Ohio History Journal

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"Logan-The Mingo Chief, 1710-1780," Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 137-175.
... LOGAN -THE MINGO CHIEF LOGAN -THE MINGO CHIEF 1710-1780 The Ohio tribes of Indians produced an extraordinary number of illustrious chiefs who figured large in the history of their race Among these were Pontiac Tecumseh Cornstalk Little Turtle Blue Jacket and a score of others who left distinguished records as warriors orators and tribal leaders Among these perhaps no one gained a fame so wide as that acquired by Logan the Mingo chief who refused to attend the Treaty of Camp Charlotte and at ...

"Select List of Materials on Ohio History in Serial Publications," compiled by William D. Overman. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 137-170.
... SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SELECT LIST OF MATERIALS ON OHIO HISTORY IN SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN This list is the outgrowth of an Index to Materials for the Study of Ohio History which comprised an index topically arranged of the leading articles in the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIII The present list not only affords an index to articles in the QUARTERLY Vols I-XLIX but also selected articles on Ohio history in ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 347-350.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVIII For Index of Authors see Contents page iii PAGE ANTHROPOLOGY--STUDY AND TEACHING Gillin John Some Unfinished Business in Cultural Anthropology 4452 BACKUS FAMILY Phillips Mrs J E Ohio's Deep Roots in Connecticut 7482 The Beginning of Formal Dental Education at Bainbridge O by Edward C Mills 243-256 Benjamin F Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War by Harry Williams 3343 BIOGRAPHY Weisenburger F P The Personal ...

Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 477-508.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLIV A E F--166th Infantry 365 American history 328 333 A L A 357 American Land Board 439 Adams Andrew 172 American liberty 315 Adams George 308 American Library Association see A L Adams James 449 A Adams John opposed Society of CincinAmerican medicine 451 nati 84 American Museum of Natural History 282 Adams John Quincy opposed Society of American Nation 350 Cincinnati 84 American people 312 318 Adams S 449 American Political Leaders 350 Adams Samuel ...

Volume 34, Binding Supplement, , 1925, pp. 617-628.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV Adams John characterized 30-31 Pacific squadron present 208-209 213 Adams Rufus W Young Gentleman and Press notices 207-213 Lady's Explanatory Monitor 138-141 Scrapped 206-207 The Akron Centennial 522-547 Silver service 207 Akron Day 531-533 Sponsor presents loving cup 213 Balloon race 523-524 Sponsor receives flags 213 D A R Dedication of Tablet by 546 The battleship Ohio launched 1820 press Dedication of Tablet to Industrial notices 213-215 Leaders ...

"Wyandot Mission, The," by Emil Schlup. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 163-181.
... THE WYANDOT MISSION THE WYANDOT MISSION EMIL SCHLUP The present generation can scarcely comprehend the hardships and privations the early missionaries had to endure when the Ohio country was in a wilderness state But brave men risked their lives in promulgating the Christian doctrine among the aboriginals of the forest The earliest Protestant denomination to enter the new field were the Moravians Christian Frederick Post who had been a missionary among the Moravian Indians in New York and ...

"An Indian Camp Meeting," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 39-43.
... AN INDIAN CAMP MEETING AN INDIAN CAMP MEETING REV N B C LOVE The greater part of the following data the writer had from Levi Savage in 1885 He was at this time old and blind but in possession of his mental faculties His memory seemed clear and tenacious I wrote down at the time what he said word for word and from this written account I draw also from government and church publications A camp meeting was held by the Christian Wyandots on the east side of the Sandusky river opposite the big ...

"Farewell Song of the Wyandot Indians," by James Rankins. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 442-443.
... FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS JAMES RANKINS UPPER SANDUSKY Mr Emil Schlup President of the Wyandot County Pioneer Association is authority for the statement that Rev James Wheeler the resident missionary preached the farewell sermon at the Old Mission Church Upper Sandusky in the forepart of July 1843 to the assembled Wyandot Indians Squire John Greyeyes a converted Wyandot Indian preached the sermon in the Wyandot language which sermon was ...

Volume 31, Binding Supplement, , 1922, pp. 635-653.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI Abbott Julius D tells of the last visit tobacco pipes 513-522 bone impleof Grant to Clermont County 245 ments 522-523 chipped flint impleAbbott Louise her paper on The Grants ments 523-525 implements made of at Bethel 241-245 copper 525-528 ornaments of copper Adams Charles Francis Jr 83 his let529-555 bead necklaces 555-556 beads ter urging Carl Schurz to take part in of metal 556-557 objects made of Ohio political campaign of 1875 83-84 shell 557-559 ...

"Joseph E. Weinland, Rebuilder of Schoenbrunn," by Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 116-123.
... JOSEPH E JOSEPH E WEINLAND REBUILDER OF SCHOENBRUNN BY ROBERT M WILKIN Our meeting tonight is occasioned by the departure of our president from our community and his resignation as president of this Association and chairman of the Schoenbrunn Committee The purpose of the meeting is to take account of his services and express our gratitude for what he has done and what he has been We meet as historians and retrospection is the business of historians Historians look back through the years put ...

"Moravian Massacre, The," by William M. Farrar. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 276-300.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VoL 3 with its annual receipts from members' dues interest sale of publications etc will keep it on a plane with the best societies in the country and enable it to do its full share of usefulness The General Assembly has provided for the purchase and preservation of that remarkable earth-work--Fort Ancient-in the Little Miami valley It is the largest and most extensive prehistoric remains now in Ohio The move was most commendable and ...

