Ohio History Journal

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"Three Anti-Slavery Newspapers: Published in Ohio Prior to 1823," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 172-212.
... THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS Published in Ohio Prior to 1823 BY ANNETTA C WALSH The names of three editors of newspapers published in Ohio during the first quarter of the nineteenth century are closely associated with the growth of the abolition movement in the United States The names of these editors are Charles Osborn Elisha Bates and Benjamin Lundy and to two of them at least Osborn1 and Lundy2 is attributed the honor of having been the originator of the ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923-III," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 239-286.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 3 JULY 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923-III Edited by JOHN A GARRA TY MYERS TO RHODES Cleveland March 16 1917 My Dear Mr Rhodes I was awful glad to receive your favor of the 5th1 It is indeed a source of much pleasure to receive a letter from you and its very considerate for you to write me as you do I know that you are a very busy man and the demands upon you from a social ...

"Celebration of Centenary of Lafayette's Visit to America," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 323-324.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 323 Reviews Notes and Comments 323 The question Are any of the Griffiths there yet Mr Gessner answered in the affirmative The General then humorously observes The town of Batavia must now be very much dried up with all the facilities the people have to get away I used to take much delight in visiting there and through Clermont And then he added with a touch of pathos But I have made my last visit In this connection the author makes some statements that will be news ...

"Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 82-111.
... THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETT SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO Nov 27 1916 The meeting was called to order by First Vice President George F Bareis There were present Messrs George F Bareis E O Randall F W Treadway W C Mills H E Buck D H Gard H C Shetrone Frank Tallmadge F D Hills W H Cole Edgar Butler A M Schlesinger E C Derby Leonard Marker J M Dunham Almer Hegler D J Ryan James E Campbell Webb C ...

"Dentistry in the Western Reserve," by Chester Stanley Szubiski. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 371-389.
... DENTISTRY IN THE WESTERN RESERVE DENTISTRY IN THE WESTERN RESERVE BY CHESTER STANLEY SZUBISKI The territory of the Western Reserve was a strip of the Connecticut Reserve located south of Lake Erie north of the forty-first parallel and extended one hundred and twenty miles westward from the pennsylvania line This was a session of western lands to the federal government made by Connecticut in 1786 In 1792 half a million acres at the western end of the Connecticut R eserve was granted to those ...

"Report of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 356-396.
... REPORT OF THE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Forenoon Session--10 A M The forty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr on April 23 1935 in the Auditorium of the Museum Eighty-eight members were in attendance MR JOHNSON The minutes of the last Annual Meeting are voluminous and they were published in the QUARTERLY ...

"The Fairport Harbor Village Site," by Richard G. Morgan and H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 3-64.
... THE FAIRPORT HARBOR VILLAGE SITE THE FAIRPORT HARBOR VILLAGE SITE BY RICHARD G MORGAN AND H HOLMES ELLIS PREFACE The Indian village site described in this report was explored by the Department of Archaeology of the Ohio State Museum in cooperation with the Harding High School of Fairport Harbor Ohio The existence of the site was brought to the attention of the Museum by Mr Elijah H Brown principal of the high school Through the efforts of Mr Brown permission was secured to excavate the site ...

"The Early Use of the Microscope in Ohio," by Russell L. Haden. Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 271-278.
... THE EARLY USE OF THE MICROSCOPE IN OHIO THE EARLY USE OF THE MICROSCOPE IN OHIO By RUSSELL L HADEN MD The compound microscope invented in 1 59 0 made possible the observation of a new world of minute things The practical application of this instrument however developed very slowly No field of science for instance has profited more from the revelations of the microscope than medicine Bacteria protozoa and many animal parasites were observed by the early microscopists yet the microscope was not ...

"Good Will on Ancient Battlegrounds," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 15-26.
... GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS GOOD WILL ON ANCIENT BATTLEGROUNDS By CARL WITTKE In Dr Quaife's announcement of plans for the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention I found the title and the theme for my address this evening The purpose of the Convention in the words of its general chairman is to cultivate and deepen our pride in the historical heritage which is the common possession of four great commonwealths and to assemble in pleasant association men and women of good will ...

"The Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 341-357.
... THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-SEVENTH THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MORNING SESSION The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society convened at 10 o'clock a m Tuesday April 25 1933 in the auditorium of the Museum and Library Building of the Society There were present Miss Helen Bareis Mrs George U Marvin Mr M B Binning Mr O F Miller Mr O J Demuth Mr H M Povenmire Mr Jerry Dennis Mrs George D Reah Mrs ...

"Logan Monument, A," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 149-150.
... Editorialana Editorialana 149 His grandfather Isaac Zane had been buried in 1813 - and of course he attended the funeral He gave me the family history of Isaac Zane and his wife - whom of course he distinctly remembered and told me of the marriage of Isaac Zane to the daughter of Tarhe who he said was his great-grandfather At the time he left for Canada they were just cutting the brush out of the main street of Bellefontaine the new village There died here lately Mrs Garwood a grand-daughter ...

