Ohio History Journal

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"The Ohio Academy of History: Report of the Committee on Publications," Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 438-443.
... THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS The committee found that limitations of time made it necessary to rely on questionnaires in compiling a bibliography of the historical writings of Ohioans during the year 1949 Members of the Ohio Academy of History staff members of departments of history in the state's colleges and universities and officials of local historical societies were asked to list their writings In relying on the use of the ...

"Doctor Henry Solomon Lehr," Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 289-293.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 289 Reviews Notes and Comments 289 in his Cincinnati speech Later on March 21 1864 he quoted from this message to a labor delegation that called upon him in Washington stating in conclusion that he had not changed his views on this subject DOCTOR HENRY SOLOMON LEHR A great educator to whom Ohio owes much has passed away At four o'clock on Monday morning January 29 1923 Dr Henry S Lehr aged eighty-five founder and former president of Ohio Northern University died at ...

"Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 502-538.
... THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY CALL FOR ANNUAL MEETING COLUMBUS October 1 1921 The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will be held in the Museum and Library Building of the Society Wednesday October 12 1 921 The forenoon session which opens at half past nine o'clock will be devoted entirely to the reading of reports and other matters of routine business It ...

"Review Essay, A," by F. C. Caldwell. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 395-408.
... A REVIEW-ESSAY A REVIEW-ESSAY Noble Fellow William Starling Sullivant By Andrew Denny Rodgers III Foreword by Dr Adolph E Waller New York G P Putnam's Sons 1940 xxii 361p Illustrations maps and appendix An Abstract by FRANK C CALDWELL This is a remarkable book centered about the accomplishments of a remarkable man He lived and worked in an almost frontier town hundreds of miles from the early eastern centers of science and before the days even of stage coach and federal mail communication He ...

Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 77-86.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AM ERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director An archival expedition to the West Indies was made by the American Jewish Archives in July 1952 The research group was composed of Rabbi and Mrs Theodore S Levy of Huntington West Virginia Dr Ferdinand M Isserman of St Louis and Dr Jacob R Marcus director of the archives There were a number of Jewish settlements in the West Indies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 147-156.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail By Ezra Meeker in collaboration with Howard R Driggs Professor of Education in English University of Utah Yonkers-on-Hudson New York World Book Co 1925 Pp X 225 This is one of the books of the Pioneer Life Series published by the World Book Company Yonkers-onHudson New York It is extensively and appropriately illustrated by ...

"Professor Edward Orton, 1829-1899. A Memorial Address" by Washington Gladden. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 409-432.
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...

"Reminiscences of an Ohio Volunteer," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 304-323.
... REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER By PHILIP D JORDAN and CHARLES M THOMAS Introduction When Fort Sumter felt the crash of Confederate guns on April 12 1861 a nation knew that an irresistible conflict had at last reached a climax Chattering telegraph keys took the drama of Charleston harbor through the North in frantic haste In the village of Oxford Ohio students of Miami University were gathering for chapel services President John W Hall himself from the ...

"'I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct': Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve," by Lois Scharf. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 5-28.
... LOIS SCHARF LOIS SCHARF I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve My mind is now in the situation you wish whenever you think a removal will be for our mutual happiness wrote Hannah Huntington to her husband in October 17981 Samuel Huntington was a young partner in the Connecticut Land Company formed in 1795 by fortynine prominent individuals to purchase settle and sell lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut Unlike many of his ...

"Nomination of Rutherford Hayes for the Presidency, The," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 95-110, notes 194-195.
... The Nomination of The Nomination of Ru t herford Hayes for the Presidency by KENNETH E DAVI S ON 96 OHIO HISTORY 96 OHIO HISTORY The Nomination of Rutherford Hayes for the Presidency For the first time since the Civil War the Republican party faced the possibility of defeat in 1876 so strong was public sentiment against the corruption of Grant's administration The Republican candidate would have the handicap of representing the scandal-torn party in power his Democratic opponent would ...

"In Memory of Charles B. Galbreath," by Alice S. Davis. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 130-131.
... 130 Ohio Arch 130 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 24 1934 and that a copy of the same be sent to his surviving wife and son IN MEMORY T o C B GALBREAT H My grief must not disturb the sleep Of one who found his needed rest Though loss of him has made me weep He loved my happiness the best My songs of gladness and of youth And he would have this tribute be Some unaffected gentle truth For his beloved humanity He gave so much and gave so well And while men whisper He is gone I feel the ...

