... STORY OF THE FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STORY OF THE FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF OHIO 1835 - 18 42 BY PAUL WAKELEE STODDARD INTRODUCTORY NOTE The purpose of this paper is conceived to be the story of the First Geological Survey of Ohio not the findings of the Survey or the discoveries made It deals with the rise and fall of popular sentiment and the corresponding reaction in legislative halls Moreover this is legislative history--not social for the latter although far more valuable is subtle and ...
... 322 Ohio Arch 322 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and the other the officers of the American fleet of Commodore Perry and the British fleet of Captain Barclay The day's outing was delightfully closed by a steam-yacht trip from Port Clinton to Put-in-Bay where a short stop was made and a glimpse taken of the proposed site of the monument to be erected in September 1912 commemorative of Perry's encounter on Lake Erie EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR An innumerable host of admiring acquaintances ...
... TENTH ANNUAL REPORT TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ohio State Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY TO THE GOVERNOR From February 19 1894 to February 19 1895 To the HON WM MCKINLEY Governor of Ohio The ninth annual meeting of the Society convened in the reading room of the State Library Columbus Ohio February 20 1894 at 2 p M standard time with the President General Roeliff Brinkerhoff in the Chair E O Randall acting as Secretary Upon the call for the reading of the minutes of the annual meeting ...
... The Ohio Canal Movement 1820-1825 The Ohio Canal Movement 1820-1825 By HARRY N SCHEIBER NO SINGLE ACT of the Ohio General Assembly prior to the Civil War had so profound an effect upon the state's economic development as did the bill of February 4 1825 by which construction of the state's canal system was first authorized On the eve of the bill's passage Alfred Kelley one of its eading exponents sought to explain to De Witt Clinton of New York the reasons why the Ohio legislature had agreed to ...
... Fort Fizzle 49 Fort Fizzle 49 He made them a neat speech telling them of the obligations they owed to themselves and to their children and their country deprecating the necessity of bringing armed soldiers into the county and winding up by assuring them that he would not leave until the guilty were delivered into his hands and they promise to make no more resistance to the laws of the county We are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Bowers and Mr Thomas Fetterman of Napoleon and Mr and Mrs ...
... TABLET TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN AT MANSFIELD TABLET TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN AT MANSFIELD WHERE THE ORGANIZED MOVEMENT BEGAN TO MAKE HIM PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SPEECH BY HONORABLE CHARLES II WORKMAN I arise on behalf of the Abraham Lincoln Association of Richland county We meet to give proper recognition to our forebears in 1858 in this city and in this country for their political acumen sagacity and intuition We meet to commemorate an important fact or event in the political history of the United ...
... CRAW FO RD COUNTY A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism by THOMAS H SMITH The Copperhead movement in the Middle West during the Civil War was not the simple case of pro-Southern sympathy and treason that the Republican propagandist charged but rather it was a complex of social economic and political antagonism to the Lincoln administration As diverse as its motives was the geographic heterogeneity of the movement no one specific locality or region held its nucleus Its strongest support however ...
... THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF GENERAL CHAUNCEY EGGLESTON INTRODUCTION BY FRANK EGLESTON ROBBINS University of M ich ig an General Chauncey Eggleston one of the first settlers of Aurora Ohio was a descendant of the first settler of this name Begat or Bigot Eggleston who came to Dorchester Massachusetts in 1630 and was a first settler of Windsor Connecticut in 1635 Here he died September 1 1674 His youngest son Benjamin 2 born December 18 1653 married Hannah Osborn ...
... THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER OHIO PHYSICIANS By FREDERICK C WAITE PHD The early location of physicians for practice in Ohio was coincident with the establishment of settlements and since these settlements began on the Ohio River it was in that region that were found the first resident physicians late in the eighteenth century The northern part of the state was settled somewhat later the northwestern area last of all In the Western Reserve of ...
... THE QUAKERS THEIR MIGRATION TO THE THE QUAKERS THEIR MIGRATION TO THE UPPER OHIO THEIR CUSTOMS AND DISCIPLINE BY H E SMITH MARIETTA OHIO George Fox was the Father of the Quaker Meeting sometimes called Friends' Meeting He tells us that Truth sprang up first to us to be a people to the Lord in Leicestershire England in 1644 He describes how the movement first spread to the neighboring counties then by 1654 over England Scotland and Ireland in 1655 many went beyond the seas and in 1656 Truth ...
