Ohio History Journal

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"The Preservation of Documents" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 404-412.
... THE PRESERVATION OF DOCUMENTS THE PRESERVATION OF DOCUMENTS ONE of the earlier issues of the QUARTERLY contained timely suggestions regarding the preservation of old documents letters and memoranda relating to our early history There has also been no little discussion on this question elsewhere notably in the American Historical Association The result has been to awaken an interest in such articles and a search in old trunks in garrets and in other such receptacles incident to our American ...

"Remarks on Address by Dr. Sparks," by T. C. Mendenhall. Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 312-313.
... 312 Ohio Arch 312 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REMARKS ON ADDRESS OF DR SPARKS BY DR T C MENDENHALL Mr President and Members of the Society I had a story to tell this afternoon but in view of the late hour I have begged the Chairman to let me off As he insists on not doing so I will put off my story for a future day and speak very briefly of a thought that has been in my mind while listening to the extremely interesting paper of Dr Sparks and the very impressive address of General ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923-IV," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 363-405.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923-IV Edited by JOHN A GARRATY RHODES TO MYERS Boston May 22 1920 Dear George I have yr two valued favors of Apr 30 and May 12 the latter enclosing two editorials from the P D which I have read with great interest Senator Lodge is a very able man The contest has been between him and the President The President has had a stroke of ...

"Life Was Rugged A Century Ago: Experiences of An English Immigrant," Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 297-301.
... Life Was Rugged a Century Ago Life Was Rugged a Century Ago Experiences of an English Immigrant By CARROL H QUENZEL George H Cadman was in his thirty-fourth year when he left Euston Street Station in his native London on the first lap of the trek to America Rather than wait nine whole days at Liverpool for the delayed departure of the Cambria the ship on which he had booked passage he paid an extra fee to be rowed seven miles to the Benjamin Adams and was outward bound in considerably less ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes, Attorney at Law," by Watt P. Marchman. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 5-32, notes 184-186.
... Rutherford B Hayes Attorney at Law by WATT P MARCHMAN Rutherford Birchard Hayes began life without a father in Delaware Ohio on October 4 1822 a sickly child whose health was of deep concern to his mother His father Rutherford Hayes Jr formerly of Dummerston Vermont who had been a merchant of the firm of Noyes Mann and Hayes and who had brought his family to settle in Ohio in 1817 died suddenly on July 20 1822 before the birth of his son He left his widow with an estate consisting of a brick ...

"Symmes' Theory," by John Weld Peck. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 28-42.
... SYMMES' THEORY SYMMES' THEORY JOHN WELD PECK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CINCINNATI OHIO I want if I can to carry you back to the day when the West was new when the outposts of the nation were on the Mississippi when the boundless forests were scarred but here and there with clearings when Cincinnati the thriving town between Third street and the river was the undoubted and unrivaled Queen City of the West Those were the days of strong men The War of 1812 was just over The pioneer the pathfinder the ...

"From Pittsburgh to Shawnee Town, 1819," edited by William D. Hoyt, Jr.. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 94-97.
... DOCUMENT DOCUMENT FROM PITTSBURGH TO SHAWNEE TOWN 1819 Edited by WILLIAM D HOYT JR Maryland Historical Society The people living along the Ohio River are miserably deficient in morals principles and manners and much addicted to drinking profanity and idleness Thus wrote Joseph Proud to Nathaniel G Maxwell from Shawnee Town Illinois December 22 1819 The letter containing these sentiments provides an interesting picture of travel down the Ohio at the close of the second decade of the nineteenth ...

"The First Newspaper of the Northwest Territory: The Editor and His Wife," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 332-349.
... THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE EDITOR AND HIS WIFE C B GALBREATH The first newspaper published northwest of the Ohio River was edited by William Maxwell a Revolutionary soldier After the recognition of our national independence he set out for the great west to seek fortune in the new field that called many worthy brave and adventurous spirits He crossed the Alleghanies proceeded to Pittsburg came down the Ohio and took up his abode in ...

"The Battleship Ohio," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 206-215.
... THE BATTLESHIP OHIO THE BATTLESHIP OHIO The battleship Ohio was built for the United States navy by the Union Iron Works San Francisco under contract dated October 8 1898 at a cost of 2899000 It was launched May 18 1901 in the harbor of San Francisco and christened by Miss Helen Deshler who was designated for this honor by Governor George K Nash who was present on the occasion as was also William McKinley then President of the United States Great crowds were present at these ceremonies ...

"Greatest Man-An Ohioan, The," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 105-106.
... Editorialana Editorialana 105 the people as one might suppose it to have been in the days of the tenth century The author carries the credulity of his reader to the very limit For instance he fully describes the girls' and boys' schools at Lekin the name which he gives to the present site of Newark in the vicinity of which there still stand to-day vast and complete earth-works of those long lost tribes These people as General Beatty pictures them with a graphic pen reached a stage of ...

