Ohio History Journal

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"Jared Potter Kirtland, M. D., 'The Sage of Rockport,' November 10,1793-December 18, 1877," by George M. Curtis. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 326-337.
... JARED POTTER KIRTLAND M JARED POTTER KIRTLAND MD THE SAGE OF ROCKPORT NOVEMBER 10 1793--DECEMBER 18 1877 By GEORGE M CURTIS M D A portly old gentleman with a robust commanding physique was Dr Jared Potter Kirtland of the eighteen seventies So massive was his rotund frame that to the unutterable delight of wide-eyed visiting youngsters he would sit and read in those preEdisonian days with a candle propped upon his powerful chest His home at East Rockport Ohio was surrounded by exotic shrubs and ...

"Prospects for the Gallipolis Settlement: French Diplomatic Dispatches," Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 41-56.
... edited and translated by edited and translated by PHILLIP J WOLFE and WARREN J WOLFE Prospects for the Gallipolis Settlement French Diplomatic Dispatches More than two centuries have passed since Gallipolis Ohio City of the Gauls was founded by French settlers It was on October 17 1790 that a group of French immigrants first set foot on the banks of the Ohio and found some eighty log huts awaiting them As colonists of the Scioto Company they had arrived in Alexandria Virginia and in other ...

"The Beginning of the Ohio Company and the Scioto Purchase," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 1-29.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE BEGINNING OF THE OHIO COMPANY AND THE SCIOTO PURCHASE BY MAJOR E C DAWES The beginning of the year 1783 saw the Revolutionary war virtually at an end although the final treaty of peace was not signed until September third The colonies had achieved their independence at the price of the lives of many and the fortunes of all of their defenders The Continental currency despite the fiat of the government had long since ceased to be of value ...

"Ohio Day at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 101-120.
... OHIO DAY AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE OHIO DAY AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION On October 6 1 90 4 the Buckeyes from all parts of the United States celebrated Ohio Day upon the grounds of the Exposition St Louis Missouri The exercises were held in the afternoon and evening in the beautiful Ohio Building The Ohio Commission appointed by Governor Nash under authority of an act passed by the 75th General Assembly consisted of Hon William F Burdell President Columbus life member of the Ohio ...

"Navigation on the Muskingum," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 408-424.
... NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM IRVEN TRAVIS MCCONNELSVILLE Mr Irven Travis the writer of this article was born near Roxbury Windsor Township Morgan County August 17 1849 His father John Travis lived in McConnelsville where he was employed in building flat-boats in the summer and taking them to New Orleans in the winter Mr Irven Travis became a pilot on the river boats at the age of twenty serving in that capacity on the steamers Carrie Brooks Perry Smith Oella Gen H F ...

"Executive Mansion," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 270-281.
... EXECUTIVE MANSION EXECUTIVE MANSION Here is presented a cut of the attractive and substantial building that was erected by C H Lindenberg at 1234 East Broad street in 1904 and occupied by him from April 1905 until the title of the property passed to the state in 1919 It is a commodious mansion of about thirty rooms appropriately furnished After the property was acquired by the state the interior of the building was remodeled and an additional adjacent tract of land purchased for eighteen ...

"The Puritanic Influence in the Northwest Territory 1788-1803," by Winfred B. Langhorst. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 409-445.
... THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY 1788-1803 BY WINFRED B LANGHORST After the close of the Revolutionary War the rapid movement of settlers over the Appalachian range brought the frontier to eastern Tennessee and Kentucky and to the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers East of this ever-shifting frontier land values were rising and land speculators and emigrants were searching the West for cheap and fertile lands1 The reports of the Indian traders had ...

"The Naga and the Lingam of India and the Serpent Mounds of Ohio," Volume 30, Number 2, April, 1921, pp. 77-89.
... THE NAGA AND THE LINGAM OF INDIA AND THE THE NAGA AND THE LINGAM OF INDIA AND THE SERPENT MOUNDS OF OHIO BY ALEXANDER S WILSON M D Kodaikanal Madura District India WITH INTRODUCTION BY G FREDERICK WRIGHT INTRODUCTION About the middle of the last century Mr Lewis Morgan a distinguished citizen of Rochester New York became interested in the manner of reckoning family relationships among the Iroquois Indians of central New York The system was very complicated and complete As many as 237 ...

"Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship," by George W. Lasher. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 227-233.
... Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship 227 REJOICING IN DIVINE WORKMANSHIP Abstract of a sermon preached by the Rev George W Lasher D D editor of the Journal and Messenger Cincinnati Ohio in the First Baptist Church Text Psalm CXLIX 2 Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him let the children of Zion be joyful in their King There are two ways of writing history the one to refer every event to some over-ruling power superior to man and to human agency the other to find ...

