Ohio History Journal

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"John Brown-A Review," Volume 9, Number 3, Janaury, 1901, pp. 375-378.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments Notes and Reviews 375 Mr Sherman was one of the first members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for some years took a personal interest in its proceedings For ten years past and at the time of his death he was one of the trustees JOHN BROWN-A REVIEW In American history there are few if any characters the story of whose life is so erratic dramatic or so tragic as that of John Brown As he spent his youth and many years of his manhood ...

"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker: A Review of Her Autobiography," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 377-408.
... MRS MRS JULIA B FORAKER A REVIEW OF HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY By C B GA LB RE ATH In his Notes of a Busy Life Senator J B Foraker pays the following tribute to his wife But among all the pleasing memories that attach to Delaware one remains to be mentioned that outranks all others considered either separately or collectively It was there I met courted and became engaged to Miss Julia Bundy daughter of Hon H S Bundy of Jackson County Ohio at that time and for a number of terms the Representative of his ...

"Captain Brown Outfits the Mount Vernon Blues for the 'Toledo War,'" by Paul L. Massa. Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 39-40.
... Captain Brown Outfits the Mount Vernon Blues For the Toledo War by PAUL L MASSA The Mount Vernon Blues a militia rifle company was organized in 1835 when Ohio mobilized its military forces in preparation for possible hostilities with Michigan This dispute between the state of Ohio and the territory of Michigan over the location of their common boundary line is known as the Toledo War In Mount Vernon Ohio General William Bevans a former Knox County sheriff authorized Benjamin L Brown to ...

"Body Snatching in Ohio During the Nineteenth Century," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 329-351.
... BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University The history of the science of human anatomy is not merely a biographical record of the leading personalities or a compilation of the discoveries and achievements in that science it is also the story of a bitter struggle between a scientific spirit which demands human bodies for dissection and an antipathy of the public mind toward the practice of ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 115-134.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT WRITES A 5000 PRIZE BOOK Forty-Niners The Chronicle of the California Trail By Archer Butler Hulbert Boston Little Brown amp Company 1931 pp 340 Price 350 The past six years have witnessed a growing interest in the winning of the far West the overland journeys to the Pacific Coast--to Oregon and California in the days of the ox-team and the Conestoga wagon Perhaps the most colorful of the migrations to ...

"The Pease Map of the Connecticut Western Reserve," by Russel H. Anderson. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 270-278.
... THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT WESTERN RESERVE by RUSSELL H ANDERSON The Connecticut Western Reserve in northeastern Ohio is of such special importance in the history of the Old Northwest that the early maps of the area are of particular value and interest The first printed map of the Reserve the Pease map of 1798 and its subsequent revision of 1807-8 as the Pease and Tappen map was published in such a way as to cause some confusion It is the purpose of this ...

"Editorialana," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 248-266.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No 2 A PRIL 190 9 NEWLY ELECTED TRUSTEES It will be noted in the report of the Annual Meeting of the Society held March 2 1909 that two life members of the Society were newly elected trustees for the ensuing three years They were Messrs Caleb Hathaway Gallup and Walter Charles Metz Below we give brief sketches of the lives of the gentlemen in question Mr Metz has been a member of the Society for some years and has been a student in archaeological lines Mr ...

"St. John's Parish, Worthington, and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio," by Richard G. Salomon. Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 55-76.
... St St John's Parish Worthington and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio By RICHARD G SALOMON There are I trust a few among the oldest members of this parish who still remember the day fifty years ago when the then dean of Bexley Hall the Very Reverend Hosea Jones delivered the sermon at the centenary of St John's Dr Jones was closely connected with Worthington he had been rector of your parish in the 1870's But there are many other ties between Worthington and Bexley if we go over ...

"Colonel Dick Johnson's Choctaw Academy: A Forgotten Educational Experiment," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 88-117.
... COLONEL DICK JOHNSON'S CHOCTAW ACADEMY COLONEL DICK JOHNSON'S CHOCTAW ACADEMY A Forgotten Educational Experiment MRS SHELLEY D ROUSE Less than a century ago there was a large and prosperous school for the education of the sons of the Southern Indians in the Blue Grass region of Kentucky It was at that time the only institution in the country under the supervision of the war department of the United States excepting the military academy at West Point it attracted the attention of ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1965-1967," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 76-78.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS ON THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF OHIO 1965-1967 RELIGION WEIS James The Problem of Language Transition Among Lutherans in Ohio 18361858 Concordia Historical Institution Quarterly XXXIX 1966 5-19 Concerns the conflict over the use of the German and English languages in Lutheran services and seminaries WELSH Edward Burgett Origins of Ohio Presbyterianism Journal of Presbyterian History XLIII March 1965 16-27 SOCIAL HISTORY BORGWALD Charles W and Milton N Gallup Memories ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 89-100.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On September 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the society Page Hall O S U with the following members present Mr George F Bareis Col John W Harper Mr W H Hunter Prof B F Prince Secretary E O Randall Hon D J Ryan Hon S S Rickly Prof G F Wright and Mr E F Wood The Secretary presented the resignation of Professor J P MacLean as Trustee of ...

Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 162-172.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONIST movement 8 23 85-100 Adult education Newton D Baker and the Adult Education Movement by Rae Wahl Rohfeld 119-32 AEF See American Expeditionary Force University Albrecht Carl W book rev 157-58 Alexander Charles C book rev 64-65 Alexander Roberta Sue North Carolina Faces the Freedmen Race Relations During Presidential Reconstruction 1865-67 134 Alice Hamilton A Life in Letters by Barbara Sicherman rev 57-58 Allen Florence Ellinwood First Lady of ...

"James Preston Poindexter, Elder Statesman of Columbus," by Richard Clyde Minor. Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 266-286.
... 266 JAMES PRESTON POINDEXTER ELDER STATESMAN JAMES PRESTON POINDEXTER ELDER STATESMAN OF COLUMBUS by RICHARD CLYDE MINOR Professor of Sociology Lincoln University Jefferson City Missouri The story of James Preston Poindexter though it can never be told in its completeness still reveals enough to show that he was a remarkable man Of mixed Negro Caucasian and Indian blood the force of circumstances made him a Negro the force of his personality made him a man respected among men There are many ...

"Fourteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 24, 1898, to February 1, 1899," Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 275-295.
... FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT oF THE OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 24 1898 TO FEBRUARY 1 1899 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E O RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1899 275 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio I herewith have the honor to submit the fourteenth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year February 24 1898 to February 1 1899 With very ...

"'Quiet Independence': The Western Vision of the Ohio Company, A," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 5-32.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON A Quiet Independence The Western Vision of the Ohio Company Speculative schemes and idealistic visions merged in postRevolutionary America to produce many new towns in the rapidly expanding Northwest Territory A group of New England veterans of the American Revolution organized as the Ohio Company of Associates established the first such community on April 7 1788 at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers some 200 miles downstream from Pittsburgh They called ...

"John William Lowe: Failure in Inner-Direction," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 75-89, notes 127-129.
... FAILURE IN inner - direction by CARL M BECKER In David Riesman's brilliant study of social character types The Lonely Crowd the inner-directed man appears as a typical--indeed the dominant--characterological product of nineteenth-century American civilization1 His values implanted early in life by adult authority and then internalized by the self and supported by edifying print the innerdirected man was rigidly individuated and self-oriented measuring all of life by a personalized yardstick ...

Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 518-528.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XVI INDEX TO VOLUME XVI A Atwater Caleb 451 Avery's History of United States 508 Aborigine Use of term 407 Axes Copper 154 155 157 158 Aborigines See Indians Aztecs 425 The 421 Confederacy of 431 Addresses Dodge Samuel D 18 Fairbanks Chas W 27 Harris Andrew L 30 Meek Basil 35 Bailey Anne Sargent Family connecMoore J P Groghan Celebration tion of 344 at 52 Heroism of 345 Randall E 0 31 Life of 341 Allen County Welsh churches in 223 Ball's Battle 47 48 Welsh settlements in 222 ...

"Service Men and Women of Ohio," by Major-General Benson W. Hough. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 520-523.
... 520 Ohio Arch 520 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications but they love it more because they have seen its crimson colors reproduced in the blood of America We love this country but they love it more because they have seen the sacrifices which have made it what it is and while we hope that we will have peace we are going to claim our right and recognize our right under any circumstance at any time to protect our homes our loved ones our country and our flag to maintain American institutions ...

Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 580-581.
... 580 Ohio Arch 580 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications portunity to know both sides of the story of the conquest of the Northwest Territory Clark's achievement gave the infant Republic of the United States its claim to the vast region northwest of the River Ohio and east of the Mississippi Assuredly he and his followers are entitled to the memorial that is to be erected on the site of Old Vincennes February 25 1929 commemorative of the capture of that Post February 25 1779 OFFICIAL ROSTER ...

"Historical Boundary Line Commemorated by Monument," an address by Captain C. L. Baatz. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 581-583.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 581 Reviews Notes and Comments 581 the entire list of the regiment before finding the name of the soldier whose record is sought If the name of his regiment is not given the quest is almost hopeless In such cases it is a great saving of time to write at once to the War Department at Washington for the record This will not be necessary in searching for the record of a World War veteran Any person having access to this World War Roster can readily without assistance ...