Ohio History Journal

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"Forts Loramie and Pickawillany," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 479-486.
... FORTS LORAMIE AND PICKAWILLANY FORTS LORAMIE AND PICKAWILLANY BY R W MCFARLAND LL D One of the functions of an Historical Society is or at least ought to be to criticize doubtful and inexact statements in works professing to be History and where practicable to make known the truth Let us apply this principle to some of the statements made by different writers in reference to the places named at the head of this article But first it is well to give the location of the forts both of which were ...

"Logan, Tecumseh, the Shawano Indians," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 78-91.
... LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen I esteem it both an honor and a privilege to appear before you and speak briefly upon the lives of two great characters Logan and Tecumseh and also tell you a little concerning the Shawano Indians commonly called the Shawnees whose villages were in this part of our State We are assembled on a very historic spot historic not merely because the cabin of the earliest ...

"Address of Hon. Charles W. Fairbanks" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 27-30.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 27 ADDRESS OF HON CHARLES W FAIRBANKS VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES I am gratified indeed to be present and participate with you for a brief while upon this historic occasion I have not come to make a formal speech nor did I come to make you a speech at all According to the programme I am to indulge only in a few remarks What I shall say to you shall be born of the moment I have brought with me no well-turned phrases I have come simply to ...

"Monument at Fort Jefferson," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 112-131.
... MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON On Thursday October 24 1907 through the efforts and under the auspices of the Greenville Historical Society a monument was erected to mark the site of Fort Jefferson and to commemorate the historic events connected with that military post The monument unique in form and material is twenty feet in height seven feet broad at the base with a shoulder about two feet from the ground and a gracefully tapering shaft as shown in the accompanying ...

"Fort Miami and Fort Industry. With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 120-125.
... FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO There were at least five forts or stockades of defense in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River in its earlier history that were called Fort Miami namely 1 The first one was built in November 1679 by ReneRobert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle by the River St Joseph of Lake Michigan on rising ground near its mouth Parkman's La Salle ...

Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 476-482.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIX INDEX TO VOLUME XIX The index given below applies only to the last half of Volume 19 beginning on page 190 The contents of this volume previous to the above embracing the translation of the Zeisberger Indian History has a separate index beginning on page 174--EDITOR A B Abolition 267 State Convention of 267 Baber Richard Plantagenet Llewellyn i bAllegwi 331 Letter of to Senator Doolittle 375 Ames Bishop E R 429 Sketch of 370 -1 0 Anti-Slavery 266 Reconstruction on 376 ...

"The Legal Requirements for Medical Practice-An Attempt to Regulate by Law and the Purpose Behind the Movement," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 181-188.
... THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THEIR LIVES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE 1788-1835 THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL PRACTICE--AN ATTEMPT TO REGULATE BY LAW AND THE PURPOSE BEHIND THE MOVEMENT By DONALD D SHIRA AB MD In discussing the legal requirements for medical practice during the period from the first official settlement of the Northwest Territory to the repeal of all laws designed to regulate the practice of physic and surgery in ...

"The Centennial of Croghan's Victory," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 1-33.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE CENTENNIAL OF CROGHAN'S VICTORY BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The historic and picturesque little city of Fremont Ohio celebrated on the second of August the centenary of Croghan's Victory the one successful land battle on American soil of the War of 1812 Fort Stephenson on the banks of Sandusky River at the village then known as Lower Sandusky was garrisoned by Major George Croghan a youth of twenty-one with a hundred and sixty men and a single ...

"Address of General Andrew L. Harris" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 30-31.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications not to enslave men but to make men free to enlarge in a vast degree the zone of Republican government All honor to George Croghan and his heroic band All honor to the soldiers of the revolution All honor to the soldiers of the Mexican war All honor to the soldiers of the Union All honor to the soldiers of the Spanish-American war The American people honor them They honor them each and all They hold them forever within the embrace of their ...

"Some Documentary History of Ohio," by George Davenport Kratz. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 396-402.
... SOME DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO SOME DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO BY GEORGE DAVENPORT KRATZ AKRON In undertaking to edit the following expresses and communications I have made no attempt to form any connection between them or to draw any conclusions from the import of the letters taken separately The nature of the communications prohibits such a procedure My part has been merely to preface several of the documents with a few remarks relative to the state of affairs at the time they were ...

