Ohio History Journal

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"Mound Builders' Fort Within Toldeo's Limits," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 381-384.
... Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits 381 MOUND BUILDERS' FORT WITHIN TOLEDO'S LIMITS BY S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO OHIO It will probably surprise most of the readers of the Quarterly to be told that there once existed an ancient defensive earthwork on the banks of the Maumee within the present city limits The writer was unaware of the fact until some time ago when he found a reference to it in a somewhat rare book-the first volume of the ...

"Mill Creek Park and the Source of Mill Creek," by Charles Burleigh Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 137-207.
... MILL CREEK PARK MILL CREEK PARK AND THE SOURCE OF MILL CREEK BY CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH When the earth took spherical and solid form it presented in the earliest ages whose records have been deciphered on the rocks a surface of land and water The continental areas were then limited and low Much of what now constitutes the dry land was under water In North America the land portions were chiefly north of the Great Lakes What is now the Mississippi valley was then covered by a great inland sea ...

"Last Ohio Canal Boat, The," by Albert N. Doerschuk. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 109-116.
... THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT BY ALBERT N DOERSCHUK Amid mammoth sweet corn and prosaic cabbage near the now peaceful and dead port of Bolivar once a great trading and manufacturing town noted for its life and the dash of its inhabitants nestles the last canal boat now a poor squatter's shelter Long years ago forced over the banks of the canal during a flood this boat was abandoned where it lies and now is the last1 remaining specimen of the all important inland water ...

"Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society (June 6, 1902)," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 71-92.
... SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 6 1 902 The seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the parlors of the Y M C A building Columbus Ohio at 230 P M June 6 1 90 2 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr Gerard Fowke Chillicothe Prof Frank S Fox ...

"Selective Index to the Centinel of the North-Western Territory," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 217-247.
... SELECTIVE INDEX TO THE CENTINEL OF THE SELECTIVE INDEX TO THE CENTINEL OF THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY Compiled by ROBERT C WHEELER This newspaper was edited by William Maxwell a Revolutionary soldier who moved west after the war settling at Cincinnati Ohio where he proceeded to establish a printing office On Saturday November 9 1793 there appeared his first issue of The Centinel of the North-Western Territory He continued to publish this paper until the summer of 1796 when he sold it to Edmund ...

"Market Integration, Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County, 1850-1880," by Jack S. Blacker Jr.. Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 298-316.
... JACK S JACK S BLOCKER JR Market Integration Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County 1850-1880 In March 1870 the editor of a local newspaper in Washington Court House county seat of Fayette County Ohio announced the inauguration of a new service by the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad The Train which leaves this place at 616 in the morning arrives in the city at 105 and leaves Cincinnati at 350 pm thus affording our citizens some FIVE HOURS for business or pleasure It is a ...

"The Mingo Captive and the Wyandot Maiden and the Neutral Ground," by H. C. Cochran. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 453-455.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 453 tablet that was as a guide to their faith and then put the hand on the rock pointing to the place of his burial THE MINGO CAPTIVE AND THE WYANDOT MAIDEN AND THE NEUTRAL GROUND H C COCHRAN An Indian sat at the door of a settler's cabin and told this story Many years ago the red men in the eastern part of the state were at war with those in the middle and northwestern part Chief among the former were the Mingos and among the latter the Wyandots In one of the ...

"Some Errors Corrected," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 480-485.
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications SOME ERRORS CORRECTED BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO The following regarding several historic places in north western Ohio is submitted as a plea for greater care by writers and speakers that errors in historical data may lessen rather than increase FORT MIAMI THE STILL-EXISTING EARTHWORKS OF WHICH ARE WITHIN THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF MAUMEE OHIO The pamphlet containing the Appeal of the Maumee Valley Monumental ...

"Unveiling of Tablet at Campus Martius," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 482-493.
... a 482 UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS UNVEILING OF TABLET AT CAMPUS MARTIUS A number of interesting functions attended the unveiling of the tablet on the Campus Martius House September 28 1921 as the most historical spot in the state The exercises were conducted under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution who selected this spot and presented the tablet On the evening of September 27 Mr Edward MacTaggart threw open his stately old home The Anchorage to the members of ...

"Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society (June 9, 1906)," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 354-375.
... TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 9 1 90 6 The Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the lecture room of the V M C A Building Columbus at 1 30 P M June 9 19 06 The following members were present Rev J W Atwood Columbus Judge J H Anderson Columbus Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R ...

