Ohio History Journal

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"The Charcoal Iron Industry of the Hanging Rock Iron District-Its Influence on the Early Development of the Ohio Valley," Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 72-104.
... THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE HANGING ROCK IRON DISTRICT--ITS INFLUENCE ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE OHIO VALLEY BY WILBUR STOUT INTRODUCTION The Hanging Rock Iron District as defined by the iron masters embraced the furnaces and furnace lands and also the adjacent properties over which iron ores limestones and charcoal were gathered It included parts of Carter Boyd and Greenup Counties Kentucky and parts of Lawrence Scioto Gallia Jackson Vinton and ...

"Presbyterians in the Ohio Temperance Movement of the 1850's," by Donald K. Gorell. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 292-296.
... PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT OF THE 1850's by DONALD K GORRELL The agitation for the abolition of slavery which pervaded the Ohio scene during the decade preceding the Civil War was accompanied by other reform movements one of which sought to curb intemperance In that age no other cause with the exception of abolition was pressed more by moralists than that of temperancel and no other group was more prominent among the advocates of ...

"Symmes' Theory," by John Weld Peck. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 28-42.
... SYMMES' THEORY SYMMES' THEORY JOHN WELD PECK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CINCINNATI OHIO I want if I can to carry you back to the day when the West was new when the outposts of the nation were on the Mississippi when the boundless forests were scarred but here and there with clearings when Cincinnati the thriving town between Third street and the river was the undoubted and unrivaled Queen City of the West Those were the days of strong men The War of 1812 was just over The pioneer the pathfinder the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 328-344.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PRELIMINARY ANNUAL MEETING On May 14 1912 the following circular was issued to the members of the Society According to the provisions of the Constitution of the Society the Annual Meeting of the Society should be held not later than the last day of May It is earnestly desired that the Annual Meeting this year be deferred until after the bids have been received and if possible the contracts made with the builders for the erection of the building for the Society at ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings for the Year 1886, with Abstracts of Addresses and Papers Presented Before the Society," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 291-302.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIOHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1886 WITH ABSTRACTS OF ADDRESSES AND PAPERS PRESENTED BEFORE THE SOCIETY COLUMBUS January 13th 1886 THE Society was called to order in the Chamber of the House of Representatives in the State House by Professor L D Brown The report of the Secretary showed the addition of ten members since the last meeting and several valuable donations to the library and museum The special committee ...

"Here is La Fayette," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 441-451.
... HERE IS LA FAYETTE HERE IS LA FAYETTE BY JOHN ME RRILL WEED La Fayette we are here said General Pershing as he stood beside the tomb in Picpus Cemetery one historic day in 1917 It was a dramatic incident It shows that Pershing had a quality that would scarcely have been suspected in a doughty warrior a flair for capturing the popular imagination of two nations It is not a legend it is too recent for that Moreover we have a statement from the General's headquarters staff attesting the words ...

"The Higher Education of Women in the Ohio Valley Previous to 1840," by Jane Sherzer. Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 1-22.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE OHIO VALLEY PREVIOUS TO 1840 BY JANE SHERZER The section of country investigated in this paper under the name of The Ohio Valley includes Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Southern Ohio Indiana and Illinois and Kentucky and Tennessee In West Virginia in Southern Indiana and Illinois there were no schools for the higher education of women up to 184 0 It is true early in 1840 in Indiana there were two ...

"New Trustees of the Society: Rev. William Henry Rice, Albert Douglas," Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 350-352.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA NEW TRUSTEES OF THE SOCIETY REV WILLIAM HENRY RICE D D Among the historic characters who played a thrilling and imperishable part in the early annals of Ohio were the three Moravian missionaries Christian Frederick Post David Zeisberger and John Heckewelder From the last named in direct descent is the Rev W H Rice for many years past a life and active member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and at the last annual meeting February 26 elected a ...

"Centenary of the Birth of Ulysses S. Grant," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 217-219.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 217 Reviews Notes and Comments 217 In 1844 he went to Palestine Illinois to spend his remaining days with his daughter Mrs Rachel L Kitchel Here he was highly honored by the citizens of the village On July 4 1845 he delivered his last public address Appearing in his continental uniform bowed with the infirmities of age his emotions almost overcame him as he contrasted the feeble beginnings of the Republic with the splendid destinies assured in the future In an ...

"Reading of Memorials: George F. Bareis, Edward Orton, George Wells Knight,General J. Warren Keifer," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 567-582.
... Report of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting 567 Report of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting 567 During the past year two colleges have observed Centennial occasions--Hiram and Denison University--and Oberlin College and Wooster College are now preparing for historical celebrations this year It is quite noticeable the way communities over the state are waking up to the opportunities offered by Centennial occasions and to the value of the Pageantry as a means of portraying history and building ...

"The Coffin of Edwin Coppock," by Thomas C. Mendenhall. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 452-456.
... THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK BY THOMAS C MENDENHALL There has recently been added to the collection of John Brown relics in the museum of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society another concerning which I have been requested to tell the following story On the morning of the tenth of April 1865 I left my room which was over the Farmers' National Bank on Main Street Salem Ohio intending to proceed to the High School in which I was a teacher But I did not ...

