Ohio History Journal

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"Address of Prof. B. F. Prince (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 427-428.
... Laying Corner Stone of the Society's Building Laying Corner Stone of the Society's Building 427 that shall be carried on in this building and outside of the buildding and that it will in the years to come add very greatly to the distinction of our commonwealth I congratulate the people of Ohio I congratulate the University I congratulate the State upon this happy hour and the prospect of this building MR RANDALL Prof B F Prince of Wittenberg University Springfield Ohio and one of our most ...

"Ship and Brig Building on the Ohio and Its Tributaries," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 54-64.
... 54 Ohio Arch 54 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tion dissolved but Nelson agreed with Wayne Grier and Curtis in the opinion that an attachment should issue since there was no power in Congress to interfere with the judgment of the court under pretense of power to legalize the structure or by making it a post road Justice McLean dissented feeling that the principle involved was of the deepest interest to the growing commerce of the West which might be obstructed by bridges across the ...

"The Taylor Family of Dentists," by Edward C. Mills. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 392-398.
... THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS by EDWARD C MILLS DDS FACD Of the many families of America which have made outstanding permanent contributions to science and to the professions Ohio may claim one which has made a special contribution to the field of dentistry--the Taylor family The progenitor of this family William Taylor a Revolutionary soldier of Monmouth County New Jersey was born December 27 1744 His forbears of English extraction had settled in New Jersey in ...

"Address of Tod B. Galloway" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 33-34.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 3 3 ADDRESS OF TOD B GALLOWAY If I were to ask you what I should talk about I suppose you would answer me as the small boy did in Sunday School one day when a man got up and said Now children what shall I talk about and the bright boy said about one minute I am somewhat like an old Scotch preacher I once heard of A man went to church one day and he noticed that the preacher was crying a great deal during the delivery of his sermon Finally ...

"Frankfurt-Am-Main and Baldwin-Wallace College," Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 20-27.
... FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE by F A NORWOOD Associate Professor of History Baldwin-Wallace College Without German Pietism John Wesley would not have had a warming of the heart He would have remained a devoted strict churchman somewhat bigoted fulfilling his ecclesiastical duties unflinchingly but he would never have gained access to the hearts of the multitudes he would not have kindled a fire that enlightened and warmed the hearts and ...

"The McGuffey Society at Fort Hill," by John R. Horst. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 605-610.
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL BY JOHN R HORST The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio met at Fort Hill in Highland county on Saturday September 12th 1925 as previously announced in the newspapers Fort Hill is the name of a hill located about three miles north of Sinking Spring Surrounding the crest of the hill is an ancient fortification apparently for defense the building of which is credited to the Mound Builders It contains about forty acres within the ...

"Further Notes on Granville's Anti-Abolition Disturbances of 1836," Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 365-368.
... FURTHER NOTES ON GRANVILLE'S ANTIFURTHER NOTES ON GRANVILLE'S ANTIABOLITION DISTURBANCES OF 1836 By ROBERT PRICE The American Colonization Society may have had as its chief objective the return of American Negroes to their native Africa but it also afforded a ready means of organized opposition for the enemies of abolition Anyhow such was the case in Granville Ohio during the years 1835-36 when the fires of anti-slavery controversy were burning brightly in that particular neighborhood No doubt ...

"John Brown at Harper's Ferry and Charlestown: A Lecture," by S. K. Donovan. Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 300-336.
... JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND CHARLESTOWN A LECTURE BY S K DONOVAN This lecture by Colonel S K Donovan was delivered a number of times in Ohio but was never before printed The original manuscript is in the possession of his sister Miss Sallie Donovan of Delaware Ohio by whose permission it is now published Colonel Donovan once stated to the writer that he was the first newspaper correspondent to reach Harper's Ferry after the raid began When he arrived there ...

"Auto Trip Over the Old National Road," by Albert Douglas. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 504-512.
... AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD ALBERT DOUGLAS Member Congress Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society When the extra session of the 61st Congress adjourned on the 5th of August we had bought our railroad tickets reserved berths in the sleeping car and expected to proceed home to Chillicothe by the conventional railroad train but when I suggested to my wife that instead of shipping our motor car we should ride home in it over the old ...

Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 313-323.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Mrs Fred Donaldson President The Alliance Historical Society is cooperating with other groups in the observance of the centennial of Alliance this summer A series of events is planned culminating in those of the week of August 26 - September 2 1950 Copies of old pictures of Alliance are being made by the society which is also publishing a centennial history of the city AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati ...

