Ohio History Journal

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Volume 36, Binding Supplement, , 1927, pp. 685-701.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI A B Abolitionism in Ohio 193-194 DemoBaatz Capt C L Fort Laurens the crats denounce 212 Liberty League Story of the Acquisition of its Site resolutions 237 Free Soilers 240 by the State of Ohio 480-486 adpassim dress at unveiling of Boundary-line Absquatulators 278-280 295 monument 582-583 Adams Mrs Cecelia McMillen 16 Bailey Dr Gamaliel 232 Adams Charles F 250 283 Baird Prof F S 499 Adams County Ohio 133-134 Baker Phoebe 5 8 An Adventure with the ...

"Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference: Papers Read at its First Meeting, November 20-21, 1953, The," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 151-152.
... THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE PAPERS READ AT ITS FIRST MEETING NOVEMBER 20-21 1953 In 1951 the board of trustees authorized the staff of the state historical society to set up a project to be known as the Ohio Historic Indian Center As a part of the work of this project a research associate was assigned to a study of the Indians and the campaigns of the Indian Wars 1790-95 The Anthony Wayne Parkway Board has cooperated with the society in ...

Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 79-93.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Hero in America By Dixon Wecter New York Charles Scribner's Sons 194 1 530p 350 Here is something entirely new in literature--or as near brand new as is possible in these days of multiple coverage of all fields It is a brilliant book at times a bit too brilliant with apt quotations dragged in occasionally when the dazzled reader might prefer perhaps to take things a little easier Professor Wecter of the Department of English at the University of California has set ...

Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , 1920, pp. 561-581.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIX INDEX TO VOLUME XXIX Abenakis See Abinakis Auditors report of 495-503 Abinakis 336 440 Avolachy 186 188 Adams Gilbert C presentation of archaeological specimens by 507 Backus Elijah 147 Advocate and Tribune 153 Bailey Abby extracts from journal of Akron Germania attitude on peace negorelative to visit of Lafayette to Cintiations following the World War 52 cinnati 260-263 53 54 61 66 69 73 75 76 78 Baker Newton D at Spiegel Grove Park Alexander T B telegram from 544-545 328 ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 421-445.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX Abbot Capt 275 history 105 nationalism 133 education Acoustic sound 355 185-90 mobilization for war 249-61 reAdams Alice Dana cited 160-1 sources 252 culture 261 Swiss 281 Adams C F cited 50 284 286 cholera 378 383 frontier 404 Adams John 408 life 405 See also British America Adams John Quincy 44 50 52-3 56 Central America and South America 163 304 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Adams Dr R E W 342-3 Society 162 Adams Co 0 19 232 ...

"Early Journeys to Ohio," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 54-70.
... EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO BY B F PRINCE Professor in Wittenberg College The contest for the lands west of the Ohio river began centuries ago It was a goodly land in the eyes of the savages as well as those of the white man A short survey of the Indian occupation will help us to understand the fierce contest between the French and English for domination in this region There is a conflict of opinion as to conditions in that territory from about 1650 to 1740 A great war of ...

"The Indian Thoroughfares of Ohio," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 264-295.
... THE INDIAN THOROUGHFARES OF OHIO THE INDIAN THOROUGHFARES OF OHIO BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT History tells of two Ohios151the old and the new The old Ohio was that portion of the American Hinterland drained by the Ohio and Allegheny rivers which together formed la Belle Riviere of New France It included the territory between the Alleghenies the Mississippi and the great lakes save as we except the country of Illinois which early in history became a territory distinct by itself as the meadow ...

Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 605-617.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV NOTE -That portion of this volume embracing the monograph entitled A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War contained in pages 235-533 is separately indexed on pages 534-539 and is therefore not included in the General Index of this volume A Articles Editorialana - Concluded First Catholic Church in Ohio 226 Adair Gen John Burr's associate 121 History of Banking and Currency Be123 fore the Civil War 235 Adams County Early ...

Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 377-380.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVII For Index of Authors see Contents ABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF Stevens H R A Study of Notable Ohioans 159-167 Abstract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 1 1938 215-217 Advancing the Ohio Frontier by Frazer Ells Wilson--Book review by J O M 188-191 American Frontier by Elisabeth Peck--Book review by Lois R Hiestand 374 AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS--FOREIGN ...

Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 371-390.
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABZUG Robert H Passionate Liberator Theodore Dwight Weld amp the Dilemma of Reform rev 350-351 Access to the Past Museum Programs and Handicapped Visitors A guide to Section 504-making existing programs and facilities accessible to disabled persons by Alice P Kenney 260 Accounting systems Buckeye Steel Castings Company 246-247 Acheson David C and David S McLellan editors Among Friends Personal Letters of Dean Acheson rev 93-94 Acheson Dean Among Friends ...

