Ohio History Journal

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"Address of President Wright (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 431-437.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 4 31 very graciously doffed his hat in recognition of the honor thus paid him When it was suggested to him that these were the boys who would help him in Mexico in case the situation came to that he very earnestly and seemingly sadly remarked Yes yes I know but we hope and pray they will not be needed Immediately upon the arrival of Secretary Baker the real dedication of the Memorial the Grove and the Mansion was begun ...

"Sacredness of Indian Graves," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 420.
... 420 Ohio Arch 420 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications between Fort St Clair and Fort Jefferson the following is an authentic account of that affair Lieut Lowrie of the second and Ensign Boyd of the first and second sub legions with a command consisting of about ninety noncommissioned officers and privates having under their convoy twenty wagons loaded with grain and commissaries' stores were attacked between daylight and sunrise seven miles advanced of Fort St Clair on the morning of the ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 668-670.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR COPE MASTER NATURALIST The Life and Letters of Edward Drinker Cope with a Bibliography of His Writings Classified by Subject A Study of the Pioneer and Foundation Periods of Vertebrate Palaeontology in America By Henry Fairfield Osborn Senior Geologist U S Geological Survey Honorary Curator Department of Vertebrate Palaeontology American Museum of Natural History With the co-operation of Helen Ann Warren and others Illustrated ...

"Legislation in the Northwest Territory," by A. A. Graham. Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 303-318.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY MARCH 1888LEGISLATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY APRIL 2 1788 a band of forty-eight pioneers left the mouth of the Voughiogheny in the Mayflower of the West Floating out into the Monongahela they emerged on the broad bosom of the Ohio and began an easier journey down that beautiful river to their chosen homes in the valley below Five days after they landed on the bank of the Muskingum river at its confluence with the Ohio and the first ...

"The Coxey Movement in Ohio," by Osman C. Hooper. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 155-176.
... THE COXEY MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE COXEY MOVEMENT IN OHIO BY OSMAN C HOOPER The Coxey movement of 1894 was a fantastic expression at a critical moment of the industrial unrest prevalent for a period centering about that date It was an Ohio product sprung from a Western seed Named for its Ohio patron Jacob S Coxey its real author and promoter was Carl Browne a lieutenant of Denis Kearney in the days of sand-lot politics The number of unemployed men was large and discontent was widespread so that ...

"The Arkansas Traveller," Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 296-308.
... THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER By THOMAS WILSON U S NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON D C Some years of my teens were passed in the town of Salem Columbiana county Ohio This was before any railroads passed through that country I remember the first meeting of citizens ever held there under the direction of Mr Zadok Street for the purpose of securing subscriptions of money or right-of-way for the construction of what was then to be the Ohio amp Pennsylvania Railway afterwards the ...

"Ohio Buckeye, The," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 275-281.
... THE OHIO BUCKEYE THE OHIO BUCKEYE In a pamphlet entitled Ohio Emblems and Monuments compiled by the editor of the QUARTERLY in 1906 i s an account of the Ohio Buckeye which is here reproduced in adapted form It is somewhat singular but true nevertheless that the average Ohioan is not able to point out with certainty the tree whose name is the soubriquet of his state In the popular descriptions fact and fancy science and oratory are so promiscuously blended that there is nothing remarkable in ...

"An Example of Political Oratory in 1855," by Mrs. Arthur G. Beach. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 673-682.
... AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN 1855 BY MRS ARTHUR G BEACH Mr Albert Beveridge has painted a vivid picture of the decade 1850-1860 as a background to his study of Abraham Lincoln There have been preserved at Marietta Ohio a border town some letters and papers written during those years by a student at Marietta College Search through them brought to light an account of one of the stump speeches of Mr Henry A Wise of Virginia which furnishes evidence that ...

"Duncan McArthur: The Military Phase," by C.H. Cramer. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 128-147.
... DUNCAN McARTHUR THE MILITARY PHASE DUNCAN McARTHUR THE MILITARY PHASE By C H CRAMER Duncan McArthur had won his military spurs before the War of 1812 broke out and had been commissioned a general in the State Militia In the spring of 1812 with war looming on the horizon Congress authorized the President to organize a number of volunteers who were to be ready to march on short notice The Ohio quota was 1200 men1 McArthur ordered his militia division to assemble and used his forensic powers in ...

"John Brown," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 184-289.
... JOHN BROWN JOHN BROWN RY C B GALBREATH INTRODUCTION John Brown's body lies moldering in the grave But his soul goes marching on So sang the Twelfth Massachusetts Regiment as it marched south to put down the rebellion and so have sung other regiments and men who never belonged to any military organization in almost every part of the North and West since the outbreak of the Civil War It is remarkable how old John Brown holds his place in the history and literature of his country His name and ...

