenth annual spring exhibition at the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio The Turn of the Century Cincinnati from 1890 to 1910 will be held from April 22 through June 26 Leslie H ...

"Sacredness of Indian Graves," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 420.
... 420 Ohio Arch 420 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications between Fort St Clair and Fort Jefferson the following is an authentic account of that affair Lieut Lowrie of the second and Ensign Boyd of the first and second sub legions with a command consisting of about ninety noncommissioned officers and privates having under their convoy twenty wagons loaded with grain and commissaries' stores were attacked between daylight and sunrise seven miles advanced of Fort St Clair on the morning of the ...

"Fort Laurens-Its Site and Siege," Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 493-499.
... Editorialana Editorialana 493 FORT LAURENS--ITS SITE AND SIEGE The relation of the Ohio country and its pre-state pioneers to the events of the American Revolution has not yet been properly portrayed Until recently leading historians have either ignored it altogether or slightingly treated it It will ere long receive due attention Roosevelt in The Winning of the West Winsor in the Westward Movement and Moore in The Northwest Under Three Flags have given it more or less consideraton During the ...

"Ohio in the War of 1812" First Newspaper in the West Reserve," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 286-368.
... OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 FIRST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST RESERVE The first newspaper published in the Western Reserve was the TRUMP OF FAME edited by Thomas D Webb It was a weekly published at Warren Trumbull County the first issue being dated June 16 1812--The date of the declaration of war by Congress David Fleming was the printer As the first volume covers the year 1812 the first half year of the war it is doubly interesting as giving information at first hand concerning ...

Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 394-397.
... Historical News Historical News SEVERAL LA R GE C H ESTS containing important papers of Samuel M Golden Rule Jones were discovered early this year in the attic of the S M Jones Company of Toledo The papers include original letters to Jones copies of letters from Jones clippings from Toledo newspapers on his election and administration as mayor of Toledo 1897-1904 and records of the old Acme Sucker Rod Company now the S M Jones Company which was founded by Mayor Jones The papers are to be given ...

"The Battle of Forty Foot Pitch," by Esther E. Nichols. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 526-529.
... 526 Ohio Arch 526 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and accoutrements Wayne could not safely go directly down and thereupon he dug an oblique shelf-road in the breast of the declivity downward -- eastward a distance of about one hundred feet and thereby the army descended to the floor of the valley and crossed the stream The shelf-road is not the pitch It is the expedient made in breast of the pitch or declivity It is a very interesting well-preserved remnant of Wayne's Preble Trail It ...