"American Aborigines and The Social Customs," by J. A. Easton. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 421-444.
... AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL CUSTOMS REV J A EASTON PH D Mr Easton was a native Ohioan born at Sinking Springs Highland County August 9 1852 His father and grandfather like himself were ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church Eugene Easton his son the distinguished American newspaper correspondent in the Boer War is the present owner of Fort Hill Highland County which is crowned by one of the most interesting and best preserved prehistoric ...

"Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850 (continued)," by Edgar Allan Holt. Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 260-402.
... PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 BY EDGAR ALLAN HOLT B A M A PH D Continued from the January 1929 Quarterly CHAPTER V THE ELECTION OF 1848 IN OHIO The clash of sectional and personal interests in Ohio did not end with the pronouncements of the State conventions The bitter anti-southern wing of the Whig party encouraged by the lavish praise bestowed on Corwin by the Whig State Convention thought that he might after all become the leader of the Whigs of the ...

"John Hay in London, 1897-1898," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 356-375.
... John Hay in London 1897-1898 John Hay in London 1897-1898 By Louis MARTIN SEARS The mission of John Hay to London 1897-98 was among the most successful in his country's annals Time and the man had met The Venezuelan incident happily was past leaving few scars The Boer War while looming larger as a portent had not yet terminated Britain's golden age yet forces were already casting the diplomacy of Great Britain and America as well into a new mold The two leaders of the Anglo-Saxon world ...

"Sources of the Names of the Counties of the Western Reserve," by Frederick C. Waite. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 58-65.
... SOURCES OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES SOURCES OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES OF THE WESTERN RESERVE By FREDERICK C WAITE An examination of the names of the eighty-eight counties in Ohio shows that over half of these names commemorate individuals such as signers of the Declaration of Independence generals in the Revolutionary War early presidents of the United States and statesmen of the early period of our national history A considerable number of county names are of Indian origin Part of these ...

"The State of Ohio in 1848 As Seen by Traugott Bromme" observations of Traugott Bromme, translated by Richard L. Bland. Volume 112, pp. 87-92, Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 87.
... Bland Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 87-92 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The State of Ohio as Seen by Traugott Bromme Translated by Richard L Bland The title page of Bromme's publication click to view larger image Introduction During the early part of the 1800s Europeans came to the United States in large numbers One such person was Traugott Bromme Bromme born near Leipzig in 1802 came to the United States in 1821 where he ...

"John Brown in Ohio: An Interview with Charles S. S. Griffing," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 213-218.
... JOHN BROWN IN OHIO JOHN BROWN IN OHIO An Interview with Charles S S Griffing edited by Louis FILLER Assistant Professor of American Civilization Antioch College John Brown's Ohio years merit continued study In view of the fact that a serious shadow has been cast over his intentions and activities in Kansas by a formidable historian1 it is evident that the Ohio period may be crucial in any ultimate evaluation of Brown's role and personality Mary Land's article John Brown's Ohio Environment in ...

Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 297-309.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Newspaper -- Its Making and Its Meaning By members of the Staff of the New York Times New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1945 207p 200 During the spring of 1945 twelve members of the New York Times staff contributed to a series of lectures which was given to a group of selected New York public school teachers under the auspices of the Board of Education of New York City Staff members participating were selected on the basis of their field of specialization and ...

"Felix Renick, Pioneer," by Charles Sumner Plumb. Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 3-66.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS FELIX RENICK PIONEER BY CHARLES SUMNER PLUMB Professor of Animal Husbandry Ohio State University The following historical contribution relates to the life of a man who became a notable figure in the pioneer days of Ohio The motive underlying the preparation of this sketch is to pay tribute to the memory of Felix Renick in recognition of the great service he rendered to the improvement of American Shorthorn cattle According to William Renick ...

"History of the United States," by Elroy M. Avery. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 508-513.
... 508 Ohio Arch 508 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing food and supplies She quoted the words of President Lincoln that without the women of the north the union could not have preserved The speaker dwelt at some length on the honors that Ohio women had won in various pursuits and callings that over one hundred of them had been given medals for their part in great achievements She gave a number of important actions benefiting womankind in which the initiative was taken by Ohio women Mrs ...