Ohio History Journal

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"The History of Penal Institutions in Ohio to 1850," by Clara Belle Hicks. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 359-426.
... THE HISTORY OF PENAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE HISTORY OF PENAL INSTITUTIONS IN OHIO TO 1850 BY CLARA BELLE HI CKS M A THE EARLY TERRITORIAL PERIOD The History of Penal Institutions in Ohio properly begins with the first settlements in the great Northwest Territory The development of institutions in a frontier colony naturally depends to a large extent upon the character of the settlers and the need for such institutions The first settlers arrived at Marietta the first permanent settlement in Ohio ...

"Editorialana," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 470-480.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA The recent appointments to the Board of Trustees of the Society have added strength and dignity to that body Governor Cox on June 24 1913 appointed ex-Governor Myron T Herrick of Cleveland and ex-Governor James E Campbell of Columbus for the terms of three years from the date of their appointment Mr Herrick was originally appointed by Governor Harmon The high character of the personnel of the Board has been unbroken in the twenty-eight years of its history This is ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976," compiled by Charles A. Isetts. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 67-83.
... compiled by compiled by CHARLES A ISETTS A Survey of Publications on the History of Ohio 1974 to 1976 ANTISLAVERY Cardinal Eric J Antislavery Sentiment and Political Transformation in the 1850's Portage County Ohio Old Northwest 1 1975 223-238 Harrold Stanley C Jr Forging an Antislavery Instrument Gamaliel Bailey and the Foundation of the Ohio Liberty Party Old Northwest 2 1976 371-387 Ludwig Charles Levi Coffin and the Underground Railroad Scottdale Pennsylvania Herald Press 1975 184p Lupold ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 158-163.
... NEWS and NOTES ADLAI E STEVENSON United States ambassador to the United Nations has given his papers relating to his campaign for governor of Illinois in 1948 and the papers of his terms as governor 1949-53 to the Illinois State Historical Society Springfield In a statement accompanying his letter of gift Ambassador Stevenson said Feeling that the preservation of papers affecting our past is important for the future and because of my family's long residence in Illinois and close connection ...

"Tarhe, the Wyandot Chief, and the Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 313-318.
... TARHE THE WYANDOT CHIEF TARHE THE WYANDOT CHIEF AND THE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE LR CHAS E SLOCUM DEFIANCE It is the desire of this writing to add somewhat to the mention of Tarhe the Wyandot Aborigine1 Chief and to the mention of the character of the Aborigines that appeared in the last number of the QUARTERLY although this addition shows their character different from that there mentioned Tarhe grew to adult life in very troublous times He was reared to savagery and to inebriety like ...

"Summary of the Manuscript Recollections of Milo G. Williams (1804-1880)," by Florence Murdoch. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 113-126.
... SUMMARY OF THE MANUSCRIPT RECOLLECTIONS SUMMARY OF THE MANUSCRIPT RECOLLECTIONS OF MILO G WILLIAMS 1804-1880 By FLORENCE MURDOCH Interesting glimpses of early Cincinnati are to be found in the manuscript recollections by Milo G Williams written in 1877-79 They show not only some historical background to his activities in educational scientific and religious circles of the city of more than a century ago but also note the changes which occurred during his lifetime and are illuminated by his ...

"An Ohio Surgeon in Paris, 1835-1836," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 268-275.
... 268 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 268 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY with difficulty that we refrain from being surprised at ourselves And our culture dwarfs that of our fathers to insignificance We cannot be expected to judge values according to the standards of a culture which to us appears so naive so childlike so unintelligent and emotionally unstable But sometimes when our present world is a bit too much with me the strident voice of the news broadcaster comes ...

"Story of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention, The," by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 6-12.
... THE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATHE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION By M M QUAIFE Several years ago Mr George Macdonald of Windsor Ont and the present writer attended the joint historical conference of the New York and Ontario historical societies held at Niagara Falls N Y and Niagara Falls Ont The conference was a great success and we came home imbued with the desire to bring about a similar gathering in Detroit and vicinity of the historical societies and ...

"Farewell Song of the Wyandot Indians," by James Rankins. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 442-443.
... FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS JAMES RANKINS UPPER SANDUSKY Mr Emil Schlup President of the Wyandot County Pioneer Association is authority for the statement that Rev James Wheeler the resident missionary preached the farewell sermon at the Old Mission Church Upper Sandusky in the forepart of July 1843 to the assembled Wyandot Indians Squire John Greyeyes a converted Wyandot Indian preached the sermon in the Wyandot language which sermon was ...

"John Carey, An Ohio Pioneer," by Muriel Kinney. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 166-198.
... JOHN CAREY AN OHIO PIONEER JOHN CAREY AN OHIO PIONEER By MURIEL KINNEY1 I am proud that I have done my share of work2 John Carey a mere child came to Ohio with his parents in 1798 and in 1822 he again migrated into the New Purchase where he cut a hole in the wilderness and built a home which was typical of early American patriarchal plantations Here he lived for fifty-three years taking active part in whatever concerned the development of the new State Ohio in which he always took great pride ...