"Speech by Senator Simeon D. Fess," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 280-283.
... 280 Ohio Arch 280 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sition at the head of the municipality of Put-in-Bay through the period of celebrations incident to the centennial celebration of Perry's victory on Lake Erie Secretary Galbreath called attention to a large photograph of the Old Sculptor T D Jones which had been contributed to the museum by Mr Claude Meeker The masterpiece of Mr Jones the Lincoln Memorial which stood for many years in the rotunda of the State House at Columbus is now at ...

"Naming of the City of Cincinnati, The," by Edgar Erskine Hume. Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 81-91.
... THE NAMING OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI THE NAMING OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI By EDGAR ERSKINE HUME Dr William Holland Wilmer the famous ophthalmologist of Johns Hopkins and president of the New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati tells of a traveling salesman in a Pullman smoking car who interrupted another passenger reading his paper What's that pale blue silk button you are wearing he asked The other told him that it was the rosette of the Society of the Cincinnati Fine replied he I'm from ...

"Ohio's Contribution to National Civil Service Reform," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 76-204.
... 76 Ohio Arch 76 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications on the west much pleased with the town of cincinnati think it is the greatest place for business I ever saw verry far surpasses Baltimore in my opinion for all kinds of business We visited the market house in the morning and where verry much surprised at seaing 500 waggons their loaded with all kinds of marketing but were told that it was not an uncomon thing to sea 700 waggons there of a morning The population of Cincinnati is said to be ...

"Glimpses into Cincinnati's Past: The Gest Letters, 1834-1842," edited by Charles Schultz. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 157-179, notes 200-203.
... Glimpses Into Cincinnati's Past THE GEST LETTERS 1834-1842 edited by CHARLES SCHULTZ Erasmus Gest was fourteen years old in November 1834 when he left home family and friends in Cincinnati to attend school first a manual training school in Dayton Ohio and then a Springfield Ohio high school of which Milo G Williams a Cincinnatian was successively and respectively general supervisor and principal1 After two years of study he obtained his first job that of a rod man on the Cincinnati and ...

Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 101-113.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties 1801-1869 Compiled by John H Martin Special List No 6 Washington National Archives 1949 iii 175p appendix One of the most ambitious archival endeavors in progress today is being conducted by the United States through its National Archives The methods of record keeping employed are efficiently designed to make possible a maximum use by scholars and government officials To obviate the necessity of ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884, Part II," Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 390-427.
... PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 PSYCHIATRIC PROGRESS IN OHIO 389 mental illness they were eager to consult psychiatrists of the Veterans Administration or in private practice Thus the public as a whole has gained considerably from this tremendous growth of psychiatry Some of the secrecy and shame which people felt when consulting a psychiatrist has faded Indeed some individuals are as proud of speaking about their psychiatrists as the patients who speak enthusiastically about their operations ...

"Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America: Claridon Township, 1810-1870," Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 101-121.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A WHEELER Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America Claridon Township 1810-1870 In 1812 Horace Taylor of Hartland Connecticut traveled to Ohio to buy and settle lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut on the Trans-Appalachian frontier He chose a relatively new township in the heart of the Reserve later called Claridon in Geauga County There in the western portion he located his farm helped found the Congregational church and established one of the backbone ...

"President Harding and International Organization," by David H. Jennings. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 149-165, notes 192-195.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION by DAVID H JENNINGS Even as President-elect Warren Gamaliel Harding was bidding his Marion neighbors a tender moist-eyed farewell1 world affairs engulfed him With the exception of Lincoln said The Nation never have there been so many pressing and unsolved problems The New Republic described the pressures as truly awful2 Each problem was individually intense and was made more so from the neglect occasioned by Woodrow Wilson's illness ...

"Story of an Old Dutch Chest," by C. S. Van Tassel. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 101-106.
... STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST BY C S VAN TASSEL The ordinary student of the world's history knows more or less of the story of the Spanish Armada-- how that majestic maritime wonder of the sixteenth century sailed from Corunna in July in the year 1588 in all its splendor and heralded invincibility intent upon crushing the English Dynasty and changing the map of Europe Instead of success however the great fleet met with almost annihilation only a bleeding and sadly ...

"Colonel John O'Bannon," by Nelson W. Evans. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 319-327.
... COLONEL JOHN O'BANNON COLONEL JOHN O'BANNON NELSON W EVANS It is and has been utterly impossible to fix with absolute certainty the date or place of the birth of Colonel John O'Bannon It was not later than the year 1756 and may have been several years previous The place as near as can be determined was called Neville Virginia John Presley and Morgan Neville prominent officers in the Revolutionary War were her kinsmen and likely brothers We are not certain as to her father's name From the best ...