Ohio History Journal

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"Colonel S. K. Donavan," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 346-347.
... 346 Ohio Arch 346 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications became captain of Company C of that regiment He served with distinction through the Civil War and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel He was again in the Legislature in 1867-1868 and was Speaker in the latter year In 1876 he was elected United States senator and twice afterward re-elected He died in 1891 before the close of his third term His life history as presented by Connelley in this volume is an inspiration to every healthy ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 355-359.
... Historical News Historical News THE WISCONSIN HISTORY FOUNDATION has been awarded a 45000 research and publication grant from Lilly Endowment Inc of Indianapolis Indiana in support of a three-year program on the history of the American Midwest About one-third of the grant will be used for grants-in-aid to post-doctoral scholars doing research on midwest history between the Civil War and World War I and the balance will be used for publication of the results of these studies as well as of ...

"History of the United States," by Elroy M. Avery. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 508-513.
... 508 Ohio Arch 508 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing food and supplies She quoted the words of President Lincoln that without the women of the north the union could not have preserved The speaker dwelt at some length on the honors that Ohio women had won in various pursuits and callings that over one hundred of them had been given medals for their part in great achievements She gave a number of important actions benefiting womankind in which the initiative was taken by Ohio women Mrs ...

"Report on the Present Condition of Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 341-348.
... REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF MOUNDS AND EARTHWORKS OF OHIO HAVING been appointed by the Ohio Arch ae ological and Historial Society Chairman of a Committee to consider the necessity and the means of preserving the prehistoric mounds and earthworks of Ohio I arranged last summer to spend a week in company with Judge C C Baldwin of Cleveland in making a tour of inspection which should enable us to supplement investigations which we had previously made ...

"Cultural Mediation, Cultural Exchange, and the Invention of the Ohio Frontier," by Larry L. Nelson. Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 72-91.
... LARRY L LARRY L NELSON Cultural Mediation Cultural Exchange and the Invention of the Ohio Frontier There was little rest for Alexander McKee during the autumn of 1793 Over the course of the preceding three years a loose confederation of Native Americans from along the Maumee River Valley had looked to their British allies for assistance In their campaign to expel the United States from the Ohio Country the northwestern tribes had already frustrated two American expeditions into the region In ...

Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 397-403.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Frontier Ohio 1788-1803 By Randolph Chandler Downes Ohio Historical Collections III Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1935 280p maps 250 Students of Ohio history will be grateful to the author for presenting this vivid and accurate account of the origins of the Commonwealth Professor Randolph Chandler Downes has examined and cited in a wealth of footnotes a great variety of widely scattered manuscript collections as well as the ...

"Francisca Bauer, the Sister of the Woods," by Edmund L. Binsfeld. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 353-366.
... Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods By EDMUND L BINSFELD OLD THEODORE WILLIAMS of Norwalk Ohio liked to reminisce and when the Rev Frederick Rupert pastor at St Paul's Roman Catholic parish there was preparing what he called an outline history of the Catholic churches in that area Williams told the priest about the early days Among other things Williams said that when he was a boy of eight he saw at sunset one September evening in 1828 two ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1969-1970," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 288-296.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1969-1970 ARCHAEOLOGY BRITT CLAUDE JR The Hopkins Sites Multi-Component Sites in Miami County Ohio Ohio Archaeologist XVIII October 1968 124-128 GOODMAN KENNETH C A Proposed Standard for Denoting Loci of Features and Artifacts in Archaeological Explorations and Excavations Ohio Archaeologist XVIII October 1968 134-135 HOFFMAN MICHAEL Archaeological Surveys in the Central Ohio River Valley ...

"Mount Pleasant and the Early Quakers of Ohio," by James L. Burke and Donald E. Bensch. Volume 83, Number 4, Autumn, 1974, pp. 220-255.
... JAMES L JAMES L BURKE DONALD E BENSCH Mount Pleasant and The Early Quakers of Ohio In the charming old village of Mount Pleasant Jefferson County Ohio stands a monument to one of America's small but influential denominations the Society of Friends or Quakers People of other religious affiliations settled in Mount Pleasant too but the early history of the Mount Pleasant area was strongly influenced by those Friends who were among its first settlers Their monument is the large brick meeting ...

"Richland County Historical Society," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 471-473.
... Editorialana Editorialana 471 July sixth was known as Military Day A large section of the state militia under the command of Brigadier General William V McMaken paraded the streets of the city headed by the Eighth Regiment Band and the Marietta Guards Governor Herrick and his military staff reviewed the movements of the troops This was followed by a gathering at the fair grounds where speeches were made by Col W R Warnock Governor Myron T Herrick and Senator C W Dick In the evening there was ...

"Visit to Fort Ancient, A," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 248-252.
... A VISIT TO FORT ANCIENT A VISIT TO FORT ANCIENT FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI For some two weeks in the Summer of 1910 a portion of the Ohio National Guard encamped at Fort Ancient and during their evolutions enacted a sham siege of the Fort This interesting incident led to many comments in the newspapers concerning the modern military movements in the fortress that doubtless witnessed scenes of barbarian warfare centuries ago In an article brought out by the incident above mentioned Mr Felix J Koch ...

