... MARTIN BAUM MARTIN BAUM By GEORGE A KATZENBERGER The nucleus of the material hereinafter collected is taken from an article1 by the eminent German-American historian Henry A Ratterman who from 1868 to 1887 published Der Deutsche Pionier in Cincinnati The historian will note that of all the great nations of western Europe during the centuries immediately following the discovery of America Germany alone took no official part in the colonization of the newly discovered hemisphere This was ...
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO The visit of Buffalo Child Long Lance to Ohio and his address before the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will long be remembered by those who were so fortunate as to hear and greet him He had been invited to speak on Ohio History Day at Logan Elm Park It was found however that by coming a few days earlier he could be present at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to ...
... ROBERT A ROBERT A TRENNERT JR William Medill's War with the Indian Traders 1847 William Medill's tenure as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Polk administration came at the critical time of continental expansion which resulted in forceful removal of the Indian from lands desired by white settlers Soon after he took office Medill attempted to make some basic reforms in policy governing relations with the Indians One of the most controversial aspects of his reforming activities as ...
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy The closing of the frontier by the white man's unbridled expansion into the transMississippi West during the post-Civil War years created the most critical period of Indian-white relations in American history No longer could the Indians simply retreat or be removed to lands farther west beyond the pale of white culture A majority of Uncle Sam's 300000 stepchildren lived directly in the path of two advancing ...
... THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY By DOROTHY V MARTIN This essay proposes to lay a ghost--not a very important one but in its day its brief day a ghost that aroused partisans and parties and involved men in high places It is the ghost of Cincinnati's first library We might doubt that it ever existed even as a mere proposition outside of legend except for three meager records which have managed to survive for more than a century Two of these ...
... FORT FIZZLE FORT FIZZLE Judge James Story Drake son of Colonel James L Drake on June 3 1929 wrote to his niece Mrs Luella Hughes Gillette of Indianapolis Indiana His description of the Holmes County Rebellion is in part as follows I suppose I have told you that I had a part in that War I was between eleven and twelve years old at that time We lived on our farm in Holmes County then and when the Governor sent two companies of hard-boiled soldiers to put down the Rebellion Mother got a message ...
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies CAMPUS MARTIUS MUSEUM Edith S Reiter Curator On May 2 the Museum was the subject of the second of a series of semimonthly broadcasts given over station WMOA by the Marietta Chamber of Commerce The broadcasts are done in the manner of the Information Please broadcast Questions were on the Museum its exhibits and the early history of Marietta CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Charles Stickell President The annual birthday party of the ...
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLV Abingdon Ill 348 Abingdon Press 231 Abolition movement 174 367 Abolitionists175 366 867 Aborigines 8357 358 Accounts 162 209 Adams Henry--History of the United States 76 Adams John Quincy 78 81 83 84 85 86 302 304 305 316 317 --Memoirs 76 79 81 85 87 Adams R E W 187 Adams County La 351 Adams County O 182 186 220 229 235 259 311 --Bibliography 95 Adams Syndicate 231 Addison O 153 Adelphi O Marietta371 372 Aerial photography in archaeology 189 193 ...
... THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AN ADDRESS BY BISHOP BENJAMIN WILLIAM ARNETT D D WEDNESDAY EVENING OCT 11 1899 AT MUSIC HALL CHICAGO We have been called together by the authorities of the Autumnal Festival Celebration First we are to give thanks for the achievements of the present century for the triumph of mind over matter as well as the success that has attended the labors of our workmen the harvest of our farmers and the dividends that have accrued to our financiers It is ...
... WILLIAM GIFFIN WILLIAM GIFFIN Black Insurgency in the Republican Party of Ohio 1920-1932 An extraordinary change in Negro voting patterns has occurred between the postCivil War period and the present The black vote was remarkably consistent for the party of Lincoln from the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment to the New Deal period but this solidly Republican bloc vote was broken during the 1930's The black vote became more and more overwhelmingly Democratic following the New Deal A misleading ...