"Glimpses into Cincinnati's Past: The Gest Letters, 1834-1842," edited by Charles Schultz. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 157-179, notes 200-203.
... Glimpses Into Cincinnati's Past THE GEST LETTERS 1834-1842 edited by CHARLES SCHULTZ Erasmus Gest was fourteen years old in November 1834 when he left home family and friends in Cincinnati to attend school first a manual training school in Dayton Ohio and then a Springfield Ohio high school of which Milo G Williams a Cincinnatian was successively and respectively general supervisor and principal1 After two years of study he obtained his first job that of a rod man on the Cincinnati and ...

"President Harding and International Organization," by David H. Jennings. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 149-165, notes 192-195.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION by DAVID H JENNINGS Even as President-elect Warren Gamaliel Harding was bidding his Marion neighbors a tender moist-eyed farewell1 world affairs engulfed him With the exception of Lincoln said The Nation never have there been so many pressing and unsolved problems The New Republic described the pressures as truly awful2 Each problem was individually intense and was made more so from the neglect occasioned by Woodrow Wilson's illness ...

"Fort Fizzle," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 23-51.
... FORT FIZZLE FORT FIZZLE Judge James Story Drake son of Colonel James L Drake on June 3 1929 wrote to his niece Mrs Luella Hughes Gillette of Indianapolis Indiana His description of the Holmes County Rebellion is in part as follows I suppose I have told you that I had a part in that War I was between eleven and twelve years old at that time We lived on our farm in Holmes County then and when the Governor sent two companies of hard-boiled soldiers to put down the Rebellion Mother got a message ...

"Ancient Indian Giants," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 283-285.
... Editorialana Editorialana 283 and calls out 'Let them go' and the superb roan leaders that have been prancing waiting for the word dash off But after all Kirkersville attained to something more than local fame It was in the summer of 1865 just after the end of the Great Rebellion when I was stationed at Watertown arsenal near Boston Colonel Kingsbury our commanding officer was a classmate of General Sherman and when the latter came to Boston he hurried out to the arsenal to see his old cadet ...

"Salmon Portland Chase: Undergraduate and Pedagogue," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 119-161.
... SALMON PORTLAND CHASE SALMON PORTLAND CHASE UNDERGRADUATE AND PEDAGOGUE BY ARTHUR MEIER SCHLESINGER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Salmon Portland Chase was a significant member of that group of political radicals who plunged the nation into civil convulsions by their accession to governmental power in the late '5o's Much has been written of Chase the anti-slavery lawyer the organizer of the Liberty party the war financier the chief justice but of Chase the youth the college student the school teacher ...

"Salmon Portland Chase: Undergraduate and Pedagogue," by Arthur Meier Schlesinger. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 119-161.
... SALMON PORTLAND CHASE SALMON PORTLAND CHASE UNDERGRADUATE AND PEDAGOGUE BY ARTHUR MEIER SCHLESINGER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Salmon Portland Chase was a significant member of that group of political radicals who plunged the nation into civil convulsions by their accession to governmental power in the late '5o's Much has been written of Chase the anti-slavery lawyer the organizer of the Liberty party the war financier the chief justice but of Chase the youth the college student the school teacher ...

"Cannon Through the Forest: Novels of the Land Battles of the War of 1812 in the Old Northwest," by G. Harrison Orians. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 195-219.
... CANNON CANNON THROUGH THE FOREST Novels of the Land Battles of the War of 1812 in the Old Northwest by C HARRISON ORIANS On June 18 1812 the Congress of the United States declared war on Great Britain This action was the climax of a half-decade of irritations and controversy The continental conflict in which Britain was engaged aggravated and inflamed the smoldering enmity which existed The declaration marked the victory of the war party in the twelfth congress elected in 1810 The war with ...

"An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922: The Russian Odyssey of Henry C. Wolfe," by Benjamin D. Rhodes. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 190-199.
... BENJAMIN D BENJAMIN D RHODES An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922 The Russian Odyssey of Henry C Wolfe Persistence paid off for Henry C Wolfe of Coshocton Ohio when he sought a job as a relief worker in Russia during the famine of 1921-1922 Wolfe eventually was to become internationally known as a writer and lecturer on foreign affairs one of his claims to fame was that he predicted in a Harper's magazine article the August 1939 alliance between Hitler and Stalin But in ...

"The Economic Progress of Ohio, 1800-1840," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 175-194.
... THE ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF OHIO THE ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF OHIO INTRODUCTORY NOTE In the preparation of this paper certain government statistics particularly the Report of the Census for 1800 1810 1820 and 1830 and the Report on Manufactures in the United States 1832 have proved especially valuable Useful too have been the contemporary state histories particularly Caleb Atwater's History of Ohio Cincinnati 1838 and the Farmers' Centennial History of Ohio published at Columbus in 1903 by the State ...