Ohio History Journal

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"Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor," by George Kummer. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 424-437.
... Specimens of Ante-Bellum Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor By GEORGE K UM MER Native American humor that is humor which by reason of its subject matter and technique possesses an emphatic native quality1 flourished vigorously in the backwoods of the United States for several decades before the Civil War Produced by the folk and recorded by rural doctors lawyers preachers and journalists it portrayed the comedy of character and background as seen in various parts of the country From it ...

"Abraham Lincoln," by Charles A. Jones. Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 600-622.
... ABRAHAM LINCOLN ABRAHAM LINCOLN AN ADDRESS BY CHARLES A JONES CHAIRMAN SATER I feel that we are all obliged to Professor Galbreath for making a little shift in the program here and in giving us a chance to walk about for a few minutes and to be present at the presentation and dedication of this beautiful gift that Mr Venable and his family have made to the Society A few years ago the managers of a very enterprising magazine in this country sent out a questionnaire to the high school students ...

"Urban Rivalry and Internal Improvements in the Old Northwest, 1820-1960," by Harry N. Scheiber. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 227-239, notes 289-292.
... URBAN RIVALRY URBAN RIVALRY AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE OLD NORTHWEST 1820-1860 by HARRY N SCHEIBER At the very beginning of settlement in the Old Northwest urban communities developed in response to the commercial needs of the surrounding country And almost as soon as they appeared there was urban rivalry that is competition among them for advantages that would promote their growth and enhance their attractiveness to emigrants and investors1 The earliest rivalries usually involved ...

"Fowke's Book Again," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 24-328.
... ...

"Methodism in Gallipolis," by P. A. Baker. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 206-210.
... 206 Ohio Arch 206 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications V O L 3 But still its mission is to the regions beyond its position in the advancing columns is on the front line Its business is to find and drive the enemy leaving to the slower-moving forces the work of fortifying and garrisoning the conquered provinces Its muster roll begins with those of Caesar's household and ends not until it includes the faithful Onesimus Quenchless zeal for souls is and must forever be its characteristic a ...

"J. C. Wild, Western Painter and Lithographer," by John Francis McDermott. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 111-125.
... J J C WILD WESTERN PAINTER AND LITHOGRAPHER by JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT Professor of English Washington University On the 8th of April 1840 the St Louis Missouri Republican announced that Mr C Wild of this city proposes to publish in the course of a few weeks a set of views of this city The paintings from which the engravings will be taken are ready for examination at his painting office on Locust Street between Main and Second Streets to which the attention of the public is invited All those ...

"Martin Baum," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 204-219.
... MARTIN BAUM MARTIN BAUM By GEORGE A KATZENBERGER The nucleus of the material hereinafter collected is taken from an article1 by the eminent German-American historian Henry A Ratterman who from 1868 to 1887 published Der Deutsche Pionier in Cincinnati The historian will note that of all the great nations of western Europe during the centuries immediately following the discovery of America Germany alone took no official part in the colonization of the newly discovered hemisphere This was ...

"Woodbridge-Gallaher Collection, The," by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 443-450.
... THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION BY HARLOW LINDLEY Introductory The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society recently secured a very unusual collection of material consisting of letters manuscripts journals account books maps pamphlets and books The manuscript collection consists of about 1100 items the most notable of which is the Woodbridge-Blennerhassett collection of approximately 600 items A word of explanation concerning the ...

"Ohio's Birth Struggle," by William T. McClintock. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 44-70.
... OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE BY WM T M'CLINTOCK CHILLICOTHE O The story of the controversy between General Arthur St Clair the Governor of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio and the young Jeffersonian Republicans of that Territory in 1799-1803 which resulted in the birth of a new state to the Federal Union There is no part of the history of the U S Territory northwest of the Ohio River more interesting than the story of the controversy between its ...

"Whiskey War at Paddy's Run: Excerpts from a Diary of Albert Shaw, The," edited by Lloyd J. Graybar. Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 48-54, notes 72-74.
... 48 OHIO HISTORY 48 OHIO HISTORY THE WHISKEY WAR AT PADDY'S RUN EXCERPTS FROM A DIARY OF ALBERT SHAW edited by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In 1874 Albert Shaw later the distinguished editor of the American Review of Reviews and friend of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was in his seventeenth year An intelligent youth able to observe events with some discernment he kept a diary of his life in the southwestern Ohio village of New London better known as Paddy's Run1 Renamed Shandon in 1893 ...