"John Stewart: Pioneer Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 337-349.
... JOHN STEWART JOHN STEWART PIONEER MISSIONARY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH N B C LOVE DD The Methodist Episcopal Church from its organization in 1773 was missionary in its spirit It made continuous efforts towards the conversion of the w hites and blacks but the red men of the forest were passed by The minutes of the annual conferences at the beginning of the last century reported in separate columns the numbers of whites and blacks in each society but no figures for the Indians The ...

"Index to 'A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War,'" Volume 24, Number 3, July, 1915, pp. 534-539.
... INDEX INDEX Agricultural progress in Ohio before 1825 255 334 1831-37 355 1838-42 397-8 414 1852 440 1857 469 Assessed valuation of property in Ohio 439 520 Banks chartered in Ohio before 1815 257 260 261-3 under Bonus Law of 1815 273 275 277 1829 344 1831 359 1832 362 1833 with capital of a million 364 1834 367 Bank Commissioners of Ohio enactment of law providing for 392 first report of 392 report of 1842 favors restrictions on banks 401 Bank Committee report of in Ohio legislature in 1819 ...

Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 470-489.
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISM at Oberlin 87 Abraham Lincoln by Ehrgott Forbriger amp Co 413 illustration 412 Abraham Lincoln Late President of the US Assassinated April 14th 1865 by Gibson amp Co 413-414 417 illustration 413 Abraham Lincoln Writing the Emancipation Proclamation by David Gilmour Blythe 404-406 illustrations cover Autumn 1980Number 4 404 Adams Charles Frances Jr 381 Adams Henry 381 Admission Age Quartiles 1859-79 Ohio Reform Farm table 289 Aesculapius 232 ...

Volume 85, Binding Supplement, , 1976, pp. 345-356.
... Index Index COMPILED BY EDWARD LENSE AND NANCY SUMMERS ABA See American Bar Association Abbot David and Tappan 136 136n 137-38 139 140 Abolition of slavery 49 50 56 abolitionism in Western Reserve 50 56 and Benjamin Tappan 109 111 ACLU See American Civil Liberties Union Adams John 121 220 Adger John B American delegate to World Evangelical Alliance 302 Aeschbacher W D book rev 338 Alexander Charles C book rev 342-43 Alexander James 148 Alien and Sedition Acts 224 Allen Frederick Lewis quoted ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 351-372.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLVIII Abarca y Bolea Pedro Pablo287 American Catholic Historical Society of Abbot Nehemiah 26 Philadelphia Records 284 Abbot Samuel 26 American Dental Convention248 253 255 Abbot Thomas 22 American Federation of Labor175 Abbot Abbott family of160 American Historical Association 99 108 Abbott Charles S257 153 163 Annual Reports 110 Pacific Abbott Louise 112 Coast Branch 153 Aberdeen Ohio 182 American Historical Review 154 159 160 Abingdon Press 269 163 ...

Volume 54, Binding Supplement, , 1945, pp. 429-457.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIV GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIV ABBOTT LYMAN 51 Allen William 329 Abolition movement and Granville O Allison Charles M 255 223 literature 238 Allison Mrs Jessie 255 Abolitionists Rev John Rankin 234 Amanda see Fort Amanda Academy of Natural Science 198 Amber routes 10 Ackerknecht Erwin H Malaria in the Amendments to Society's constitution Upper Mississippi Valley 1760-90 provisions for 260 rev by Jonathan Forman 413-16 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Ackley Horace ...

Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 383-413.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLV Abingdon Ill 348 Abingdon Press 231 Abolition movement 174 367 Abolitionists175 366 867 Aborigines 8357 358 Accounts 162 209 Adams Henry--History of the United States 76 Adams John Quincy 78 81 83 84 85 86 302 304 305 316 317 --Memoirs 76 79 81 85 87 Adams R E W 187 Adams County La 351 Adams County O 182 186 220 229 235 259 311 --Bibliography 95 Adams Syndicate 231 Addison O 153 Adelphi O Marietta371 372 Aerial photography in archaeology 189 193 ...

Volume 53, Binding Supplement, , 1944, pp. 413-441.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII ABBEY ROBERT 185 Altenburg Clarence E A Modern ConAbolition and abolitionists 7 8 9 33 T quistador in South America rev by Morris 15 N S Townshend elected G M Potts 408 to legislature by 359 Alton Ill 12 disturbances 8 Aborigines American 97 Alton O 145 Academic Institute 128 Alum Creek 58 137 138 145 155 Academy conducted by Nathaniel Holmeaning 139 ley 130 Alva Okla 54 Academy for boys A Kinmont's 122 Amalthea see Central College ...

Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 421-463.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII A Allen - Col commands KenAbbott David Ohio Presidential Electtucky infantry Ft Wayne 1812 or 1812 367 326 327 329 358 Indians kill spies Abolition in Kansas 192-205 of 359 Abolitionists 21 372 Allen County 376 Ackley J M Dr prominent CleveAllen E Rev 132 133 land physician 80 Allen John W Cleveland mayor 80 Adams American vessel 1812 355 Allen William Gov 100 Adams Ashel in War 1812 314 Almanac pioneer use of 267 HagersAdams Charles Francis 20 21 ...