"The Dedication of the Hayes Memorial at Spiegel Grove, Fremont, Ohio, Tuesday, May 30, 1916," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 401-484.
... THE DEDICATION OF THE HAYES MEMORIAL THE DEDICAT I ON OF THE HAYES MEMORIAL AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO TUESDAY MAY 30 1916 Memorials of our greatest statesmen have taken many forms and had their rise through various agencies Mount Vernon the home of Washington was rescued from oblivion by a private association whose rules and fees still control its view by the public Lincoln's modest home in Springfield Ill and The Hermitage the home of Jackson in Nashville Tenn are now in charge of local ...

Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 181-191.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society now has about 134000 in cash and a quantity of bricks on hand for its proposed museum building The estimated cost of the structure is 150000 The society would like to lay the cornerstone in Ohio's sesquicentennial year but definite plans have not been made ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Mrs Fred R Donaldson President A marker has been placed by the society ...

"Speculative Interest in Ohio Lands in 1829 as Revealed in a Letter from Henry Farmer to Samuel J. Browne," edited by William D. Overman. Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 329-337.
... SPECULATIVE INTEREST IN OHIO LANDS IN 1829 SPECULATIVE INTEREST IN OHIO LANDS IN 1829 AS REVEALED IN A LETTER FROM HENRY FARMER TO SAMUEL J BROWNE Edited by WILLIAM D OVERMAN The following letter from Henry Farmer to his brother-in-law Samuel J Browne of Cincinnati affords a detailed account by an observant and well-informed Englishman of the unsettled political economic and social conditions in England just prior to the Era of Reform 18321 The statistical data on the cost of poor relief ...

"Towards a National Antislavery Party: The Giddings-Sumner Alliance," by Beverly Wilson Palmer. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 51-71.
... BEVERLY WILSON PALMER BEVERLY WILSON PALMER Towards a National Antislavery Party The Giddings-Sumner Alliance Shortly after meeting Joshua Reed Giddings in 1846 Charles Sumner in a 30 December 1846 article in the Boston Courier praised the Ohio Congressman for his opposition to the Mexican War Emphasizing Giddings's roots in New England Sumner wrote New England may be happy that her voice was heard at so early a stage of this important discussion and in a manner calculated to influence it so ...

"Major-General Arthur St. Clair," by Albert Douglas. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 455-476.
... MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR HON ALBERT DOUGLAS M C A brief synopsis of this address was delivered by Mr Douglas at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Page Hall O S U March 22 1907 - EDITOR At the centennial celebration of Ohio statehood held at Chillicothe in May 1 90 3 I had the pleasure of offering the following preamble and resolution Recognizing that the people of Ohio have for one hundred years done injustice to the name ...

"Remarks of R. D. Marshall, Esq." (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 172-174.
... 172 Ohio Arch 172 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li ca ti ons VoL 3 REMARKS OF R D MARSHALL ESQ Your presiding officer has called on me owing to some delay in the arrival of trains which has delayed the forming and moving of the procession to address you for a few minutes and has charged me with being a speaker of some note and as he has placed me on trial before you on that charge I feel pretty certain that when you have heard me you will promptly acquit me of the charge as it was not my ...

"Simon Kenton-Thomas W. Cridland, Pioneers," by Walter D. McKinney. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 117-131.
... SIMON KENTON -- THOMAS W SIMON KENTON - - THOMAS W CRIDLAND PIONEERS BY WALTER D MCKINNEY Today it is my great privilege to place in the custody of this Society the framed portrait of a man This I might do in short form which would be forgotten at the conclusion of the ceremony but the subject of the portrait and the portrait itself -- and the maker of the frame and the frame itself -- are deserving of greater consideration by the society and myself The subject of the portrait is Simon Kenton ...

"Lincoln and His Ohio Friends," Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 223-256.
... Lincoln and His Ohio Friends Lincoln and His Ohio Friends By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VIEWPOINTS which helped to mold the political career of Abraham Lincoln1 a major influence was Joshua R Giddings antislavery congressman 1838-59 from Jefferson Ohio2 Over a period of years Lincoln and his Springfield Illinois law partner William Henry Herndon read abolitionist literature together and Lincoln became a careful student of Giddings' speeches3 Professor Elbert J Benton has ...

"Railroad Discussion Not Forbidden by Lancaster School Board: Facts and Fiction Relation by a Well Worn Story," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 148-155.
... RAILROAD DISCUSSION NOT FORBIDDEN RAILROAD DISCUSSION NOT FORBIDDEN BY LANCASTER SCHOOL BOARD FACTS AND FICTION RELATING TO A WELL WORN STORY On September 13 1927 appeared a news article of considerable length in the Lancaster Daily Eagle relative to the story that is semi-occasionally the subject of inquiries addressed to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society We are under obligation to Judge Van A Snider of Lancaster Ohio for the clipping from which we quote liberally The news ...