Ohio History Journal

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"Marion Centennial Celebration," by J. Wilbur Jacoby. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 380-413.
... MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION MARION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BY J WILBUR JACOBY OUTLINE OF HISTORY OF MARION COUNTY In this centenary year for the city of Marion it is not inappropriate to preface this article with a brief outline of the history of Marion County Marion County was named after the famous Revolutionary General Francis Marion and attached to Delaware County by act of February 20 1820 For more than twenty-five years thereafter the southern limit of the county was the Greenville ...

"Origin and Significance of Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Symbols," by August C. Mahr. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 1-32.
... ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PENNSYLVANIA ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH BARN SYMBOLS By AUGUST C MAHR On a great number of Pennsylvania Dutch barns there are geometrical ornaments painted on the outside walls ornaments which as a rule show some sort of star within a circular disk Figs 1 2 8 10b They occur most frequently in Berks and the neighboring counties less frequently in other parts of Pennsylvania and locally even in Ohio and other states of the Union where Pennsylvania ...

"Vallandigham as an Exile in Canada, 1863-1864," by Frank L. Klement. Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 151-168, notes 208-210.
... VALLANDIGHAM AS AN EXILE IN CANADA 1863-1864 by FRANK L KLEMENT While Clement L Vallandigham lived in Canada for nearly a year during the Civil War as an exile from the United States his path crossed those of a number of men well-known in Canadian history Thomas D'Arcy McGee emerging as a critic of the Canadian government befriended and defended the exile Charles J Brydges superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railroad gave a dinner in Vallandigham's honor and presented him with a pass on his ...

"Centennial Anniversiary of the Birth of Ulysses S. Grant," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 221-288.
... CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ULYSSES S GRANT BY C B GALBREATH CELEBRATION AT POINT PLEASANT CLERMONT COUNTY OHIO Of all citizens of the United States born in Ohio the most famous in his day and generation as Judge Hugh L Nichols has observed was General Ulysses S Grant That he still holds that high place among the distinguished sons that Ohio has given to the Republic and the world was attested by the outpouring of people to celebrate the ...

"Blast-Furnaces Operated by the Separatist Society of Zoar, Ohio," by E. J. Bognar. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 503-513.
... BLAST-FURNACES OPERATED BY THE BLAST-FURNACES OPERATED BY THE SEPARATIST SOCIETY OF ZOAR OHIO BY E J BOGNAR A most important contribution to the success of the Separatist Society of Zoar was iron ore The village of Zoar was founded in 1817 by 300 or more Separatists who had embarked early that spring from Wurtemburg1 Germany The party was led by one Joseph M Bimeler2 and the desire for religious freedom brought them to this country where they settled in the inviting wooded region of the ...

Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 218-240.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA A RUSSELL AAUW See American Association of University Women ABC-CLIO Inc 61 Abolition Movement 162-176 passim Abramofsky Undated artwork Cover Illustration Winter-Spring issue Adams John Quincy John Quincy Adams A Public Life A Private Life by Paul C Nagel rev 93-94 Adelbert College 171-172 Ad Hoc Steering Committee on the Status of Women 48-49 AERA See American Equal Rights Association African-Americans John D Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in ...

"Fowke's Book Again," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 324-328.
... FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN FOWKE'S BOOK AGAIN The following review of Mr Fowke's volume appears in the Nation of December 25 1902 As it is the policy of the Nation to expose defects wherever they exist and to speak well only of that which deserves high praise its general approval of Mr Fowke's work is something upon which he is to be congratulatedE 0 R Archaeological History of Ohio The Mound Builders and Later Indians By Gerard Fowke Published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Report of Committees on Historical Activities," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 564-567.
... REPORT OF COMMITTEES ON HISTORICAL REPORT OF COMMITTEES ON HISTORICAL ACTIVITIES Dr Harlow Lindley read the following report of the Committee on Historical Activities in Ohio which was filed with the other reports for publication in the Quarterly REPORT ON HISTORICAL ACTIVITIES IN OHIO BY HARLOW LINDLEY Chair man Co mm ittee on Cooperation From information at hand it appears that there are about forty local county and regional historical societies now in existence in the State of Ohio Some of ...

"John James Piatt, Representative Figure of a Momentous Period," by Clare Dowler. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 1-26.
... JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE OF A MOMENTOUS PERIOD By CLARE DOWLER Biographical and Critical Study The development of Ohio from 1830 to I880 was spectacular It characterized in a fashion the development of the whole nation In this typical region it would be hard to find a more representative man than John James Piatt His life span began as Ohio was emerging out of the wilderness as Johnny Appleseed's trees were bearing abundantly and as the ...

"The Long Memory of the United States Senate," by Donald Walter Curl. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 103-113, notes 172-173.
... THE LONG MEMORY OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE by DONALD WALTER CURL Shortly after his inauguration in March 1889 President Benjamin Harrison sent to the Republican-controlled Senate a list of nominees for first class diplomatic appointments Among those named were Robert Todd Lincoln the former president's son to London Frederick D Grant another former president's son to Vienna Allen T Rice the publisher to St Petersburg Whitelaw Reid of the New York Tribune to Paris and Murat Halstead editor of ...

