Ohio History Journal

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"Raisch-Smith Site, An Early Indian Occupation in Preble County, Ohio, The," by Ross Moffet. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 428-441.
... DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 persons present authorized their names to be signed to the constitution when it should be properly transcribed paid two dollars each as a membership fee and then after an informal talk adjourned to meet at the call of the President I have been reading to day three very interesting and able articles The first by Andrew D White President of Cornell University entitled The Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth in which he condemns the spirit of ...

"Accessions to Historical Collections," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 624-628.
... 624 Ohio Arch 624 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications are the World War trophies from the government flags and documents of the 332nd infantry World War relics loaned by Captain John L Hamilton a dress made of glass for Maxine Elliott in 1901 World War relics loaned by Mr G R Weaver Columbus Ohio World War relics presented by Reverend Arthur H Limouze Columbus Ohio an Egyptian mummy presented by Dr J Morton Howell United States Minister and Envoy Extraordinary to Cairo Egypt The ...

"The Ordinance of 1787, Its Origin and Authorship," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 110-175.
... 110 THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 ITS ORIGIN AND THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 ITS ORIGIN AND AUTHORSHIP BY C B GALBREATH The timely adoption and beneficent influence of this great charter of American liberty have been frequently the theme of the orator the statesman and the historian It is a little remarkable that the authorship of this important state paper has been the subject of discussion for more than a century and that it has engaged the attention of some of the eminent men of our Nation It is ...

"Address of President Wright (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:)," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 326-339.
... 326 Ohio Arch 326 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications main and spacious entrance to the campus of the Ohio State University A structure imposing and attractive in architectural form it is therefore the first of the many handsome buildings that dot and adorn the college grounds to greet the view not only of the visitors to the university but to all those who pass by on the chief thoroughfare of the capital city Certainly the trustees of the Ohio State University were generous when they ...

"Zoar Society: Applicants for Membership, The," by Edgar B. Nixon. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 341-350.
... THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIP By EDGAR B NIXON The Society of Separatists of Zoar Ohio was one of the more successful of the many cooperative communities which appeared in this country during the last century Zoar was founded by German peasants and artisans who emigrated from Wurtemburg in 1817 to escape the civil and ecclesiastical persecution to which they had been subjected as members of the Separatist faith The Separatists were dissentients from the ...

"Body Snatching in Ohio During the Nineteenth Century," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 329-351.
... BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE BODY SNATCHING IN OHIO DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University The history of the science of human anatomy is not merely a biographical record of the leading personalities or a compilation of the discoveries and achievements in that science it is also the story of a bitter struggle between a scientific spirit which demands human bodies for dissection and an antipathy of the public mind toward the practice of ...

"Fort Hill Indian Cemetery," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 319-321.
... FORT HILL INDIAN CEMETERY FORT HILL INDIAN CEMETERY BY FELIX J KOCH Antiquarians and others interested in the lost races of this continent have been delighted recently at the news of the discovery of still another Indian burial ground on Ft Hill at the mouth of the Big Miami River in the very southwest corner of Ohio Workmen building a road through the territory found arrow-heads and other Indian implements such as to indicate the proximity of a pre-historic cemetery and proceeding with care ...

"Address of Judge Donahue (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 218-222.
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Kintz mandolin orchestra of Somerset an organization composed of Little Folks The afternoon session at city hall was addressed by Col W A Taylor and Dr P A Gordon and musical numbers were contributed by Mrs Frank Randolph and Mrs Emma B Bowman A recitation by Mrs Bess Comly-Cary was also greatly enjoyed THE BANQUET One of the most enjoyable and brilliant events of the week was the banquet at the Armory Monday evening given in honor of ...

"Major John Burnham and His Company," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 40-44.
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 MAJOR JOHN BURNHAM AND HIS COMPANY Mr Barlow had written Colonel Duer early in December 1789 that huts must be built on land opposite the mouth of the Great Kanawha to accommodate at least one hundred persons The cost of these huts was to be paid by the agent of the immigrants upon their arrival In March 1790 General Rufus Putnam as agent for the Trustees for the Scioto Associates employed John Burnham of Essex Massachusetts to ...

"Twelfth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 18, 1896 to February 1, 1897," Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 291-325.
... TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 18 1896 TO FEBRUARY 1 1897 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E 0 RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1 897 291 292 To His Excellency Asa S To His Excellency Asa S Bushnell Governor of Ohio SIRI have the honor to submit herewith the twelfth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 19 1896 to February 1 1897 This ...