... FRANKLINTON AT THE TIME OF THE DEATH FRANKLINTON AT THE TIME OF THE DEATH OF LUCAS SULLIVANT BY ANDRE W DENNY RODGERS III Dedication ceremonies of the monument erected to Lucas Sullivant and the pioneers of Franklin County in the Franklinton Cemetery Our mood this afternoon is one of retrospect This afternoon we lift away the gray mists of more than a century to move among the valiant pioneer spirits of the borough of Franklinton Today this is Franklinton and the time is the ninth day of ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER JULY 1958 Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country 1816 - 1818 Edited by DWIGHT L SMIT H IN JUNE OF 1816 a young prospective lawyer set out from Haverhill Massachusetts to seek his fortune in the West As was not unusual then for one who traveled a long distance he wrote home letters of considerable length to describe his journey and the new land to which he came But in this instance the traveler was a ...
... MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING Columbus Ohio September 19 1923 FORENOON SESSION 9 A M Pursuant to a call issued September 8 1923 the Society met and was called to order by President Campbell The following members were present Hon James E Campbell Mr E F Wood Mr George F Bareis Professor B F Prince Mr Henry J Booth General J Warren Keifer Colonel Webb C Hayes ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XLII INDEX TO VOLUME XLII Abels A 71 Bicentennial commission for Ohio Names Abroader the better 392 of 8-9 Adams S E 114 Bicentennial commission for West VirAlexander W L quoted 128-129 ginia Names of 7 American Colonists in English Records Blaine James G Speech in Cincinnati Ser 1 reviewed 241-242 385-386 his affability 387-388 American Legion 64 Blazier Ann 39 Anchor iron 171 180 Blumenberg Hugo 29 Ashmun George 108 Bolles Col William M 169 Atkinson L A 176 Boone Col E A 223 ...
... EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EDUCATION BY WILLIS L GARD To-day we look upon education as a process by means of which the individual acquires experiences that tend to modify conduct and that aid in meeting new situations in life These experiences are acquired through tradition and the school Often the most effective part of an individual's education comes as the result or incidental experiences in an effort to subjugate his environment These ...
... RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER RICHARD PLANTAGANET LLEWELLYN BABER A SKETCH AND SOME OF HIS LETTERS DUANE MOWRY A few months since we received from Mr Duane Mowry of Milwaukee Wisconsin duplicates of some letters written by Mr R P L Baber formerly of Columbus Ohio to Judge James R Doolittle at one time United States Senator from Wisconsin With the view of publishing these letters Mr Mowry wrote the late E L Taylor for information concerning Mr Baber Mr Taylor's reply was also forwarded us ...
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht President New officers of the association are Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht president and treasurer Ernest Green first vice president Mrs Elmer Lewis second vice president Mrs Walter Lister secretary and Harriet Wright curator Trustees are Rev J Chandler Adams Mrs Albert Birdsall Benjamin P Forbes Ernest Green Mrs Elmer Lewis Ray Thayer and Dr Charles K Teter ...
... A FAMILIAR TALK ABOUT MONARCHISTS A FAMILIAR TALK ABOUT MONARCHISTS AND JACOBINS AN ADDRESS BY WILLIAM HENRY SMITH WHEN I received an invitation to address the Historical Society here to-night the suggestion was made by a member of your committee that I take the life and public services of John Brough for my theme Born within the limits of your city the son of one of the pioneer fathers it were fitting that he should be remembered on an occasion of such historical interest It was gratifying to ...
... JOHN LEWIS ROTH JOHN LEWIS ROTH The First White Child Born in the Moravian Mission at Gnadenhutten1 By HARLOW LINDLEY The Ohio Society Daughters of the American Colonists at least must be given credit for arousing a group of Ohio's citizens from an unusual state of disinterestedness to one of profound interest and concern as to who was the first white child born in Ohio and some of these seem to have gone out of their way to misinterpret what it is all about I hold in my hand a clipping ...