... The National Negro Convention 1848 The National Negro Convention 1848 By HOWARD H BELL ON SEPTEMBER 6 1848 a small but determined group of men gathered at Cleveland Ohio to discuss the peculiar problems facing them and to lay plans for improving their position in the land of their birth They were mainly men of the Old Northwest but there were also representatives from Canada where the escaped slave was finding a haven of refuge in ever increasing numbers1 They were carpenters editors barbers ...
... THE DEDICATION OF THE HAYES MEMORIAL THE DEDICAT I ON OF THE HAYES MEMORIAL AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO TUESDAY MAY 30 1916 Memorials of our greatest statesmen have taken many forms and had their rise through various agencies Mount Vernon the home of Washington was rescued from oblivion by a private association whose rules and fees still control its view by the public Lincoln's modest home in Springfield Ill and The Hermitage the home of Jackson in Nashville Tenn are now in charge of local ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 3 52 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THOMAS MORRIS BY JAMES B SWING CINCINNATI 0 It is important that the memory of strong brave men who have been conspicuous in their day and influential for good should be kept green There is nothing more inspiring than the story of the life of an intellectual and moral hero There is a noble a great name in the history of Ohio that ought to be remembered and honored of all but that is well-nigh forgotten a name that perhaps most of our ...
... PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 mental illness they were eager to consult psychiatrists of the Veterans Administration or in private practice Thus the public as a whole has gained considerably from this tremendous growth of psychiatry Some of the secrecy and shame which people felt when consulting a psychiatrist has faded Indeed some individuals are as proud of speaking about their psychiatrists as the patients who speak enthusiastically about their operations ...
... THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOC I ETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO September 25 1918 The meeting was called to order by President G Frederick Wright There were present G Frederick Wright George F Bareis W H Cole B F Prince W L Curry E F Wood Mrs Howard Jones J S Roof J E Campbell H F Burket D J Ryan A M Schlesinger J M Henderson William Walker E O Randall D H Gard W C Mills H C Shetrone L P Schaus J ...
... BENJAMIN C BENJAMIN C HOWARD AND THE TOLEDO WAR SOME LETTERS OF A FEDERAL COMMISSIONER by WILLIAM D HOYT JR Associate Professor of History Loyola College Baltimore The Toledo War-a dispute between the state of Ohio and the territory of Michigan over their joint boundary-was reaching its climax and threatening to break out in active hostilities when President Andrew Jackson decided to intervene The area in question was not large a strip of land five miles wide at its western end and eight miles ...
... 96 Ohio Arch 96 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications so on Professor Siebert is a careful and painstaking student and has exercised discriminating judgment as to what is necessary for the proper educidation of his subject He gives under each chapter the list of authorities which he has consulted or which may be further examined by those who desire more exhaustive study of the various topics The book is accompanied by an excellent appendix giving a chronological outline of the historical ...
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications The largest was Cincinnati with 115 000 and in them all there were less than 2 00000 o f population The following y ear the convention assembled which framed the new constitution for the state of Ohio That convention provided and laid down an ironclad rule that all cities should be governed by a general law and that there should be no special charters That perhaps was not an unreasonable rule at that time for then there were but the nine ...
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ring a man's relationship to the God who made him and the home over which he presides has a political significance You might as well talk of removing politics from business as to talk of asking the sun to stop shining as long as a human being votes upon the election of a man who will vote for a law there is always politics and there always should be politics Instead of there being too much politics in this country there is too little ...
... JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS CONNECTIONS WITH AARON BURR By M Avis PITCHER John Smith United States Senator from Ohio 1803-1808 was a Virginian by birth and education1 Because of the double misfortune of name and locality there is apt to be considerable uncertainty as to the early career of this gentleman in relation to all the other John Smiths of Virginia2 In 1790 Smith was definitely located on the Forks of the Cheat River Monongalia ...