"Ohio's Part in the American Revolution," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 102-107.
... 102 Ohio Arch 102 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications war for independence would have been greatly at variance with the desires of the American people Authorities for the above article are John J Jacob's Biography of Michael Cresap Olden Time-Monthly historical paper printed by Nevin B Craig at Pittsburg 1847 Statement of George Rogers Clark Washington-Crawford Correspondence-Butterfield Doddridge's Notes Narrative of Capt John Stewart ...

"Old Fort Sandusky and the De Lery Portage," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 345-378.
... OLD FORT SANDUSKY AND THE DE LERY PORTAGE OLD FORT SANDUSKY AND THE DE LERY PORTAGE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Local history has its renascence in tradition which passes along from generation to generation hints of names and adventures which appeal at last to some student of the past and send him forth in quest of sources Such traditions have long lingered about the little peninsula at Port Clinton in Ottawa County Ohio traditions of venturesome French monks and traders of an ancient fort destroyed ...

"Northwest Under Three Flags, The," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 101-118.
... Editorialana Editoria l ana 101 self-deluded It became his monomania He was more Simplician than Charlatan though a curious mixture of both The Ohio legislature in 1850 enacted the Homestead Exemption Law-granting homestead of certain value or a certain amount of property exempt from the reach of creditors Allen it was claimed was instrumental in securing the passage of this law but that is only another of the Allen myths There is no evidence that he had anything to do with it Indeed he is not ...

"Ohio's Squatter Governor: William Hogland of Hoglandstown," by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 273-282.
... OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM HOGLAND OF HOGLANDSTOWN BY RANDOLPH C DOWNES What student of Ohio history would have dreamed that it would eventually be proved that Arthur St Clair was not the first resident governor to exercise the duties of that high office over the white inhabitants of the territory that now forms the domain of the Buckeye State Who would have thought that for almost one hundred and fifty years there has existed in the columns of the ...

"Address of Frazer E. Wilson" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 113-116.
... Monument at Fort Jefferson Monument at Fort Jefferson 113 5 PRESENTATION Geo A Katzenberger 6 UNVEILING Elizabeth D Robeson 7 MILITARY SALUTE Gun Squad Co M 3rd Regt 8 STAR SPANGLED BANNER Drum Corps 9 ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLICProf J T Martz 10 HISTORIC ADDRESS Judge J I Allread 11 YANKEE DOODLE Drum Corps 12 A WORD FROM THE RED MEN L E Wills 13 BENEDICTION Rev G W Berry ADDRESS OF FRAZER E WILSON SECRETARY GREENVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred and sixteen years ago to-day a ...

Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 478-488.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XX INDEX TO VOLUME XX A Articles - A vanishing race 48 Abolitionists - Brady's Leap 457 Arguments of 280 Birthplace of Little Turtle 236 Dresser's experiences in the South Celebration of the surrender of Gen 281 John H Morgan 368 Fairbank Calvin 283 Cincinnati Municipal election of 1828 Foster Abbey Kelley 280 255 Foster Stephen 280 Delaware in the days of 1812 61 Oberlin aided by 276 Early Steamboat travel on the Ohio Oberlin at 270 River 378 Thompson George 282 Editorialana ...

"Dedication of Monument to George Rogers Clark," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 492-499.
... DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE ROGERS CLARK Enthusiastic interest was manifest at the dedication of the monument to George Rogers Clark August 8 on the site of the battle of Piqua near Springfield Ohio It was here on August 8 1780 that George Rogers Clark and his little army of Kentucky frontiersmen vanquished the Shawnee Indians and burned their village This was a punitive expedition provoked by the incursions of the Indians into the territory south of the ...

"Early Journeys to Ohio," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 54-70.
... EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO BY B F PRINCE Professor in Wittenberg College The contest for the lands west of the Ohio river began centuries ago It was a goodly land in the eyes of the savages as well as those of the white man A short survey of the Indian occupation will help us to understand the fierce contest between the French and English for domination in this region There is a conflict of opinion as to conditions in that territory from about 1650 to 1740 A great war of ...

"Location of Site of Ohio Capital," by E. O. Randall. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 210-234.
... 210 Ohio Arch 210 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Presbyterianism on Walnut Hills have all aided to make the Church History of the Ohio Valley the record of its civilization and progress And not alone in Cincinnati but throughout the Western Country this influence was felt Upon the Bible's sacred page The gathered beams of ages shine And as it hastens every age But makes its brightness more divine More glorious still as ages roll New regions blessed new powers unfurled Expanding with ...

"General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of 'Fallen Timbers': Centennial Oration," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 214-237.