Ohio History Journal

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"The Black Hand," by Alfred Kelley. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 457-459.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 457 thyself be beaten by the cunning right hand of a boy Disgraced thou art and no longer shalt thou be numbered among the members of my frame And the hand clung to the rock and turned black and spread and grew until it was as the hand of a giant and while the chief Ahyomah and the tribe stood silently watching the wonder the defeated warrior wrapped his robe about him spoke no word of farewell and striding swiftly into the dark depths of the forest was seen no ...

"The New Jerusalem Church in Ohio From 1848 to 1870," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 25-54.
... THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO FROM 1848 TO 1870 by OPHIA D S MI TH In his Teachers of the Nineteenth Century 1845 Parke Godwin said that the chief characteristic of the then present epoch was its tendency to unity in universality and that the men in whom this tendency was most fully expressed were Swedenborg Fourier and Goethe In these three persons was summed up the great movement toward unity in universality in religion science and art which comprised the ...

"Woodrow Wilson's First Romance," by George C. Osborn. Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 1-20.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1958 Woodrow Wilson's First Romance By GEORGE C OSBORN MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN about Abraham Lincoln's romance with Ann Rutledge Although Ann first aroused Lincoln's romantic emotions very few facts are known about this love affair Indeed nearly all that has been written about Ann and Abe's romance is conjecture Although most Americans have heard of Lincoln's first romance not many realize that Woodrow ...

"Ohio Buckeye, The," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 275-281.
... THE OHIO BUCKEYE THE OHIO BUCKEYE In a pamphlet entitled Ohio Emblems and Monuments compiled by the editor of the QUARTERLY in 1906 i s an account of the Ohio Buckeye which is here reproduced in adapted form It is somewhat singular but true nevertheless that the average Ohioan is not able to point out with certainty the tree whose name is the soubriquet of his state In the popular descriptions fact and fancy science and oratory are so promiscuously blended that there is nothing remarkable in ...

"The Literature of the Western Reserve," Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 101-128.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A WHEELER The Literature of the Western Reserve The northeastern portion of Ohio known variously as New Connecticut as the Western Reserve of Connecticut or simply as the Western Reserve has been viewed as a unique area by observers from the eighteenth century to the present The region's distinctiveness stems from its homogenous founding population of transplanted New Englanders whose firm hold determined its culture Writers often agreed these migrants implanted a set of values ...

"A Station on the Underground Railroad," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 164-169.
... A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD A STATION ON THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MRS FLORENCE BEDFORD WRIGHT OBERLIN The Anti-Slavery agitation of the nineteenth century called out the heroic qualities in many a quiet man in whom such attributes had never been suspected In no part of the country did the friends of the fugitive slave make more personal sacrifices than those residing in southwestern Ohio It was during this period that the name under-ground railroad was given to the manner by which ...

"The Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Rutherford Birchard Hayes at Spiegel Gove, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 328-425.
... THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Of which I was a great part is the classic motto which for almost twenty centuries hero after hero has proudly taken to himself President Hayes would smilingly have passed it by Perhaps no other phrase exists however which so effectively describes the pervasion of his personality through all the commemorative events and the scene in ...

"Excavation of the Coon Mound and an Analysis of the Adena Culture," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 366-523.
... EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE E F GREENMAN CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note 369 General Features of the Coon Mound 370 Contents of the Mound 375 The Burial 375 The Tomb 379 The Gravel Circle 387 The Horizontal Log-Molds 392 The Passage 397 Reconstruction 4 00 Conclusion 408 The Adena ...

"Episcopal Versus Methodist: Religious Competition in Frontier Worthington," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 5-21.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E and ROBERT W McCORMICK Episcopal Versus Methodist Religious Competition in Frontier Worthington One hundred hearty souls were spending their first winter in crude log homes in a wilderness clearing when James Kilbourn wrote Ohio Senator Thomas Worthington We have formed a regular Society for religious purposes amp have Divine Service performed every Sunday in public 1 It was not unusual for westward immigrants to be religious people or for several families of similar ...

"Samuel Watts Davies and The Industrial Revolution in Cincinnati," Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 95-127.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 2 APR I L 1 961 Samuel Watts Davies and The Industrial Revolution in Cincinnati By HARRY R STEVENS IN AN AGE PREOCCUPIED with case studies it is refreshing to discover a man as distinctive and individual as Samuel Watts Davies Although he seems on first acquaintance to be merely a typical aggressive frontier business enterpriser the appearance of similarity is deceptive The resemblance exists but not because Davies ...