"A Settlement That Failed: The French in Early Gallipolis, an Enlightening Letter, and an Explanation," Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 46-67.
... LEE AND MARGARET SOLTOW LEE AND MARGARET SOLTOW A Settlement That Failed The French in Early Gallipolis an Enlightening Letter and an Explanation Settlement by the French in Gallipolis Ohio began in 1790 with great hope and optimism but ended in relative failure not more than a decade later By 1792 the 400 to 500 settlers had experienced disease famine harsh weather and assaults by Indians a more particular problem for them was their inability to obtain titles to the land on which they had ...

"Soldier's Creed, The," by Lester J. Cappon. Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 320-327.
... The Soldier's Creed The Soldier's Creed By LESTER J CAPPON Patriotism is an essential factor in waging war and shaping its outcome Since the causes of a war as fixed in the minds of the participants affect both the deeper and shallower feelings of patriotism and are in turn influenced by it loyalty and the will to fight are closely interrelated The concern of the military in recent years with the soldier's ideas of war aims has aroused interest in his attitudes during previous conflicts Among ...

Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 196-203.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest M Green President Present officers of the society are Ernest M Green president Alice Green Lewis vice president and Mrs Minnie Bartlett Jones historian secretary and treasurer Trustees are Betty Teter Barrett Susie McCreery Birdsall Benjamin P Forbes Raymond J Thayer Raymond B Perry and Harriet A Wright CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Springfield Orton G Rust President The ...

"Temperance and Church-Building in Pioneer Days on the Western Reserve," by Justus Newton Brown. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 251-253.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XXVIII No 2 APRIL 1919 TEMPERANCE AND CHURCH-BUILDING IN PIONEER DAYS ON THE WESTERN RESERVE By JUSTUS NEWTON BROWN OBERLIN OHIO In the fall of 1826 my mother's father Rev Joseph Edwards removed from Manlius New York where he had been pastor of the Presbyterian church to Greenfield Huron County Ohio The next year he preached the first sermon ever preached by an ordained minister in the township of Ripley in the same county to a congregation consisting of seven ...

"Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley States," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 163-266.
... LAFAYETTE'S VISIT TO OHIO VALLEY STATES LAFAYETTE'S VISIT TO OHIO VALLEY STATES BY C B GALBREATH The fame of those who rose to eminence in the American Revolution is secure Time has not dimmed the luster of their achievements or our gratitude for their patriotic service The monument reared to them in the hearts of the American people has withstood the test of the critic the sneer of the cynic and the hammer of the iconoclast This is well If they have been idealized and idolized it is not to ...

"John Smith, First Senator from Ohio and His Connections with Aaron Burr," by M. Avis Pitcher. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 68-88.
... JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS JOHN SMITH FIRST SENATOR FROM OHIO AND HIS CONNECTIONS WITH AARON BURR By M Avis PITCHER John Smith United States Senator from Ohio 1803-1808 was a Virginian by birth and education1 Because of the double misfortune of name and locality there is apt to be considerable uncertainty as to the early career of this gentleman in relation to all the other John Smiths of Virginia2 In 1790 Smith was definitely located on the Forks of the Cheat River Monongalia ...

Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 94-102.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Orton G Rust President Mr Arthur Altick the former curator of the society who died recently has been succeeded by William F Lohnes The position of secretary which Mr Altick also held has not yet been filled The society has published some reminiscences of early pioneers as the first volume of a series entitled Yesteryear in Clark County The reminiscences are of the period 1810 to 1860 They cover a variety of ...

"Report of Field Work," by W. C. Mills. Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 309-344.
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK BY W C MILLS CURATOR PREFACE It is the purpose of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to visit different sections of the State each year for explorations upon the mounds and village sites It is apparent to all that the mounds and earthworks are fast being leveled by the encroachment of agriculture and the relic hunter who under the stimulus of commercial enterprise tears the mounds down and forever blots out evidence which would ...

"Duncan McArthur: First Phase, 1772-1812," by C. H. Cramer. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 27-33.
... DUNCAN McARTHUR FIRST PHASE 1772-1812 DUNCAN McARTHUR FIRST PHASE 1 7721 812 By C H CRAMER After the Battle of Culloden in 1746 many of the supporters of the defeated Prince Charlie the Young Pretender found it advisable to migrate to the New World Among the emigres were some of the MacArthurs members of a clan as proud of their distinctive plaid and feather as any in Scotland One of their number settled in New York where a son Duncan was born in 1772 The mother died when the boy was three and ...

"Birthplace of John Brough," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 369-374.
... BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH The following article is reprinted with slight corrections from a Marietta paper published some years ago-E 0 R The wrecking a few years ago of the old jail just opposite the Court House at Marietta brought to mind several historic facts of no mean importance This building was a little more than fifty years old having been erected in 1848 on the site of the pioneer Court House which was the first Hall of Justice in the Northwest Territory The ...