"Western Indians in the Revolution, The," by Wallace Notestein. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 269-291.
... THE WESTERN INDIANS IN THE REVOLUTION THE WESTERN INDIANS IN THE REVOLUTION WALLACE NOTESTEIN This paper was awarded the annual prize offered to Ohioans by the Ohio Sons of the Revolution for an historical essay February 1905 The assigned subject that year was the Western Indians in the Revolution The writer aimed only at a clear and concise treatment of the Indian War in the West of which so far as he is aware there is no brief recent account The discussion of Gov Hamilton's responsibility ...

"Indian Land Cessions in Ohio," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 249-255.
... INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO BY S S KNABENSHUE Ever since the civilized nations of the world began to occupy lands peopled by savages they have based their claims upon the right of discovery followed by occupation This principle has been judicially affirmed by the United States Supreme Court which declared that discovery gave an exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy either by purchase or conquest and also to sovereignty Johnson and Graham's ...

"Seneca John, Indian Chief: His Tragic Death. Erection of Monument to His Memory," compiled by Basil Meek. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 128-141.
... SENECA JOHN INDIAN CHIEF SENECA JOHN INDIAN CHIEF HIS TRAGIC DEATH ERECTION OF MONUMENT TO HIS MEMORY COMPILED BY BASIL MEEK SENECA JOHN Not much is known pertaining to the direct biography of Seneca John The most that we have is incidental to and related in the story of his execution He belonged however to a prominent family of his tribe and was one of four brothers or rather of three full brothers named Comstock Steel and Coonstick and himself a half brother of the three named Comstock was a ...

"Remarks of Rev. B. W. Arnett, D.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 141-144.
... REMARKS OF REV REMARKS OF REV B W ARNETT DD MR CHAIRMAN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN There are times in the history and in the life of individuals when language fails to express the throbbings and longings as well as the aspirations of the heart and I find myself sir this evening without words to express my sentiments to you and to this intelligent audience the representatives of this great Commonwealth of ours But your call to me to say a word1 was a command which I could not disobey without feeling ...

"Outline of Facts Related to the Burial Place of John Chapman," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 276-284.
... OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN By WESLEY S ROEBUCK February 15 1942 revised July 3 19431 1 Location of Henry Cassel's land the burial place of John Chapman and others Description of land The N 12 of SE 14 Section 19 T 31 N of R 13 E and the S 12 NE 14 Section 1 9 T 31 N of R 13 E east of the St Joseph River Allen County Indiana 165 acres three miles up the St Joseph River from the confluence of the St Mary's River on the east ...

Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 454-470.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION 37-56 Abortion in America The Origins and Evolution of National Policy by James C Mohr rev 218-220 Achenbaum W Andrew Old Age in the New Land The American Experience Since 1790 rev 427-429 Act of February 26 1816 poor house authorization 84 Adams John 133 Adams John Quincy 12 13 16 17 18 1920 22 23 24 26 29 46 Adams-Clay party 13 17 Addams Jane 62 Adelphic Society of Western Reserve College 201 204 206 Adkins vs Children's Hospital 190 ...

"Tarhe-The Crane," by Emil Schlup. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 132-138.
... TARHE-THE CRANE TARHE-THE CRANE EMIL SCHLUP UPPER SANDUSKY Probably no other Indian chieftain was ever more admired and loved by his own race or by the outside world He was either a true friend or a true enemy Born near Detroit Michigan in 1742 he lived to see a wonderful change in the great Northwest Being born of humble parentage through his bravery and perseverence he rose to be the grand sachem of the Wyandot nation This position he held until the time of his death when he was succeeded by ...

"Was the Pontiac Uprising a Conspiracy?" by Wilbur R. Jacobs. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 26-37.
... WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY by WILBUR R JACOBS Instructor in American History Santa Barbara College University of California Ever since Francis Parkman wrote his classic account of the Indian war of 1763 historians have questioned the exact nature of the origin of Parkman's so-called conspiracy of Pontiac Contemporary manuscripts reveal that there were enough abuses suffered by the Indians at the hands of the whites to justify in the minds of the ...

Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 597-613.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII Alder Jonathan early pioneer honored Bible Indian translates Gospels into with marker 533-536 sketch of life Shawnee language 339-340 Bibles proby great-granddaughter 534-535 advided for prisoners at Ohio Penidresses by C B Galbreath L C tentiary 390 Dick and others 535 unveiling by Bibliography Shorthorn Cattle 65-66 descendants 535 list of descendants works of George Kennan 226 Mitchpresent 535-536 ener's Legend of the White Woman Alford Thomas ...

Volume 30, Binding Supplement, , 1921, pp. 543-566.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXX INDEX TO VOLUME XXX Abby Kelley Salem rescue of 380Anti-slavery speakers have difficulty in 387 finding rooms for meetings 375 Adams Charles testimonial of to characArago Etienne joins Victor Hugo and ter of Edwin Coppoc 402-403 associates in letter to widow of John Adams John Quincy hostility of proBrown 278 slavery men toward 198 Archaeological History of Ohio quoted Addison Judge 15 on primitive method of quarrying flint Administrative reorganization reports of 112-113 ...