Ohio History Journal

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"A Pioneer Letter," by Rachel R. Lockwood. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 153-155.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 153 A PIONEER LETTER The letter here presented was written by Miss Rachel R Lockwood great aunt of George R Lockwood Editor of the Natio n al Republic published in Washington D C She emigrated from Sussex County Delaware to Preble County Ohio In 1845 she moved with other members of the family to Miami County Indiana where she became the wife of Jonathan Potterfield Dr Dingle to whom the letter was addressed was a member of the State Senate ...

"The New Jerusalem Church in Ohio From 1848 to 1870," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 25-54.
... THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO FROM 1848 TO 1870 by OPHIA D S MI TH In his Teachers of the Nineteenth Century 1845 Parke Godwin said that the chief characteristic of the then present epoch was its tendency to unity in universality and that the men in whom this tendency was most fully expressed were Swedenborg Fourier and Goethe In these three persons was summed up the great movement toward unity in universality in religion science and art which comprised the ...

"Itinerary of the Secretary," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 474-475.
... 474 Ohio 474 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications would be to detract from the estimate in which the work might be held The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society cannot of course agree to sanction such vagaries Respectfully R W MCFARLAND ITINERARY OF THE SECRETARY On August 18th Secretary Randall made a trip to Chillicothe and procuring conveyance drove out some seven miles to the location of the Harness Mounds where Prof W C Mills Curator of the Society's Museum was conducting his ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 575-598.
... OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE UNVEILED September 14 1929 is a date long to be remembered in the annals of Ohio and other states represented at the dedicatory ceremonies incident to the unveiling of a monument to Major General Anthony Wayne a hero of the Revolution and the border wars with the Indians in the valleys of the Miami and Maumee Rivers The sites of his major achievements in the post-Revolutionary period of his career-the battle of Fallen ...

"Fortunes of a Circuit Rider, The," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 91-115, notes 167-170.
... by PAUL H BOASE The itinerancy the traveling ministry of the Methodist Church distinguished the Methodist plan of church government from all other ecclesiastical systems on the American frontier While most denominations employed mounted missionaries as evangelical emissaries to the West only the Wesleyans geared their entire program to an intricately developed circuit system virtually compelling Methodist preachers to ride abreast of the westward bound pioneers In sparsely settled regions ...

"The Miami Purchase of John Cleves Symmes," by R. Pierce Beaver. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 284-342.
... THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES SYMMES BY R PIERCE BEAVER I INTRODUCTION The Miami Country1 includes about five thousand square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining portion of Indiana2 in the main the basins and valleys of the two Miami rivers extending more than a hundred miles inland from a fifty-mile base on the Ohio The region holds a most important place in the history of Ohio and the Northwest In the days before the settlement of Ohio it ...

"A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War," by Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr.. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 171-184.
... LAWRENCE A LAWRENCE A KREISER Jr A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War In the closing days of the Civil War Major General William Tecumseh Sherman declared to Union soldiers preparing to muster out his belief that as in war you have been good soldiers so in peace you will make good citizens1 Many scholars neglect the second half of Sherman's appeal generalizing about the adjustments that soldiers made to peacetime society rather ...

"Silver Mines of Ohio Indians," R. S. King. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 114-116.
... SILVER MINES OF OHIO INDIANS SILVER MINES OF OHIO INDIANS PROFESSOR R S KING We occasionally have had inquiries concerning the history or myth if it was merely traditionary concerning some silver mines worked by the Indians which mines were supposed to have been located near Old Chillicothe Greene County Ohio We have never been able to secure any definite information in regard to the same until we received the following from Professor R S King now of the University of Arizona Tucson ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 175-178.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Fall Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be October 13-14 1989 at Ohio University The Missouri Valley History Conference sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Omaha's History Department will be held March 8-10 1990 Those interested in further information concerning the conference should contact Jerold Simmons Program Coordinator MVHC Department of History University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The Pennsylvania Historical and ...

"Correspondence of Anna Briggs Bentley from Columbiana County, 1826," Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 38-45, notes 71.
... Life was hard and toilsome in the early years of Ohio statehood for those souls who left warm eastern firesides and crossed the Alleghenies into the new western land In the first years of their settling long hours of work and the necessities of bare existence left little time for correspondence with family and friends The letters that have been preserved show the writers to be unusually literate for the time and place and they take on added significance in view of their scarcity An unusual ...

