Ohio History Journal

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"The Historic Rural Church," by Roy E. Bowers. Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 89-100.
... THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 THE HISTORIC RURAL CHURCH1 BY Roy E BOWERS The historic rural church of the Northwest Territory of which Tallmadge is a distinguished example has passed through three phases and is now entering a fourth This is especially true of Ohio These phases are First that of rapid energetic and often heroic pioneering This in Ohio ended about 1830 Second that of tension and conflict ending with the Civil War Third that of prosperity and slow decline through the Civil War to ...

"Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution," by E. O. Randall. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 395-434.
... Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution Ohio in Early History and During the Revolution 395 OHIO IN EARLY HISTORY AND DURING THE REVOLUTION BY E 0 RANDALL PH B L L M Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society President Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution No territory in the new world at least perhaps not in the old presents so much of interest at once to the archaeologist and the historian as the inland portion of America now and for a century designated as the ...

"Ohio History Conference, 1941: Program," Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 207-209.
... THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE 1941 THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE 1941 The Ohio History Conference April 4-5 1941 included the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society the Third Annual Meeting of the Committee on Archives and Medical History of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society with the cooperation of the Ohio State ...

"Rescue Case of 1857, The," by Benj. F. Prince. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 292-309.
... THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 BENJ F PRINCE Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society President Clark County Historical Society and Professor of History and Political Science Wittenberg College Springfield Ohio The years between 1830 and 1860 brought great strain to the people of the United States The long border line between the slave and free states stretching from the Atlantic on the east to a great distance beyond the Mississippi River was crossed by many ...

"The 'Underground Railroad,'" by A. J. Baughman. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 189-191.
... THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY A J BAUGHMAN One of the most noted stations of the old Underground Railway in its time was at Uncle John Finney's in Springfield township Richland county four miles west of Mansfield Ohio about a half mile north of the Mansfield-Crestline trolley line From the windows of the swiftly moving car passengers can see the place where many runaway slaves found rest and succor while enroute to Canada in the ante-bellum days But few persons however who ...

"Banquet in Commemoration of General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of Fallen Timbers," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 19-34.
... Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 of governing the world So long as force may be invoked in behalf of injustice and wrong so long must force be ready to meet and crush force when thus employed as Washington said We must keep ourselves in a reasonable posture of defense Applause After more than one hundred and fifty years of nationality the sword of Washington and Wayne was never drawn except in defense of American rights or human rights and ...

Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 94-102.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Orton G Rust President Mr Arthur Altick the former curator of the society who died recently has been succeeded by William F Lohnes The position of secretary which Mr Altick also held has not yet been filled The society has published some reminiscences of early pioneers as the first volume of a series entitled Yesteryear in Clark County The reminiscences are of the period 1810 to 1860 They cover a variety of ...

"Ohio's Contribution to National Civil Service Reform," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 76-204.
... 76 Ohio Arch 76 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications on the west much pleased with the town of cincinnati think it is the greatest place for business I ever saw verry far surpasses Baltimore in my opinion for all kinds of business We visited the market house in the morning and where verry much surprised at seaing 500 waggons their loaded with all kinds of marketing but were told that it was not an uncomon thing to sea 700 waggons there of a morning The population of Cincinnati is said to be ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings for the Year 1886, with Abstracts of Addresses and Papers Presented Before the Society," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 291-302.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIOHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1886 WITH ABSTRACTS OF ADDRESSES AND PAPERS PRESENTED BEFORE THE SOCIETY COLUMBUS January 13th 1886 THE Society was called to order in the Chamber of the House of Representatives in the State House by Professor L D Brown The report of the Secretary showed the addition of ten members since the last meeting and several valuable donations to the library and museum The special committee ...

"Marching Through South Carolina: Another Civil War Letter of Lieutenant George M. Wise," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 187-195.
... Marching Through South Carolina Marching Through South Carolina Another Civil War Letter Of Lieutenant George M Wise Edited by WILFRED W BLACK Sherman's march through Georgia was accomplished On December 20 1864 General William J Hardee retreated from Savannah toward Charleston and from Savannah in the middle of January Sherman launched his campaign through the Carolinas with an army of 60000 marching in two broad columns The march through Georgia had been regarded as a picnic but it was not ...

Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 311-336.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Irish in America By Carl Wittke Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 1956 xi319p list of works cited in the text and index 500 Dean Wittke's notable contributions to an objective understanding of the role of the immigrant in United States history have stimulated many to look forward eagerly to the publication of the present volume This has been especially the case because writers both of Scotch-Irish and of Catholic Irish antecedents have often been less ...

