Ohio History Journal

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"The Treaty of Greenville," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 128-159.
... THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE The following article comprising the statement of facts and the reprint of the wording of the treaty was prepared by Frazer E Wilson of Greenville Ohio The material is found largely in his little book The Treaty of Greenville The reproduction of the signatures and the symbol signs inscribed by the chiefs to the treaty is from a photograph in exact size taken from the treaty itself now carefully preserved in the archives at Washington D C The ...

"Jonathan Alder," by William Curry. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 378-382.
... JONATHAN ALDER JONATHAN ALDER COL WM CURRY The tales of adventure and bloodshed related by the early pioneers of Ohio of their dangers and hardships have been familiar to me since boyhood Among others of whom I heard many harrowing stories related by my father and other pioneers was of Jonathan Alder who was at one time a resident of Union county Ohio and a noted pioneer and frontiersman Like Captain Samuel Davis the famous Indian fighter he was taken captive by the Indians and the latter part ...

"Camp Charlotte Site Marked," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 615-617.
... CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED A granite monument erected near the site of Camp Charlotte bears a bronze tablet with the following inscription CAMP CHARLOTTE Near this spot -- the famous Treaty was made between Lord Dunmore Governor of Virginia and Chief Cornstalk of the Shawnees and Allied Tribes in October -- 1774 This Camp was named Charlotte after the Queen of England Erected by the Pickaway Plains Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 1774 1928 This monument ...

"Was the Pontiac Uprising a Conspiracy?" by Wilbur R. Jacobs. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 26-37.
... WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY by WILBUR R JACOBS Instructor in American History Santa Barbara College University of California Ever since Francis Parkman wrote his classic account of the Indian war of 1763 historians have questioned the exact nature of the origin of Parkman's so-called conspiracy of Pontiac Contemporary manuscripts reveal that there were enough abuses suffered by the Indians at the hands of the whites to justify in the minds of the ...

"Western Indians in the Revolution, The," by Wallace Notestein. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 269-291.
... THE WESTERN INDIANS IN THE REVOLUTION THE WESTERN INDIANS IN THE REVOLUTION WALLACE NOTESTEIN This paper was awarded the annual prize offered to Ohioans by the Ohio Sons of the Revolution for an historical essay February 1905 The assigned subject that year was the Western Indians in the Revolution The writer aimed only at a clear and concise treatment of the Indian War in the West of which so far as he is aware there is no brief recent account The discussion of Gov Hamilton's responsibility ...

"Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River," by Guy-Harold Smith. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 1-19.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS WASHINGTON'S CAMP SITES ON THE OHIO RIVER BY GUY-HAROLD SMITH Ohio State University In the autumn of 1770 George Washington made a journey into the interior of North America in the interest of the Virginia soldiers who had fought in the Indian wars and had been promised western lands as reward for their services Also Washington had personal reasons for making this reconnaissance of the lands along the Ohio River He had the foresight to ...

"Mitchener's 'Legend of the White Woman, and Newcomerstown,'" Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 283-300.
... MITCHENER'S LEGEND OF THE WHITE MITCHENER'S LEGEND OF THE WHITE WOMAN AND NEWCOMERSTOWN BY GEORGE F SMYTHE Mr C W Butterfield in his History of Ohio says1 Mark Kuntz upon the Tuscarawas with an Indian wife and Mary Harris upon the Walhonding with an Indian husband were it may be proper here to mention the first white settlers of Ohio so far as any authentic records disclose My interest at present is concerned with this Mary Harris There may indeed have been white women in Ohio before Mary ...

"The Ohio Indians: Address at Franklinton Centennial by Col. E. L. Taylor, September 15, 1897," Volume 6, Number 1, January, 1898, pp. 72-94.
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE OHIO INDIANS ADDRESS AT FRANKLINTON CENTENNIAL BY COL E L TAYLOR SEPTEMBER 15 1897 We are engaged to-day in celebrating an event of a hundred years ago which was then apparently unimportant but which has led on to great and permanent results A hundred years ago a few intelligent and determined white men settled here in the then unbroken wilderness which settlement soon became and has ever since remained the center of a far-pervading ...

"Joseph Badger, The First Missionary to the Western Reserve," by Byron R. Long. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 1-42.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSEPH BADGER THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO THE WESTERN RESERVE BY BYRON R LONG A preliminary word to the writing of this document is not unlike that which I wrote to the last article furnished for publication in this historical record In the sketch of Isaac N Walter printed in the April number of 1915 I dwelt at some length on the story of the Christian denomination with which he labored for many years as a minister My own personal connection ...

"Rev. Paul Henkel's Journal: His Missionary Journey to the State of Ohio in 1806," edited by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 23, Number 2, April, 1914, pp. 162-218.
... REV REV PAUL HENKEL'S JOURNAL1 HIS MISSIONARY JOURNEY TO THE STATE OF OHIO IN 1806 Translated from the German by Rev F E Cooper of Milwaukee Wis and edited by Clement L Martzolff Ohio University Athens Ohio NEW MARKET SHENANDOAH COUNTY VIRGINIA2 Monday July 7th To-day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon I started on my first journey as travelling preacher As the affairs of my household were in such shape that my wife could leave home for a time and as we had some reason to believe that her bodily ...