"The Conquest of the Indian," by Benjamin R. Cowen. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 139-147.
... THE CONQUEST OF THE INDIAN THE CONQUEST OF THE INDIAN BENJAMIN R COWEN CINCINNATI Portion of an address delivered by General Cowen on the 28th of June 1904 at the placing of the tablet in commemoration of the Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference We have heard the story of the historic incident this monument is designed to commemorate eloquently told by the Regent of the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution That society has rendered a valuable service in the erection of this ...

"Old Northwest to Eastern Eyes, The," by Beverly W. Bond, Jr.. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 542-556.
... 542 Ohio Arch 542 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications small colleges and that some of our best citizenship found its inspiration in these institutions All of these colleges have had men and women of more than usual rank and standing in our commonwealth and I am proud to recognize their contribution to Ohio citizenship They have not been very exclusive in this because they have always exported their best to other colleges We have present Professor Beverly W Bond Jr from the University of ...

"Address of Judge Roy H. Williams," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 24-27.
... 24 Ohio Arch 24 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications their loss was far heavier than that suffered by Wayne's soldiers Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers many Indians fled to Detroit the British headquarters and General Wayne departed for Fort Defiance He did not live long to enjoy the honor of his victory dying two years later One of General Wayne's last acts was to receive from the British Fort Miami which they formally surrendered in 1796 in pursuance to a treaty negotiated by Chief ...

"Hudson Centennial Celebration: Hudson, Ohio, June 5, 1900," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 318-365.
... HUDSON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HUDSON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HUDSON OHIO JUNE 5 1900 The city of Hudson Ohio Summit county celebrated the hundredth anniversary of its settlement on the date noted above The following account of that interesting occasion is prepared mainly from the record of the proceedings furnished us by the courtesy of Prof W I Chamberlain We are indebted to Mrs Edwin P Gregory of Hudson for a copy of the portrait of her grandfather David Hudson and to Prof H W Woodward for a ...

"The Old Maysville Road," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 442-463.
... 442 Ohio Arch 442 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General Braddock did not live to realize all the evil consequences which his defeat brought upon the frontiers The road which he had opened from the Potomac to within seven miles of Fort Duquesne became again an Indian warpath In the three years following this battle it was used by a few small parties of French and many bands of Indians as an open road to the Potomac whence they ravaged the English settlements in Virginia Maryland and ...

"Unveiling of Memorial to Elizabeth Zane," Volume 37, Number 3, July, 1928, pp. 592-598.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TO ELIZABETH ZANE An event of more than passing interest in the pioneer history of the Ohio Valley was appropriately celebrated at Walnut Grove Cemetery Martins Ferry Ohio May 30 1928 This was the unveiling of a statue as a memorial to Elizabeth Zane--Heroine of Fort Henry Fort Henry named in honor of Patrick Henry was built on a hill within ...

Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 273-284.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director The Ohio Sesquicentennial Judaica Exhibit prepared by the archives is available for loan to institutions synagogues societies and schools in Ohio and neighboring states The exhibit comprises thirty items photographs portraits and photostats of documents relating to the history of the Jews in Ohio A list of the items and information regarding the loan of the materials may be ...

"The Ohio Road Experiment, 1913-1916," by Wayne E. Fuller. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 13-28, notes 70-71.
... THE OHIO ROAD EXPERIMENT 1913-1916 by WAYNE E FULLER In December 1914 the Signal a Zanesville Ohio newspaper carried a story captioned Jacob Johnson of the West Pike Died Thursday The story was interesting not because Jacob Johnson was renowned but because he was at the time of his death eighty-seven years old and had lived his entire life west of Zanesville near the famous highway which the American people knew as the old National Road but which the people of Zanesville called the West Pike ...

"Adam Hurdus and the Swedenborgians in Early Cincinnati," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 106-134.
... ADAM HURDUS AND THE SWEDENBORGIANS IN ADAM HURDUS AND THE SWEDENBORGIANS IN EARLY CINCINNATI By Ophia D Smith Many volumes have been written about the hardships and accomplishments of pioneer preachers in the Western Country Most of these however deal with men of orthodox faith The Swedenborgians equally self-sacrificing but unorthodox and misunderstood have received little attention because they were few in number Yet they were people of influence--they were readers and thinkers and doers In ...

"The Haydn Society in Cincinnati, 1819-24," Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 95-119.
... THE HAYDN SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI THE HAYDN SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI 1819-1824 BY HARRY R STEVENS When Theodore Thomas the famous German orchestra conductor came to Cincinnati in 1869 he found the finest musical center of inland America The community he discovered here had a long and rich musical background Twenty years of German musical activity had been preceded by more than half a century of native growth Near the beginning of this development was the Haydn Society one of the earliest musical ...