"New York Historical Society Building," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 221-222.
... Editorialana Editorialana 221 Society Wednesday evening and a reception Thursday afternoon by President and Mrs Harper at their residence corner of Fifty-ninth street and Lexington avenue President Harper is an Ohio man and was formerly connected with Muskingum College at New Concord His wife is also a Buckeye and when a girl lived in Mansfield She is the daughter of the Rev David Paul who was the pastor of the Mansfield United Presbyterian Church from 1858 until 1864 when he resigned to ...

"William Sanders Scarborough: Early Life and Years at Wilberforce," by Francis P. Weisenburger. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 203-226, notes 287-289.
... WILLIAM SANDERS SCARBOROUGH EARLY LIFE AND YEARS AT WILBERFORCE by FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER The most renowned Negroes in American history have generally been men of vigorous action who in various ways have given spirited leadership to their race and to their country Such persons include Frederick Douglass John M Langston Booker T Washington and William E B Du Bois Other less aggressive individuals such as Richard Theodore Greener1 the first Negro graduate of Harvard University and a lawyer of ...

"The Quakers, Their Migration to the Upper Ohio, Their Customs and Discipline," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 35-85.
... THE QUAKERS THEIR MIGRATION TO THE THE QUAKERS THEIR MIGRATION TO THE UPPER OHIO THEIR CUSTOMS AND DISCIPLINE BY H E SMITH MARIETTA OHIO George Fox was the Father of the Quaker Meeting sometimes called Friends' Meeting He tells us that Truth sprang up first to us to be a people to the Lord in Leicestershire England in 1644 He describes how the movement first spread to the neighboring counties then by 1654 over England Scotland and Ireland in 1655 many went beyond the seas and in 1656 Truth ...

"Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death" Ann Clymer Bigelow. Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 5-25.
... Bigelow Winter-Spring 2001 pp 5-25 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M Edmiston The Fabric of His Life and Death By Ann Clymer Bigelow My Poor Father was a man of fine fealing but the Cold hand of death Laid him low from the journal of Evan Edmiston1 Dozens of ...

"The Bicentennial of Major General Arthur St. Clair," by Theresa Vinton Pierce Krull. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 257-272.
... THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF MAJOR GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR1 BY THERESA VINTON PIERCE KRULL This paper was read before the Fifteenth Annual Indiana History Conference at Indianapolis December 8 1933 and is reprinted with permission from the Indiana History Bulletin vol 11 No 5 The bicentennial of Major General Arthur St Clair comes to our calendar with 1934 and should come to the hearts of all Indianans with a new or renewed sense of what Arthur St Clair means in the history of civil ...

"Auto-Sketch of Charles Williams," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 372-379.
... AUTO-SKETCH OF CHARLES WILLIAMS AUTO-SKETCH OF CHARLES WILLIAMS Charles Williams was the first white settler - so claimed - in what is now the city of Coshocton Mr Williams settled there in the spring of 1800 the town being laid out the next year For a season or two prior to his locating at Coshocton Mr Williams had grown a crop of corn on the prairie four miles up the Walhonding River Mr Williams was a typical pioneer and his sketch written by himself is of special interest because giving not ...

"Ora Et Labora: A German Methodist Utopia," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 129-140.
... Ora et Labora Ora et Labora A German Methodist Utopia By CARL WITTKE IN ALL AGES men have toyed with plans for the regeneration of the race and a map of the world without utopias would be bleak and uninteresting indeed1 A new unsettled land like the United States was especially appealing to utopian dreamers and beginning with the colonial period scores of communitarian experiments flourished for longer or shorter periods in America Some were religious in origin and used a communist pattern as ...

"Report of Field Work Carried on in the Muskingum, Scioto and Ohio Valleys During the Season of 1896," by Warren King Moorehead. Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 165-274.
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK CARRIED ON IN THE MUSKINGUM SCIOTO AND OHIO VALLEYS DURING THE SEASON OF 1896 BY WARREN KING MOOREHEAD IN CHARGE OF EXPLORATIONS PREFACE It is interesting to note that as general archaeology progresses in the United States men are more inclined to confine their observations to special or limited areas A generation ago before the Government the Museums of our various cities and the Scientific and Historical Societies undertook large explorations it was ...

"The Millerite Movement in Ohio," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 95-107.
... N N GORDON THOMAS The Millerite Movement in Ohio A most spectacular and dramatic nineteenth century religious movement in America developed from the preaching of William Miller This was the culmination of the pronouncement that Christ's Second Coming would occur in October 1844 Preaching in a forceful manner and with convincing sincerity Prophet Miller delivered hundreds of lectures in years 1831 to 1844 His message was one of emotion and terror It was often sensationalized as well as ...