"A Half Century of the Writing of History in Ohio," Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 326-352.
... A HALF CENTURY OF THE WRITING OF HISTORY A HALF CENTURY OF THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER Slightly more than a century ago Mrs Frances Trollope returned to her home in England after two years of residence in Cincinnati Thereupon she published her Domestic Manners of the Americansl a somewhat ironical commentary upon life in the United States Thus she became one of the earliest representatives of a ubiquitous tribe of Europeans that from time to time has contrasted the ...

"A New Serpent Mound in Ohio," by George Frederick Wright. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 1-12.
... OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS A NEW SERPENT MOUND IN OHIO GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT We herewith reproduce with permission from the SeptemberOctober 1908 bi-monthly number of The Records of the Past published at Washington D C an article by the Editor of that publication George Frederick Wright the distinguished traveler scholar and author professor of harmony of sciences and religion Oberlin College Ohio and now President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Will Lamartine Thompson, Author of 'Gathering Shells from the Seashore,'" by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 291-312.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO WILL LAMARTINE THOMPSON Author of Gathering Shells from the Seashore C B GALBREATH The world no longer takes things for granted The days of original research are upon us The strenuous quest for the eternal verities works results at once constructive and iconoclastic It reveals marvels and dissipates old illusions The method of the analyst is merciless-as frigid as justice as uncompromising as truth Woe to the tradition or the ideal that rests on sandy ...

"The Higher Education of Women in the Ohio Valley Previous to 1840," by Jane Sherzer. Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 1-22.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE OHIO VALLEY PREVIOUS TO 1840 BY JANE SHERZER The section of country investigated in this paper under the name of The Ohio Valley includes Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Southern Ohio Indiana and Illinois and Kentucky and Tennessee In West Virginia in Southern Indiana and Illinois there were no schools for the higher education of women up to 184 0 It is true early in 1840 in Indiana there were two ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 351-352.
... ROBERT BUTLER ROBERT BUTLER Book Notes The Life and Adventures of Daniel Boone By Michael A Lofaro Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1978 x 141p map illustrations bibliography This brief biography part of the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf provides an easily-read introduction to Boone and his times Besides the standard account of his life Lofaro adds numerous anecdotes such as the fact that James Fenimore Cooper used Boone as a model for many of his fictional frontiersmen The author's ...

"Reminiscences of Isaac Jackson Allen," Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 207-238, notes 270-271.
... REMINISCENCES REMINISCENCES of Isaac Jackson Allen edited by JOHN Y SIMON Isaac Jackson Allen prominent in Ohio a century ago is now almost completely forgotten Allen began his public career in Mansfield as mayor and judge of the court of common pleas In 1853 he was the unsuccessful Whig candidate for lieutenant governor The next year he became the president of Farmers' College located near Cincinnati and ultimately was that city's superintendent of public instruction From July 1861 to late ...

"Proceedings of the Annual Ohio History Conference," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 95-163.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE Including the Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History and the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society Held at Columbus April 6-8 1939 in Cooperation with Ohio State University the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives and Local Historical Societies throughout the State Columbus ...

"Address of Hon. Chase Stewart (Dedication of the Logan Elm)," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 302-305.
... 302 Ohio Arch 302 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications it to go beyond what is now the confines of Pickaway Township Further the Cresaps of the present are of the opinion that Logan should have been consistent with the words of his message by his attendance at the Treaty when only six miles distant notwithstanding his threatening note of July 1774 to Captain Michael Cresap tied to a War Club and left in the house of Roberts after Logan had massacred the family Also Logan was inconsistent ...

"'Go and Sin No More': Maternity Homes in Cleveland, 1869-1936," Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 117-146.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Go and Sin No More Maternity Homes in Cleveland 1869-1936 In 1869 the Woman's Christian Association of Cleveland founded the Retreat the first of the city's maternity homes and refuges for women who had lost the glory of their womanhood1 Its founders sought to emulate Christ's injunction to Mary Magdalen Woman sin no more thy faith hath saved thee2 As its name suggests the Retreat was a shelter a refuge in which the fallen woman both victim and sinner could be saved ...

"Romance Rides the Circuit," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 167-178.
... Romance Rides the Circuit Romance Rides the Circuit By PAUL H BOASE Romantic love--unpredictable capricious and mercurial at its best--survived precariously for the mounted Methodist parson on the American frontier His salary when paid provided scarcely a living wage for one person limiting his bride's prospective dowry to little more than a horse saddle bags and blanket His ecclesiastical superior often cast an unfriendly even malignant eye toward his romantic endeavors His parish often ...

"The Rise of the Denominational College," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 52-58.
... THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE BY RUSSELL M STOREY Of all the groups that had their part in the early educational life of the Ohio Valley none more completely ran the gamut of pioneer experiences than the founders and builders of the denominational colleges They were hewers of wood and drawers of water in their persons they combined the functions of builder janitor teacher business manager and president together with whatever other odds and ends ...