"Two Prehistoric Villages Near Cleveland, Ohio," by Emerson F. Greenman. Volume 46, Number 4, October, 1937, pp. 305-366.
... TWO PREHISTORIC VILLAGES NEAR CLEVELAND TWO PREHISTORIC VILLAGES NEAR CLEVELAND OHIO By EMERSON F GREENMAN Foreword During the field season of 1930 four sites in northern Ohio were excavated for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The two forming the subject of this paper were on the Cuyahoga River six and seven miles south of the Public Square of the city of Cleveland Excavations were under the direction of the writer and Mr Robert Goslin field assistant Tuttle Hill was ...

"Dedication of the Wagnalls Memorial," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 251-262.
... DEDICATION OF THE WAGNALLS MEMORIAL DEDICATION OF THE WAGNALLS MEMORIAL Memorial Day 1925 will not be forgotten by the two thousand people who were present at the dedication of the Wagnalls Memorial in the village of Lithopolis Clear skies and normal temperature for the merging of spring into the summertime put everyone present into a mood to appreciate the appropriate ceremonies of the occasion Lithopolis is a beautiful village and on this eventful day in its history was in its most ...

Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 228-230.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews From Hayes to McKinley National Party Politics 1877-1896 By H WAYNE MORGAN Syracuse Syracuse University Press 1969 x 618p illustrations bibliographical essay notes and index 1295 Professor Morgan is widely recognized as a leader in the revisionist interpretation of the Gilded Age which began to appear in the work of younger scholars about a decade ago Author of several valuable books particularly William McKinley and His America 1963 and Unity and Culture 1971 and the ...

"Address at the Grave of Johnny Appleseed," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 45-46.
... ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED By ROBERT C HARRIS Here in the Archer graveyard at the north edge of Fort Wayne Indiana is the grave of Johnny Appleseed whose real name was John Chapman born September 26 1774 died March 18 1845 Johnny Appleseed won renown by a few simple and helpful acts 1 He was a peacemaker between the Indians and white settlers 2 He was a missionary for the church of New Jerusalem founded by Emanuel Swedenborg 3 Perhaps the ...

"Abstract of the Sermon on 'The Presbyterians of Ohio'," by Sylvester F. Scovel. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 211-220.
... The Presbyterians of Ohio The Presbyterians of Ohio 211 ABSTRACT OF THE SERMON ON THE PRESBYTERIANS OF OHIO BY REV SYLVESTER F SCOVEL PRESIDENT OF WOOSTER UNIVERSITY WOOSTER OHIO PREACHED IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Christian is a cosmopolitan Every land is his fatherland since God is his father So every Christian is brother to all other Christians Yet we may have a just concern which shall be special for our country and our church We have a century of Presbyterian experience behind ...

"Thomas Jefferson's Views on Slavery," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 184-202.
... THOMAS JEFFERSON'S VIEWS ON SLAVERY THOMAS JEFFERSON'S VIEWS ON SLAVERY BY C B GALBREATII To one who has read the works of Thomas Jefferson it would seem that there should be no question in regard to his views of slavery Because such question has been raised reiterated and made a matter of public record and because his attitude has been thus questioned by many prominent in the early history of Ohio it may not be out of place to review here the testimony offered in regard to the real views that ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 215-226.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DR THOMAS CORWIN MENDENHALL Dr Thomas Corwin Mendenhall died at his home in Ravenna Saturday March 22 He was a member of the first faculty of the Ohio State University and a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society A brief sketch of his life was published in the QUARTERLY of the Society for October 1921 He delivered the annual address at ...

"Washington Gladden: First Citizen of Columbus," by C. George Fry. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 90-99, notes 130-131.
... WASHINGTON GLADDEN WASHINGTON GLADDEN FIRST CITIZEN OF COLUMBUS by C GEORGE FRY The story is told that Washington Gladden was once a guest at a downtown businessmen's luncheon in Columbusl A stranger was present and was introduced to Doctor Gladden Assuming him to be a physician he asked Sir where do you practice Gladden smiled and replied Oh I don't practice I just preach2 Friends and admirers of Washington Gladden knew however that he did practice as well as preach in many areas He was ...

"The Hayes Centenary," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 338-344.
... 338 Ohio Arch 338 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General J Warren Keifer recently appointed Trustee of the Society and the only living Major General of the Civil War will favor the Society with some very interesting and unrecorded history in an address at this meeting A detailed program will be mailed to the members of the Society THE HAYES CENTENARY The tentative program for the Centenary celebration of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes 1822-1893 the nineteenth President of the United ...