"Centenary of the Birth of Ulysses S. Grant," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 217-219.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 217 Reviews Notes and Comments 217 In 1844 he went to Palestine Illinois to spend his remaining days with his daughter Mrs Rachel L Kitchel Here he was highly honored by the citizens of the village On July 4 1845 he delivered his last public address Appearing in his continental uniform bowed with the infirmities of age his emotions almost overcame him as he contrasted the feeble beginnings of the Republic with the splendid destinies assured in the future In an ...

"Samuel Robinson: Champion of the Thomasonian System," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 263-270.
... SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE THOMSONIAN SYSTEM By PHILIP D JORDAN PHD Thomsonian medicine as a system of medical botany created a decided stir both among physicians and the laity during the nineteenth century when so many curious panaceas were being sponsored by scientific groups and by social organizations The Thomsonian school was represented in Ohio not only by scores of physicians but also by medical journals dedicated to the dictum that the flora of our ...

"Travels of President Rutherford B. Hayes," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 60-72.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON Travels of President Rutherford B Hayes In a predominantly newspaper age long before the advent of radio and television Ohio's President Rutherford B Hayes spent much of his four-year term traveling throughout the United States Beset by critics in both the political arena and the press he strove to put his cause and himself directly before the American people While many of his trips were avowedly nonpolitical they definitely helped to project a favorable image of ...

"Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, May 31, 1911," Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 335-349.
... TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 31 1911 The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Society Room Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at two o'clock P M Wednesday May 31 1911 The following members were present Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr A J Baughman Mansfield Mr H E Buck Delaware Mr C H ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1900," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 327-352.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1960 Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1865-1900 By SHERMAN B BARNES BECAUSE IN THE Gilded Age a flood of new knowledge was received into the collegiate curriculum the question often arises whether traditional Protestant piety impeded or hastened the adoption of new curricular offerings in science history psychology philosophy fine arts and modern languages Excellent histories of a number of Ohio colleges ...

Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 101-113.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties 1801-1869 Compiled by John H Martin Special List No 6 Washington National Archives 1949 iii 175p appendix One of the most ambitious archival endeavors in progress today is being conducted by the United States through its National Archives The methods of record keeping employed are efficiently designed to make possible a maximum use by scholars and government officials To obviate the necessity of ...

"William Eves Moore, 1823-1899," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 474-478.
... WILLIAM EVES MOORE WILLIAM EVES MOORE 1823-1899 William Eves Moore D D LL D was born in Strasburg Pa April 1st 1 823 His parents Jacob Moore M D University of Pennsylvania 1818 and Sarah Faris Moore came of Scotch-Irish ancestors who after the siege of Derry migrated to the northern part of Newcastle county Delaware and for generations held office in the same Presbyterian church and owned the original farm land given by grant of Wm Penn Returning from Strasburg to Delaware Dr Moore's father ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 287-296.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA MEETING OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In the historic and picturesque city of New Orleans on the days of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday December 29 30 and 31 1903 was held the nineteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association It proved to be an event of unusual interest and enjoyment The American Historical Association was organized at Saratoga New York September 10 1884 and now numbers some twenty-five hundred members comprising the leading ...

"Origin and Significance of Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Symbols," by August C. Mahr. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 1-32.
... ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PENNSYLVANIA ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH BARN SYMBOLS By AUGUST C MAHR On a great number of Pennsylvania Dutch barns there are geometrical ornaments painted on the outside walls ornaments which as a rule show some sort of star within a circular disk Figs 1 2 8 10b They occur most frequently in Berks and the neighboring counties less frequently in other parts of Pennsylvania and locally even in Ohio and other states of the Union where Pennsylvania ...

"Memoir of Antoine Laforge: A Gallipolis Manuscript (1790)," translated by Laurence J. Kenny. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 43-51.
... MEMOIR OF ANTOINE LAFORGE MEMOIR OF ANTOINE LAFORGE A Gallipolis Manuscript 1790 Translated from the original French by Laurence J Kenny S J St Louis University The accompanying document is a copy of a manuscript heirloom that has been cherished for more than a century among the descendents of Pierre Antoine Laforge one of the early French settlers of Gallipolis It brought them into possession of the modest inheritance referred to at its close and it has given substance and vraisemblance to ...