"Andrew Poe's Encounter with Indians," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 492-499.
... ANDREW POE'S ENCOUNTER WITH INDIANS ANDREW POE'S ENCOUNTER WITH INDIANS From the Draper Mss Border Forays 5 D-Chap 29 Wisconsin Historical Society Archives Andrew Poe was born the thirtieth of September 1742 in Frederick county Maryland George Poe the father of Andrew died while the latter was in his teens He remained at home until he became of age living with his mother and an elder brother Not long after the termination of Pontiac's War he came to the neighborhood of Pittsburgh where he ...

"Account of the Voyage on the Beautiful River Made in 1749, Under the Direction of Monsieur de Celoron, by Father Bonnecamps," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 397-423.
... ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER MADE IN 1749 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MONSIEUR DE CELORON BY FATHER BONNECAMPS MONSIEUR It was not possible for me last year to give you an account of my voyage on the Beautiful River All the vessels had left Quebec when I reached it I could it is true have written you by way of New England but I had many things to say to you which prudence would not allow me to send through the hands of the English ...

"De Celoron's Expedition to the Ohio in 1749," by O. H. Marshall. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 424-450.
... DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 BY 0 H MARSHALL The extensive territory lying between the Ohio River and Lake Erie has been the theatre of many remarkable historical changes Its earliest inhabitants left no record of their origin or history save in the numerous tumuli which are scattered over its surface bearing trees of the largest growth not distinguishable from the adjacent forest Measured by the extent and character of those vast ...

"The British Indian Department and the Abortive Treaty of Lower Sandusky, 1793," by Reginald Horsman. Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 189-213.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 3 JULY 1961 The British Indian Department and The Abortive Treaty of Lower Sandusky 1793 By REGINALD HORSMAN IN THE EARLY FALL of 1792 a general council of the Indian nations of the Old Northwest was held at the junction of the Maumee and the Auglaize rivers in what is now northwestern Ohio The Indians who gathered there were jubilant for their attempts to resist the American advance into the Old Northwest had met ...

"The Indian Thoroughfares of Ohio," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 264-295.
... THE INDIAN THOROUGHFARES OF OHIO THE INDIAN THOROUGHFARES OF OHIO BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT History tells of two Ohios151the old and the new The old Ohio was that portion of the American Hinterland drained by the Ohio and Allegheny rivers which together formed la Belle Riviere of New France It included the territory between the Alleghenies the Mississippi and the great lakes save as we except the country of Illinois which early in history became a territory distinct by itself as the meadow ...

"Sketch of Cornstalk, 1759-1777," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 245-262.
... SKETCH OF CORNSTALK SKETCH OF CORNSTALK 1759-1777 The following sketch of Cornstalk is from the Draper MSS Border Forays 3 D Chap XVIII in the possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin It is herewith published for the first time through the courtesy of Dr Reuben GoldThwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society-EDITOR The early history of Cornstalk1 is involved in obscurity During those eventful years of Indian attack and massacre between 1754 and 1763 there can ...

"Schoenbrunn," (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 588-590.
... 588 Ohio Arch 588 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in connection with the articles published Applause SCHOENBRUNN Rev J E Weinland Chairman of the Committee stated that he had not realized the importance of a written report but would make a short verbal report Schoenbrunn is the oldest village site in the State For years it was believed that Marietta was the oldest town in the State of Ohio and then the fact was unearthed that in 1772 a ...

"George Washington's Interest in the Ohio Country," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 20-27.
... GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE OHIO COUNTRY BY C B GALBREATH February 22nd will be the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of George Washington We are apt to think of him as a stately heroic figure far remote from us in time and space Two hundred years is a comparatively brief period in the life of a nation Only four generations have passed away since the death of Washington Many are now living who read in the newspapers at the time the announcement ...

"Presentation Speech of Mrs. Howard Jones" (Dedication of Logan Elm) Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 286-288.
... 286 Ohio Arch 286 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The program began at 2 o'clock Hon E O Randall presided and after a very brief preliminary address introduced Mrs Jones who read the following paper PRESENTATION SPEECH OF MRS HOWARD JONES One hundred and thirty-eight years ago this October momentous events were happening in this beautiful valley of the Scioto and history was being made in this fertile Pickaway plain-land East of us about seven miles at Camp Charlotte were about fifteen ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 585-592.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OHIO HISTORY IN THE SCHOOLS History and Geography of Ohio by William M Gregory Head of the Geography Department Cleveland School of Education and William B Guitteau Director of Schools Toledo Ohio Ginn and Company Publishers New York and Columbus 1922 It is to be regretted that in the educational system of our State there is no legal mandate to teach Ohio history ...