"Horace Mann and Antioch College," by George Allen Hubbell. Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 12-27.
... HORACE MANN AND ANTIOCH COLLEGE HORACE MANN AND ANTIOCH COLLEGE GEORGE ALLEN HUBBELL PH D Mr Hubbell is a member of the Faculty of Berea College Kentucky and was formerly a professor at Antioch College of which Mr Horace Mann was president -EDITOR Ohio is the favorite daughter of the Eastern States The cannon of the Revolution had scarcely cooled when the Ordinance of 1787 was adopted and sturdy men began to look over the borders of Virginia Pennsylvania New York Connecticut and Massachusetts ...

"Address of Hon. W. E. Touvelle (Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument)," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 427-435.
... Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument 427 whose loss was unusually great but also to the British who stood as sponsors to the movements of the tribesmen for the British were not only redoubling their assistance to the tribes supplying them with arms and munitions but were in their own behalf taking bold measures of offensive warfare For it was at this time April 1794 that under the orders of Governor Simcoe three British companies commanded by Colonel Richard ...

"Matthias Loy, Leader of Ohio's Lutherans," by C. George Fry. Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 183-201, notes 267-270.
... MATTHIAS LOY MATTHIAS LOY Leader Of Ohio's Lutherans by C GEORGE FRY Among the names of the pioneers who labored to establish a strong Lutheran Church in Ohio that of Matthias Loy deserves a prominent place At the time of his death in 1915 he was regarded as one of the most distinguished theologians of the Lutheran faith in the United States1 and in his long and productive life he had been a Churchman of varied attainments and wide usefulness pastor professor editor author and church leader2 ...

"The Old Maysville Road," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 442-463.
... 442 Ohio Arch 442 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General Braddock did not live to realize all the evil consequences which his defeat brought upon the frontiers The road which he had opened from the Potomac to within seven miles of Fort Duquesne became again an Indian warpath In the three years following this battle it was used by a few small parties of French and many bands of Indians as an open road to the Potomac whence they ravaged the English settlements in Virginia Maryland and ...

"President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 205-214.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy The closing of the frontier by the white man's unbridled expansion into the transMississippi West during the post-Civil War years created the most critical period of Indian-white relations in American history No longer could the Indians simply retreat or be removed to lands farther west beyond the pale of white culture A majority of Uncle Sam's 300000 stepchildren lived directly in the path of two advancing ...

"Braddock's Defeat," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 171-184.
... BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT by JOHN SCHLEBECKER Hiram College One of the things with which the reader of early American history is most impressed is the remarkable courage and wisdom of the American soldier The Europeans it seems just did not understand the ins and outs of forest fighting Only the American seemed to know that effective fighting on the frontier was by necessity done from behind trees History books are full of pictures of minute men shooting redcoats but they do not have ...

"New Laws of Interest to the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 550-551.
... 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LITTLE LOGAN ELMS Sometime early in the current year it was suggested that possibly under the spreading branches of the Logan Elm might be found some seedling baby Logan Elms that with proper care would grow up through the years into sturdy trees like the parent The little park surrounding the Elm is mown every year and the young seedlings fall before the scythe Upon investigation however a number of stubs were found with good live ...

"Mill Creek Park and the Source of Mill Creek," by Charles Burleigh Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 137-207.
... MILL CREEK PARK MILL CREEK PARK AND THE SOURCE OF MILL CREEK BY CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH When the earth took spherical and solid form it presented in the earliest ages whose records have been deciphered on the rocks a surface of land and water The continental areas were then limited and low Much of what now constitutes the dry land was under water In North America the land portions were chiefly north of the Great Lakes What is now the Mississippi valley was then covered by a great inland sea ...

"The Mound Builders of Cincinnati," by Marie Paula Dickoré. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 13-27.
... THE MOUND BUILDERS OF CINCINNATI THE MOUND BUILDERS OF CINCINNATI MARIE PAULA DICKORE' A M History's tales have inspired the great artist to his magnificent pictures the bard to lofty epics the composer to stirring national hymns Her illustrious name calls forth a brilliant array nation follows upon nation--Assyrian and Egyptian Greek and Roman Celt and Gaul Teuton and AngloSaxon We hear of primitive peoples and the highest civilizations of the rise and the fall of nations History has set her ...

"Report of Field Work Carried on in the Muskingum, Scioto and Ohio Valleys During the Season of 1896," by Warren King Moorehead. Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 165-274.
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK CARRIED ON IN THE MUSKINGUM SCIOTO AND OHIO VALLEYS DURING THE SEASON OF 1896 BY WARREN KING MOOREHEAD IN CHARGE OF EXPLORATIONS PREFACE It is interesting to note that as general archaeology progresses in the United States men are more inclined to confine their observations to special or limited areas A generation ago before the Government the Museums of our various cities and the Scientific and Historical Societies undertook large explorations it was ...