Ohio History Journal

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"Francis Charles Sessions," by Washington Gladden. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 292-310.
... 292 Ohio Arch 292 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VoL 4 FRANCIS CHARLES SESSIONS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN D D LL D Blessed are they that dwell in thy house They will be still praising thee Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee In whose heart are the highways to Zion Passing through the Valley of Weeping they make it a place of springs Yea the early rain covereth it with blessings They go from strength to strength Every one of them appeareth before God in Zion - Ps lxxxiv 4 -7 This ...

"The Beginnings of the Colonial System of the United States," by I. W. Andrews. Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 1-9.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY JUNE 1887 THE BEGINNINGS OF THE COLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES1 THE formation of this society comes at an opportune moment In a little more than three years a century will have elapsed since the first permanent white settlement was made within the limits of the great region Northwest of the River Ohio That settlement was the beginning not only of this good State of Ohio but also of Indiana Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin which have all ...

"Ohio, The Gateway of the West," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 137-181.
... OHIO THE GATEWAY OF THE WEST OHIO THE GATEWAY OF THE WEST BY CARRIE B ZIMMERMAN The story of Ohio the Gateway of the West reveals in its rapid development its swift evolution from a primeval wilderness to one of the most highly cultivated industrial and agricultural centers in the world what can be accomplished when given extraordinary geographic conditions combined with rare qualities of human character With a northern shore-line of more than two hundred miles stretching along Lake Erie and ...

"At Zeisberger's Grave" (Zeisberger Centennial) by John Milburn Harding. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 178-179.
... 178 Ohio Arch 178 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications MEMORY OF ZEISBERGER A poetical tribute by John Milburn Harding New Philadelphia Ohio November 17 1 90 8 AT ZEISBERGER'S GRAVE One hundred years after he died There are tombs of the high there are graves of the low There are sepulchers sacred in story But the grave hollowed here just a century ago Has a halo of unselfish glory 'Mid the scenes of thy triumphs and direst defeat Near the spring rich in savage tradition Here you gave up the ...

Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 313-323.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Mrs Fred Donaldson President The Alliance Historical Society is cooperating with other groups in the observance of the centennial of Alliance this summer A series of events is planned culminating in those of the week of August 26 - September 2 1950 Copies of old pictures of Alliance are being made by the society which is also publishing a centennial history of the city AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati ...

"'I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct': Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve," by Lois Scharf. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 5-28.
... LOIS SCHARF LOIS SCHARF I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve My mind is now in the situation you wish whenever you think a removal will be for our mutual happiness wrote Hannah Huntington to her husband in October 17981 Samuel Huntington was a young partner in the Connecticut Land Company formed in 1795 by fortynine prominent individuals to purchase settle and sell lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut Unlike many of his ...

"Dedication of Memorial Building: Over the Grant Cottage at State Fair Grounds," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 289-294.
... DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING OVER THE GRANT COTTAGE AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS The Grant Memorial Building enclosing the Grant cottage at the State Fair Grounds was dedicated September 3 1896 This ceremony had been planned for the forenoon of that day but a heavy rain made it necessary to postpone the program until the afternoon when fair weather greeted the large crowd assembled estimated at over four thousand people The program included addresses by Governor ...

"Good Will on Ancient Battlegrounds," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 15-26.
... GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS By CARL WITTKE In Dr Quaife's announcement of plans for the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention I found the title and the theme for my address this evening The purpose of the Convention in the words of its general chairman is to cultivate and deepen our pride in the historical heritage which is the common possession of four great commonwealths and to assemble in pleasant association men and women of good will ...

"The 'Underground Railroad,'" by A. J. Baughman. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 189-191.
... THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY A J BAUGHMAN One of the most noted stations of the old Underground Railway in its time was at Uncle John Finney's in Springfield township Richland county four miles west of Mansfield Ohio about a half mile north of the Mansfield-Crestline trolley line From the windows of the swiftly moving car passengers can see the place where many runaway slaves found rest and succor while enroute to Canada in the ante-bellum days But few persons however who ...

"Salmon P. Chase," by Joseph B. Foraker. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 211-340.
... Journal of Cyrus P Journal of Cyrus P Bradley 211 'Society to him Is blithe society who fills the air With gladness and involuntary song' Of his evenings at home he also quotes lines from Wadsworth strangely and beautifully coincident with his own experience of the howling wind outside But let him range round he does not harm We build up the fire we're snug and warm Untouch'd by his breath see the candle shines bright And burns with a clear and steady light Books have we to read hush that ...

Volume 59, Binding Supplement, , 1950, pp. 469-482.
... INDEX INDEX THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Volume 59 AARON MOHAWK INDIAN 33 Athens Co O California company organized Abolitionism blamed for the Civil War 150 in 263-264 About Historians 98-100 201-203 321Auburn 0 Forty-Niners from 265 323 448-451 Audubon - son of John James robbed Adams Charles Francis nominated for presien route to California 261 dent by National Christian Association Audubon John James connected with West284 ern Museum 373 Agassiz Louis founder of ...

Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 476-482.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIX INDEX TO VOLUME XIX The index given below applies only to the last half of Volume 19 beginning on page 190 The contents of this volume previous to the above embracing the translation of the Zeisberger Indian History has a separate index beginning on page 174--EDITOR A B Abolition 267 State Convention of 267 Baber Richard Plantagenet Llewellyn i bAllegwi 331 Letter of to Senator Doolittle 375 Ames Bishop E R 429 Sketch of 370 -1 0 Anti-Slavery 266 Reconstruction on 376 ...

"The Steubenville and Indiana Railroad: The Pennsylvania's Middle Route to the Middle West," by Walter Rumsey Marvin. Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 11-21.
... The Steubenville and Indiana Railroad The Steubenville and Indiana Railroad The Pennsylvania's Middle Route To the Middle West By WALTER RUMSEY MARVIN There is not a port a harbor or even a curved place on the Lake Erie shoreline of Ohio which today is not dreaming of the increased prosperity it will gain from the completion of the St Lawrence Seaway A little more than one hundred years ago there was hardly a place in all Ohio which did not foresee for itself boundless growth and wealth as ...

"Tecumseh," by Jessie F. V. Donnell. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 497-498.
... Tecumseh Tecumseh 497 says her husband was killed fighting by the side of Tecumseh in the battle of the Thames but Shane speaks of him as quoted by Drake as Tecumseh's friend and brother-in-law Wasegoboah It would appear from this that Masonville had united with the Indians assumed an Indian name and becamereconciled to Tecumseh Shane further states that after the War of 1812 Tecumsapease went to Quebec probably with her nephew Pugeshashenwa whence after a time she returned to Detroit where ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 181-193.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Dorothy R Donaldson President David Ault has been serving as vice president of the society since the death of the former vice president Walter Ellet Wilberta Johnston has been acting secretary and treasurer during the prolonged illness of Mabel Hartzell The society participated in the observance of the state sesquicentennial with a special program in September Dr B J Stanton gave a historical address ...

"Episcopal Versus Methodist: Religious Competition in Frontier Worthington," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 5-21.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E and ROBERT W McCORMICK Episcopal Versus Methodist Religious Competition in Frontier Worthington One hundred hearty souls were spending their first winter in crude log homes in a wilderness clearing when James Kilbourn wrote Ohio Senator Thomas Worthington We have formed a regular Society for religious purposes amp have Divine Service performed every Sunday in public 1 It was not unusual for westward immigrants to be religious people or for several families of similar ...

Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 219-232.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL AAISW See Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers Akron Beacon Journal 33 Akron OH 6-36 illustrations 7 Akron Times Press 23 Allegheny Allegeny Mountain 102-03 129 141 Allegheny Allegeny River 140 Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers AAISW 37-51 Amalgamated Clothing Workers 25 American Antiquarian Society 58-59 66 American Antiquarian Society Transactions 58 American Ceramics Before 1930 A Bibliography compiled by Ruth Irwin Weidner ...

"OHS Committee Report: Fort Meigs, Fort Amanda, Fort Miami and the Battlefield of Fallen Timbers," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 576-577.
... 576 Ohio Arch 576 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FORT MEIGS FORT AMANDA FORT MIAMI AND THE BATTLEFIELD OF FALLEN TIMBERS The Chairman of the Committee Mr W J Sherman read the report as follows FORT MEIGS The Fort Meigs Commission has continued improvements at this historic spot during the past year devoting particular attention to the landscaping and planting of the grounds where the Pittsburg Blues are buried and where the Pennsylvania Historical Society has recently erected a ...

"New Light from a Lincoln Letter on the Story of the Publication of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates," by Robert S. Harper. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 177-187.
... New Light from a Lincoln Letter New Light from a Lincoln Letter On the Story of the Publication Of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates By ROBERT S HARPER AN ABRAHAM LINC O LN LETTER that adds another link to the chain of known events that led to publication in Columbus in 1860 of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates lies unheralded in the library of the Ohio Historical Society It sheds a little more light on what David C Mearns chief of the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress Lincoln authority and ...

"Society of Shakers. Rise, Progress and Extinction of the Society at Cleveland, O., The," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 32-116.
... THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS RISE PROGRESS AND EXTINCTION OF THE SOCIETY AT CLEVELAND O BY J P MACLEAN PH D I PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS The communistic societies of the United States continue to elicit more or less attention and receive profound consideration from those engaged in sociological philosophy Whatever religious or sociological problem these communities seek to solve their progress or failure is carefully noted even by those who have not come in immediate contact ...