"Zachariah T. Smith," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 492-494.
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ZACHARIAH T SMITH The following article is the expression of respect to the memory of Z T Smith by J L Lewis and published in an Upper Sandusky newspaper Mr Smith was for many years a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and was potently interested in securing the proper legislation for the appropriation for the erection of a building for the Society's Museum and Library It has oft been said that 'Tis not ...

"The Short Life of Manhattan, Ohio," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 376-398.
... The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio The Short Life of Manhattan Ohio By JOHN W WEATHERFORD Lured on by the geographical promise of the Maumee Valley and by the venturesome spirit of the times speculators in the middle 1830's scattered a brood of infant towns along the Maumee River there to compete for their lives If the founders and inhabitants of these rival towns--Port Lawrence Vistula Oregon Maumee Perrysburg Marengo and Manhattan--agreed on anything it was on the future greatness of the ...

"The Economic Progress of Ohio, 1800-1840," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 175-194.
... THE ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF OHIO THE ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF OHIO INTRODUCTORY NOTE In the preparation of this paper certain government statistics particularly the Report of the Census for 1800 1810 1820 and 1830 and the Report on Manufactures in the United States 1832 have proved especially valuable Useful too have been the contemporary state histories particularly Caleb Atwater's History of Ohio Cincinnati 1838 and the Farmers' Centennial History of Ohio published at Columbus in 1903 by the State ...

"The MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 215-244.
... THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT A DEDICATION AT NEW LEXINGTON MacGahan was preparing to attend and write up the International Congress at Berlin when declining to abandon a sick friend at Constantinople he was himself attacked with the malignant fever that had prostrated his friend and died after a few days' illness June 9 1878 In the year 1884 his remains at Constantinople were disinterred and brought by the United States steamer Powhatan to this country In New York city the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 329-338.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA DAYTON DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION We are in receipt of the Calendar of the Jonathan Dayton Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Dayton Ohio The program of the chapter for this centennial year is so admirable that it deserves notice and imitation by other chapters Beginning with its March meeting and running through to its annual meeting in January 1904 it has arranged a series of topics pertinent to the Ohio year The subjects for the chapter's ...

"The Early Judiciary, Early Laws and Bar of Ohio," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 141-160.
... The Early Judiciary of Ohio The Early Judiciary of Ohio 141 THE EARLY JUDICIARY EARLY LAWS AND BAR OF OHIO A proper study of the early judicial system and early laws of our State carries us to a period when as a part of the great Northwest Territory we were under control of the Federal Government On the 13th day of July 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the ordinance for The Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Relative to the judiciary the ...

"Some Ohio Caves and Rock Shelters Bearing Evidences of Human Occupancy," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 1-34.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SOME OHIO CAVES AND ROCK SHELTERS BEARING EVIDENCES OF HUMAN OCCUPANCY BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology CANTER'S CAVES -- KETTLE HILL CAVE Caves caverns and rock-shelters are fruitful sources of archaeological evidence particularly as regards the early phases of human development Primitive humans the world over very naturally repaired to these readymade retreats in time of stress whether from inclement weather danger from wild beasts ...

"Salmon P. Chase," by Joseph B. Foraker. Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 211-340.
... Journal of Cyrus P Journal of Cyrus P Bradley 211 'Society to him Is blithe society who fills the air With gladness and involuntary song' Of his evenings at home he also quotes lines from Wadsworth strangely and beautifully coincident with his own experience of the howling wind outside But let him range round he does not harm We build up the fire we're snug and warm Untouch'd by his breath see the candle shines bright And burns with a clear and steady light Books have we to read hush that ...

"The Separatist Society of Zoar. An Experiment in Communism-From its Commencement to its Conclusion," by E. O. Randall. Volume 8, Number 1, July, 1899, pp. 1-105.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE SEPARATIST SOCIETY OF ZOAR AN EXPERIMENT IN COMMUNISM -FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT TO ITS CONCLUSION BY E O RANDALL LL M SECRETARY OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is somewhat singular if indeed not really significant that just at this time while the views of Edward Bellamy1 are attracting world-wide attention and receiving an enthusiastic acceptance almost startling in its extent one of the most complete and perhaps most ...

"The Battle of Lake Erie in Ballad and History," by Charles B. Galbreath. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 415-456.
... THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE IN BALLAD AND HISTORY THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE IN BALLAD AND HISTORY BY CHARLES B GALBREATH Perry's victory on Lake Erie stands out pre-eminent among the naval exploits of the War of 181 2 And this is true not only by virtue of the comparative importance of the battle and its results but because it combined in an unusual degree the elements of intrepidity patriotic fervor and personal valor that captivate the imagination live in legend and story and song and make up what ...