Ohio History Journal

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"Pioneer Days in Central Ohio," by Henry B. Curtis. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 243-254.
... PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO1 IT is pleasant my friends to realize the sentiment that not only peace has its triumphs as well as war but that domestic and home life hath its excitements and enjoyments as well as the political arena In this day of public strife-in the middle of a campaign in which the embattling squadrons of the several political parties of the day are arrayed against each other in the contest for civil power-we rest on our arms and come together as ...

"Rarey, The Horse's Master and Friend," by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 487-539.
... RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND BY SARA LOWE BROWN It is one of the honors of Franklin county Ohio that early in the second quarter of the Nineteenth century it produced in the person of John Solomon Rarey a man who bore to all the world the message that in kindness there is power Ralph Waldo Emerson said of him that he had turned a new leaf in civilization while William Lloyd Garrison testified to his fitness to teach the world a great and everywhere ...

"The Pathfinders of Jefferson County, Ohio. Supplementary to Vol. VI. of Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 8, Number 2, October, 1899, pp. 132-262.
... THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY OHIO THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY OHIO SUPPLEMENTARY TO V OL VI OF OHIO ARCH AND HIST SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS BY W H HUNTER INTRODUCTORY This supplement to The Pathfinders of Jefferson County a paper on the early settlements of Eastern Ohio inspired by the celebration of the centennial of establishment of Jefferson County August 24 25 and 26 1897 was commenced with view of correcting errors in the main publication issued by the State Historical Society ...

"Ohio's Only Witchcraft Case," by Albert Douglas. Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 205-214.
... OHIO'S ONLY WITCHCRAFT CASE OHIO'S ONLY WITCHCRAFT CASE BY ALBERT DOUGLAS The following report of a quaint and amusing case tried some one hundred years ago in Gallia County was originally published in the Scioto Gazette of Chillicothe The young lawyers who opposed one another in the trial afterwards became distinguished in the legal and political annals of Ohio Samuel F Vinton the then Prosecuting Attorney of Gallia County was born of Revolutionary stock at Lynn Massachusetts September 25 ...

"Major-General Arthur St. Clair," by Albert Douglas. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 455-476.
... MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR HON ALBERT DOUGLAS M C A brief synopsis of this address was delivered by Mr Douglas at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Page Hall O S U March 22 1907 - EDITOR At the centennial celebration of Ohio statehood held at Chillicothe in May 1 90 3 I had the pleasure of offering the following preamble and resolution Recognizing that the people of Ohio have for one hundred years done injustice to the name ...

"Temperance, Benevolence, and the City: The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1874-1900," by Marian J. Morton. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 58-73.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Temperance Benevolence and the City The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1874-1900 Here they come now fifty redoubtable and respectable women prayer books in one hand and umbrellas in the others for it looks like rain on this March morning of 1874 in Cleveland Ohio They are striding vigorously down Euclid Avenue headed for the several saloons on Public Square which they intend to close down with their hymns and fervent prayers They are the ...

"George Armstrong Custer," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 623-631.
... GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER BY C B GALBREATH Grant Sherman and Sheridan This is the group of Civil War generals which is usually put forward as Ohio's unrivalled contribution to leadership in the great struggle between the North and the South These three have been honored with statues on the famous monument Ohio's Jewels at the northwest corner of the Capitol building of that State in Columbus Grant and Sherman were each born in Ohio and received their appointment to ...

"Executive Mansion," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 270-281.
... EXECUTIVE MANSION EXECUTIVE MANSION Here is presented a cut of the attractive and substantial building that was erected by C H Lindenberg at 1234 East Broad street in 1904 and occupied by him from April 1905 until the title of the property passed to the state in 1919 It is a commodious mansion of about thirty rooms appropriately furnished After the property was acquired by the state the interior of the building was remodeled and an additional adjacent tract of land purchased for eighteen ...

"The Firelands Grant," by Clarence D. Laylin. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 435-451.
... The Firelands Grant The Firelands Grant 435 THE FIRELANDS GRANT BY CLARENCE D LAYLIN This article is the outgrowth of a paper read before the Political Science Club of Ohio State University The discussion which followed the reading of the paper among members of that club led to further investigation the result of which is the article as here produced-EDITOR In treating of the settlement of new countries the general and proper method is to recite the history of its pioneer days Without the ...

"Cornelius Sedam and His Friends in Washington's Time," by Emma S. Backus. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 28-50.
... CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN WASHINGTON'S TIME1 BY MRS EMMA S BACKUS Cincinnati Ohio The old days were great because the men who moved in them had mighty qualities --THEODORE ROOSEVELT Grand old times with a grand old father This tribute to the times and the man was penned by a son of the subject of this sketch in 1885 when Matthew Sedam then residing at Terre Haute Indiana wrote reminiscently to his younger brother David at Cincinnati recalling early ...

