... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Pu blications ows slept the heroic dead of two armies-stood forth as the more appropriate and fitting monument Fort Recovery therefore became the future landmark for treaties and state lines Every age has its peculiar problem The pioneers dealt with the problems of poverty They struggled for the future They laid the foundations of a new state And as we look about in this day of plenty we should remember the sacrifices and suffering of those who ...
... ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F TUTTLE DD PRESIDENT CHAPIN represents Wisconsin and the Congregational Church He brings a commission from Governor Rusk I don't know whom I represent One of the chief elements of success in Manasseh Cutler as a negotiator was not mentioned yesterday in the very beautiful and exhaustive discussion which was given by the gentleman who made the address He was spoken of as a brave man as a man of learning a man of courtesy but I think that one great element ...
... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part IV edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade Sunday May 11 1884 Went to hear Dr Gladden this morning He preached from the text Lord I believe help thou my unbelief It was the posture of the man's mind which interested the preacher It was that of one trying to believe and anxious to have all impediments to full belief cleared away Not that of one who exclaims obstinately I do not believe ...
... Indian River and Place Names in Ohio Indian River and Place Names in Ohio By AUGUST C MAHR It can be safely claimed that as a rule North American Woodland Indians when penetrating into a given region first traveled by canoe on that region's main river and then proceeded upstream on the major tributaries as far as they were navigable and promised a sufficient food supply Again and again they would branch off from the respective tributary ascending side streams which offered prospects either of ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 217 Reviews Notes and Comments 217 In 1844 he went to Palestine Illinois to spend his remaining days with his daughter Mrs Rachel L Kitchel Here he was highly honored by the citizens of the village On July 4 1845 he delivered his last public address Appearing in his continental uniform bowed with the infirmities of age his emotions almost overcame him as he contrasted the feeble beginnings of the Republic with the splendid destinies assured in the future In an ...
... TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 23 1913 The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Society Room Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at 2 o'clock P M Friday May 23 1913 The following members were present Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr T B Bowers Columbus Mr H E Buck Delaware Hon Albert ...
... NEWS and NOTES ADLAI E STEVENSON United States ambassador to the United Nations has given his papers relating to his campaign for governor of Illinois in 1948 and the papers of his terms as governor 1949-53 to the Illinois State Historical Society Springfield In a statement accompanying his letter of gift Ambassador Stevenson said Feeling that the preservation of papers affecting our past is important for the future and because of my family's long residence in Illinois and close connection ...
... JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT by MARY LAND Graduate Student Western Reserve University The stormy years John Brown spent in Kansas and the insurrection at Harper's Ferry have all but obscured the 38 years of his life spent in northern Ohio In 1805 when he was five years old he was brought from Connecticut to Hudson Ohio a small town near Akron He continued to live in the vicinity of Akron except for a decade in Pennsylvania two years in Springfield Massachusetts ...
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT WRITES A 5000 PRIZE BOOK Forty-Niners The Chronicle of the California Trail By Archer Butler Hulbert Boston Little Brown amp Company 1931 pp 340 Price 350 The past six years have witnessed a growing interest in the winning of the far West the overland journeys to the Pacific Coast--to Oregon and California in the days of the ox-team and the Conestoga wagon Perhaps the most colorful of the migrations to ...
... JOSEPH E JOSEPH E WEINLAND REBUILDER OF SCHOENBRUNN BY ROBERT M WILKIN Our meeting tonight is occasioned by the departure of our president from our community and his resignation as president of this Association and chairman of the Schoenbrunn Committee The purpose of the meeting is to take account of his services and express our gratitude for what he has done and what he has been We meet as historians and retrospection is the business of historians Historians look back through the years put ...
... SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 BY ROBERT LESLIE JONES A noteworthy aspect of agriculture in Ohio before 1850 was the attention paid to a number of minor crops--rice cotton hemp flax clover seed white beans castor beans hops madder mustard broom corn cow cabbage sugar beets Rohan potatoes and tobacco The farmers were actually carrying on an American tradition for their colonial ancestors had experimented with most of these special crops and with others ...
... JOHN WHITE GEARY JOHN WHITE GEARY As Kagi in his letters to the press severely criticized Governor Geary it is but fair to state here that the Governor went to Kansas Territory as he afterwards freely admitted with erroneous opinions as to conditions there He was sincerely desirous to do justice to the contending parties but his preconceived prejudices were in favor of the pro-slavery party This led to severe criticism on the part of the free state men It was not long however until the ...
... THOMAS T THOMAS T SPENCER Auxiliary and Non-Party Politics The 1936 Democratic Presidential Campaign in Ohio Presidential candidates and political observers have long viewed Ohio as a key state In the 1936 presidential election both parties made an intense effort to capture the state's twenty-six electoral votes The Democrats were successful because of their candidate the popular incumbent Franklin D Roosevelt and their campaign strategy which was to go outside of the Democratic party to ...
... THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS Published in Ohio Prior to 1823 BY ANNETTA C WALSH The names of three editors of newspapers published in Ohio during the first quarter of the nineteenth century are closely associated with the growth of the abolition movement in the United States The names of these editors are Charles Osborn Elisha Bates and Benjamin Lundy and to two of them at least Osborn1 and Lundy2 is attributed the honor of having been the originator of the ...
... LESLIE J LESLIE J STEGH A Paradox of Prohibition Election of Robert J Bulkley as Senator from Ohio 1930 Hail Hallowed Ohio Rich and beautiful state Rivers and roads and railways And queenly cities and great Fertile fields and factories Happy homes and healthM-O-T-H-E-R of Prohibition And a s-o-b-e-r Commonwealth1 The issue of prohibition of the liquor traffic was one that had kept Ohio in turmoil prior to the enactment of state prohibition and the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment to the ...
... 126 Ohio Arch 126 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications VALUABLE DONATIONS OF MSS The museum and library of the Society have been greatly increased by donations from friends interested in the progress and enlargement of the institution It is but a matter of justice to note the contributions recently made by Prof J P MacLean one of the trustees who has been a very active member ever since he joined the Society At different times he has given books on various subjects besides quite a selection ...
... BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University The history of the science of human anatomy is not merely a biographical record of the leading personalities or a compilation of the discoveries and achievements in that science it is also the story of a bitter struggle between a scientific spirit which demands human bodies for dissection and an antipathy of the public mind toward the practice of ...
... AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE AN EARLY REPORT ON OBERLIN COLLEGE by GEORGE PEIRCE CLARK Among the most copious diarists of nineteenth-century America though certainly not among the best known was the Rev John Pierce AB Harvard 1793 Congregational pastor of Brookline Massachusetts Nineteen manuscript volumes deposited in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society1 testify at once to the industry and the limitations of Pierce as a chronicler of the res gestae of his time In the ...
... MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETMINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO October 2 1924 FORENOON SESSION 9 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath On motion of W C Mills Hon James E Campbell was elected chairman of the meeting On motion of C B Galbreath Charles W Justice was elected secretary of the meeting There were present Hon James E Campbell W C Mills George F ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter Volumes VII-VIII Indiana Territory 1800-1816 U S Dept of State Publications Nos 1383-1384 Washington D C Government Printing Office 1939 2v 784 p 496 p 200 150 The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has received volumes VII and VIII of the Territorial Papers of the United States compiled and edited by Dr Clarence Edwin Carter of the Department of State ...