... Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits 381 MOUND BUILDERS' FORT WITHIN TOLEDO'S LIMITS BY S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO OHIO It will probably surprise most of the readers of the Quarterly to be told that there once existed an ancient defensive earthwork on the banks of the Maumee within the present city limits The writer was unaware of the fact until some time ago when he found a reference to it in a somewhat rare book-the first volume of the ...
... BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT by JOHN SCHLEBECKER Hiram College One of the things with which the reader of early American history is most impressed is the remarkable courage and wisdom of the American soldier The Europeans it seems just did not understand the ins and outs of forest fighting Only the American seemed to know that effective fighting on the frontier was by necessity done from behind trees History books are full of pictures of minute men shooting redcoats but they do not have ...
... AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION BY ALFRED J WRIGHT Miami Valley College For both sexes near Springboro Warren County Ohio Under the care of Friends term opens Ninth Month 4th 1877 Term fees for the year 230 from which will be deducted amounts earned at suitable industries two hours daily for boys on the farm and in Mechanics Hall and girls in household duties also cost of railroad fares once each way from the fees of the first and the last terms respectively For ...
... The Shaker Community of Warren County The Shaker Community of Warren County 251 THE SHAKER COMMUNITY OF WARREN COUNTY ITS ORIGIN RISE PROGRESS AND DECLINE By J P MACLEAN PH D INTRODUCTION Located three miles west of Lebanon Ohio is the seat of the bishopric of the Shaker communities west of the Allegheny Mountains The tract of land possessed by them is irregular in its boundaries and embraces 4500 acres of as rich soil as may be found in the state Its location meets the approval of the most ...
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ Land to the Freedmen A Vision of Reconstruction The Reconstruction Acts of March 1867 were much closer to the ideas of the moderate and conservative elements of the Republican party than to the views of the radicals Influential Republicans such as George Julian Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner had originally hoped for a more thorough reconstruction policy which they were never able to obtain In fact the phrase Radical Reconstruction is in part unjustified since ...
... THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS by EDWARD C MILLS DDS FACD Of the many families of America which have made outstanding permanent contributions to science and to the professions Ohio may claim one which has made a special contribution to the field of dentistry--the Taylor family The progenitor of this family William Taylor a Revolutionary soldier of Monmouth County New Jersey was born December 27 1744 His forbears of English extraction had settled in New Jersey in ...
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Finally a State Museum of History here in Ohio must take advantage of its exceptional opportunity to cooperate with the regional historical museums in the commonwealth After all your purposes are a common one namely to preserve and to teach the history of Ohio--your task is general theirs is particular The ideal State Museum which I have tried to picture should be applied to all the local museums A system ...
... DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION By EDWARD C MILLS D D S F A C D To obtain a true concept of dentistry and dental education during the period under consideration it is necessary to present a general summary of previous conditions and of the qualifications activities and contributions of some of the pioneers in dentistry which ultimately developed into the present system of dental education The course of empire has ever been westward--and this truism may apply in ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA LETTER FROM AN OHIO ARGONAUT We are indebted to Professor E F Warner of Bellevue long the superintendent of schools of that city and later with the State Department of Public Instruction for an interesting letter written by his uncle in 1853 when the exodus to California was still at its height It is here published for the first time ...
... MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BY J WILBUR JACOBY OUTLINE OF HISTORY OF MARION COUNTY In this centenary year for the city of Marion it is not inappropriate to preface this article with a brief outline of the history of Marion County Marion County was named after the famous Revolutionary General Francis Marion and attached to Delaware County by act of February 20 1820 For more than twenty-five years thereafter the southern limit of the county was the Greenville ...
... WILLIAM CORLESS MILLS WILLIAM CORLESS MILLS IN MEMORIAM The founder of an institution of merit with an assured future is peculiarly fortunate Through the early years of its growth he may struggle onward with meager means to overcome indifference and more serious obstacles but when success at last crowns a life devoted to a worthy purpose when the founder lives to see his work recognized and on every side accorded the meed of praise the satisfaction of such a triumph is more gratifying than a ...
... REMINISCENCES REMINISCENCES of Isaac Jackson Allen edited by JOHN Y SIMON Isaac Jackson Allen prominent in Ohio a century ago is now almost completely forgotten Allen began his public career in Mansfield as mayor and judge of the court of common pleas In 1853 he was the unsuccessful Whig candidate for lieutenant governor The next year he became the president of Farmers' College located near Cincinnati and ultimately was that city's superintendent of public instruction From July 1861 to late ...
... 302 Ohio Arch 302 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE FIRST COURT IN OHIO From the American Pioneer The first court held northwest of the river Ohio under the forms of civil jurisprudence was opened at Campus Martius Marietta September 2d 1788 It will be remembered that on the preceding 7th of April General Rufus Putnam with forty-seven men had landed and commenced the first permanent settlement in what is now the state of Ohio General Harmar with his regulars occupied Fort Harmar ...
... NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A NEW BOOK BY LANDON C BELL That scholarly and indefatigable research worker Landon C Bell life member of our Society has published an attractive and substantial volume of 503 pages entitled Sunlight on the Southside Lists of Titles 17481783 Lunenburg County Virginia The carefully prepared index to this work covers 82 pages The book will be reviewed in our next issue COATES KINNEY An Interpretation of the Life and Poetry of ...
... CANNON CANNON THROUGH THE FOREST Novels of the Land Battles of the War of 1812 in the Old Northwest by C HARRISON ORIANS On June 18 1812 the Congress of the United States declared war on Great Britain This action was the climax of a half-decade of irritations and controversy The continental conflict in which Britain was engaged aggravated and inflamed the smoldering enmity which existed The declaration marked the victory of the war party in the twelfth congress elected in 1810 The war with ...
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ James M Ashley and the Presidential Election of 1856 When the name James M Ashley of Toledo Ohio is mentioned one usually thinks of the vindictive impeacher of President Andrew Johnson but Ashley's contributions to the history of mid-nineteenth century America transcend this one event This becomes evident from studying his activities in connection with the 1856 presidential election Ashley played a prominent part in establishing the machinery for a national ...
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1973 to 1974 ANTISLAVERY FILLER LOUIS Abolition and Social Justice in the Era of Reform New York Harper and Row 1972 367p THOMPSON J EARL JR Lyman Beecher's Long Road to Conservative Abolitionism Church History XLII 1973 89-109 President of Lane Seminary ARCHAEOLOGY Central State ArchaeologicalJournal Published by several archaeological societies Covers Illinois Missouri Indiana Arkansas ...
... Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders 40 1 in the vicinity and to decorate them in such way as they can even though the interments may have taken place many years previously would it be any greater mark of respect or affection to add little by little to a mound under which one of their tribe was buried Will any one possessing the slightest knowledge of the power of hereditary influences pretend that a Logan a Corn Planter a Red Jacket or a host ...
... CLEVELAND DOCTORS AND THEIR FEES CLEVELAND DOCTORS AND THEIR FEES ABOUT 184 0 By HOWARD DITTRICK In determining the period of an undated Cleveland Fee Table presented to the Museum of the Cleveland Medical Library by Henry Schuman of New York the writer became interested not only in the Table itself but also in the signers of this document and the conditions under which they practiced Some factors leading to the publication of such a list of charges are to be discussed here an endeavor will be ...