"Gentile and Saint at Kirtland," Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 8-33.
... GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND GENTILE AND SAINT AT KIRTLAND by WILLIS THORNTON The Mormon interlude at Kirtland Ohio was by no means the transplantation of an alien tree into an unaccustomed soil The ground at Kirtland was not only well prepared for the planting but was already sprouting luxuriant vegetation so closely akin to Mormonism that the simplest cross-pollination and grafting provided a native stand of Mormon timber Yet despite this apparently auspicious climate relations between the ...

"Where Did Eliza Cross the Ohio?," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 588-590.
... WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO BY FELIX J KOCH Obviously each side in the controversy has good grounds upon which to rest its claim Cincinnati and Ripley both claim the site With the one--it cannot be denied that a fugitive slave woman did cross the stream on the ice at the very heart of the city's water-front At the other - the place was a village at the time when Mrs Stowe wrote her book as it states and there lived a man who made a point of helping run-away ...

"Samuel Furman Hunt," by Charles W. Hoffman. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 238-242.
... SAMUEL FURMAN HUNT SAMUEL FURMAN HUNT CHARLES W HOFFMAN Under the dome of the church of St Paul in London lies its builder the great Christopher Wren on his tomb is the modest inscription Reader if you seek his monument look around The memory of Hunt will not be perpetuated like that of Wren in magnificent buildings beautiful in architecture and symmetrical in their proportions but it will endure for generations in that temple of respect and affection intangible yet real that he erected in the ...

"Some Local History," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 57-60.
... SOME LOCAL HISTORY SOME LOCAL HISTORY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Miss Keeler of Fremont Ohio has been a valued contributor to the QUARTERLY The following from her pen is a delightful bit of historic sentiment which originally appeared in Scribner's Magazine - EDITOR I have watched numberless persons walk around a great stone-a round stone with a hollow in the top filled with water where the birds come to drink-and dilate learnedly after this fashion Think how it was carried for thousand of years on ...

"Editorialana," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 271-289.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA AVERY'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The second volume of A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES AND ITS PEOPLE From the Earliest Records to the Present Time by Elroy McKendree Avery published by the Burrows Brothers Company Cleveland Ohio has been issued by the publishers The purpose and general plan of this work which when completed will comprise fifteen volumes was set forth in the QUARTERLY for April 1905 The second volume fully meets the ambitious and alluring promise of ...

"The Autobiography of Thomas Ewing," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 126-204.
... THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF Through the courtesy of Thomas Ewing Jr of New York City I am permitted to give to the public for the first time the entire autobiography of his distinguished grandfather Thomas Ewing a pioneer the first Alumnus of the first college of the Old Northwest an eminent lawyer a profound statesman an honorable citizen and a Christian gentleman-C L M1 NOTE--I wish to express my gratitude to the following ...

"Report of the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 271-292.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Forenoon Session--10 A M In the absence of the president and first vice-president the fifty-first Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by its secretary Dr Harlow Lindley who asked for nominations for a chairman A motion was made by Oscar F Miller that Dr Carl Wittke act as chairman of the meeting This ...

"Buckeye Argonauts," Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 256-269.
... BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS by ROBERT THOMAS Social Studies Instructor Pleasant Township High School Marion County Ohio On January 24 1848 James Wilson Marshall discovered flakes of gold in the tailrace of a sawmill he and John Sutter were erecting about fifty miles northeast of Sutter's Fort in Upper California As news of Marshall's discovery spread along the Pacific coast and then to all sections of the nation thousands of Americans rushed by land and by sea to the new E1 Dorado in ...

"Address of Rev. Edward Everett Hale" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 94-98.
... ADDRESS OF REV ADDRESS OF REV EDWARD EVERETT HALE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE ILLINOIS COUNTY FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES I certainly shall detain you but a very few minutes I am speaking only because I am commissioned by the Governor of Massachusetts We think our State has spoken very well here to-day already Massachusetts sends her hearty congratulations to you and as Dr Loring says Massachusetts does not forget her children her grandchildren and the children of her grandchildren ...

"Assassination of Abraham Lincoln," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 1-5.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN BY HONORABLE JAMES R MORRIS Some years ago Judge James R Morris at the request of Honorable M B Archer now serving his second term in the Ohio State Senate wrote on parchment his recollections of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln This manuscript appropriately framed Senator Archer later presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in whose museum and library building it is now on ...