"From Free-Love to Catholicism: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Nichols at Yellow Springs," by Philip Gleason. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 283-307.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 19 61 From Free-Love to Catholicism Dr and Mrs Thomas L Nichols At Yellow Springs By PHILIP GLEASON AS THE SLAVERY controversy grew more intense in the mid1850's many of the reform movements which had preoccupied large numbers of Americans in the previous decade were submerged in the mainstream of the antislavery movement Yet currents of reform not connected with antislavery did persist and one of the most ...

"Some Bibliographical and Research Aids to American Medical History," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 305-325.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND RESEARCH AIDS TO AMERICAN MEDICAL HISTORY By PHILIP D JO RD AN PHD The history of medicine in the United States is a relatively recent field of investigation1 Historians and scientists too long ignored the fertile field of the progress of medical and surgical practice in this Nation If the scholar concerned himself at all with the advance of medicine and its auxiliary disciplines he usually ...

"The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War," Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 168-194.
... The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War By ROBERT LESLIE JONES I Introduction The beef cattle industry in Ohio prior to the Civil War could not be described as the one most important branch of agriculture in the state as a whole though it was significant almost everywhere and dominant in certain regions Neither was it to be regarded as unique in its methods for these were in principle at least borrowed from older parts of the country and were ...

"Exploration of the Wright Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 341-358.
... EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The Wright Group of Earth-works is located in Perry Township IFran-kli County Ohic one mile northeast of the vill ag e of Dubl in The three uni l s composing the group --a rectangular and two circular enclosures - lie mostly upon the land of Samuel M Wright whose name in recognition of examination privileges and personal assistance accorded by him is hereby given ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 3-41.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE UNVEILED ADDRESS OF HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD SECRETARY OF WAR IN HOTEL COMMODORE OLIVER HAZARD PERRY TOLEDO OHIO SEPTEMBER 14 1929 In introducing the Secretary of War Toastmaster Mr Grove Patterson spoke as follows Now ladies and gentlemen I am sure that I speak for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the auspices of which this monument was constructed and these exercises ...

"Some 'Interesting Particulars,'" Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 44-49.
... 44 Ohio Arch 44 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications SOME INTERESTING PARTICULARS BY THE OHIO STATE JOURNAL REPORTER In a communication of considerable length entitled The Holmes County Rebellion--Interesting Particulars a correspondent of the Ohio State Journal reported to that paper a news story which it published under the date of June 22 1863 It contains the names of a number of participants in the uprising and reads in part as follows CAMP NEAR WOLF CREEK WALLACE EXPEDITION June 18 ...

"Visit to Fort Ancient, A," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 248-252.
... A VISIT TO FORT ANCIENT A VISIT TO FORT ANCIENT FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI For some two weeks in the Summer of 1910 a portion of the Ohio National Guard encamped at Fort Ancient and during their evolutions enacted a sham siege of the Fort This interesting incident led to many comments in the newspapers concerning the modern military movements in the fortress that doubtless witnessed scenes of barbarian warfare centuries ago In an article brought out by the incident above mentioned Mr Felix J Koch ...

"An Early American Crusader: Norton Strange Townshend," by John F. Cunningham. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 355-370.
... AN EARLY AMERICAN CRUSADER AN EARLY AMERICAN CRUSADER NORTON STRANGE TOWNSHEND1 By JOH N F CUNNINGHAM Writing to G Sprague corresponding secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture in 1854--just ninety years ago--a young physician of Lorain County Ohio said I send you facts and observations relating to agricultural education also a brief notice of an attempt to establish an agricultural college in Ohio We will not stop to demonstrate but will take it for granted that agricultural ...

"Jared Mansfield: United States Surveyor General," by Charlotte W. Dudley. Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 231-246.
... CHARLOTTE W CHARLOTTE W DUDLEY Jared Mansfield United States Surveyor General Jared Mansfield 1759-1830 one of the first men of science in the republic's formative years made a significant contribution to postRevolutionary Ohio Appointed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803 to replace General Rufus Putnam as Surveyor General Mansfield remained in the post for nine years resigning in 1812 when fresh Indian uprisings made further surveys impractical and dangerous During his term of office ...

"General William Hull and His Critics," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 168-182.
... GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS GENERAL WILLIAM HULL AND HIS CRITICS By M M QUAIFE The Detroit campaign of 1 812 lasted in all but little over two months June 10-August 16 a century and a quarter has passed since its conclusion during which General William Hull's countrymen have continued to load upon him the heavy measure of condemnation which was meted out to him by his contemporary associates and critics This attitude has been perpetuated by three generations of historians most of whom ...