"Hon. David Tod. Biography and Personal Recollections," Volume 8, Number 2, October, 1899, pp. 107-131.
... HON HON DAVID TOD BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS BY GEORGE B WRIGHT Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o'er life's solemn main A forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing shall take heart again - Longfellow PART I BIOGRAPHY OF DAVID TOD David Tod second of the Civil War Governors of Ohio was born at Youngstown Trumbull now Mahoning County Ohio on the 22nd of ...

"Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier: The Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 41-53.
... edited by edited by LOUIS FILLER Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier The Memoirs of Irene Hardy Irene Hardy schoolmistress poet and early Stanford University professor was born July 22 1841 in Eaton Ohio the eldest daughter of Kentucky and Virginia parents Her father Walter Buell Hardy was a schoolteacher of culture whose four daughters-he also had a son Lewis-all taught school successfully Irene was so named from a character in Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel Rienzi with conscientious ...

"Dr. Samuel P. Hildreth, 1783-1863," Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 313-338.
... DR DR SAMUEL P HILDRETH 1783-1863 1 By A E WA LLER Medical science in the nineteenth century engaged in its main task of healing in full consciousness of its professional obligations Methodically and with enthusiasm it likewise cradled and kept alive the spark of curiosity in all the natural sciences Botany and zoology profited most followed closely by geology chemistry physics and meteorology Many of these medical men not specialists themselves established firm foundations of special ...

"Muskingum River Pilots: Their Duties and Requirements," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 477-488.
... MUSKINGUM RIVER PILOTS MUSKINGUM RIVER PILOTS THEIR DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS BY IRVEN TRAVIS The first pilots to navigate the Muskingum river were men who handled floating crafts This was before the advent of steamboats and also before the improvement of the river by a series of locks and dams such as we now have kept up by the federal government In the handling of such crafts the pilot was guided very much by the draft of water by which at such places as island chutes and other ripples the ...

"Lake County and Its Founder," by William Stowell Mills. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 361-371.
... Lake County and its Founder Lake County and its Founder 361 LAKE COUNTY AND ITS FOUNDER BY WILLIAM STOWELI MILLS LL B OF BROOKLYN N Y HISTORICAL ADDRESS DELIVERED IN PAINESVILLE LAKE COUNTY 0 JULY 21 1901 AT THE CEREMONIES OF THE UNVEILING OF THE STATUE OF EDWARD PAINE Mr President Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-- It is related that when the residents of a New England town proposed to pay homage to a former townsman in a ceremony similar to this a good old ...

"The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent" by Cherilyn A. Walley. Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 48-82.
... Bigelow Winter-Spring 2001 pp 48-82 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent By Cherilyn A Walley Tucked away in the special collections of Brigham Young University are fourteen legal-sized photocopies of diary pages identified only as Manuscript 1090 These few pages ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 502-511.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A REVIEW OF THE LIFE AND THE DIARY AND LETTERS OF RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES Robert Latham the editor of the Asheville N C Citizen in the issue of that paper for May 12 1929 publishes his review of the Life and the Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes Mr Latham is a well-known journalist of the Southland He began on the editorial staff of the Columbia S C State He was afterwards editor of the News and Courier ...

"Yesterday and Tomorrow in Ohio," by Roy F. Nichols. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 201-211.
... YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW IN OHIO YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW IN OHIO By ROY F NICHOLS I Those who are charged with the responsibility for the history of any community have the power to perform great services for society The tendency to waste and to be careless of the future is one of the most dangerous which man displays Conservation is one of the most necessary correctives which he has created to save himself A state historical society is a great institution dedicated to conservation and therefore ...

"Sandy and Beaver Canal," Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 165-177.
... SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL1 B y W H VAN FOSSAN As a part of the Ohio system of canals the Sandy and Beaver was a branch from Bolivar Tuscarawas County to Smiths Ferry on the Ohio River forty miles below Pittsburgh Bolivar was its junction point with the Ohio and Erie Canal which extended from Cleveland to Portsmouth Its promoters were planning a more direct route to join Ohio and Lake Erie with the Pennsylvania canals between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh The practicability ...

"Paleolithic Man in the Western Reserve," by P. P. Cherry. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 109-111.
... Editorialana Editorialana 109 Marietta could not have been surpassed The place and time of the next annual meeting was left in the hands of the Executive Committee The proceedings in full of the meetings above including addresses etc will be published either in a later number of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Quarterly or in a separate publication by the same Society PALEOLITHIC MAN IN THE WESTERN RESERVE The following article was written by P P Cherry and published in ...