"Address of Prof. M. R. Andrews" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 30-32.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Battle of Point Pleasant Treaty twenty years before was its beginning Had the pioneers been successful in that conflict the Americans would not have rebelled It would have shown the impossibility of success But Colonel Lewis was successful and Anthony Wayne was successful The Revolution culminated in independence but not for Ohio until Wayne fought the last battle that gave our people instead of England the land upon which we now stand ...

"Address of Charles E. Dagenett," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 288-295.
... 288 Ohio Arch 288 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ferson to the degree that he declared it compared favorably with any speech of Demosthenes or Cicero It matters little if this is not the exact spot where Lord Dunmore received the oration It could not have been far from here But tradition coming down through several reliable families whose representatives still live near here says this magnificent old elm the largest in all the land which then and for many years after had a fine spring ...

"Centennial of Miner Family," Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 406-417.
... CENTENNIAL OF MINER FAMILY CENTENNIAL OF MINER FAMILY The celebration of the Miner family June 7 1 90 6 at the old homestead on Green Lawn Avenue was an occasion well worthy of permanent note Mrs Mary Wharton eighty-five years of age youngest daughter of Isaac Miner and the sole survivor of his children issued an invitation to her friends and neighbors in the following form 1806 Spero ut fidelis 1906 MRS MARY WHARTON REQUESTS THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AT THE CENTENNIAL OF THE MINER FAMILY ...

"Tecumseh, The Shawnee Chief," by E. O. Randall. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 418-497.
... TECUMSEH THE SHAWNEE CHIEF TECUMSEH THE SHAWNEE CHIEF E O RANDALL Among the savage races of history no one is more extraordinary unique or fascinating in character and custom in action and achievement than the aborigine who roamed the forests of North America before and at the arrival of the European discoverers and settlers Then roved the Indian As free as nature first made man Ere the base laws of servitude began When wild in woods the noble savage ran In these people so peculiar and ...

"The Political Philosophy of Arthur St. Clair," Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 41-57.
... THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF ARTHUR THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF ARTHUR ST CLAIR By ALFRED B SEARS Arthur St Clair perhaps came naturally by his aristocratic attitudes for he was descendant of Norman-Scot nobility who were noted for their monarchical loyalty Born in Thurso Caithness County Scotland in 1734 the son of a younger son he inherited nothing but was able to enter Edinburgh University to prepare for the medical profession In 1756 he was indentured to a celebrated London doctor William ...

"Problems in Peacekeeping: The 1924 Niles Riot," by Robert L. Daugherty. Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 280-292.
... ROBERT L ROBERT L DAUGHERTY Problems in Peacekeeping The 1924 Niles Riot On November 1 1924 Niles Ohio was the scene of one of the state's most famous riots Replete with violence the riot was characterized by beatings overturned automobiles and even shootings Bands of armed men freely roamed the streets of Niles meeting with little or no opposition from law enforcement agencies Local civil authority in the Niles area-both municipal and county-had all but evaporated in the face of violence and ...

"Indian Land Cessions in Ohio," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 249-255.
... INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO BY S S KNABENSHUE Ever since the civilized nations of the world began to occupy lands peopled by savages they have based their claims upon the right of discovery followed by occupation This principle has been judicially affirmed by the United States Supreme Court which declared that discovery gave an exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy either by purchase or conquest and also to sovereignty Johnson and Graham's ...

Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 86-96.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION Washington D C Carl Bode Chairman Steering Committee The sponsoring committee of the association held its first meeting at the Library of Congress on March 22 1951 and adopted a constitution for the association The organization has as its aim the encouragement of the study of American civilization by improving communications across those disciplines which deal with phases of American civilization and by fostering ...

"The Coonskin Library," by Sarah J. Cutler. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 58-77.
... THE COONSKIN LIBRARY THE COONSKIN LIBRARY BY SARAH J CUTLER MARIETTA Among the hills of southern Ohio in that portion now included in the county of Athens the sound of the woodman's axe broke oftentimes the forest quiet during the winter of 1797-98 A vigorous pioneer was making a clearing upon a few acres of ground and building a log cabin to which to bring his family For miles around the unbroken forest stretched away Huge sycamores traced the courses of the streams while beech oak maple ...

"Dr. Naylor's Poem-'The Hardy Pioneer'" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 36-38.
... 36 Ohio 36 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications This state was the thoroughfare for all the races and all the people in their struggle to reach the west Its foundations were laid by the very best brains of this country when that great American stream of settlers founded this composite Ohio Wherever you look you will find the Ohio man and as long as we have The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society to perpetuate the greatness of the Ohioan and mark the places where they have ...