"William Sanders Scarborough: Scholarship, The Negro, Religion, and Politics," by Francis P. Weisenburger. Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 25-50, notes 85-88.
... WILLIAM SANDERS SCARBOROUGH SCHOLARSHIP THE NEGRO RELIGION AND POLITICS by FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER During the years in which William Sanders Scarborough was professor and then president at Wilberforce University his scholarly activities in the field of linguistics his work and writings in the field of race relations his contributions in the areas of religious journalism and church organization and his varied public services were significant Each of these demands some consideration As was ...

"Fruit of the Restless Spirit: Ohio's Confederate Generals," by Charles M. Cummings. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 144-156, notes 197-200.
... FRUIT OF THE FRUIT OF THE RESTLESS SPIRIT OHIO'S CONFEDERATE GENERALS by CHARLES M CUMMINGS The restlessness and constant mobility of the American have impressed a legion of students before and since de Tocqueville1 and to these factors much has been attributed in the story of the nation's development Generally interpreters have turned their inquiries westward in the direction taken by the bulk of the emigrants Less attention has been given to an offshoot the strong North-to-South movement of ...

"Fowke's Book Again," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 324-328.
... FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN The following review of Mr Fowke's volume appears in the Nation of December 25 1902 As it is the policy of the Nation to expose defects wherever they exist and to speak well only of that which deserves high praise its general approval of Mr Fowke's work is something upon which he is to be congratulatedE 0 R Archaeological History of Ohio The Mound Builders and Later Indians By Gerard Fowke Published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Ordinance of 1787: Some Investigations as to the Authorship of the Famous Sixth Article, The," by W. E. Gilmore. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 148-157.
... THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 SOME INVESTIGATIONS AS TO THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE FAMOUS SIXTH ARTICLE COL W E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE Senator Roberts of Pennsylvania in the great debate over the bill for the admission of Missouri to the Union in 1820 characterized the Ordinance of 1787 as that immortal Ordinance which with its elder sister the Declaration of American Independence will shed eternal and inextinguishable lustre over the annals of our country Daniel Webster in a speech upon ...

"President McKinley's Final Attempt to Avoid War With Spain," by John Offner. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 125-138.
... JOHN OFFNER JOHN OFFNER President McKinley's Final Attempt to Avoid War With Spain By April 1 1898 war between the United States and Spain seemed certain Rebellious Republican congressmen had forced President William McKinley's diplomatic pace by threatening to join Democrats in declaring war and were kept in line only by promises that the president would shortly turn over the Cuban issue to Congress McKinley had informed the Spanish government of his terms for a settlement and Madrid's March ...

"Funeral of Adam Willis Wagnalls," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 500-515.
... FUNERAL OF ADAM WILLIS WAGNALLS FUNERAL OF ADAM WILLIS WAGNALLS September 24 1843 Adam Willis Wagnalls first opened his eyes to the light in the village of Lithopolis Fairfield County Ohio On Wednesday evening September 3 1924 at the close of a life rich in good works and meritorious achievements Adam Willis Wagnalls closed his eyes for the last time on earthly scenes at Doremi Manor Northport Long Island New York the home of his daughter Mrs Mabel Wagnalls Jones Lithopolis the little village ...

"William Oxley Thompson," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 99-103.
... WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON By C B GALBREATH On December 9 1933 at the age of seventy-eight years one month and four days Dr William Oxley Thompson president emeritus of the Ohio State University breathed his last in White Cross Hospital in Columbus at the close of a remarkably interesting and successful career in different but related fields of human endeavor He was the grandson of David Thompson a weaver by trade who came from the north of Ireland and settled in Guernsey ...

"Local History in Our Public Schools," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 422-431.
... 422 Ohio Arch 422 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FOURTH SESSION At the Saturday morning meeting President Randall turned the program over to Prof F P Goodwin of Woodward High School Cincinnati who conducted the meeting in the interest of teachers of history After some preliminary remarks regarding the value of local history as illustrative of national movements and of methods designed to utilize it in this way Mr Goodwin introduced the chief speaker of the morning Prof Arthur W Dunn ...

"Minutes of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 648-698.
... MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING Columbus Ohio September 19 1923 FORENOON SESSION 9 A M Pursuant to a call issued September 8 1923 the Society met and was called to order by President Campbell The following members were present Hon James E Campbell Mr E F Wood Mr George F Bareis Professor B F Prince Mr Henry J Booth General J Warren Keifer Colonel Webb C Hayes ...

"Lincoln in Ohio," by John H. Cramer. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 149-168.
... LINCOLN IN OHIO LINCOLN IN OHIO BY JOHN H CRAMER I The Cincinnati Speech of September 1859 Did Dayton Hear It First The words which Abraham Lincoln spoke in Cincinnati upon the seventeenth of September 1859 are well known to careful students of his addresses and writings They were the words of one of the most important speeches which the famous Illinoisan made upon his brief but important excursion into Ohio The address was given in answer to a previous speech made by the then more noted ...